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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Sep 1969, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES.. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25th, 19G9 .TCH ion ia 35e :a~in. SHADOW VBAN 125 TR-LIE BLB volts. TILT UB ~ Select 50, 100 and 15ü watts from the same bulb at the turn of a switch. Uses standard 120 volts and fit$ medium base: lasts 1000' hours. Value M8 ........ýSpecil66î 10C)-200-300. watt large base white bulbs, Value $1.27 ....Special 97 CEPTACLE amp jacity at vol ,--ground let. je 45d . 9 TH ýer foot Retil per ft. T Kendul News M40. S. B. Rutherford will show bis pictures of bis tn.ýp t Seot- land, in Kenidial Sunday Sho - on the eveniing of October 1, Wedmesillay evenîng at 8 p.m. Tiis is an open meeting and the U.C. W. are hoping for a lare turn ouit of both Mien an.d women. Lnhwllbe served. s.T. Stevens and Miss C. Stewart attended Kirby, Annivers- ayon Sunday ýevening. 'iPh home- of Mr. George Pope bas been sold to Mr. R. A. Bren- nan of Kendial. Floclvs of wild geese have heen goin.g south this week. The long dry speil of five weeks bas rmade tneLSeSrarY for Somne farmers t buy Water. Most of the grain and tohaco lias been , harvested. Faniners have begun the sfio fi- ing witl '.bc abundant corn crop. When waing a man's shirt, Put a littie hair shampuo on the colaýr it will remove body oi bet- ter than soap duoes. We c<nud not help but admire the artstic arrangement of the front page of the Orono Times lasit week. There werè two p)retty grarýPite nurses on the left baud -i'de. On the right was t'he pnrize 'ýiýnlnig float showing Orono street in the background and be- low Mr. Wmi. Tamblyn holding a prize winning Holstein heif er froxn the Tamiane Farms. Local illustration means a lot to the Orono People. 'Lhe Women's Insti:tute of Ken-- dal met at the home of Miss C. W. Stewairt on, Tuesday eveninEg, Spemiber 16o ith the President, Mrs. John HederI-son in thc. chair îhc meeUÊng opened w,lh the s nging of the Ode. Thc roll cati was, "What to you bias been the most n(<Lceable effect of 'Polo- tion." some of the 'replies were, "Biiight on t'he 'tohbacco, potatoes, etc and' the question of whether the dischiarge 'from the smoke stacèk of the cernent factory fore- ed downward by heavy fog, could have eaus'ed the bligbt. L akes in the north are radium poluted in somne places and'even the cr.ay fish are deformed by the waste from a, plant. Oottýgers could nst swim in the lake so the people .left. Detele-nts, have caused foam on the rivers. Loud ,music is, a form of' sound polution and the, noise 'of jet planes landling is brard to endure. Mns. A. Low read a paper on polution. Sihe tld of the 10,00 birds that died on the Guif of St. Lawrence last spring from an oit slick. Mention was, made of the holding tanks west of Newton- vlle. Mrs.' W. Mercer and Mrs. MV. Manders provided lunch. The next meeting wili be Pt the wiollens reacly to send in soon., Leave thehi with Mrs. E. Cour- home of Mrs. A. Low. Get those OUX. BASE CLOSING MAY BE BONANZA There have been seven in- quiries- and three firm offers fs'om iýndustries wanting to est- abiish plants in the Canadian Forces Base at Cobourg, which is to be vacated on a graduil asis by te'e Dpartment of National Defçrc'cestartirg len1970 Mayor J. A. Ile ad at the closrng, of the i which oould have bee a COssas-ter for LocalNes ýMiss Marjorie Hloidge, Toronto 7spent the weekend with Mrs. - hûas.Wo9d. Mr., and"Mrs. Bruce Mercer -re- turned home Satur-dev eveni-ng, alter spending a very pleasant week attbe Sea, Spray Motor Inn, Kennëbunk Beiadh, Maine, taking ,hie .,wenàc route through the Mountains to the Coast. Mrs. John Leisliman of Oshawa- spent the wýeekend w1Vh Mrs. mil- ton Tam(blyn, Mrs. ýThiornton Wilaonýj has re- turned from. Bowmianville Hospi- ta ýani is staying in a rest home neagr ber daughter, 'Mrs. Fred -Mottashed at Si'ee Us A Blesig (,Continued from page 4) abunriance. As Christian people we beliieve that every man is a child «~ God. To help us meet our Oh'istian ob- ligation, the, UnitÊd Church lias a Delvelopment and Reilief Fund. when you see a bungiw people there are three things that have to be done. No one step alione is enough. 1. We must feed a hungry man., 2. We rýt teiaoh hlm to grow mare food. 3. We morý.t teach hm how to F'mi his famrily to the amount of faod that is aiailab1e. Our Relief and! Developiment f7ond is- a bqlaned pro(gram-me w itb lthree faue.Yuask, ' 10 uc1h of What-Igiveever gets to the LidO? The answer is 100 cents on each dollar. We p. omise yoýu. Each depart-ment is coverin g the smail administrative ioisjt t Your dollar ail gets thýere. Miake an !nvestment for -a better world. A world made better ho- cai3e Christirans d'o care about their brother man." UNITED CHURCU' Orono Pastoral Charge Ministeir 1ev. B. E. Long SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 28th .Orono Ulnited Church- Sùnday Scho>1 at 10:00 Ser~vice af 11:15 a.m. Kirby- Morni-ng Service at 9:45 a.m. Sunday Sehool at 11:00 LADIES' DRESSES More faîl and winter dresses! Crimp, kuits, wool tweeds, wool double kaits anid other fabs-ics. The newest in styles and colours. Sîzes 7 to 24%z. iPAced frýom ,$15.95to$65 LADIESBLUE New P«rma-Press Blouses, many taWilored styles suitable for wearing with Slacks. Shades of goki,, green, pink, M1ue and white. Sizes 10 to 18. Priced friom .... $5.50 týo $8.95 NOW AT YOUx DX service Station ilighway 35 and .115, Juast lirth of Newcaatle Featri... Premium Quallty Products -AT THfE MOST JWASONABLE pRICES- Stove OÙ nlaY he Plckedý up la BEY quaatlty 19.9e per galion ATTENTION FARMM&~ and TEUCK]ERS -spedal discount on gasoilme and diemel fuel. PHONE 987-4215 CENTRAL 0ONT ARIO TRUSTm Memnber Canada Deposit Insurance For or3 Years 0on 840 on 4 -5 years Central Ontario Trust& Savings Corp Head Office, 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 723-5221 9 ' Branch, 23 King St. W., Bowmanvilie F UN JA1 D »623-2527 LADIES SHELLS Different styles in sleeveless boucle Shelis. Good fall shades. Sizes S, M and L Priced f rom .... $4.95 to $9.95 DREISS LININ-G Rayon lining for dresses and skirts. 54 sncb width. Shades of beige, gold, green gre-y and blue. Pî dpqýr'yard .89e t,$1.00 FLANNELETT Good guaLity flannelette lin attrac- tive Prints, suitable for pyjamas for ail of the family. Shades of green, yellow and blue predominating. Priced per yard .... 69e to 75. ARST G k ~ 7 qid fer Dr

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