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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Aug 1969, p. 1

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Orono, VOLUME 33, NUMBER 32 Weekly Times ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14th, 1969 Would Like Improvements' Inl' Centenil Nature Area The Orono Chambýir of Com- mIeree met at the New Dutcli 0v- en Monday evening when it was learned that after ail expenses were paid la connection with the Becf-Barbecue the Chamber lost an amount of ý$14.00. Other than the financial aspect the evening., held early la July, was a success. It was pointed out that three hun- dred la attendance warj aroiîad tbe brcak-cven point and that .to make a profit some five hundred tickets would have to be sold. A motion was passed that the Chamnber support the Orono Bus- inessmen la endeavouring to keeD angle parking on the east side of the Main Street and that the Chamber imeet with, the Orono Police Trustees on Auust llth at 9:00 p.m. Considerable discussion centred arouad the Nature Area. west of the Main Street which was devel- oped by the Township as a Cen- tenn.ial projeet. t was feit that saine work should be carried ont to improve the area ona - basis. A com.nittee of H. E. Mili- son and Mel Down ýwasa~< to meet wîtli the Orono Park* Board and followinz this meetin, to arrange a hearing witli the Township Council. It was f(",--- the Township should set aside a suai of monev on an "'-,- whicl could be used to imrnrove the area. At the prescrit time nic- nie berbes and outhouses -P ~only being abused and destroyed. The Orono Times Office wiil be closed the week of Aug- ust l8th for holidays. It will' reopen August 25th. bard of Educ. Cails ,Meeting On Levies The Northumberland and Dur- bamn Couaty Board of Eduention lias caled for a further meeting witb representatives of the mua- icipalities la the UnitedCounties regarding the payaient of educa- tion levies. A release iýsued Mondav stated that the board feit it would be mutually advantageous if a fur- ther meeting was bcid between the municipal officiais and the board in September. A. A. H. Strike, vice-chairman of the board, propooses thnt -"h municipaiity involved should sead two represerntatives to the meet-, ing to discuss eciuitable plans for requisitioaing board levies for the year 1970. On July 31, the board met witli miunicipal representatives for the purpose of discussing and devis- ing a satisfactory aiethod for the payaeit of educationai tax levies. J. M. Rolph informed the mun- icipal representatives of the cx- tremcly higli cost of the demand boan, wihich the board was carry- ing. and stated that the bop-' quired a reasonable portion of the 1969 levies. froin eacb municipal- ity as soon as possible. The board boan, lic said', was $2.190,000 costiag the taxpayers $510 per day la interest charges, due to the fact that thec levies liad not beén paid. 1 "If the board had received half il..s share'of the taxes. the boan wouid be nil and therefore there would be no irterest char1- es. Both the municipal 'councils Oreno Street Fair Mrs. Jean Allun of Orono was the wincr of a Mini Trail Honda which mwas idrawn at the Orono Amateur Athietiec Street Fair on Wednesday night. The Fair was helâI on the Main Street. The se- cond prize in the the draw, a 12" Portable Transistor Television was won by Mr. Bill Trano of Peterborough. The Stree,ý Fair attracted a good crowd with 'the majority coming around 'fine and leaving an hour and- a haîf later. Money games werc most popular as was also bingo. Other games included a dart throw, bail throw and other games of chance. A small ferris whecl and chair ride were Most ipopular witli the younger set. An addition of poay rides was also a boPular item. and the board of education are responsible to the taxpayers and any fair method for collectîng levies to reduce the interest cost should be a- ýnutual objective. ,Mr. Rolpli read a resolution passed at a recent session of County Council, that ail the mtui- icipalities la the United Counties agreed that December 15 be the due date for the sehool levy to be paid and that a suitable dis- ý-ount be allowed by the school board for any paymient made la advance. The resolutionlie said. evi dent- 2v rcsulted froin the fact that were several, different methods, with a variety of due date, l,> the )collection of taxes within the, municipalities. Only three municipalities had submitted any Portion of the 1ev- les already collected for the p)ur- pose of financiag the operation of 85 schools under the jurisdictioa of the board. The town of Cobourg had raid $150,000 on July 1, with the nromn- ise of $150,000 leach month ànd final adjustaient by- Deceib2r .15. The Township of Hamilton qid Haldimand had already subirmit- ted $50.000 each. The total am- oviat to date renresented onl: $250.000 of a total ievy of over $6.000.000 due to the board. Mr.lolph said several munici- p)alties did not receive tax )" mrents until late la the vear. as late as December 1. Others -,Pl~v- cd tax payments much earlier la the' year.' On bhaif of the board~, he stat- cd thýt this "unfortunate situa- tion" was of great concern to the board. Irrespective of the riehfts and powers to collect levies. as indicated la the Board of tion Acti, the'board bcd no de- sire ta lie "autocratie" andl b-d chosen iastead, ta meet wi representativps of the municipal- ities ln order to arrive at P 1; and equitable ýmethod of relo-~t- ing levies to cover there re- cqurements of the Board of Fçlu- cation. Orono Merchants Petition To Retain Angle Parkingj Menibers of the Orono Chamb- er of Commerce met in a special meeting with the Orono Police Trustees on Monday cvening in support of a petition sent to the Orono Police Trustees and the Counties Road Commission opno)s- ing the plan of creating parrallel parking on the east side of Main Street. Also in attendance at the meeting was a represeatative fromn the Department of Transport. As a resuit of the meeting the Orono Police Trustees have re- quested a report from the Depart- ment of Transport on the contin- uation of angle parking on the east side of the strawt. This re- port the Trustees are to coasider -nd it appears likely that they will approve the continuation of angle parking on the east side of the street. This being the case the Trustees will then have to pass a resolution asking the Counties Counceil to take no action on est- ablishing parrallel parking for the Village. At the present time the United Counties Road Commission has re.eommended' to the United Counties Council that they pass a by-law establishing parrallel parking on the east side of Main Street between Centre Street and Sabre Street. The businessmen and chamber memnibers whio- were in attendance on Monday evening were ail in favour of maintaining angle park- ing in the mentioned area. It was revealed that the Count- ,lies wish parrallel parking so that snow ploughs are able to plough the streets with greater ease and ît was also feit by the Couaties that it was mucli safer to have parrallel parking. The Police Trustees supported this move a couple cý months ago iwhen they passed,.a resolution la support of parrallel parking. The business- men feit that angle parking had not causeld any razard and that pyarrallel parking would la effect not only eut down on parking spaces but also create an incon- venience for those shopping in the area. Foromula 'As'$ Rare On August 23rd America's answer to Grand Prix racinig comes to Canada Aug- ust, 23rd as the Sports Car Club of America's Continental Champ- îonship for Formula ýA racing cars , to Mosport Park. Thle Mosport Continental is fhe 9th event in the thrillinc 13 race series oit 100 mile races for the sleak, super single-seaters. The Continental scties is s0 compete- tive that after six races one point separates the Champioaship lead- er Tony Adamowicz from second mafi Sam Posey and only three points further down the standings there is a tie for third pla4ce be- tweea Canadian John Cannon and George Wiatergteen. Except for Wintersteen who drives a Lola,,, the top drivers use Dan Gurney Eagles. Du rham Enrolment May Reach 600 While enroment of first year students at Durham Collegeý: of Applied Arts and 'Technology lias levelled off at 350 students, B?. A. Kirkcoanell- registrar, expeets a late August surge of applications for the remaining openings. The_ surge would be due to per- sons returning from summer hol- idays and others fin'ally making urp their minds about their educa- tion, Mr. Kirkcoanell explains. Currently there are opeaings la ail courses., Electronie techaician bas four spots, civil techaician lias three and communicat ion arts bas 12. The other curriculumis Lallbe- tween these la number of o-oea- ings. The college lias experienced an increase of 120 more first vear studei4s over iast year. Between 550 and 600 students are exacect- cd to be present on the onenîng day of classes, September 8tli. With the increase ln studeat body. ýthe registrar's office' is lookinâ forj~oom and board for approximatery 25 out-of-town stu- dents-wlio will be atteading Dur- hiam. The larger number of students lias -a.-o prompted the colle-ue to lire 21 aiew faculty members. bringing the total number of fac- ulty to sligbtly above 60. The aew members are currently underigo- iag an orientation program at tiâe college before the start of schooL. IThe ew course la -air trans- port technology being introduced this fau bhas had a good respionse. says Mr. Kirkconaell, and lie liopes that the course. will eveatu- ally draw students from ail narts of Canada. The college bas a basic requirle- miea! of a Grade 12 educatio-n but x*Ifrtnsider a mature strident. says Mr. Kirkcoaaell. Orono Police Trustees Planning One-way Street System Todd Mercer, one year old son ,of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mercer, grandson of Air. and Mrs. Hlarvey .Partner and Mr. and Airs. W. Ross Xlerccr and great gýrandson of AIvrs. C. W. Quînncy and Mr. Fred Partncr, Air. and Mrs. Frank Pip- er and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Merc- er. It was learned at the meetin- on Moaday cveniag when the Cham- ber of Commerce met with the Orono Police Trustees that the Police Trustees are havin by- laws prepared makiag a number of Village streets la the centre of town, oae-way thorou*ghfares. The move is belnan taken la the area of the business section so that parking eau be 'maitaia- ed on both -sides of the streets and traffie moved without the present congestion that exists at certain tumes. The present plan would have Centre Street from Main to Churcli Street onae-way goine2 east. Church Street from Centre to Park would be oneway eoing south while Churcli Street from Centre to Dicksoa Street would be oae-way going north. Churcli Street north of Dieckson and the section south of Park Street would carry two-.way traffie. Park Street from Church to Main Street wouid be on-wav for west bouad traffie. Both '"e and Park Streets cast of Churchi will remain two-'way Streets. Parking regulations are also be- ing considered with most streets having a two hour parking limit. Consideration is beiag igivea to liaviag the Main Street la the bus- iness section reduccd below thc two-liour. parking time lhait. The e are to bc no restrictions on Church Street south of Park and North of Centre Streets. Consid- týration is alwo being givea to a greathy reduced parking time -la the area of thc Orono Pýost Office. Mr. Woodyard stated it may be tbree months before the by-laWs are approved and the sigas ereet- ed and the by-law conditions en- forced.' Marks His First Anniversary

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