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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Aug 1969, p. 5

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ORÔNO WEEKLV TIMES, THURSDA ýY, AUGUST l4th, 6 Se Mliso. Insuranice Agescy for All claspes of personal andi Oommerdal coverages Office. Mahi St., Orono 9U-5032 Re&. 983-5754 I Gord Simpson Phione Orone 983-5m9 Orono, Ontario PAINTIN4b REMODELING t GENERAL tUEPARS luterior Exterlor CHARLES REI-.D, Actoee and i Valuatioî Monuments and, Family Memerialis Our quAllty ad service leavez iz.*hing t. b. desired teperson who bonght frm a udgheurfriend or relative lhe RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Otari. Stret FOUT HOPE TLrgestdkmiay lu Senth.ra [WATL'WN'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFTBOATS Alouette Snow Mobiles MceCoflougýh CHAIN SAWS Repairs to a makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Eng.iînes OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINERY PUMPING OUT SEITIC TANK$ LYeCETT Plumb-ýing & Heetîng, ORONO ELECTRIC HNerb and Gerry Duval 983-5109 ELU4JT ICAL CONTRACMIG ELECTRLIC HEWATING ELECTEICAL APINE T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - Iý.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOMI INGLIS - THIOR -GUARANTEED SER VICE- iHamiîltons Insurance Service Pire, Package F.Mim, FLd.lty .d Le. First Mertgage Leen adiffe Hamilton; Phono 983-5115 BOX 133 Ph.iie668-SS521 Stafford Brothers cemetery MmeirtaI ais »uams kst Has»t wNMYU, ONTABJO FOR SALE-'k Refrigerator for sale. M.cClary, Zero Zoe.Very good condition. Reasonable. Phone 983-5426 after six o'clock a-c FOR SALE 1964 GMC 1/2-ton PiekuD, excel- lent conditon,; ideal for camper. Win. Grad,.. COrono 983-5149. a-p NOTICE Orlono Landscaping and Garden Service Phone 983-5598 h-36-p IIELP WANTED Waitress recquired. Royal Lunch High 115- twelve to eijpht shift. Five- day week. Transportation supplied. Phone 987-4215. a-p Orvie Chatterton Electrical Contracting1 Electric Ileating and Service PHIONE 993-5546 or, 983-5940 Orono, Ontario APARMENTFOIR lIENT trt vl conivenient to saogArea, urk--eh, bank etc. Aývailable ,Sep1tember 1, 1969., Phone 983-5201. a p ANNUAL HORTICULTURAL SHOW Thle annual show of flowers and vegetables xviii be held on Thurs- ,day, August 21 in the main audi- torium of Orono United Churcli. Ail entries wili be received from Il a.m. ta 2 pm i. Year books con- taining a camiplete iist of classes and Lý,lpful instructions can be obtained from Joan Couvier or Isabelle Challice if you havýe nýot already received y aur copy. a-c CalIvoElr licensed Plumbiny &. Mechanical Contractor who seils, Instalis qpd ,muirantm-e PLUMBING AND- HEATING Phone 983-5207 Orono W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King St. W. Bowxnanville 23-3393 Toronto 923-917' Port Here Office 885-"548 PLUIIBING aM EEATING 4SzIus aad Servkce Om i-4,HouR URNER SERVICHI jB-A FINANCING I Tyreme 33-205 OPENÎNCGGA' The O0naTyke basebil club on M(onday evern at theic Orona Parkîn th frs;t game of a play- off series werTýe defeated by a score of 14 11. 'PThe victorss were < the NewcastL Tyke bail club,. The, series is'the best two eames ont of three. The Tyýke league is made up of four teams with Kendai Port Hope, Newcastle and Orono. Your Esso Home' Comfort Specialist Says- COOL IT! Instal an air condittaner in your present warm air furnace. Free estimates for com-fortable living this summer. HARVEY PARTNER Phone -983-5206 Orono NOTICE Sewýing :alterations and repairs done jat home. For ât)men -, alter- atians in skirts, dresses andi coats For men - turn shirt collars and cuffs, shortenan lengthen trou- sers and draping and back seams. Also zippers and pockets. Mrs. M. Downs, corner Park and Cliureh Sts, phone 983-5493. tf 114TICE ORONO TRAILER Sales and Rentais Orono. Ontario, Phone 983-5974 TrVek Camper for Rent. Nursry Stuck Evergreen, Flowering Shrubs Box Plants Landscaping and fflding RICHARDSON'S NURSERY Pontypool. Ontario Phone 983-5180, Or.». MONO, ONT:AniO ANTIOV4 1e_ WE DBUT oe SL wu PAT CAlE! Phene 623-5342 after 6 p.m. JACK REAILTOR WhM BDwlag t fSag unE WILF HAWKE Y#Vi IX *Ne CU Wî Rd 9bt» Bfl For prompt, eourteerus, effici- M4t servce whes buylg or selling adfor the largout sel- oCti0n of prepertiez In the arce Contact Ormo Arn Eepree.tatuve ROY FoeWer 983-580 Dane Found,6 Andy Sutch Roy Strong 6234-965 983-9119 52 r'l Bethany Lefter To Editor PO Box232, Thle Editar, Orono Weekiy Times, Orana, Ont. Dear Sir: I realize that whenever a rule is made a brickbat is necessary ta enforce it, but nihere is the brick- bat in the instance of dogs let ta ruin loase in aur town? 1I ha ve been given ta under- stand t12at there is a law ta pre- vent the roaming aif rdogs but on variaus occasions irehav suffer- er these isacsof terwl beýhaviour. 2) garien plnts stryda-id landirtied 3) sleep diýsturbed, 4), peaceful famiy cat mangled andl severely inijured (necessitat- ing veteriary's treatmenl) by a pack of fer ociaus dogs wýhich tare through aur propety aI 4:00 a.m. Friday. I daon't think it an uneasonable rule ta require dag owners ta keep dogs an chains or behind fences and would urge readers ta prevent their doas from running loase. By-iaws are meant ta prevent neighibours fromn fighting "like cal and dog" ta prateet pets and properly., Yours truly, Mrs. D. M. Field. CARD 0F TRi NXS Thaznk you to evervone vzhio sent me cards and eifts this stim- mier.a- Richard Robinson. CAaD 0F THANKS \ wYsh ta expre-ss our appre- c&aton i the many kind people who helped in sa many ways fol- 'cv-nRichard's accident. Rýichard's family - Dorotýhy, Ge-aid, Ted, Chris and Matthew RabInson. a-p DlED BARRABALL-At Sunset Ladge, Bowmanville' on Sunday, August 101th, 19!69, Ga'-ana May Barr,Ùail (nee Teiker). Wife of the late T. P. Luther Rarrabali. In her 86th vy"p-. Pýq.r +th4 Barbyw ý Funer- ai Rom-' 0Îý-o afor service Tues- day, Aýu_.e-t l2th, at 2:30 p.m. lrtermnii-tOro îo Ccmetery. CARD 0F TR-ANKS I wýsh 10 express sincere thanks to the nurses of surgical floor, Drs., M[Kenzie and John Rundiýe for th 1eir efficient service. Aiso' relatives friends ai-d neiclibours who sent nile cards and visited me while in the hospital. Andý for those who ýj-ought my wife Cyn- thia over ta sec me. , a-p Oliver G. Knapp CARD 0F TITANliS 'We ýwish ta express our sinc et than-s and ar.ap.eciatian ta -aur friends,. ntighb-ours and -relatives frtebatiful gifts, cards and fjýnwe_,rr'ie on the occasioni of ou"r1.Oth Wçding Anniiversary. - Ear--nd Mona Duvail a-e [74 Building a House? wr raoegalimgyoe r Floyd Nicholson oy, OU-s 62

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