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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Oct 1969, p. 1

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Orono Wely Times Dave Mercer Top Driver VOLUME 33, NUM1BER 40 QRONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9th, 1969 Or. McClure, Moderator, ~Seding $41,000 At Ski Hili Speaks At Hi- mC Serv'ice TPhe Oshiawa Ski Club at K irby Is now preparing for another yeax of skiing. Dr. McClure, Moderator for the -United- Church of Canada, spoke utý a special Orono 1111-C service oýn Sunday evening, September 28th when the clhurch was filled tû capacity' with aciherents even tlcing seats in the eilaak roomis and 1basement. Rev., B. Long, in introducàng th e Moderator pinted out that Dr. McClure was the first layman to ever hold this position. "lie is the nman of the heur for us; lie is a man of the world and we need him." stated Bey. Long Dr. Mc- cuhe prior ta being appointed iVoeaobadl spent forty-five yeas dingmedcalwrk in the Dr. M c0dure in a direct and huniorous manner, g.ave an out- standiEng address, Which lhe is noted for. He said ia his address. that to hîm the church is some- tngsinmple. "It is a feilows'hip cf:> people held together to work ùunt the- teachings of Jesus." H1e satld the oihurdih was not red brick and broadlomi and other frills. -Fur-ther lie stated that the white' anlikes taonganize,, to 'ý form. connitesto hold a mortgage, * u hat in otbser parts of the (Oontinued page 8) ANNA MARIE SCOTT MiEss Anna Marie Scott, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott, gnaduated from the Unýiversity of fGueipl with a, B.A. degree. She received lier degree on Friday, October 3rd ut the FalCnoa tion. Miss Scott is niow iattending Ontaria lamilton's Teacrers' Col- lege iwhere she 15 takia.g a prn- ary specialist course. Cuxrentby preparatians are lie- ing ruade for the, in5tallationi of a second T-B'ar tow. ýThi.s new pieze of Equipm,-ent is t'a beý ready for by the time of the first snowfall and is costing the club a sum of $41,00'0. It will lie placed in what is known as the bo*wl area whieh is termcd by niany as the best skiing on t'he hii'il. New memhpi-s wishing ta join the Club should write box 174 in Oshawa. RabitShow To Be Somethiniig new ïand different in this area in the Ontario Council of Rabbit Clubs ýConference ýand show whioh is ta take place in the Orono Mrena on Friday and Sat- urday, October 17th and'18th. It is expected that delegates iwill be present from ail over'Onbario and Neiw York State bring-ing aiong * hteathree or four hundred r ob~ fabu 14 different b d~1 The annual meeting of the (Coitinued page 8) Dave Mercer, Kendal, finished the stock car racing season at Ce- dar Circle Speedway, north of Peterboroughi,1 over the weckend with a 314 total and retained per- manent possession of the Ried X trophy presented by Terry Heard Motors. Presentation of ail tropli- les and awards Wiil1 be made Sun- day afternoon at 2 at the raceway. Mr. Boss Mercer is sponsor of this car. Mr. Mercer was presented with the aliove two trophies and an a- ward of $100.00. Top driver on the weekend was Bill Martin, In the fiathead class, with'three wias. Narm. Windover and Garnet Dowaýer toolc most of the oth I. points in. this, class. The second heat wasý held up when 'Jack Rlobinson' rolled hi$ car in the first lap, spilling gas- efin'e over fic track. Mvartin's car also catqght lire which was quick- ly put ont enabling Martin ta con- tinue the races. Ray Davidson ihad two firsts la the six-cyliader class but spun eut in the feature. Mercer had a firft, second and third. Wayne Poster a first and a second, and Ke'ith Payne a second andthtird. Dwight Shewfelt had a first and second in the overhead class, breëaking a tic with Hugli MeCul- lougli, who had car trouble la al three races. Cl-arke 'Council Proposes Liquor Vote In ,Township Grade six at the Orono Public Sehool assenubled a museu~m cx- ibnl the genenal purpose room last P'iday which was an out- standing display, havilng consider- aNc educational value. Thle ex- tribit was ne meagre effort and -huadrei('s of items of yesterday wcre on display. MT. Moffat, prin- cipal termned the exhhit most val- able from an educational stand- point and anc from which tihe stu- dents at the school could learn a great- deal. Eacdh class la sehool was condueted, through the dis- play. MIfiss Mather is the class teacher of grade six. Thre Museuma display coatained an enarmous arïay of' articles ranging from flat irons, ta seed buckets, records, books, butter churas, cultivator, weekly papers and aid photos. Each table set out itenms of a specific nature such as wearing apparel, documents, kitchen utensils, services sueh as telepliones and othens.1 1 At the time of aur arrivai an aid telephone was being, investi- gated as ta its operation and the students were slhowing a keen in- terest in this antique. A display of old newspapers and photograpirs was another item giving visual f acts of the past. Ta enhance the display many students of grade six were drcssed la clothiag of £ariner years and these students were able ta infarm the viewei on the use of the hundreds ofi enis on display A large poster notes theo ficial apening of the new schc( in Orono in 1915 and alang wit it was the agreement isigned fc the building of the school for sum of $10,315.00. Curvply Wood Produets ai, had on display an early press u ed !by the local company ta mak moulded plywood. Mr. Jack Qhal man xvas on hand ta explain th aperatian of the press and ta di pl'ay its product. In aIl the diSPlay could not bu help be a success and a creditt the grade sixers and their teache Cia ke Township Cauncil ata special meeting on Septemiber 25 passed ýa by4Iaw calling for a iqu,- or lotfe in thie municipality wbch theyv hope can lieýheld ai-ong withi tlue .geeal eection on December * Mosportaýfficials are in terested in iabtaiaing a dîiinag lounge and lounge 'licence for their premnises and have requested the vote. As a resuit, CIarke Couneil (held a special meeting on September 25 when a resolution W(as pasedi as thre first step in bringipg about, the liquor vote' TIhe resolutâon mas aroved by W. B. Carveth,, and seconded by F. A. Gray, m4ith the faiiowing *ý content, "Resolved: that E. ih rs ard Lovekin, Soticitûr, Newdastle i be instructed ta fothiwith take al necessary ieg¶al and adniinîstrat- of- ai1 1h For a, Isaý us- ke tp - he Ls- )ut ta er. ive steps ta enisure that ion Mon- dlay; 1 Decemiber, 1969' or sucli othier date that imay be approved, questionis 7 and 8 as set ont in Sectbion 72 (1) of tùe Liquor Lic- ence -Àct RSO 1960, Chapter 218, may ieglally lie submnitted to the electiorate. " .In applying for ap- ~Proral of stich a date it shouJ1d lie pointed ,oul ùo fthe Provincial Au- thoniie ha¶le Municipal eleet- ions wifi bc, he1d on the first day of Decemiber 1969 aad, this date îs herefore desirable. The s§aid questiotns to be voted on will read as foilows: "7. Are you in f àavour 'of îhe sale of Il- quor under a dining lounge lic- ence for cansumption with meals -on licenced preinises?,"8. Are yen la favour of the sale of liquaor un- der a lounge licence for consump- tion on licenced premises?" Kendal'Midget Bail Club Wins Ontario Championship The' Ontario Midget D trophy was prcsented on Saturday aftcr- noon ta thre Kendal Basebal Mid- get teama, folllowing their second victory over Courtright. This is the first time in the history of thre tro'phy thiat It bus been won by a team a ct of,Tbronto. The Kend«l team, with players representing most parts of Clarke Township, took thre series two games ta anc. Conrtright won the opening gaine by a wide margin but Kendal came hack ta win the second gaine in Courtriglit 54 and the thirci game in Kendal on Sat- urday by a score of 5-1 Thle Keadal boys played sound bal tirrougliaut and backed by steady pitelhing by Mike McGreg- or heïd Courtriglit ta their single counter. Kendal opencd the seoring la tlie bottom of the first inning with a single run. Courtrdght came liack in tire second frame ta evea tire score wlth 'one rua. The hird and fourth inniag weat scorelesg with Keadal retiriag Smaith on the mound la the fonrth for Milice MeGregor who pitched fine bil throuPi ta thre end. Gourtnight also made ýa change la their piteli- iag staff la thre fourth fraine. Keadal came an stroag at bat in the fifth driving out a nuinher of weili bit Mac drives. Thle rally wa's started by Gerry Thompson fallowed by Bruce Ah'dcad and Stevea West. Out of hs raliy the Kendal Club aetted four ruas, the last scoring plays la the game. Both pitchers fiaished ont the game witli fine contrat with Me- Gregornever in any trouble wîth' the Courtriglit batters. Kenadal, ,on the while, coilected the niost hits as they kept the hall on the grouad for the most part. , Agood crowd was in, attend- ance ut the Keadal park ta wltaess the Kendal victory and the -win- niag of the Ontario trophy as On- tario Champions in group D -mid- gets. Dressed For, Their Museum Show 1 9ý MgQF-î;;--Niwý -

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