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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Oct 1969, p. 2

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ORON4q WEEI<LV TIMES, TIIURSUAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1969ý ORC)NO WEEKLY Second Class Mail Registration Number 0368 Published every Thursday at the office of publication Main Street, Orono, OntaDio. Phone 983-5301 nhe Legisbature ef Ontario opened at Queen's Park this (week and this segssion coui be one whicih Will show some change. The governnent (has, rightly or wrongly, been buffeted with consicerable criticism during the past number ofîmonths and tWts attitude by the eiectorate could well sheve sonie inte'nded action whieh miglit becof a controver- eial nature. The formation of further areas into regional areas-wth regional governments could ibe one iphase ,,,here the brakes ýwiIlI e applied. The Rob>arts governsnent ini the last year lhas on1 a numnber o c 'ionk~s appeared to hauve passed legi4ation without kn'owing the. full ijnpUioatîo ns. This was -apparent with the formatin f the County Boar-ds of Education. The, principa;l aff 4I1tisnove to the larger areas was a sound one, we believe, but the fact remains that the govermuent was unaware of al-1 implications and werc »ne able to first in- forn the electorate -on these iinplïdeations. We refer to the condition whic{h arose when th.eL Côunty Boards 4evied their first tax rate ion a new bIais. Tfhis levy was governed by leg- lalation £rom the Province and Ïhad various effeets nt the municipal level. 8ome centres liac a decrease -in taxation whqle others ihad a conâideraMe juimp. Surely the govern- ment should have been aWare of thhs problem and couki havp informed the electorate on -the change or at laast in- formed the elected parties to the nqimerous boards. The government Was flot aware of this change and as ia result it was shown as inept in its knDwledge of its own legislation. Another area in wvhch the government lias not been sineere must Ibe that,,area relating to mediciare. The Prem- ier of Ontfarjo 'and bis coihiagues denouneed the federal 'hpdinare foia most vigorously as unsound, unwanted, un- timnely and one in vOhieh Orit"Io ru1 rot enter. Yet with- in days cf the last denouncement the government announced their entrance into the plin and that' OHSIP wüuld be one of the best. This is an affront to the intelhligence of the ei- ectorate tuho deserve much better than this, Agan there was ýa laek cf information to the public andation by the Minister of iieaIth sliowed he did not have .ul knvivledge of his own legisiatioti. 1 These are but two incidents where the govertmellt bas beCoqme cauelit in their own legisl1tion. Being a senior level of governartett the electorate expeets more coinpe- te'vce than bas been recentiy shovn. ANN'S BEAUTY SALON Callyour Wdll extend business heurs aslinzdPubg& Moday - 9 3 Jf.chanical Contractoe Tuesday - 9 - 6 rhwo alS ns alla 'Wednesday - 9 - 6 5dgi.nn lrhursday - 9 - 9 Fïiiday - 9 - 8 Baturday - 9 -6 C R ,,peia- C R A AM hair . oods in stock. Wigs, PUBN N ETN PWlUs and Hair Pieces. PUBN N ETN $10,00 and $25.00 Phone 983-5207 Orono Up'And D.wn The Book Stacks NEW BOOKS OCT. 2nd, 1969 Aduit YourFuture in Agriculture by Chester S. Hutdhison 1A Lauglter in the Lonely N$ght by, Henri Viscardi ,Jr. - A story of determined mien and women who made and heard that laughter. The Red Budtge of Courage -by Stephen Coi)ane Fail Safe by Eugene Rurdick co-author of 'The tlglv Aane.-icàn' The'EBeautifuI -Friend andOther Stories by Mary Stolz Junior young Olympie Champions by Stclve Gelinan Lawrence of Airabia hy Alistair MacLean Mystery of the Fat Cat by Frank Bonhani The Golden Pine Cene hy Cath- erine Andbhony Clark Betsy and Mr. ijiatrick bv Carolyn HayWood Little Toot by Hardie GraniatkyT The Sumtner Noisy Book by Margart Wise Brown Chiildlhood It A Time 0f 'Inno- cence by iJoan Walgh Anghuind Olga Beauchanap Kendal News A pretty wedding tecok Place in Kendal United Church on SatUr- day, Septe mber' 27 wben Dorotby Ann, dâughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer, was unàted in marriage ýto Douglas Mxthur Wa1lWr, son of Mr.' and Mrs. J. Walker of Orono. Rev. Sneëlgrove performed the marriige cere- mony while Mrs. Everett ý Brown played the wedddnrg music. Thie matron of honour xas Mrs. BrIan Foster. twin sister of the bride. The bridesniaids were Miss Irene Mereer, sister of the bride and Miss Cathy Walker., ister of the groom. The junior brides- maîd was Miss Lytin Couroux. cousin of the bride. The ushers were Douglas Mer- cer, brather of the bride and Alan Walker, brother of tihe Liroom. The grooý;sman was Mr. Bruce Mercer, biother of the bride. The Kendal Women's Institute served the 'wedidïng dinner in the Oddfellow's Hall. Orono. There were eighty guests. Mr. 'and, Mrs. Art Low were ýsurprIsed on their fourtieth wed- ding annivesary te haVe twelve coupl1es of the Kendat neiglibour- hood join with the!n. Art was 9jowing qàdes to a couple of city *tsitors when his wf retind fromn the, Wallcer.ercer wkddîng reception. witlh a nuniber cf lad- les. Then al the other foks an- peared. Congratulations Mary and Art, we hope you celebrate many ýmore anniversarieo. Miss Marion MoKeivev bas re- tired on Septeniber 26 from her nursing position in Sunny'brook Hlospital. She was the recipient of cf several parties given bv the staff, the orderlies, the nurses in reidence, etc. We are fortunate to have Marion making ber home in this area. The Kenclai Mdgets won the second ball game of the Playofis at Courtright last Sunday Which is.15 nilesi south of Sarnia. So the Ocurtright boys, wiul play in Ken- du- thiýs Saturd>av afternion. -Wbrd'âide Communion Sun- day is Octobelr 5th. Plans are be- ,mgIÉ made for our Anniversarv Service Octoyber 194h at 2:30 PnI &nd the 'Turkey suaiper. the fol- lowing Wednesday, October 22nd. BOWMANVILLE BRANCH Canadian Cancer Society D r. R. F. Beckett Gynaecologist of Oshawa, wili speak in the Trinity Church Hall,,Bowmiinville Monday,, October, 6th at 8.00, p.m. - Ris topie will he "DISEASES'PERTAINING TO WOMEN"I There will be a question and answer period after the talk AiU women welcorne, but young mothers urged to, corne Refreshinenfis to be'served" FLO'wEýRS by, Vla\n Belle' FOR ALL OCCASIONS CALL COLLECIT - DAY OR NIGHT 6 23-5 75S7 And neer gan will tley ssx 'HEY DAfl... HOW COME THE Tur *litl tn A.SiA>Jq WA iiiAI 1-. ..- - Thereas a lot to be said for the 1970 MOTO-SKI. But for the thrili that béats ail thrills, consider this: you drive into your yard., Its wintery cold and a little afterdark. The family doesn't know you're brInging home a spankin' new 1970 MOTO-SKI (nothing wroog with making that kind of decision on Your own!). You walk int the bouse [yawn once or twi.ce) and say Io the kids, Hey kids! How about bringing in thoae bundles from the back of That's the kind of tbrili that young folks remember best about growin' up. But it's just the beginning. When you buy one of these 1970 family lovin' MOTO-SKIs, you'll make them like they're "the other kid'*. The one that always bais al the fun! A f ree copy of" Story of the Ex- clusive Track"' will put you on the right track when you buy a snow- mobile. Cet the story froin ORONO, ONTARIO PH-ONE 983-5207 (.va. MOO-SK hTO-SKI il Turkey Burger oReg. 60c. for 30C.b with this Coupon ~N a m e -, ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A d d re ss - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -I - -- - - - - - - - - - Deposit this iu box for lucky draw Offer expires October 9th at r Fred's Spur Station Highway 115, South cf Orono Featuring TURKEY BURGERS iu our New Modern Diner ACKÂf t- 'I,-,' àtei Oxford STONEMASONS W. Selirahi 983-5606 Speeializing in ail kinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We also do chiminev Repairs . . . . ... ......... 1

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