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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Sep 1969, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY- TIMES,_TnUES0AY, SEPTEMBER l8th, le69 To Consolidate D)'Arcty Meffeough, Minister off Mutnicipal Aifirs, lias appeaied to niunîcipal off ieils to stiart tak- ing steps to consulidate mrunticipal- ities., Hie xwas speîaking at a meeting ia Coboure last Thursday, wheie more than 200 municipal rpe senitatives ffrom Petei borough, Victoria, -Haliburton, Northuim- berland andi Durhamýi- were gath- eed ta 'question iVr. lMecKeougli and the Provincial Treasurer, Charles MciNaurizton. on -mundci- pal Aff airs. There were 964 municipalities iu the Province off Ontarlio and any amalgamation which iWould create 963 wns a good thing. "We kriaw this aresa of No týh amberland - Durriam bas to u' a consoli dationoff a certain numr- ber off municiàpalities. sa w inuld start thinkirg, talking, and doing somelthing about itna" he said. The Depa.rtment 'off Miinicip,al Afffairs would lake to become in- vulved: "Would like to go along ta the Ontario Municipal Board with municipalitie.s whiich wanted ta amalgarate and say the parti- culiar amalgamnation hadl the de- Partîncnt'is b1cessing."I ~Mr. MecKeougli suggeolted if, was tune "ta stant looking at our selves", and at what miglht be more sensdAle b-.un)ras'ies.. ~MaYor Michael Wladykia point- ed out that Northumberliand and Dunham. were prnasilly oustie.s 'Wftlh noa large cities. He asked the t»o cabý.iet minis ters iff the gqv- erjpment would heip the caunties reUiin and strengthen their ecopi- vDMY tO preveut regionalgavera- Ment turning the two counties in- to a "bedvcoým for a metmoaton area."1 lMr. MeKeouýgh sad the %overn- mnent would help andi the help would be based on need. "We rec- ognize tihat suah areas are g<ing to need more a&sistance tihan othr ers. Reeve W. 1. ýPhonias Spoke a- bout the threat off Oshawa in -n- cornpassing four municipalfties off ,he Unted Counties into their recýonal p4an. The removal off Irke, Bowuannvilde. Newca3f le and Dailington would mean a loss off 35 per cent off assessmen't to NQrthurnble.nî,and and Durham. 11-e asked Mr. MoKeough wheth- er the governmnent wotld make sDme allocalion off funds ta the United Counties for the losis sus- tained.* He also asked When re- lorai governmefit was likely to be rb1hd in the province and vow'be4her the. Urfted it½ shoald nake overtures to other counties -t4oin! them in an a-i' ffian. Meetings had air à ly been held with renresentatives olr V7;'- toria, lialibuilton and Peterbao. Mr.,lfKog said it' wr),id take ýat 1a two vears ta cret the doicks cleared off the studies wbp-'1h were beiing undertaken by the province and the irunicipalities ityoive'd. The government was rot in a position ta cÔnsider taking on any ffurther studies beosuse it -ladn't the time or tihe staff ta direct any more. The resufts off the Oshawa stwdy were about a v<par avav andar legMaation woutd not 1,ýielycone itao fect before the 1971 ses- sion. --o the Uiriteýd Counties had two years before anything was goin7g to happen. "Before accepting Oghawa's re- portt, tbe government would -nn't to have a close look at the effeet it, would have on Northumberliand and Bueham. Somebody hato ivorry zsbo>t wliat's on the, other gide off. the border."! he sWd. Mr. McKeougeh noinîted out Vlvat there were a lot offmno-1R ies wfhiioh "did not want to get nMarriedà." But to form a çrood. strong iodiai ggvernanent a large reziQn was needed. Speakiing off regional govern- ment, he said the government did nat look for rairadles or anv*h4ing hke it in two or üt1ree years. Replyixag to a question as to, w4hy regional government ini Vhe Otûawa-Gartoni area cost the tax- said that no one had told hm the payers doubled. Mr, MeNaugihon costs h'ad doubiled, anyway it was miueh too ,early Vo -te,1. Ottawa- GaÈi-Oon had only been "in busin- es," for eight-ýandýâqa-l1f months- "No one would expect mniracles in that time." He spoke of the advantages etreated in the Ottawa4GarfltQn ar- ea theougli amalgamation. For yeuars, for e«anmple, he sid/ they had arguments over a hon+Ml. There was a trenMendous shortage off hospilta1 beids ýaid one of the which has h'appened this year vias the buildi ng of fa hos- pital with the help 'off a $1,400,- 000 goveriment graht. Refferrning to the' change over off assegsment ffrom municipal Vo provýincia level, Mr. -Mdeough said he didnt lDýo of anvthing ma ~unppiuir.~hana re4assess- men p~grm.The government hadni't takei, it on because they hiOP 2 tolga"n n olitical mizes, but it was a Job that haàdto fe do iý. Mr. MeNauLjhton s there was no question that meoff the dif- f;cuit'ies expeienced by boards of ed'ucntion throtachout thr, ""o- ;iin'ce lay on the, lap off the'De- partm-ent ocf Manicipal Afliairs be- cause off the equalàzation factor off asses,4ment handed to tihem. Bob Yeoma-ln's Plumbing - Heaýtiing R.R. 1. Orono îPhone M'-5624 - 24 HOUR SERVICE -7 New Installations - Alterations Reuairs Specializing ilu . HOT WATER HEATJ""l CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST Member Canada~ Deposit Ipsurance Pays,,A Big I For 1 -2 or 3 Years on G*uaranteed Investnaent Certif icateS on 4-5 years, Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corp FOUNTAINHEAU 0F L'.W GE Head Office, 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 723-5221, Branch, 23 King St. W., Bowmanviile 623-2527 Oda announces a totallyne nc 1900Cutias: Suýpremo. Ordersi Complaints. Anothei Onelo f those days. Wouldn't it be nice to have a~~apeMachine? Certain items ilustratedor described are optional at extra cost. Youngmobiteto the rescue! distinguish it: trim new styling and Oldsmobile's luxurious new Cutlass an elegantly formai new roofline. Supreme wiIl whisk you away from OIds Cutlass Supreme. Just one of routine for as littie as it takes to the 29 Escape Machines fromE J own a routine car. To power your OldsmobiIe. getaway: an extraordinary 4-barrel, 350-cubic-inch Rocket V8. To Olismobile: Escape from the ordinary. SEE YOUR LOC4J!,A=L-IZEO OLOSMOBILEC DEALER ROY NICHOLS MOTORS LTD. Phone 728-6206, Courtice BOWMANVILLE, ONTABTO Phone 623-2556, Bowmanviile t, Phone 728-6206, Couitlice BOWMANVILLEY ONTARIO Phone 623-2556, Bowmanville

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