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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Sep 1969, p. 2

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ORONO WEEÈL'Y TMSE, TYIURSD.&Y, SEPTEMBER lsth, 1969 ORON;o W"EEKLY TIMI Secoeid Clams Mau RegitrBtion Number 0368 Published every Thursday at the o>ffice of publica Main Street, Orono, Ontaxto. Phone 983-5301 ES lon The 'End On Wednesday of biis week wie were inforimed by Mr. R. G. Moffat, secretary-imaniager of the Durhamn County; ')o-oPeratice Medical Services thiat the Cooperative would not be acting as a o»lleetion agency for OUSI11 for theix present meinbers. If xvas proposed by the local co-operative that they would carry on ias a collection agenicy and that they woulid miake the transfer of 1their menibeTthip to OHSIP. It was the unders.taniddng that VhIs old' be çposible. Mr. Moffait states tliat -the Departminrt o! Insuranice wil not allow this hnor are foraxs being supplied te the Coopùerative te change their, meJbe"i~ip over to O11SIP. The, local (10-013- exative's bands are tied and as it iow afppears, will have nu function whatsioevcr under the provincial plan OIISIP. Ais a result ci biis latekt developanent the Board of DIrecters o! the Diiham Oounty Oooperative Medical Ser- vices are plannidng a meetinýg of bheir membersbip at iieh tiane the pregnt stuation will be cxplaiaed and noe deubt a policy be set for the ddspesiiion of the. assets o!f thc Co- It cortain1y appears bhat the days o! the Cooper.ative are nmbered, comâig te an en'd as of Octo'ber lt. t bus, however, served a vcr usefil purpose within fthc commua- ity aad wiifhout fanfare. Rt bas been a seff-elp or9an!zatîoi tuncd tei the needs and desires o! its membershi'. it greuw ouit o! a necd for bospital insurlance coverage and through the years kept pace wifla diange. Constantly it up-dated ifs ceveraige te meet fthc requirements of a specific cru. It lias served its inmbereluîp and conxmunif y weil. The Co-operative is net being closed out because if eouifd net keep pace wdth the times but rather because if ,must give nWay to a faction o! our advancing welfare ttate. lJhe greaf White fablher bas taken over an'd is now the bene. As. social reform advances many self.heip and service organizations are finding their purpose for survioal re- inoved- The Service Clubs are presently revaluafing their objeets and endeavouring te set new, guides and patteras, The Cbueh has, iin the pasf aumfher o! years, leýst some of fifs purpese te the welfare state., Thege are dlays of change with empliasis being placed on single large operations ýwith tfhec tate increasing its hold on ifs peepfle xith litle dhbiie being offered. 1 1 e do, however, live in a demnocracy and if is the people who govern and as yet thec mai ofity rule ...we hope. Keuidal News Kendial United Churcli Anaiv- e-rsary, Ser-vice wil be he&l Odtob- er 19 at 2 p.m. and, the Turkcy DIaner will be on Wednesday evening, October 22. The Kendial Commurity were Dixocked last Sundy merniag te hear tlý,it one o! our citizens, ,Mr. George Poepe, had passed away in ilis gleep. Hie had bcd a heuart condition fer severul moaýths. lie was sixty-five and had corne te a faim weet ofKendal with bis family ia 1913. Ilis father sold the farin te Mr. Wm. Adanis. Ri later becaine the Neweli Tobacco Farm. One corner was reserved, on hs George buàR h is home west of Kendal. 1lie lived there and feund emp!oyment with~ the fýarmers and cottage dwellers o! ehe Kencaa area. Ile leaves a twin sister, Mrs. Et4hel Gearv and sevenal nieces and aephews. The funeoeal was held on Tues- day £rom the Barlow Fanerai Rie. His bearers were Mr. Rov Merer, Mr. Joe Smith, Mr. Art Loyw, Mr. Lavern Iloy, Mr. Artthur TWenpson and Mr. GaKIlaad Cathi- cart. Rev. T. Shelgrove was the minisiter. George- wil be missed. Orphans Victors One of the largest crowds for quite someÈme of local bail fans was pre6ent at the Orono park on Sunday afternoon wxhen the Orono juniors and the Oronn Or- phans of former yeears pliayed an exIhdiibiËpn bail game. Tre' game creiated considerable lnterest with gaîte receipts amounting to over- $7200. Experienee in the baH game pkaed the victory in the hands of the Orpbans, 64. Meny showed their former foran, abilty and in n-any cases their afilîty. John Shetier played beliinid the ffate for the Orpbans wfhtile Geo. Joues. Koeith West, Carman Cor- nishl and Junior West. shared thec nounid duties. Paul Jiones, broth- er o! Geor~ge pitched wtth assis- tance from Mike Carurnan for the local Juniors. Earl Cobbledick re- celved their offerings'. The Oiono Juniors held a 50- 50 draw in connection with the game anîd realized a suin of $195. frýom this draw. Fred Oowle of Boùwnanvil<e won a similr a- tnaout. The pnoceeds frqM the dSrw and the came eleAied the Juniors out o! a deficlit whCh ex- isted before this feature. T1hey express theïr appreciation to ail those who have assisted durane the hail seaison. O.PP. Repal brt The N~emàstle Detachmwent of the Ontario Provincial Poice dur- ing the *weeks rd August 31st Zo Septenaber ilth, ihvestigated 30 - aciidents in Whilch. 4 persohs were injured ýand 13 persops- Charged. There wetre 100 General1 Occur- rencies inve-stigate~d during thie past 12 days, including nrany of the ialis being malici ous damage to propýerýty. Onie of tlhese occur- rences was where yoths would take lutnber from a buiidïný;zsite and throw it into the'creek near- by. Police are most .ansious to PINE RIDGIE Landscaping'ond Garden-Service (FitEE ESTIMATECS) ]Rome Maittenne, Nuruery Stock, ee.ý Phone *23-76I31 Box 235 Bewmanvifle apprehiend the persoiiý or perenS involved. Charges ill. be laid. This ityipe of an occurrence is get- tling to, be a very serieu s matter in tiine1 spent by 'the police investi- gating, and also a, considerable loas of money te owners. ThJe Crîjninal Code provides for this type of off ence, a penalty of 14 years imprisonnment. Now. that our girls and boys are back ýat'school, it's particularly ONTARIO HEALTH SERVI CES'I NSURANCÉ PLAN " You can a pply now, as an individual on aPay-U jrect basis or through a Group, regardless of your age, health or financial means. * You'll shiare, in the protection and benefits of "everyone's' health in- surance"' in Ontario. After Oct. lst, every employer of 15 or more em- ployees must enroll every employee in OHSIP. Any employer of more than 5 but fewer than 15 may apply for Group coverage. e Monthly premium rates wiIl be: Si ngle,$5.90; Couple $11.80; Family $14.75. You can obtain 0 H51P protection free, or receive partial premium' assistance, de- pending upon your annual taxable mne. *_If you enroîl aller Oct. lst, you May have to wait up to 3 monthsafter your application is approved before your coverage will begin. Why worry about being- unprotected? Don't delay-enroil Itoday. *You need not apply if you are pres- ently enrolled in OMSIP or in a pri- vate« plan. Your insurance will con- ti nue without interruption provded you maintain your coverage. e OHSI P does not pay for hospitaliza- tion. You obtain protection against the costs of hospital care through your Ontario Hospital 1Insurance. You may obtain an application form, atany branch of a Chartered Bank, or by writing to OHSIPat 2195 Yonge St., Toronto 7. Teleptione 482-1111 ONTARIO HEALTH SERVIC ES INSURANCE PLAN Honi.ïThomas L. WellsMnse heatinsurane: tobe proteeC-tedt FLOWERS by Va'n Belle FOR ALL OCCASIONS CAIL COLLEOT ý,- DAY ORt NIGHT 623*5757 important for ail drivers to wateb for clbiidren a1long routes to and fliom sehool. Morning - Noon - and Afternoon. Many (ýhildren are at sriliool for the firs± tiane and get- ting to and fromh schoo1 can be z haZardous busàness for tlaem. Theyll settie down soon, but right now, during the fîrst weeks, a carefre echild might forget te- watch out for, you. Reniember: Sclhool's In, so Watdh Ou." AI- ways drive with Extla Care. Oxford B RICKLAYEIS STON EMASONS W.*aM. de hwa

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