_______________________ ORONO WEEKLY TIMWES, TIJRSD)AY, SEPTEMBER 2P5th, 1969 CIA*IFIED ADI BEY R[IL~ .-- IL Milison Insurance Agency fer Au daa.es of persoflal and Cmmftdml Coverages : UM alast, Ore Gord Simpson PHONE ORONO 983-5914' Orono, Ontario PAINTING ÇARPENTRY REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIRS Interior Exterior' CHARLES RiAD Oreie's Licensed Au oner and Valuatoi Seifzeib Farm and COMMeut me fer terms and dates ýPUNE 1ORNO 98-fit4 M..u..tsand Family Mem.rials Mr uIamly maiservice haves ..Iàhgte. b. deulred qt Bs rmWho bought lieu aemowlfriae"r relative ].RIJTTER GRANITE 0OMPANY ntro.ipè. .t PORT NOIE a-icycle _Orono Phone 983-5343, PRINCE -CRAFT BOATS Alouette Snew Mobiles McCuiloch CHAIN SAWS Repairs to a makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle SEngines OT10TOWPOINTS LYCETT- Plùmbing & H.etiig PW UON 13-* BYAM PLUMBING a" d EATING 8" , Md Servie. 24 ROUE B UMREXSEVICE GULF FINANCING L" lame**e.tRie s Orvifle Chatterton Electrical Contracting Electric Heating and Service PEKONE 19U-5544 er.S18-90 Orono, Ontario ORONO ELECTRIC Oerb s»d GerryDuvail 983-5108 ELBCTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL AI'PLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - E .C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHO1WE INGLIS - THOR - GUARANTEED SERVICE- Hamiltons Insurance Service vue nwr uage Imm o Ph... 188-1115 Stafford Brothers Cmtry lIm.utals su8 ne Ifr"d Ut Builàg aBHse? m r4o*Mg yWpros" ..WBam mtmd FIoyd Nicholson WANTED TO RENT Scenie iacreage, partly treed on good road for Fairyta1e Park De- velopment. Clarke or iVianvers Township area. Oall colleet 728-3404, Oshawa. c-40-c HELP WANTED Maie he1p wanted for P1uinbing and Heating- trade, experience preferred. Contact Hlarvey Partner. Orono, phone 983.5206. a-c NOTICQ, Orono Landscaing and Garden Service Phone 993-5»9 h-36-p ORONO BAND NOTICE Anyone interested in Ioeanning to play a musical instrument is asked to contact either- Carman Gornish or Roy Forrester.. Il enough are interested, ýa cliass of beginners will be orangized. ac TENDER FORt PATNTING In the Orono Mrena. Contact Mr. Earl Taylor for nyarticulars and tender must be in Box 103, Orono by Septeniber 27, 1969. Orono Amaiteur Athletic Assoc. FOR SALE Canang Pears. Pick your own. $1.50 a buhel, bring containers. Robt. Rienstra, Oromo, phone 983-5081. b-38Wp WANTED Middle aged lady for Re'st Hume for one week. No coýokinc no washing,. Ph-one 0t<Sno 9ý83-5639. NOTICE Alter1ations and Plain sewin ',. Mrs. M. Downs, corner* Park and Churoh Sbts. Phone 983,7A93. t-f FOR SALE Piano 'for saule. Phione 9W4063. FOR SALE A twospiece Brownie Uniflorm. size -7; al-so betret, belt, tie and mianual. Phone 983-5014.a- FOR SALE '(One Be-droom Suite in blo'nde finish. Doýuble dresser with m¶r- ror, 4 drawer chest, double bed, with bookcsase headboard. Phone 983-5014. - CARD 0F THANKS I w-vould liike to thank myi iind rellatveQe neizhbours and fniends who were so Vhoughtful for mie with cards. gifts, visits and mn> enqures durii m~y stay in Ogh- awa enenali ositr. Shella Bairsto- Nurs.ry Stock g,eree«, FloweriUg arub box "aut lUCHAIDSON'8 NUMY Pestypel, Ontul P"» mm"851, ore RICABD REALTOR » ue .. a. Whm or fa.gor ma~ WILF HAWKE meb eb Mdi o hk etbemoto" Boni COMING EVENTý Neweastle Lions Septeinber Dance NewcaetIe Cornmunity, Hall Satuird'ay, September 27th. Danýng 9-12. Bar privileges and Prizes. c-38-c CARD 0 OF TUANKS Mly sincere thanks to, ail iy friends and neighbours, for al their' kin.dness shown me at the ti.ne of the passing of iy brother q.eorge Pope. Also for cards and flowers-. Special thanlvs to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mercer, Mrs. Dave Mercer and the Ladies of the U. C.W. who served lunch. a-c M&Ethel Geary. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTAIrE OF GFO0RGE WILLIAM HENRiY POPE Jiate oi the Township of Cliarke in the Counlty of Durham, Retired. de. ceased: Ahi personis havinW clains azainist the Estate of the said G'EORfE WILLIAM HENRY POPE, wh(o died On Or about the jýlVh diay of September, 1969, are heirebv- no- tfiedi- to. send to the undersdgned Executrix Or her Solicitor, on or belfore the 11th day of Octaber, 19q69. their naines and addresses and fu.11 particulars of their ciatir and the nature of the securities (if any) held by thein dully yeni lied bY sjtatutory declaration. Imimecliately a£ter the said llth dýaýy,,f October,, 196,9, the assets of the siaid deceased wilil be- dis- tributed amiong the persons en- titleid theoreto, havine regard only to thee daim's Of which the Exe- cunix or the undersign-ed o½- to()r s1ill then have notice. DATED at Orono. Ontario. thàs 24th day of September 1969. FETHEL GEARY. -Kendial.--Ontario Executrix W. K. LYCETT, Orono, Ontairio, Solicitor for the, Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARY ETHEL LUXON, LATE 0F TME TOWNSH-IP OF ÇLARKEF, IN MHE COUNTY OF DIUHAM, WIDOW, DE-CEASED -Ail 'Personls'having claixns a- gainst the Estate of 'the said MARY ETH-EL LUXON. who died on or about the 22nd clay of june, 196ý, are hereby, notified Vo send to the undersiâgned Executors. or their Solicitor, on or helore the 1lth day of Oetober, 1M6, theïr naines and addresses and ful Dpar- nauturie of the securifies (if any) ticudgars of their olaims and the heId by them duly verified hy statutory declatiation, IMMEDIATELY aifter the aa"id lith day of Octoher, 1969, týhe asset's of the said, deceasýed xeil1 be distribuied among the persons entitled thereto, having, regard onffy Vo the cdaims ýof Whieh the Exýcutors or the undersfgned So-' licitor .shail then -have n/otice. DATED at Orono, ;Ontario. this 22«~ day of September, 1969, ROY DJAVID MERCER, Orono, Ontario. JOH-N THOMPSON, Kendal, Onitario. Execuitors. W. K. LYCETT, Orono, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTIIERS In the Estate of Donfald W!iiam S1 G iM ces AILL PERSONS having olJaimis agabqt, the -Estate of Donald WiI- lian- GüJkes, laVe of the Township of Olarke, in the County of Dur-, liani, who died on or about the 15th day of Septiember, -1967, are required to file ýprýoof thereof with the undersigned solocitor for the Adiministrator, on or before the 9tih day ýof October, 19ý69, alter vhiich date the ias'sets of the EsLate will be distributed, having regard on1y to the dlaims of whieh the said Solicitior shaIh then have had iotice herein. -DATED at -Newýciastle, '0ntWrio, bhis lath day *of S eptersber, 1969. E. R. LOVEKIN, ,Newcastle, Ontario, Soicitor for the Administrator. Macs Are Snacks Excellent Qualty Apples and Pears For SaIe Fred's fruit Market FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be reeeived. bv the undersizned Solilcitor up to 12.00, o'clock noon on Tuesday, the 14th jday of October, 1969, for the pur-' dhase of the poperty of the late, Florence Agnes Brimacomibe. eonsistin*, af bouse and lot on the west side of Church Street in the- Village of Orono. 1This 'nioperty is a brick houQe consisting of, 7 roomrs rplus att)acl- ed kitChea and detached tool shed and contaiïr,, a 2 picce bath and ou, furnace and is centi'ally loca- ted ýin Oronp. Terms:ý 10% of pr'ice with ten- der: balance to be Paid in cash on clasing; ciosîng date to be ar- ranged. Hi9fhest or anv tender flot nec- eQsarily aceeilted. Inspecetion of the buildinz mav be araned by ontactine Gar- land Oathcart. Kendal. Dahone 983-5190 or Athr W. Thomnson, Kencial, Phione 983-5077. ExeCu. tors W. K. Lyceit Oronc, Ontarqo ýSoElttr for the Vendors COMING EVENT Hoticultuiral Meeting, Thurs- daY, :Septeniber 25th at-8 O'Cloek at OronD Uni ted Ohurclh. Prize mon0)J will be lawarded froin the August Show. GueSts, Mr. (and Mrs. Wesley MffMahon, Betrany, wilil show pic- tures on their recent trip te the Maritimes. ]Lýteature Table. - Plan to at- tend,- IN MEMORiA1I TENNANT...AU loving nmemory of J. Arth~ur Tensant who, left us Septeinher 28, 19W5. Mime nxaY Pass 'an'd fade away, But Our thoughts of you wiII ever stay. Ever emernbered hy îwif e and family. a-p, AT REST At lVjfemorial HosPif ai, .Bowman- Ville on Moay SepteMber 22, 1969, Mleredith Linton of 37 Wel- ilaton St., formeir1y of' O ono. Dear father of Mrs. J. Pâtterson (Betty), BowmanvIiile, James W. Don lllfs, brother of Iva C. of Toronto. Ia bis 76th year. Rested at the Northcutt Elldott Funeral Home, Bownuanville. Service in the Chapeil on Wednesday, Sep- tember 24th at 3ýX0 p.m. Inter- ment Orono Cemetery. 1HARTFMINK - Saved by Grace on Tuesday, September 23, 1969, the Load celled home our belioved w4fe and mother, Ferdinandina Catharina Haertexnjnk (oce Van G4noen. Let not Vour heart be trouibled Yeý beleve n God, beleve also In nmy Father'S honse are xnany If it were not seo I woul t-- 1told yoýu. il eo tVo prepa re a pýlace f'- John 14, verses 1 and 2. Husland Gerit Hartemink. of R.R. ý2 Newastle. Children 'Ro- bert John iand Siýlvia Paulina EMaine. Restîne at the Morris Funeral hapel, Bowmavlle. Service in Rehoboth Christian Reformed huneli on Friday ýat 2.00 o'clock. Interment Bowmanvflle Ceme- ter. Doations o Canadian Can- car Society w,,,oulid be appreciated. WUUMINO OU? EPTC TANKS Doee T.IM 1 am "-Uf-er -77