r ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY,, OCTOBER 2n4, 1969 CIA*IFIED ADI BEI REfIUMl RE -RU;- F - s 7/ ;ýAP-HI E- e Y Sc e- r See Milisen, Insurance Al Agency AUclasses of personal and Commercial CoveraLyesI 'Office: Main St., Orono 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 CHARLES REID Orono's Licensed Aüètioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and 1Furniture Sales Consuit me for t-erms and dates PHUONE ORONO 983-5914 Monuments and Family Memorials Out quality and service leaves nothing. to be desired Ask thé person who bought from ws, a ueighbour, friend or relative The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Largest disphay i Southera Ontarlo WATSONS Marine! i and Cycle Orono Phone 983-ý343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS i Allouette Snow Mobiles I MeCulloch CHAIN SAWS jRepairs to ail makes of Lawnl Mowers and 2 and, 4 cycle I Englues IOTACO PLOW POINTS I AND MACHINERY gPUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS jBert'Tompkins Phone 786-2552 - LYCETT 1 .Plumb-ing Heating j g PlONEL 983-5407 Orono. Ontario o BYAM- PLUMBING and HEATING O Sales and Service lZ4 HOUR BURNER SERVICE -GFFNACNLow Interest BatesGual Phn:Tyrone 263-2650 Orville Chatterton MEectrl'ca1 Contracting 1 I Electrie Heatîiniî and Service 1 IPHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono. Ontario 1 ORONO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.*A. DOMINION .ELECTROHOME INGLIS -THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE- gHamiltonsg Insurance >] Fire,- o Package Policies Fidelitv Bond,. I Liabit.y I Lîfe g First Mortgage Loans - 'Sadie Hamiltoni Phone. 983-5115 I I i 14 i i i I 111 I Building a House? or remodellin g your present one, then conltact Floyd Nicholson 'houe 983-5049 ORO-NU WANTED TO RENT Scenie iacreage, partly treed on good road for Fiairytale Park De- veql*pment. Clarke or Manvers Town§hip area. Cali cülleet 728-3404, Oghawa. c-40-c FOR SALE Girl's winter coat and parka jacket, fits sizes 10 or 11. Good condition. Women's figure skates, size 10, exelIlent contition; also girl's conmpete ski equipment. Phone 983-5212 a-c FOR SALE In good runnàng condition - a 1958 bine Mercury Panel Truck. Phone 9&M-157. a-p FOR SALE Upholstered bedroom arni chair. 3 kitchen chairs. Phone 983-5013. a-c HELP WANTED For restaurant and bake count- er, Appy Hank's Coffee Shop and Baker.y. Orono a-c FREE Free to good hoes6 week ýold pups. Phone 983-599ý2. 1NOTICE Alterations and plain sexv5ni. Mrs. M. Downs, cornler Park and Chu-roh Ss. Pholie !83-M93., t-f STOCKER SALE 500 HEAD' 500 T1e Durham Fiarmers' l3th An- ntual Fail Feeder Sale. Sellinge without Reserve, at the Durh'am Countyý Sales Arena, Ortoo -on Monday, October 204h iat 1:00 p. Seling vear lds, 2 ye'ar olds. stock 'and grass calves, feederýs. Ail cattié gnaded and solid in suitab{le lots hy the, pound. Man to attend thîs Imiportant Auction where Buyers and Sellers meet each year. Ternis Cash. No Reserve. Charles Rei. Auctionepr. ALUCTION SALE Selling Saturiday. Oùtober Il1Ui at 1 o'1clock thie furniture anid household goods of Mrs. Milton Tambiyn and the ate Mrs. Fred Bnmcoinhe at the homneof V-. Tanibîyn, nor-thcf Orono, HLigli- way 115, ineluding fFla-daire el- ectric stove, kitchenette set, new washing machines, two chester- fielids and chairs, rugs, antique, window sent etc. More articles to be listed next week. Charles Reid, Auctioneer Nursery Stock Evergreens, Flowering Shrubs, Box Plants Landscaping and Sodding RICHARDSON'S NURSERY Pontypool, Ontario Phone 983-5180 Orono JACK RICARD REALTOR 99 King St., e. BOWMAN VILLE When Buying or Selllng cal WILF HAWKE. VOUR ORONO AREA' REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Member of' Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board -w "~ Gord Simpsn PHONE ORZONO 983-5914 Orono, Ontario PAINTING f'ARPENTRY REMODELLING - ENERAL, REPAIRS In terior Exterior gBox 133 Phone 668-3552 Stafford Brothers I Lîmited g Manufacturers of ICemetery Memorials I318 Dundas Street East I WHITBY, ONTARIO 52 *.ccaoqec.0000.ccC4 _77 ---W»R- - NOTICE The Meeting of the Senior, Cit- ýigens will bec'heid in the Oddfel- 'low's Hall this Thursday cvening, October 2nd at 8 p.m. Everyone wc]come. a-p FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received hy the undiesgned Sodicitor up to 12.00 o'clock noon on Tuesda., the l4th d&y of October. 1969. for the pur- oUase of the pnoPertY of the late Florence Agnes Brmacombe, consisting of lieuse and lot on, Uhe west side of Cihurcli Street in Uic Village of Orono. This »riopertyv is a brick hýouQe consisting of 7 mons tus attach- ed kitelien and detached tool shed and contains a 2-piece bath and cil furnace and is eentrally loca- ted in Orono. Toi-ms: 10% of price with ten- der: balance to be P'aid in cash on closing; closing date to bie ai- ranzéd., Hiehest or anv tender not nec- ecsarily aceepted. Insoection of the buiildinçe m',v be arranged bv contactine Gar- land Catheart. Kendial. uyhone 983-5190 or Arthur W. Thomnson. Kendal, Phone 983-5077, Exýecu- tors W. K. Lycett Orono, Ontario ,Solicitor for the Vendiors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F GEORGE WILLIAM HIENRY POPiE laVe of the Townshtp of Clarke in the County of Durham, Rctircd. de- AillPersons having laàis azaiist the Estate 'of the said GEORGE WILLIAM HENRY POPE, who died on or about the. 41th- day of Septeniber, 1969, are hereily no- tàfiedto send Vo Uic undersigned -Executrix or lier Solticitor. on or before 'the 114h day of October. 1969, their naines an~d addresses 'and ful pamticulai-s of thir eltailIS and the nature of the securuities (îf any) held by theni dulWy eri- fied by st-atixtory declrton.. Lmmnediately after the said 114h dlay of 0ctober, 1969, t'le assets of the said deceasedI wifl be dis- tribiztcd amng ~th~e persions en- titled thereto. 4iaving regard only Vo the eIaims of wiÉcl the Exe- eurix or thc undersiened qolicà- Vor shall then have notice. DAfffE'D at rono, Ontario. this 24th day of Septeniber 199. ETHEL GEARY. Kendal. Ontarnio Execrutrix Wý, K. LYCETT, Oronýo, Ontagio, Soiior for Uic Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE, 0F MARY ETHEL _LUXON, LATE 0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE. IN THE COUNTY 0F DURIHAM, WIDOW, DECEASED Ail Peesýons having claims a- gainst the Estate of the' said MARY ETHEL LUXON. wlio died on or about the 22nd day of June, 196î~, ar-e hcreby, notified Vo, send Vo the undersigncd ExecuVors. or their Solicitor, on or before the 114h day of October, 1969, tjheir mnes and addtresses and fulli par- nýature of the securities (if any) ticultars of th!eir elaims and the heild by thýem duly verified by statutory declýaration. IMMEDIATÉLY after the said 11th day ocf October, 1969, the assets of the said deceased will be distributcd nrnong the persons entiled thereto, having regard only to, the dlaimis of wlidh the Execuitors or thc undersigned So- licitor shal 'then have notice. DATED at Orono. ýOntario, this 22iiý day 'of September, 1969. ROY DAVID MERCER, Macs Are snacks Excellent Quality Apples and Pears For Sale Fred's Fruit Market FOR SALE HALF PRICE Boys Sport Coat, size 16, wneý with -goild buttons, double breast- ed. Pair of Men's 0CM States, size 8. <di4's lightweight Woot- Coat, sîze 6x, navy with ýsailor style trim. Pair of Girles CCMv Skates, size 2. Phone 983-5461.a- PRODUCTION SALE pf Rcgistered Polled Herefords Saturday, October 25th 1:00 pi. The heM~s of'Allan Franiks andý Sons and Edjinund Reavie and Son at the Prank's Famm, 2 miles east of.Madocand forth on Pine Ridge Road ('off Highway No. 7). Test- cd buils,,co.ws and calves, bred and open heifers. 'Catalogues avail- able from Cornisfi Auetion 8cr- vice, B~ox 7, Indian River. c-c' COMING EVENT Ruimiage and Bake Sale o, beý held at the T'ownshfip. Hall,. Hamp- ton, 1:30 p.m., Saturday, October 4tih, sýponsored by the DujIm N.D.P. Women's Organization. For, pick.ýup eaU 983-5596. a-c- COMING EVENT Signa C 'Get Acquainted Night' folwed by a corn roast on Sun- "ay, Oc1tober 5th at 6:30 p.n. at: Orono United Church, Main Au- ditorumi. Al bo.ys from *12 15 years of age are welcioue. a-e COMING -EVENT C.G.I.T. 'Get Acqtklinted NiZht? Molowed by corn roast on Sunday., Oç,tober Sttb, 6:30 p.m., at Orno United Churoh, Main Auditorrium.' Ml girls fncým 12'- 17 years of cge- are welcome ac- ANNOUNCEMIENT Bctty an~d Joe Bothwell wiihteo honour her parents, Mr. and Mis. Rosisell Savery. upon the occasion of the 40th anniverary of their niarriage.. They are therefore ar- ranging a social' evening and- dance, Vo be held in Newtonvillc Commi-unity Hail, on Saturday ev- eniiig,, October -25, commencingý at 8:00 p.m. Thedr friends are cor- dially invited to attend and ex-' press- their wishes to the couple. 2.16-c- BIRTH HIARTWIG-Mel and Rose Mary- ,are the proud parents of' a son, Kevin Melvin Daniel, 10 lbs, 6 oz. Born faeptember 28th in Oshawa. General Hospital. A brother for Michelle. ap Orono mBuilding Contractor Brick -Blgck -Concrete Stone Work Carluentry - Cabinet Work