Kmendal Basebail Club, village Dump Being-Abused' TruseesSeeking Advice The Kendial MiÈd!eet B--h *-!1p1ayirig far beclow th&r pa wr. with John Theiupson,maurtve Club b-s entered the final' -1q-. the r-Sit 'hey were defeated 100 Wst keM rerJ.Tom downs for the Oniitarjo liampàon- TI) ian i ne of thie series son, L--rry l 73 i-1RY eo sh'in and played their first game will be pia7yed in Oourtrig1 -tis 111Mrcr.DanyNoto B witih, Courti'ht in Kenclal on Sunday When Kendal is ]ooking Lord, Gary Murphy, Steven Fairr ýqaturday afternoon. The Kendal for a reversai of incidehts. Piectur- Terry Stark. Bernie Al TAe. e boys were plagued vvith errors, ed above: Moris Hallowell, coach Stark, coach and Gary Sîh. VOLUMlE 33, NUMBER 38 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25th, 1-à Orono y ro ates To Iicrease NOVI. Ist Hydro rates in Orono have been inceased for ail types of ugers. TIhe increcase is notedi as necessary ,due to Jinereased cosiLs of opera- tion inalinlv that of purýchasing pOwer f (hâOtar'.io Hlydro. The cost of power from ntarl y- drýo bas' been încreasing at Farate Forest uchs Seen Possible The Willow Beach Field Ni- tuvalists hope to puochase one of the lai-gest areias of noar-virgiii forest in the United Çounties as a memonial for the late A. B. Sdthuitz. former editorpubisher of the Evening Guide, Port Hopbe The Club executive inspected several areas and witïh the help of experts decided toý negotiate for the purchase of Beecher Mc- Donald Wood wihich is southeast of Fenella. The club ex-,ecutLIve said Vta the purchase was not yet fini'z- ed. The total cost of thbc oroierty was in the nelzbbourhood of $5(),- 000, of which the club would pro- vide approxiarnately $15,000. Thie remainder, it was hoped, weuld conec throýugb the goverament in the orsof grants. The pepty covering an area of 80 acres. is owned by Mrs. B. MDnd.It kuas been owned by the faiamly for several generations SoIdFr$9,O Thre Cobourg Sen-tinel-Star, Canada's.'oldest weekly newýspap- er, has been sold to an unidenti- lied puSehaser. Foster M. Russel, publdsher, sqaid the ne-wsraper, in its 138th year of. centinueous publication, bas net been sold to a dhain. The sale of the daily Port Hlope Evening Guide was also announe- ed. rThe Guide's publisher. Peter Shultz, died in Mlardh. Thre newspaper bas been pur- chased by ML\rs. Alexandra Mur- ay, wilaose husb.and publishies the Grinsby Indepondent, The re- ported sale price was $90,000, but officLIis of Vthe newspaper would not cotif*ir te amount. of 4.5 per cent over thre past few y,ýais. ilie new Orono rates will be in effect on ail bilsis ssued ioilowinig Novemiber lst. Tie cost of power to residenial users wPil increase by an anint di' 80-, perl ot on the average biu, states Mr. Dewn, manager. ih ol increase in this group- ing is t'ire second rate on 200 The I-ons e Hleating group * xili have an aýverage monïthlY in- crease of around $1.50 per montb on tie average bili. Tis group notes a greater increase t-han tire residential rate. Other groupings la commercial and industriai septions will aise ha increased. -Mer. Down feels.that the rates. will,11 continue, on into 1971 0-~ n again incraased costs wil elimin- ate their affect. ND P Meet Thec Reverend Charles Catto spoke at the Duham. N.D.P. Wo- men's Organization meeting on Tuesday evening, September 101h, in Hampton. Mr. Catto, formerly the Miniter of the U.nited Ohurch la Hamptoni, us n-ow Director of "ýOperatien Beaver" an inter-,raýc- ial, inter-denominational group working witb uniderjpnivileged people in varions parts Jff Canada. Mr. Catto sirowed filins of varions pi ojeets e arried .oUt by volunteer Bevs"tis sumrner on Indian îeservuàtio)ns, and in whitecemoi- nnities, in B.C., Aberta, Ontario Quebec and LabDador. The alim of "O0peration Beaver" is te help people help thernselves and' the' "Beavers" work and live with the people in the assigned areas, building bouses, or youth centres, etc. Mes. W. Hi11, President of the Womien's. Organization, introduced the speaker and made some an- noune4men-ts inlu-ding the Sunday aftern:oon, Septeniber 21st, Dur- lham Riding N.D.P. General Mem- bersirip .meeting to be held at Dr. Powers Public Sehool in Port Hope. and the Riding's corn, roast and hay ride to be held on Satur- dly eveniing. September 2'7th at the hoeeof Deuga Moffatt, Eliz- abethvlle. Tragcdy struci -two Bowma n xxiienAian in~n,21, of 4Sc gag St. adLarriy Dun, 23, oA ILamb's La-ne, were kilied in ar acie t. Sn-day nearMidn Tir acidetwhïich ivl only t1ire eie-e l r heh two .oagmen wr iig c currced' 25 nmiles Inorth o "F M in the LDe-set a ca eofriure Ceuatv. I1t is beieived thre car wcnt out aif ortrol and rolied over sever ai times. Lintea is tire'son of VMr. an Me.Cordon Linton and !eaveý, tirýce siters, Gaylte. Brend, an Lymn and two brot-hers, Gareti and Scott. Duan is the son of Mr. and rs talyDuna. He iras a brother, Dun heOooPlice Trustees miet on.arlaevrn hna j sr -sio c :nrcdon ,the n- tienof he Vllae duapit was rrote Lhat tedmnp i h 2m absdand .shiguS_ i by -part- ies !threugh.autftire W!hoLe raa ,ut as pinted out tt inee Tab »ge plku,s were ocoîn Tenhpresidents $3.00 a rnh that nrany ere ne Éroig th7row arbýage te the Vilag dansp causing a seatterin r gr baeand cansiderable ceeýt hi clean-ups. TPhe charge te Viflage residents is $l.0O a menth. Auitlhority was given te Mr. E. R. Woodyard te contact the, Vil- Iage iawyer te fimd eut wh-, oeu.ld prs fue frtrpssgo h Viifige ,-up,ciertePle Trustees or thie TewIns-p Vws S decided iraet some action was go iney Vo have te be tknte ii the use of the dumpfeVilg purposcs, otherwisýe rates weuld have to increasýe in Or'ono toj mainitain tire dump. The Police Trustees receive-d a letter fr-om Mrs. Helen Sdbxniid in wf hwaýstssggested the numnber- ing lof bouses in;no.S'le point- ed out that thie street siens had helpcd and tirat bouse nuqnbening would complete tbls prejeat. The Trustees are Vo obtain informa- toiteitiý,end a 4nd if- feasible, te cry'tvns eut pas aprojeet fer A letterwa received fiom the Village Engineer-s approving pay- menýmt b- the PoLice Vilagete Lqrono Hydre ef an amejunt of G~ M.Linton ýiDes Mr. G. Meredeth Linten, a well- 1known fome esid-nt of Orone, dîdon Mo)nday, Septernter 22nd, J)6.9in Mmo i Hesital, Bowv- mainville. M.r. Linton,--bus for the p-st few years, been a resi,!dent of Bovjrnanville. àM: Lnton was superintenident ,of the Oroho Brancr ofthe De-ý partment of. Lands and Forests for forty years, having planned and sta ted the Nursery in 1922. Hie riF,ýire!d as Superintenident in the FaIl of 1961' remaini-ng on the staff as a fosltn or hard- woodplatatonsuntil 1964 when he. retired at the age of seventy. 'le leaves to, meurn his 'death, onle son ~Jai-nes W., Don Mils, one daugihter (Betty) Mrs. James, Pat- ters!on, Powmianville and a siSIter Iva C. LnoTorlonto. . The funerai service wag - 'feld' Wednesàay afterrýoon frem Noasth- cuit and Elilott Funeni Home, Bowmahville wiùh' internient-i the Orono bCeýmetery. $1,756.14 for the moving of hydro, lines dueto the Village road pro- gram. An amount of $137.20 was alio to be charged to the Orono> Water system due to'raising hy- drants and service boxes. Botir charges -are fift Y-Percent of. the labour costs. olltinIndians Topies F or Local NDP Po1l1Lulion.ind, n Vfairs an--d agricituri poicies are some o Cf the oispeetd l eou tins wid are to e ireiandcd to the federal conf&renee of the New Deniiocratie lPartv in Winni- egnexi,.t ronth by. the Nortbuax- beI11and-tDurham New Democrats. helocal csRtosWere nrom- piedý( at a meeting reccntly held :n portIHope. Lcaâl NDPs dlaim that IC- 1. cral poliecy o ,fabisrn Iniai treaty rligbts and repealing th Indlian Act over tire objections of thýe Indians only adds fùrther h jury te the naany. injust ,ices on' Canada'-s naive Peopyle. Wlfr-d Day, wbo introduced the resolu-tions, quoted Chfief K. Marsden a£ the Aidervilde Re- serve as sayting t-bat ma ny Indipn bandis already had self, govero- (Clontinued ,Page. 5) OeMan's lloblhy Even in this day oT hus'1 and bus-tic m-an takes upor-hiimself at Laust one hobby in which hec gains enj-oyment and satisfaction. The hobby nxay range from eollecting antiques te sports, participation in grorp antivities, discussion groups, assiisting witb municipal prejeets an-d even te watehing tel- eviQion. Of course many are more rewarding than others, but thev are items wiho take care of man's iesure turne. 11 -Mr. Robert Hancoek of 'Orono is shown abeve witih iis hobby mbih, over tire past few years, items of interest were in tireJine of bottles anld bbre he iasbetie dating bac], to tire 134U-s aTc tbcy are in every shape and ss barns. etc. lHe cites one case where ire tui:red up eid bofttes wvhile d ;in- ai ounad an old unused gar- irage pile. *MIr. Hancock is not alone in thre cclleeting' of antiques, for many jh- n in ehe practice te their in- ed vdual enIjoyment. bsglown in magnitude and in int Crestý . In speakiîng with Mr. Hnokand bis wife, it becomes qu te evident that a great deal of nhuasm gce-s into bis hobby of collecting antiques and it is in fart developing miat somewirat of a basizinen-s of buying and selbing. Mr. Hanieock refers te the hist- orical value of antique collecting netf only of tire local area but a4- se )f thre entre country. fHils irst imaginable. ýIn iris collection.-ire iras some which wcre dispensed at at thie local drug store in Oronto operated by L. A. Gisby frein 1854 teo 1894. The label on this bottie is still intack. Hie aso has; a bottie dispcnsed la Orono byý C. B. Berýancl wir oecratjed a store eut of thre present Mece- zie store. Ano'etr item of interest te M.- Yanceck bas been lamps and ire iras many inii colection- it some shewn ini thiý above picture. Hie even lias anc i;tem whicb he cannot define nor bas anyonc cilse been qb'c te telI bJmi iti s Wherè do yen fPind iantiques? Anywhere states -Mr. HFancock ev- en Vo o14 garbage dumps, atice,