ORONO WEEKLY TIjMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25th, 1969 O.P.P. Report' Prom: Ontario Provdncial Police, Newcastle, Otaraio. The Newcastle Detaehment> of the Dntarxïo Provincial Poýli.e dur- ing9 the week of Septeiniber l2th to 19th, investigated il accidents in mqÉcih 6 persons were injured and 5-persons werecdharged. The Newcastle Detacliment In.- vestigated 67 General Occurrenc- es fnom Sept. 12 - 19 inclusive. One moatter xhidh stili seems to exist is the maie nervert wh'o et- temptis to entice young seho girls into their cars. ýParents and sohool teachers - Tt's vour duty. as well, to i'nïprefss tpon those students, under nu circuinstances are they to accept rides £rom strangers. It is of extreme import- ance Vo our investigations of these matters that a.licence number be obtained. Another proble.m is the' boys with pellet guns. If you're undeý 14 yeaàrs of age, you are'bre-Aingc the law by having one in your possesion. When these youth's are caught 'doing ,damage Vo some- ones property by means of a pel- let ýgun, it is you, the pirents. who suffer. This causes ernbarrassnent by means of Court appearaflce. t'O the vict4m. Driving Tip Liast 'week weé stoke of the care- free girls an d boys godri,, Vo and fro, from schoo. For this rea- son, you motorists should be par- ticul1aiy uttous in scihool -zones. The car driver lias an extra re- spopiis,;Iyuity teo xtop for the schaol bus wheii the red flaýhîng 1liiýhtS are on. The complains are few on 1his matter so far, but we, exnet Vo investigate, mure as,,the ,school year progresses. If a lience is ob- ained (yours), you the driver will be located, and charged. Remnemiber, give the chilidren a break, keepý them out t0f the hos- Local News Mrs. H. H. Barlow recentiy vis- Ited Mis Viola Gilfiuan S- --"o was 96 last week and 'Ms at the Cooper Nursinj Home, 329 Epo1e, Street,- Newmarket. Mos. C B. Tyrreli ret,,---od home last week from a three weeks visIt with her daugiter and sonin-law. Dr. and Mrs. Cornelius Maartense and famIly, at Soest, Genmanv. She -also visited in Holiland. Mr. and' Mrs. Wm. Jordt- - Max reemtly visited. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Adamis. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings and Mrvs. Harry Bailey are attending a weddiniz anniversary party in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Mnlir Shields (,nee Marlon Ricebv) at the CriÇket,Club in Toronto, to- nioht. Thursday. 1The death oceurred on Monidýv. sryt. 2 2nd. 1969 of Mr. J. AIJ1a4 Penfouud. beloved husb<arr -f, Loretta Nay1or Crossnla.n, father of Mrs. Carl MoTaggart (Mary) e,ýhawa: Jack of Oshawa and bro- ther of Mrs. Muriel Staples of Oro and Roy of Oshawa., Funer- ai service was from thie Armstronz Forerai Chapel Thuwnsday, Sept. 25 at 2 pim. Intermient Mount Lawn Ceimetery. Speciallzing in . . .I HOT WATER HEATP"'- Bob Yeoman's Plumbing -Hea'ting V .U. 1. Orono Phon- 9RI-5624 - 24 HFOUR SERVICE. - Newi Istallations - A.terations luu :kk,~ î;oà. .1 41 SALE EXPIRES OCT. 1lOth A LL P'RIl-CE s SLASýHED YOU CAN'T BEAT COUNTRY ~CLIP THIS COUPON BRING IN THIS VALUABLE COUPON ON THE PURCHASE 0F NEW jBOX SPRING & >MATTRESS ONE COUPON TO A CUSTOMER NO RETAIL MERCHANTS PLEASE r t' ýJC' USE COUPONS'!ý SAVE $ $-$! BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS LP Tais £COUPON BRING IN THIS VALUABLE COUPON GOOD â"l FOR uu ON THE PURCHASE 0F NEW CHESTERFIELD SUITE ONE COUPON TO A CUSTOMER NO RETAIL MERCHANTS PLEASE BRING IN THIS VALUABLE COUPON FOR ON THE PURCHASE 0F NEW BEDROOM SUITE ONE COUPON TO A CUSTOMER NO RETAIL MERCHANTS PLEASE Hwy>. 115-35 at Newcastle Cut-Off Phone 987-4715 Il' 7h ANNUAL PORT HOPE' NEW CAR, DEA.LERS A.UTO>'Si,,OW Peter Campb.11 *Areea- 2:00 to 10:00 p.m. each day Sept. 26 -27 Showing. CHRYSLER CORP. of CANADA FORD of CANADA rENERAL MOTORS 0F CANADA LTD. RENAULT, - VI.LKSWAGON TRAILERS - SNOWMOBILES, FREE DOOR PRIZES - PARKING - MOVIES ADMISSION 50è - Children under 15 must be accom- panied by parents AUl admissions go towards Recreational'Facilities for the yquth of Port Hope. Auto Dealer's Association of Port Hope Il uïl- Phone 987-4715