w..- -- -' - - - -.- -- - ~- - - - . ... ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TRURS»)AY, SEPTEMBER 25th, 1969 Priz. Winners Las-mer. -Premi'er Býreeder - R. Lanmer. 'Premier Exhibitor - H. BÉard AChildren's Classes - Jennifer B*ird. ýKenton Baird. Paul Larm- er, Robert Bard. 44H Club, Glass - Davi Larmer, John Lainier. ON.TARIO-DURHAM JERSEY CATTLE -CLUB Grand Champion Bull - T. Sten- ATTENTION FAIRMERS -WHY PAY MORE? SAVE ON Premium Quality GASOLINE ~DIESEL SMOTOR OIL Farm tanks and'pumps av affable CALL COLLE CT 668-3341 DX OIL FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Wviliam C. Hall, B. Comm. Chartered, Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Aill day Wednesday and Saturday lest Buy Robin Hood , Save 17c. Asst. Varieties Coke Mixes '6 pckets,$1, Best Buy! Reg. 2 for 47c., marked 2 for 39c Bath Size 2 Bar Bundies Palmolive Soap 3à-m$ Save 28c. YORK S.ptic Tank Service GENERAL PUMPING 24 BOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontario Telephone 983-S266 or 983-5728 Fancy Quality Crea 1m Corn 514oz tin$1 ASSORTED FLAVOURS Best Buy! SAVE 19c. Red and White Instant Coffee 8 oz. jar $1 Sunspun ICE CREAM Mtake vour own deliclous cones or sundaes ~uoe - z. Kg.Pint Bricks CHEESE SLICES 3 for, 1$ 4 for $1 LEE BRAND CHOICE- Red and White Evaporated TALL TINS PNAPE4fr$ MILK 6 for $1 *Sliced* Crushed Tidblts 19 oz. tins REG. 27c. VALUE - RED and WHITE SLIC0ED BREAD 24 oz.loaf 21 c OR-ANG ES New Cr.p S-A Valencia doz. 5 9C Red or Biue Brand Beef BLAD E Specially Selected Branded For a wonderful faznily meal lb. 59eC CORNISH'S RED & WHITE We rneethe rlght te lIt quatto Phmues$8-Mt ,Omos __________________________________I ger and Son, Enniakillen (Veter- inarian's Trophy)., Reserve Champion Bull L., Carl. iludley, IHampton. Grand Champion Feniale- R. Stenger. and Son, Enniskilleu (Purna Trophy). Reserve Champion Feniale -W. F. Ratt5v a nd Son. Premier Breeder R. Stenger and Son. Premie .EAdiibitor, - R. Stenger aiid Son. Special - donated by A. H. Stur- rock and Sons - Best Exhibit of Barlçy - Wes Yellowle es, Ennisk- ilien; Best Exhihit of Owats Wes Yellbwlees. Special - doniated ý E. F. R. Osborni, RR 2, Newc'astle- Best % Bushel Apples - Carlos Tfain- blyn,, Onono; Best 6 qt. Basket of Apples - Walter Piersma, New- castlje. FLOWERS- ffamuilton's >Insurance, Special for7 mort points by New Exhibitor Clarke Public, LI BRAR Y HOURIS OPEN: Tuesday 6:30 - 8:30 Thursday 6:30 -8:30 Frlday 2:30 - 5; 6:30 - 8:30 Saturday 10:0 12:00 a.m. LYLE WEST ELECTRIC Orono: 983-5962 Quality Electrical Heating and Lightlng Installations and Repaire by Certifled Electrielans 0110." Smallest Cat Newtonville. Orono. Unusual Pet Guinia Pig - Largest Ralibit Swallest Dog - Jeffery De Jong, Orono Largest Dog - Joe Verwey. Lin- dsay. - Shelly Brown, - Tim Stapleton, l'an Moffat, Orono - Wendy Wilkins. Mu" 1 Arlene Aluîn, (h-ono. J. van, Nest Special Fer boy or girl wiVli Most points ini junior Section - lst. DoNna Challice, Or- Ono; OathY MigIson, Orono and David Luxton, Orono tled for 2nd. Bowmanville Auto Parts spec- i for most artistic di splay or arrangement: Mrs. C. Tink, Hiamp- ton; Mis. H. Sdhniid, Orono. Milison Iýnsurance Agency Spec- tilfor exhibitor receiving most points in show - Mrs. C. Tinic. NEESLEWORK... Clarke and Daresngton Special, lst prise clonated by Mis. Carl Biuin.,gs to Mrs. 'Fred Payne, Hamipton; 2nd prize djonated by FEllis Shioe Stors. Bowmanvle to Mrs. Z. Patrson. Orono. Paulàne's 'Speeity Sdiop donat- ed -to Young Aduilt with Most Points teo Mj!,,s D. Brown, Osthawa. ýRiokiby's' Specmial for most points by Ne*'-Exhibitor to Mrs. B. iSman Prt: Hope. Sir~so~SersSpecial for most Points' in Needjlecraft and Dom-. estie - Mrs. F. Payneý IHampton. Wonien's Groups - for Apron Beaear consisting of dîsplay of 8 Aprons - lst Newcastle U.'C.W.; 2nd St. Georges Anglican Churoh, Newcatle; Hampton Ladies Group, ,Blaekstýock W.I., tied for 2nd; Centennial United Church. Orli- *awa; Lakeview Ifander.aft Guild If Oshawa. DOMESTIC SCIENCE- Grand, Champion Cake -Mis. J. Barlow, Orono.; Res. Champion Cake - Mrs. F. Payne, Hamnpton. ýGrand Champion 'Pie - Mis. 1. Challice, Orono;ý Res. Champion Pie - Mr. Wm. Lake, Newcastle. ,Chocolate Cake to be audtioned Mirs. Wni. Lake, Mis, W. B. Hoar, Orono; Mrs. 1. Harris, Orono. Banana Layer Cake to be auc t- ioned - lirs. F. Payne, Mirs. R. Sutton, Orono, Mirs. V. Gimnblett, Orono. Decorated Birthday Cake for Adult - Mirs. G. Ra.iney, Orono; Mrs. J. Walker, Orono. White Layer Cake, - Mis. J., Walker, - Orono Amateur Classe - Two* Layer Cake - Miss Cristena Selby. New- castle; Mrs. Maude Crawford, Oshawa. Young Adu'lts - Cake, Mix - Miss Chrisiena Se1by, Miss. Carol Cald- woll, Orono; Miss J. Brook, Osh- awa. ,Speeiial - Collection of six di£- feont, products from kitchen suit- able for Xmas Gifts - Mis. J. Walker, Mrs. I. ChaThce, Mrs. A. Hloliiàngsworth, Orono. McCorniick's Special Cake- Mrs. R. Sutton, Mrs. J. Barlow. Fr;y-Cadlbury Chuooliate Cake- 'Mrsý. F. Payne, Mirs. J. Barlow, Mrs. N. S$elby, Newcastle. Sponsore for abo've prîzes were: Mis. A. F. MoKenzie, W. lÇay Lyet, M rs. J. Rickard, Mirs. R. R. Waddell, Vanstone's Flour Mulis, J. Anderson Smiithi Co., Me- Gregoûr 1HFfidxare, Mrs. A. Turn- er, Mrs. Harold Giibson, Chuck- wagon Restauirant, Dutcth Oven Restaurant, Mis. G. Carson, Mirs. M. Taniblyn, Glen Rne Dairy, Simipson Sears, MSs. W. P. Irwin, Kramp Furniture Co. and Lam- bert's Barber Shop. Five Roses Flour Special !White Bread -Mrs. C. B4lings, Mrs. R. Suttoýn, Orono. Layer Cake - Mis. R. Sutton. Mrs. N. Selby, Newcastle. Pie -Mis. F.,Payne, Mis, R. Sutton. J. M. Schneider Special Apple Pie - Mis. M. Crawford, Ohocolate Cake - Mrs. M. Craw- ford and Butter Tarts - M. Craw- ford. Special for Most Entries in Dome-stdc Science - Mis. J. Bar- low, Orono. Pony Race - Blair Vaneyke, Ty- rone, Joan Gerrow, Leskard; Kathy Neweill, Leskard, Lois Ger- row, Leskard; Don Wood, Kendal; Carol Flynn, Orono, Maureen SDog wth Jhoirtest tail .- Jeffery De Jong, Orono Dog with imigest tail - Joe Ver- wey, lÀilday. Also winning puizes: Patty Hoo- ey, Orono; Laurie Doat, Newcas- tle, Bradley Fayman, Newcastle, Linda Dost, Newcastle. Plant NOW FOR SPRING BEAUTY We now have a ful "of. Bulbs for your f ail planting- TULIFS, HYACINTIS, DAFFODILS, CROCUS ETC. ETC We also have individual. pot. ted bulbs for forcinig inside Enjoy.theni in your home Middletons Orolis Phone 983-5242 WHEN THINKING 0F THINK 0F iMAlS We have a gond dIoice of ME4N'S, LADIES', W.ATCHES WALLETS, ZIGHTEÉS, Box CHOCULA.tEs PIPES, GIFT TOBACCO Many. other interesting itemsi MATîlIS IIARDS and' BarbersImp, Albert's Texace GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Oreme Painting and Decorating INTERIOR - EXTERIOR PAPER.HANG;INGî REMODELLING "For a dlean dependable lob" Cae 'Douglas and Gar" 'Simpson 983-5104' Ql.*ý- AD -- -1-