-l ~ i~f4m Med. Co-opTo Review ts Positîion S At. lihe twenty second an nual, meeting cf the Durham County Coop. Medical Services, licld na Orone on Tuesday evening the, membe>rship approvcd'a resolution -uthorizing the executive te make ai nce seary enquiries and take R,1i n.ccessary stops, if necessary, todetermine if cur business af- loairs must now be comipleted and aýur Uharter surrendered and te, Ivestigate cvcry lother reasonable altrnaivemethod cf eperation -ow permitted under the laws cf Onit.rio and-report te fa special- geneval, meeting cf thc meanber- i&ýkp. This resolution was .ýPassed after ailmost two hours cf discus- sion. The president, Mr. Rac Stew- art, opened the meeting pointing te its pyurpose te accept reports te discuss dissolution and te dis- euss the dIsposai cf the surplus. 1 Mr. R. iG. Moffat presented th'e, financial statement and stated that it was the first time in twenty-two ycears that the ce- operative operated at ia ljasa. IH said this was due to tan-increase in doctor feescf ten per cent and this was in effeet sometimne be- fore thc co.op premiums could lie adjutsted te meet the increase. Prort -Hope Man Buys .Batterwood Estate Batterweed Estate- the 3OO-cre L-ome 01 the late Vincent Meassey, lias been sold to L. Robert Marten .i real estate investor frein New- mýiarket who lias beuglit more than ;0 prôperties3 since moving to Port Hope two years ago- A brief btter from Hart Mas- bey, sol' Of 'the fermer first ýCan- Pa£Iianborn igovernor-general, a1- -nOunced lte sale. Port Hope b 'own council, thc ýhaniber of Commerce and oter orgaizatonshad appeled teo tho, ,'ederal_ geverninent te purchese ihe iprcperty ýand convert it into a historie monument in memory 3fi -Mr. Massey. Mr. Mrewowsinterview- A, said ie lied too greýat a re- >Pect f'or :Mr. Massey te usfe the b.uildngfor any iage coùuner- ciial purpose. "Theýrîi are people iwlose first tliolsght w-ould lie that I would cenvert Batterwooad into aPert--ý mîients, but it's toc special for -liat," lie acded. 4r. Merten, -Who nc,'w lives at Ganaraska Iflouse, ýnear Canton. Linatenda te nove into Batterwood lieuse. The idecl oni the estate, whidh iludes rfive lieuses and the old .uiJl,,but exdudes Durham Hieuse, vaes closcd with H'art Massey lest According te Mr. Marten, the contents kf tle bouse wil1 be sold et an auction at Simpson's in -toronto next nnil. "There are la few items wliich 1 would baie liked te retain with thc lQirese, but I. expeet 1 Will have, tc goto the auctien," lie Said. His l'ong-term plans fer Batter- ewood include such things as sun-, -l'er: camus for beys 'and girls: "there is a need for this sert cf ig and it's 'semewhat cf a chai- iehnge. I don't tliink It would be against Mr. Messey's wishes. Anything tliat 1 e doi lic on part of the rlnd and willi n ne wayv diange tlie main (area." Other ideas include a schocil for gis: "perhalps ballet or art and nieybe a litile thcetre. Wouldn't lbtlic nice te have a little theatre vi festivals in the ýsummer? Port Hope ýcould use tiese.sert of fedcilities," lic said. Whcn asked how many proper- tics ic orwncd in the tcwnm, Mr. Marten said lie didn't quite know jus hcw many, but le theught it was in thc regien of 50. The pricc ion lte Batterwood deal was net diselesed, but seme tiame a-o lV1r. _1 VIassey, ie a letter te lewn counecil, statcd ltaIt tc ,elIIi-,ig price lied bèeen set at More Students W'ith Higher Marks More Ontario sccondary sJchol students lare aciieving ttc higit-, est dipla availl, an Ontario Depatmcnt of'Education pupil retirement report stetes. ,'Thc report, wýhich covers bte tird fand fout vears cf la five- year study, istates that cf te 110,- 846ý st udents, reported lin te 1967- 68 sehiool year, 27,905 were lion- aur grad a n ad 34,492 received giadutILI lplomas. "Ttc rep)ort ai- se uovers te 1966-67school vear. When eut of 107,345 ýpupî),ls, 22,622 were honour graduates and 34,241 recoived graduation idiiiliomes. ft states that in 1967-68 more seonidary students titan ýever hae- fore Planncd te attend universities and titaI bthe Provincc's new coin- munity collages wcrc calisc ttract- ing an incinasing, numbercf sec- ondary scaoolgreduatas. Telles colleges were winning eut over achols c f nurslin i t- ts'acting Grade 13 girls. Fer ycýars, ttc report' states, te two hava, been about equielysueceessful îla. cnrolling Grade 13 girls but thc beechers' celleges have now movcd ahald In 1967-68, the report states, 3,297 Grade 13 girls enter- cd teachers' colleg-es whille 1,593 antered nurling owevcr, nursing aise attracterd 1,045 Grade 12 grls 0Of ttc 57,799 beys studied in (Continued page 7) The as for the year amounted te $1,158.00. The financlial report showedan increase in premiuan incame of, $15,000, making a total cf $119091 Investmnent incomie also increased te $11,527. Cost cf dlaimis during the Year amounted te $116.024 and cest cf operation $15,243. A reserve fund of. $93,463 ex- isted as of the end cf August, 1969. Mrs. Robert Chater prcsented the directors' report and stated that an inerease in meanbersliip had existcd during the ycar.ý She also reîyor ted thc enrolment in, a AUTHORITY TO PRÉPARE VALLEY PLAN Menibers cf thc Central Lake Ontario Conservation Autliority, Thursdray, unanirnously accepted a request from Oshawa council te prepaire a plan for lite dlevelop- >ment of thie Oshawva Crock Valley for parka purpose's. "Uevelopment cf the 500-acre Vailey area, would .probably be carricd eut ýover a 10 te 20 vear p-riod," CLOCA resources man- ager David Wood tbld, the fine r-emibers present, "with ite pro- jfct's probable cost about $2,000,- 000-1" drug plian. The report -stated that planning was impossible due te the introduction cf Medicare and due te the lack cf information a- vailable on this plan. Mrs. Ohater pointed eut that some co-oPeratives had amalizai- ated but that the local directors had ruled iagainst sucli a move 'as At ieant ls cf local charter, nmoules and name. She said that under this plan the local co-eper- etive couldonliv romain ýas a col- lectioniagcncy, and there was no, gufarantc.c that the local office would remain open. Amalgamation, alse meant the transfer cf most cf the reýserves ($93,000) te the central ;body. Mrs. Chater p..oint- ed eut that the Durhamn Co-onDer- ative was one cf the richeast and in turninçr over their reserves wcre cnly helping those xvlic were net in the same -oosition. She said the ýdirectors feIt thc nieney shouId stay in the area. The report ýaise nnaiqed the 1'vork of Mr-. Meoffat in this most diffi- cuit time. The directors recomn'ended that iat dissolution thc reserve lie dliidcd: l$50,OO0 amengst the mcieinbcrqbip according to xnre- iums patid overthe ilast five year with a minimum paymcnt cf $3.0 and that the balancé lie divided amongst the four hospitals in the United Ceunties. This recomnmendatien was not voted upon althougli discussed for scinetime. ,I, nsnîn+0tMIout tShe ,not- The major eart of thc devel- i- wspuneu'uLa uem"e ,iethant the Co-operative could opmnent eost will becevered liv 'aneot opoerabe as it had under thc grant cf 50 per cent from the ncw ,provincial leiIsIation vwhic h provincial government, with thcelias lirouglit OHSIP into force. remaining costs te tbe covcre-dli Oshawa (4735 per cent) and other ýJ.7rfa adh e i Autliority nlembers wil pick Mr. Meffthsaedloecld[ ec nPe the final 25peien.Ve amaîa-mating wifi a central Master Plan 7-d a l 11 Thcr~pcstfor the Authoritv's co-eerie. He sid anvthinfa asitnein drawing up a master tls e egaiatonci.o e plan, te foibow thc 196G6 r .om ý euu n do ythe nw egiltin inondations in the Prejeet- Plan-yoca yuse. nling Asscciati on's report {the ~ity cevrs lnd Pael srtckig lieaise informied the member- frt, omterek'sn mcu.rth atLka ship ,that those having Term OrroithtIcrksý oli, t t nLakcLife In§ýuranc will continue te Ondâi incc e fthaut itsotha . " eocvered througlithe Amalgamn- M ýr. "Wod; in '~i tt~fe ated, ceoertive 'but tatit was the 196t6g ai tt possible thqt a meapbershîp fea inntci pl caT~1foi-r~i~ten of e.00 1nay have tco lic paid. lb ;,kwas ýaise stated that the local Co- injrr(ainireunptjcts. ilike 'te ils mcmberslIip : for Oltario ~oobell ielis ad ~ u.'iospitel Services and that these foll fieds ti pjee oin.tr'eforma would have te lie sent te gýood points about it, listing la tServicte iprmt iumepay- bettecr chance te iinplcment a onts.rAtte resent tae a ls filoe6qco entroi plain for the vallcy,coeee ni m ecesar e est 'a chance te start a pollution con- co1r9uni6Dcbr9.t brol plan for the Creek and fln-19. ally utilizing the valley's recre- ebr wh haeuand ationral peotential. Dembes wfto he unlerarned Mr. Wood based t cr f - a nrmiuins t the6Co-operative $2,000,000 for developinent of tc atereOtolier d. 16.xii~» Valley on per-dollar acre prices,thsrtrnd Films 0f Maritimes Smhown At Orono Horticultural Meet Thc Horticutural Society wes plcscd te have Mr. and Mrs. W. iVUMahon of Bethany as guesta et their Scpteanbcr 25th meeting. They head been on a bus tour of the MVlaitime provinces leýst susn- mer and wer kiad enrouglite bring tihe mevica they lied teken. Mrs. Moehoupaovidcd the ceoi- mentary, firsit cublning the route baken, then describing niany cf bhe beautiful and interesting views. Mrs. E, Ceuvier exbended thaciks te ttem and prescnted e gift. Mlr. O..Citallice presented Leur- le Schmid wth tIce tro-liy whidli ehe won et thc Junior Show. Prize winners in thc window box competition were, Mrs. J. D. BTown, Mrs. W. Wood and Mrs. J. C. Gamey. SMrs. Chllice, show dliairman. distributed lte prize money for the August fiorwer and vegetaile show. SIc alse went ever thc ist for te Oteber slow wliicli fea- turcs the use cf dried matclals. The photo competition isa bing hcld ealong xvit titis show. This is open te all memnlers of te Se- ciety and bhc pictures mcy t.avc been taken ny year., PLEASE NOTE: Slides are to be in ly Octelier 15th te Mes. E. Schmid, Mils, Conuvier or Mr. O'. Cheallce. You inay enter twe slîdes in eech classrend these classes arc listcd in bliç vear bock Mr. OhallIce annoecd te District Herticulturel Convention to e li leld et Feneloyn Fells this Saturday, Octolier 4. Door prize winners for thc ev- cning we re Mr. Hesper Dean. Mrs I. Farrow and Mis. J. C . Gampir. Mrs. Woods and lier cemnittec served tee, ceffee, fruit liread cnd cheese while, evci-yone visited. It wes askcd If thc local' Co- operative could net continue and provide -a service sudh as Maier Medicel ceverage. iMr. Bac Stew- art f cît that with thc amaîl mcm- hcrship (1149) that it was cimost impossible te give such e cover- age at a reasonable price. It was pointcd out that the Amalgemated Coýop' was giving 9uch a service at coats cf $15.00 Singlie; $30.00 a couple. Tliese premiums cern- pered wibh $5.00 aend $10.00 liv the local Co-operative xvhen it was giving other medical services. Only Qne recommendation otli- er then tiat cf the directers for the disposition cf thc reserve was given. Mr. R. Lovekin suggcstcd, tat a revolving scholership lic es- bablished for nursing and medical students. In rep&y Mr. Stewart stated titat thec governinent onlv derdurtcd ienvsud funda frein theic contributions te a student se lte student was ne fuiliher a- hcad rwitit such a seitolersiei. WiVli Ile reselubien passed, as prescnted in the firat article, the meeting edjrourned. It will new lie nccesairy for thc direetors te oeIl a furthler meeting te ,,resent their fi - dings te te memibership. Orono Weekly. Times, VOLUME 33, NUMBER 39 JRONo WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER Znd, 1969 Championship Game InKendal Sato The Kendal h iciget, BasebaUl Club won the second igame of a three game series with coulrtight f'or the Ontario Championship, on Sunday in Courtriglit.- This viet- ory hby Kendýal now ties the.series at one game apiece with the f'in- ai and deiciding gaine being play- id lit Kenjdal this Saturday after- noon at 3:00 .m. Courtright iad won the irst g.,aine 10-O iln Kendal while Ken- dal won the second glane 54 îi Courtriglit. On Sunday pitching duties werc handled by Gary Smith ' and Mike iViGregor for Kendal. -Bill Lord was the big hitter for',Kenda1 with. thrée its, Kendal waseut, n front 5-1 late in tice game When Courýt- rieht threatened with three 'runs te bring the final score te rest at 5-4. Com.e out and cheer the V-'Irl lads on to' their first OntarioL champaonslp this Saturday at 3. Clerk-Adminiïstrratoer *Fer Bowmanville Josephi M. Mcllroy, AMVC.T, will ûake up the duties of Cek Adminitatr for Bwavleo October- 2tli This was decidd ýt a special meeting, of Town Ceun- cil beld 'in the Cotuncil Chamber on Monday eveinig. Councilor Rbübert Dykstr, onded by Couneillor Leslie Coc- bes, moved that lhe ~recoir"-Çï' tion of the coiiiaittee apflin{ýed: to interview- arpplicarits-~~d menided byhé ieauditors ~N .Gunn, "\UellivelI andCIrt~, Toronto) for the pôàsitioii f" AdninL-trator be accepted, anJ, that Josepli M. Mclldlo.vA.9.C.Î: lbe ýappointed Cleirk-Aàmni8ltratot3.; for Bowmal e at .a saIâry cern- mencîng at $12,500,to remiain so- for 1970. Northumberiand- Durham Liberals Northuinberland'Durham Lube ai Association President Jamnes fi. Clarke and Dr. Iani Wilsoný of Câbourg will represent the North- umberlanrd-iDurham Liberal Asso- ciation at the National Liberal Preparatory Policy Conference ln Harrison, B.C., November 21-23 it was announced following a meeting of the Executive held in Cobourg recently. Dr. Wilson l Cheirmai of the PoIîcyCommittee of the Northuauberland-Durhazi Liberal Association. 'The ýp&npose cf the confer- ence." Mr. Clarke said'"is te beý- gin the evolution of the plce of the Liberal Party of Canada for the 1970's." He added that after the Conference Dr. Wlo and his Committee will lie expect- edte organize riding policy con-