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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Oct 1969, p. 2

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OROIbO WEEKLYTIMES Second Clam - Mail, Registration Number 0368 Published every Thursday at the office of publication Main Street,,Orono, Ontaiio. Phone 983-5301 BOTH MESSAGES ALIKE Former Prime Minister Lester Pearson in a recent aldrslin Wasthington bluntly dennounced the rich nations' aid prognam Vo underdevelloped countries The theme of his melag was, "the flow of ad to the poour is stagnating at a ecruciail fiie." He. Yaid, in the report of the Pearson Coainision on In-_ terlail Developnent: "To budda better worid -is a cause Uh h ~ofld üapttire the imaginiatiln f men of good wil everyWshere, îOnly too often it does niot." Dr. Ivfludhe, l4od'ator of the United Oburcli of Canada, when sekn at a Hi-C serlie t, the, Orono n- àted Cxueh. painted asinilar pictue for bUs audience. is ad*ress wias pointed to the iridividuàIni ather thoan that of goverînnients 'but it held the same t1heni . . . too Eittle from an affuent smaety. 'Dr. MjoIure's address was most strdkng as it élëarfly sholwedxvat a f ew cents col do Vo relieve suffering, pMain and rehiabiâtate those in need of training. A meagre Ble per dhdld wdJl guiard thiat child against polio or $5.00 gives a yveair's treatnient for a lepeir. These -are but litile sums of moies that do so mucb. The problen, and lt has been stated by both speak. ers, is Vo open theicpurse of the affluent society, the ricb natios, and to crente a concern for the welifare of others. The prIjce -tag genrly attached to Canadian foreign aid was about $397 million in 1968. This is a phenmeal 'sumi, but itis only hall of the one per cent of tlhe gross na. tional produdt Canada bas pie dged to provide. The ~Pearson report and Dr. McClure urge the don- ors to d&op niany. of their pcnny-iincbing restrictions and Vo corne across witli more bard cash. The report is of extreme importance because it gives the wealthy powcsindhlg anada, an idea of how thin their Mid dollars are spread. WE SUPPORT TRIS There is uiothing wrong with the poicy of OIISIP which only Pays 90% of doctors' fees, leaving the general 'public hable for 10% of the fee. This, in offect, it a deduntfle clause WMh lhis a partt ,f many insuraxce poilcies and especial1y so in auto col- lislon insurance. The facf thaf the individual bas to pay a sinal portion of jihe'dharge acts as a deferent to abuse and unfwarranfed use. 1 The deductible in OHSIP could' acf in a simiilar man- ner. Many centres in Ontario are short of doltrsand ~il tiie is liniàted. The deductljble could well act as a guard agaiinst eJe abusive use of bis time and talents. Also .if Places a sniall portion of responsibility on the indâiidual. We support thie deductible clause. B NOTICE! With ail due respect to Mhis uewspaper, we regret to inform you that the printedl page cannot do justice to Roif Billfolds. Some things 'you still have to see for ýl yoursetf. Amongý them, one of the world's finest Billfolds. Sotutt9s Pharmacy f SWEATERS. TOQUES, and SCARFS in Clarke High School colour of blue and gold. Up And Down> The Book Stacks NEW BOOKS - OCT. 9th, 1969 Adut- The Omly Diet Thaf Works by Herbert Brean. (With the xnoney back guaranfee, you have nothing to lose but pounds) The Lessonis of History by WR and Ariel Dureant (a distillation of- the tefr volumes ofc "The Story of Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin (Not for, the sqeeinh) For mihom the Bell Toils by Er- nest HeningMTay. A Snmai Town in Ger=uny by Joihn Le Carre (a Foreign Office thriller) Junior- The Book of he Domestie Rab- bit by- Gara Naother (raising and Rabbits) 1 Peter and Verontica by Mariilyn Saehis'(Adventure) Porko Von Pophuttin by William Pene Du BoiIs (a fast moving hockey storir) Ginnie and the Cooking Contest by Catherine Wooley. Kindergarten- The Ridh MVan and The Shioe- niaker by La Fontaine The Little Auto by Lais Lensk4 Blaze and the Moun Vain Lion by C. W. Anderson Anrnie Bridget and Charlie by Jan Pienlvowski. Olga Beaucibaip. ChangePlans, Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Dur- hani in a Press Release from Quýeen's Park announced deveilop- ments with respect to the te- piacenient of the C.P.R. subway O n H0ýhwây No. 2, east of New- Pnoposals at thils location orig- inaiiy covered nothing more thian reptacement of the structure with - minimum approaeh work. Subse- 1 quent pflanning investigations, however, Ëhowed that it wou'ld be desirable Vo carry the approach work wesferly ino the village, with a multi-lane urban cross-sec- tion and easterly fa provide a truck-ioIiibinig laine on the rising. grade. The length of the job in- creased fnom 0.5 iles to 1.7 miles and the estimated value froma $550,000 Vo $1,000,000.. ex- clusi've of property. The substanUia1 increase in the coiplexity of the proposed work bas deliayed the original schedule correspondingly, but the detailed 'design for the project Is -now wel in hand; ýhow,,ever, thie work is not advanced sufficient'ly to make a construction scihedule feasible at tis time, The sehedule w111 be contingent on completion cof pre-contract en- gineering, the alcquisition of prop- M erty and avaiilability of funds. Tbanksgiving Specials sin~f2L The New Crew and V-Neck by Penman Casual Jerseys $5.00 - :$7.O0O 100% -cotton or tcrry clofli in green, blue, gold, brown. S ta XL Flair-Bottom, for the young man, 8 to 18 years. Kortron, Cordkuroy Pants $6.98 New shenüBradoo Remnants You must see these assorted colours and sizes NEWCSTLE ONTRIOThe Store That Has' Everything for the Entire Famuily MEN'S, PENMANS Assorted colours. Reg. $1.50 Callyour, licensed Flumb1ng & Mechanical Contractot, who sells, installs apd guigantees CARMWAN PLUMBING AND HEATING Ph one 983-5207 Orono ANN'S ,BEAUTY SALON D. ROGERSON g ORONO, ONTARIO I ANTIQUES IWE BUY AND SELL OOld Glass, China, Pine Axticles Toys and Oddities IIF IT'S OLD ... gCALL US WE PAY CASH jPhone 623-5342 after G, p.m. Oxford BXICKLAYERS STONEMASONS W, Scluxxahl 983-5606 Specializing in ail kinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We also do chimnev Repairs Appt.. and Pears $1.001 Bus. Macs, Spys, Baldwins,- Russets, Greenings. $2.00 Bus., Anjou aind Winter Pears, Crab Bring Basket, pick at your'-owu risk WANL.It FYAKM 2 Miles East froiài Orono on Sommerville Rd- BOWMANVILLE BRANCH- Coadian Cancer Society Pr. R. F. Beckett Gynaecologist of Oshawa, will speak in tihe Trinity Church Hall, Rowmanville Monday, October 6th at 8:00, p.m. His topic will be "DISEASES PERTAINING TO WOMEN" There will be a question and answer period after the talk Ail women welcome, but young mothers urged to cone, Refreshments to be served by FOR ALL OCCASIONS CALL COLLECT - DAY OR NIGHT ! Will extend business hours as; I follows: Monday - 9- 5 Tuesday - 9 -6 - Wedne" y- 9- 6 11hursday - 9 - 9 Fràda.y - 9 - 8 1 Saturday - 9 - 6 Special- Ail hiair goods in stock. Wigs, Fails and Hair Piieces. $10.00 and $25.00 Dress Stretch Socks 2 pr.- $1.98, 623w§757 ORONO WEEKLY TI<MES, TIUUISDAY, OCTOBER -9th, 1969 11, ý Il-- - - -, NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO si lie

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