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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Oct 1969, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER, 2nd, 1969 sermon by Rev. Jesus saici, "He who has cars, Jet hlm hear." Hearing is an act of the will, but anc of nian's greatest handi- caps ta hearing is that he will roýt listen. When mean listens G-ad speaks. Some years ago wJleni there was conside.rable less freedom for, both tihe sexes, -andl especially for girls a young woman trliedVo imnress upon her mother and her-would- be fiance that sbe wauld flot rnm- ry hùm. No matter how foreefully se said "no" bath the domineer- mng mother ani the insensitive young man refuseci Vo listen. Fin- ally she gave up rcsisting, went along wfth thse plans for marriage andi eventually arrived at thec ehureh for tise wedding. The min- ister began the ceremony andi askc- cd thse yaung man "W111 you take is wamanti to be your 'wîfe?" Hle replieci "! will". Thse minister turncýd ta the young lady and, ask- c!d, "WýLI ,,au take. this man ta be yarusan?"Shie repliec i "Na" -henliir. tiný-king tisat lie had flotheard( praperly, ar that she haci misunderstoad fthc question, He Who. Has Ears Let Him Heur M,,atthiew 13: 9 Seripture Les-, son Mattbhew 13: 1-17. wen d eep-f at f ryi ng French-fried potatoes, çchicken, and many otherfoois are deliciaus wvhen prepare i n your deep-fat fryer. But, for safety's sake, keep the frying temperature at the FRY proper level by using and watching 360 à cooking thermometer. The flash point, or temperature at which the vapours from the boiling fat cani be îgnited by amatch flame or spark,, is less than 100Odegrees above the maximum f rying temperature of 400 degrees. And, the ignition temperature, at which the hot fat tself can burst into flame, is only about 200 degrees higher than the flash point. Therefore, it is very important to keep the frying temperature to a In coritrolled, saf e level. Neyer leave your fryer unattendeci while warming fat to frying temp- erature. Because heat from the . stove element under the fryer cannot escape rapidly, the temp- erature of the fat rises quickly. It cati increase past the frying CD level to flash point and ignition stagqes in the time you might take to, answer the door or 0 teephone. if you are interrupted by a cail during frying, be sure to 0. turn down the element underyour C fryer. Don't rely on fryer thermo- Q stats - althoughl they help ,reduce_ the danger of overheating, they don't always wvork. WVould you like to enjoy safer< deep-fat frying in your home? CIAG has a imited supply of reliable, deep-fat frying thermo- meters available at cost.Toobtain one, please completetheattached coupon and send it with your cheque, or money, order for $ 1 (includes 5 % sales taxi, tn CIAG INSURANCE. To CIAG INSURANCE I7 Priory Square, GuelphI SFrorn................................................. Address ............................................... Please send me a fat-frying thermometer. EnIclosed is my Li chequeý or Li money-order for 1 i1 s asked a gain, "lWill yau tak*' this man tf0 be your husband?" again she replied, "No". A few moments later as he talked with them ln the vestry she explaineci. "I saici no' to themn repeatediy, but they. didn't listen. Finally I decideci to settie it this way so that they would be forceci to listen and then desist in their efforts to override my own wishes. I said no from the beginning and meant it, but this is the first lime I have been heard." How often we t.hink we hear when we don't. How often we hear but dan't listen. and thus fiil ta ore' the message. S;ometimps we fail to hear be- cause we want quick easy ans- wers. In the Bible Stu'dy group we have learned that easy ans- wers are of little help. When we struggie to get the answers, when wc seek to fand the truth. then the answers are ours and avenues of truth (are opened up., When Jesus had spoken the par'able of the sower in our Scip- turc ýLesson, -the ,disciples .said, "Why do vou teachf that way?" Jesus said hie is toaehing that way because of cl.osed minds. He often threw ia curve. Petrnle who didn't want ta hegar aniything warthwhile for thenselves got caugh't up in the staries and their mind&- would open ta that. Then at the enc the curve took place because it turn- back upan them. It wasn't giving them any pat answer. It wa.s getting inside thern sa they had ta think, then new aveniues af M oniy in thse building. But whcn onc lias devoted or dedicated hiç Pfe ta Christ and bas opened',up bis heart to the truth of ýG-d, then he is brouglit on thc inside and he bas an entirely different out- look on hàf e. Jesus said. "ITake care how vou listen. For the man who has will be given mure. And the man who bhas flot will forfeit even what he thinks he has," To those who Newcastle1 Corn eCon have been granited to know the- secrets of the' Kingdom, the par-- ables wiil not only make sense but will be edifying as well.* B ut- for those to whom these secrets have been liidden, the only wav- they cani possibly understand ii- to forfeit the misunderstanding- they now have, So often we can't hear because (Continued page 5) Saive $On Large SizeVtao INFANT DROPS POLY-VI-SOL 50cc $4.00 T RI-VI-SOL 5Oce ......... $3.38 INFANTOL l5ce ......... $1.72 PARDEC 3Oce;............ $1.14 2-12 Yr. Liquid ýand Chewable, TRI-VI-SOL 100's.... $3.28 ADULT HALfl3ORANGE 100's ...$2.49 HALIBUT LIVER OIL 500's $2.98 BEMINAIL Tabs. 100'e . ... $3.08 BEMINAL PLUS, 120's ... .0 BEMINAL -U.L.C. 100%s. $9.00 ONE-A-flAY l100's 9 POLY-VI--SOL 100'sOEADYwt CIIOCKS 100's ...........2 PARDEC 10's ........... $3.06 GRTL(aso PAI45 iooe8........... $3.9.9 PRE 0 INFANTOL 16 ......... $2.89 PARMETTES 125's PARDEC 16 oz.......... $2.84 BE FORTI 100'os. PARMETTES, 20 oz ..... $4.79 N.C.F. Tabs. 100's Stutt's Phariacy *C3<>fle<a0,ae(>e )flqn I * I. I I I * j j r. * I DATE Odkober 14 October 15 October 16 October 17 October.,21' October 22 October 23' October 24 Newtonvi1le /11 dogs andi cats prcsented at abov I Canada Department of Agriculture. Ihon 100 $4.03 ......$5.07 $4.5R $3.30 ..$3.25 BIES CLINICS TIME tI boI's Garage 9 :30 a.m. to 12:00 w>on ,.re (Hampton) 2:00 p.în. tg 5:00 p.m. reation Centre 9:30, a.m. te 12: 00 1ýoon upl Hall 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. ige Hall 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 mlion 'ire Hall 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. dl Fire Hall 1:00 p.M. to 8:00 p.m. Hll 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 n»oon araze 2:00 p.m. te 5:00 p.m. rt Hall Basemntt:00 teo 5:00 p.m. s Fire Hall 9:3Ô a.m. to 12:00 nioon nunIty Centr,-e 9:30 a.m. te 12:00,noon rn i ifv TnUi 9 -n n et- o nt". m e .Uu) Pe. LO. t :u JP.Ii. ve clines vwill be vacciated free of charge by thc truth opened Up. Sometimes Jesus' teaching seems alhnost impossible -to un- derstand. Why? life said, "So that hearing they will lt understand", This isn't as cruel1 as it saunds. YOU Cant reecive anything until 3rour minci is open. Often the an- swer is to bc found in tihe search- mng, flot in the material. So when we become aroused. Duz- zled anci disturbed abiout' what the answer may be and we talk it over with other people, We niay neyer say completeiy what it means, but ail along thec way we ,are going to find out a lot about ourselves, about life and about other people. And we will have gathered a great deal more truth. Jesus said to fis disciples, "To You has been given Vo know the secrets of thic Kingdom of Hjeav- en. But Vo theni it bas not been given." 'fhis looks like, partiality to la favoured group. They have the blessing the people on tihe outside haven't a chance. If wc settle for that un.derstanding we haven1t gone far cnough. There' .s à simple 4truth here. Ohristianity can only be understood irorn within. Lest wc make the mistake of feeling that we are on tihe in- side because we went tao Sunday Sichool or Chureis. let us eet that out of Our mincis immediately. This seems ta be what happened ta Pierre Berton and inany others They went for a while and gat littie that was warthwhile. They were not on the inide to finci out what Clinstianity is. They were Taken from a B. E. Long. ONTARIO CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL DASEDALL KENDAL MIDGEYS VERSUS COURTRIGNI HARVEY JACKSON MEMORIAL PARK KENDAL Game Time 3.00 p.rn. rhis is the deciding game for the Ontario Championship corne out and cheer the local boys to this championship ANTI-RAI PLACE Enniiskillen-Ashtq Township Garagi Blackstock Reci, Bethany Tewnsl Pontypool Orani Millbrook Old Fi Bewmanville 014 Janetville Fire]IF Orono Hydro Ga Port Hope, Town Canton Col. Giles m illi[RUILILV lialli

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