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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Sep 1969, p. 7

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ORONO ýWEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY,, SEPTEMBER 25th, 1969 Noie0f change 0f Rates EFFECTIVE WITH ALL BILLS ISSUED ON AND AFTER NOVEMBER lst, 1969 The Orono Hydro Electrie Commission find it necessary te increase hydr o rates, due to the increased cost of power, material and equipment to eperate the system. The following are the new rates as set ougt and approvedl by Ontario Hydro: RESIDENTIAL SERVICE 1. 4.0c. per kilowatthour for the first 50 kilowatt-hours per menth. 2. 2.0c. per kilowatt-hour for the next 200 kilowattheurs per month 3. A block of 500 kilowatt-hcurs per month at a special rat~e of 0.8e. per kilowathours to be made available to custo-mers using, au approvedl eleetrie water heater sup. plied thýrough the residential service meter after 250, kilowatt hours have beep billedl at the foregoing rates 4. 1.0c. per kilowatt-heur for ail additional moathly con- sumption. Minimum monthly bill - $250. HOUSE IIEATING 1. 4.0c. per kilowatt-hour for the first 50 kilowatt-hours Pei month 2. 2.0c. per kilowattheur for the next 200 kilowatt- hours Per month. 3. A block of 500 kilowatt-hours per month at a special rate of 0.8e. per kiiowatt-hour to be made available to customers using an approved electric water heater sup- plied through the reQidentia1 Qervice meter after 250 kil- owatt-hours have been billed at the foregoing rates. 4. 10c. per kilowatt-heur for ail additional monthlv con- suinption. Minimum monthly bill- $2.50. COMMERCIAL SERVICE DEMAND CHARGE 50c. per kilowatt per month'of connected load or maximum, demand. Minimum monthly demand charge - 50c. CONSUMPTION CHARGE 1. 2.8c. per kilowa#t-hour for the first 100 heurs' use per - montit of connecteti load or maximum demand.' 2. 0.7c. pýe ki1owatthour for the next 100 hours' use per montit 44 connected load or maximum demand. 30.45c. per kilowatt-heur for, aIl additional monthly con- sumption. Minimum meonthly bill - $2.50 SMALL COMMERCIAL SERVICE C-ïmmercial establishments with -a connectedl load of under 5, kilowatts to be billed at the following rates 1. 4.0ç. iper kilowatthour for the first 50 kilowatt-heurs Per montit 2. 2.0c. Per kilowatt-heur for the next 200 kilowatthours per moih 3. 1.2c. per. kilowatt-hour for all additional menthly con sumption, Minimum monthly bill - $250 COMMERCIAL COOKING A rate of 1.2e. per kilowatt-hour for separately me- tered energy for cooking purposes Ps an alternative to the Commercial service rate COMMERCIAL SPACE-HEATING. A rate .of 1.35e. per kilowatt-hour for separatelv me- tered spac .e heating as an alternative te the Commercial $Serv ice rate. INDUSTRIAL POWER SERVICE DEMAND CHARGE $1.00 per kilowatt per month of connected load or max- imum demand CONSUMPTION CHARGE 1. 2.5e. per kilowatt-hour for the first'100 bours' use per mouth of connected load or maximum demand 2. 0.5e per kilowgtt-hour for the next 100 hours' use per montit of connected load or maximum demand S. 0.33e per kiiewatt-hour for ail additional monthly con- sumption STREET LIGHTING Energy charges calculated on the basis of $49.80 per kilowatt per annum of the street Iighting eonuected load.' Scrlpture Lesson Matthew 25: 31-46. Jesus said, "Blessed are those Who hunger and thdrst after righ-t- eousness for they shail be filled." What is rigbteousness? The Bible uses the concept of righteouspess te deësîgnate a re- ]ationship between man and God. Gornelius, a centurion, is cailed a rigliteous mnan because le is a God fearing man.> Elymas. the magician, is called the enemy of ail righteousness because lie inakes crooked the straiglit naths of the Lord. Jesus cafled the judge unrighteous because lie neither feared God nor regiarded Jesusý said those who bunger and thirst after righteousness miay be assured that hs longing wlll be met by God. Abahiam accepted ths relationsip, relying on God alone to uphold hîm. Abraham was acunted rigbteous becoause lie put first the doing of God's wil as he saw iV. SJesus is rigliteous beoause H1e aeted for the benefit of others. There, is no unrighteousness in Jesus because H1e seeks not Ris own glory but the glory of God, the One Who sent Him. nhe right- cous are those who have met the demancis towarids their fellowmen whieh are laid on them by their participiation in the covenant re- l'ationship. They have fed the hungry, given drink to the thirsty and performedà other acts of meecy. Jesus said. "Unless your right- eoausness shuli exceed that of the Scribes and Pharisees you shalil in no case enter inito the Kingdorm of heaven. Why? The Scribes wer-e the interpret- ers and the expoundCeris of the law and as jurists hey adrninist- ered- it. The Prlaris.ees were "the separated ones," meticulous in re- ligious obNservanices and disciplin- ed in conduetit. Very pyatrioitie. op- poseýd Vo vwoelclliness, they were int i 't to bringl religion to the eophe and wee' e-iolIs to the needy. Iin a narrow sense tbcey were good mnen. Yet here Jesus uses them ias a warning, as types of the "not eniotghi" EIsewbere H1e speaks of theln 'in condenina- tion. "Why"? 1. The Pharses' ighteousness was not "long" enônigh. IV bas no reacli. A man not kee-pinig the outward oservanices of religion was an eutQast and they vwould net buy food fior himi. They would have f ew dealings with foreigners. They would draw their robes a- bout them te aveid contamniniation lest they slieuld corne in contact with an unclean person. H1ow mucli of our rigiteous-' neïs falls short. We wiil noV help people beciause they, are not of the right class or 'they are not m'aking use of things as they shouild. Or they 'are frýor another country or a stranger and we leave hern te thcmselves. 11ew easy Vo ostracize certain peoýPle in Our eomrnunîty, and ntot'realize th4s is the very thing the Pharis- 'ces were doing. 2. The Pharisees' righteousncss was net "deep" enougli. They judged by heredity and by the standard of the law. It was a low form eof rigbteeousness and only part ef iV. IV was, a negative good- ness, consisting, of "Thou shait not" prohibitions. William Barclay points eut that many are contentý with part ef righteousness. A man rnav be goed in the sense that his hon- esty, morality and respectibility are beyond question but ne man could go te hlm and weep eut a sorry story of f4ihtre. 11e would freeze. There caî be goodncýss Which iis accompanied with a liardn-ess, lacek of symtatby and sui go'edness is partial goodÉess. found in te Seipture lesson. To those on the right the Mast- cr seid, "Enter int the jey of the Lord for I was hungry and you gave me food. I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I xvas a stranger and yen weleomed me. I was naked and vou ciotbed me." In astonishment the rigliteous say, ".When Lord did we do tris?" And 11e said, "Inasmucia as, you did it te the least, you did it te me.", Then He will say tei those on the le&t "Depart from me vou wicked people for you did net Inluaiister Vo Me." In amiazement they say, "Wrhen Lord did we ne- gîlcet yeu lu suchl a way? " And 11e said, "Inýasmueh as you did noV doie 1V o others, you didn'V do it te Me." ,Seo there iis a great blessing in hungeriug -after righteousness.. Only when we hunger and thirst afler this kind of righteousnesis w~1the hunger in the world be recàieved. Hunger, we'll heur from Dr. McClure, lis a- terrible hing and is geling te have a great ef- fect in.the future of our world. When ~ l Hugr 'sABlessing There are two big a huuigry world. problems in 1. The problem of peverty and hunger 2. The problem of having ahti Hockey Registration Ail boys wishing to' this year i the Orono Mrena should register in the Arena on from 7 to 9 p.m. Please bring yoîir Birth Certificate and $7,00 registration 'tee with you. Ail boys must be registered by October 6th at the latest. Orono Amaeur Athletic Assoc. TURKEY SHOOT ORONO FISH and HUNT CLUB SUNDAY, OCTOBER Çth! 196e unti Club Range - Follow signs off Taunton Road at the Leskard Intersection. From 10:00 a.m. on Lunch served at Range SHOTGUNS ONLY Turkeys 20 25 lbs. The"Businehss 0f Farming Course APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED FOR The Business of Farniing Course Tihis course is deogigned to provide fuli-timef arm operatorQ, with the necessary technical and management skllls in farm- ing to enable them to develop viable, economie farm opera- tions. SUBJECTS COVERED- Include Farm Business Management, Souls, Crops, Livestock, Farmn Shop andi Farm Finance., COURSE DURATION- Approxinately 20 weeks - 30 hours Der week from November 17, 1969 through to, April 3, 1970, inclusive. COURSE LOCATION - Lindsay Campus. Sir Sandford Fleming College 33 Russell Street East Lindsay, Ontario Aliowanees may be paid to qualified Candidates Application forms may bc obtained from your County or Dis- trict Office of the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food (up tô October 14) 14 Frank Street, Bowmanviiie, Ontario (623-3348) Jointly sponsored by: Canada Department, of Manpower and Immigration Ontario Department of Education; and LOntario Department of Agriculture and Food Two thirds of the people In the wonld go te bcd hungry every niglit. Haif of the people are n e er going to know wliat it feels like to have a fuùli stomacli. Ten thousand die freom hunger eveTy twenty four heurs. Fifty percent under,.2l. Canadian young people of the people in thuls world are will have to share the world xvth these young people from other lands. We are getting closer te- gether ail the lime. Plianes are faster, communications are get- ting better and these hungry peo- pie frar outnumber us. Thev ýaie four toeue 110w and in thirty years may be nine to one. This isn't a fiee picture, -a whole lot of hungry people moving clos- er and cdoser in on us wlhile iA are well fed and often overfed. We have a thousand mÉIlon bush- els too ýmuch wheat on hand and eighty percent of the productionî ni chinery of the, world. Soniecday gomeene may corne along and s, they "don',t like it." You woUld not be at ail rappy:

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