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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Oct 1969, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9th, 1969 Local News Mr. and Mrs T. Buter andi £aîÈ]y, Orono ýhave movcd to Mrs. Ben White brought a branci of large -ripe raspybernies into the printing office thàis wcek andi informcd us she bas a gen- erous second erp of these ber- W. FRANK REAL ESTAIE LI MITED Realtor 21 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-33à3 Toronto 923-91741 Port Hope Office 885-4543 For prompt, courteouts, effici- et service when buying or selling and for the largest sel- ecti on of properties in the area Contact Orono Area 'Representatives, Roy Foster Dane Found Andy Sutch Roy StronLy 983-5801 623-3965 983-9119 52 ri Bethanv I I ries in ber garden. Mr and Mrs. 'Gordlon Burnham and baby daughter have moved into their ýnew home on ÇburCh Street South. Mis. M. J. Tamblyn lias sold lier home, norili of orono, to Mr. and Mrs, Ivison 'flamblIyn of Orono. Mles. Tamblyn is to take up res- idence in tihe Parterre Apartments in Osliawa. A sale of lier furni- ture is being hled this Saturday at 1:00 p.m. at lier home. Miss Diane Nicholson, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Fioyd Nicliolson, is a patient 'ini the Bowmanviile Meniorial Hospital. miss. Sheila Bairstow is in the Oshawa Geneciai Hospital for fur- tlicir surgery. Little lvicheiile llartwig spent severai deas witli Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Mather, while ber niotli- er, Mrs. Melvin Hartwig was in the Oshawa Hospital. Mrs A. Emrprànghamn and Miss Ruby Empringham of APsleY and viited recently wftli Mrs. Howard Miss Louise Cowan of ToroÙto Linton. "THE BLESSINGS 0F A BROKEN IIEART" (Continued from page 4) humble for aniy as a m-an or wo- min is humble can they receive. He rame to the sinful, the weak, the giAl and the foih The proud an.d the mýg)bty didn't fpel their need far Hljm. Their mmnds and hýarts were n&~mr and theY went on 1with thIý ri"old hands" lot realjizin-g thiscn echn andl a m,1hfu1-11 andbe'tter life experieced. Jesus said. _"Those who are vàhoie do not need a ph-sce. Our doctor spends iis time with peapie who have a need and out of biýs skills and abiiity, be nmin- i;-ters to that need. Jesus tried to point the Way ta Gad in thec same sense. We ail do bave a necd. We are aibi unwrl spilituailMy.But it is when we are consclous of bcing '111 thpit something can, be done. Maybe we shotild ail pray for te bessings of the broken heart, expieiencs that bràng us inito our truc' being, true potential and the fuoil expression of our làves. Kendal News Rev. R.C. White BA, BD, of Otqhamwa tookk tlie service in Ken- dad last Sunday morning. Sym- pathy is extended to the Rev. T. Sneî1grove on' the suidden deatli of his father Mr. Martin. 1ev. Snel- grove lost bis mother vhen a baby aad was adopted by Mrs. Sneigrove who is living in St. Catharines with her daugliter. Mr. Snelgrove ieft by air £rom Malton on October 2nd o attend bis Wîaher's fu' cieralin uNemfoundl!and. Icongra1tulations to theý Kendai Midget basebail team vebo played in tce Harvey Jackson Memoral Park last Saturday, October 4th and won the final game of the playoffs by a score of 5-1 against CourtrÎgght. This utakes our lads chamions of Ontario. 11ev* G. E. T. rozier of Cain- borne wiil be the guest speaker at Kendai Anniversary on Ocitober 19th at Z:30 in the afternoon. Special music is being plarnned. Our turlçey dinner will be on Wednesday, October 22nd. Antong those in hospital ini Bowmanville are Darlene Veniot, daughter 'of Mr and Mrs. Roy Veniot, Mrs. Ava SWarbrick and Mi-. and Mrs. George Clark. We wish them ail a spcedy recovery. The furniture of the late Mrs. F. ]rimarombe wila be sold thisý Saturday, Ôctober litli on Mrs. Mi,7ýn Tamh1yn's iýawn. TIlte pro- reeds from one Wainut bedroom suite ai-e given to Kirby. Thle, pro- ceeds from an aptique buffet, bureau, Oceteriei1d suite and minv otherý, artiCles i-e given to Kendal ai-ch whilethe other articles of furniure wilI belong to Grono churclie. We hope to sec a good attpndaiiice The Fo'fer familles of Kendal held a f aii1y reunion and party in bonjour of Mrs. M. E. Foster, their motlier and grandmother of UNITED CRURCH Orono Pastoral Charge lei M se Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12 Orono United Church- Sunday Sehool at 10:00 * Service at 11:15'ai.ý Kirby- Mornlng Service at 9:45 ar. Sunday Sohooci at 11:00 the younger generation. Ail mem- bers of ber faniily were present; six sons, Mien, N'ed, H-atcher, !VtarUtn and Roy of Kendial and Bernlard of Tennessee and three dauugcýuteps, mrs. Jas. Short of Bar- riE Mrs. Leighton Walgh of Vit- ttoia, near Sirncoe and Mr.s. Geo. Russo of Buffalo. Tables were set in the Sunday schoo1l room of Kendal Ciurch on Sunday atter- noon, October 5th. The weather vas ideai for Pic- ture taking and enjoying the And neyer again will they say "NEY DAU ... HOW COME THE OTHER1 'There's a lot to Se said for the 1970 MOTO-SKI. But for the thril that beats ail thrills, consider this: you drive îto your yard. Its wintery cold and a littla afterdark, The family 'doasn't know yourd bringing home a spankin' naw 1970 MvOTO-SKI (flothing wrong with niaking that kind of decision un your own!). You walk into the bouse fyewn once or twice) and say to the kids, Hey kids! How about bringing in those bundles fromn the back of, " scenery. We hope Grandma Fos-te- is able .to enjoy miany more re- unions m'th lier sons and dau,ýh- crs andi their families. Five ladies of Kendal Womeni's Itiu.and Newtonvilie ladies were aIso guests in Maple Grove on lVonday evcuing.. Our Wardcn, MVr. Roy Poster a nd Mrs. Foster bave just re- turned fromý a convention that was held in Edmionton Miss Ann Foster was hiome fromn London University for tic week- end wth lier parents. lODS ALWAYS HAVE ALÉ THE FUN?" That's the kind of thrili that young folks ramember best about growin,* up. But its just the beginning. When you buy one of these 1970 famiîiy lovin' MOTO-SKIs, youIl, make thamn like they're "the othar kid". The one that always has ail the fun! A free copy of -Story of the Ex. clusive Track" wili put you on the right track whan you buy a Snow- mobile. Cet the'story frona Reulth CDmlulon] Hardware ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 983-5207 THîîE PUWER-EDG&E -eis for Big Action: fun -packed, excitement-fiiled action, traii-blazing action, hunting, ice-fishing and tow-skiing Action!T Above aI,-'is for Absofute Refabitity. Alouette. The Big' The Reliable One. NOW Air YOUR DX Service Station Highway 35 and. 115, Just north of Newcastle Fetrng.. Premium Quality Produets -AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES - Steve 011 niay ho picked up in any quantlty 19.9e, per gallon ATTENTION FARMERS and TRUCKERS - Speclal discount on gasolihe and diesel fuel. PHONE 987-4215 Girls' Leotards Good quality ail nylon seamless stretch tights in ail sizes from infants to 14 years. Assorted colours. Priced from $1.00 to $2.89 Ladyjbird Vests and Panties Cotton mesh vests and panties by Ladybird. Vests are siceve. less, panties have lace trun. White only. Sizes 2 to 6 years and 8 to 14 years. 1 Priced front $1.00 (o $1.10 Boys' Socks A new stock of beys socks încluding heavy stretch nylon and kroy wool and nylon 'wth cushion foot, Grey, bine, green, wie and brown. Sizes 6 to 7%; 8 te 9, aind 9%A to 10%. Priced front 59c. to $1.00) Flan neitte Elankets Syecial prices' on Chinook flannelette blankets, while they IaslJ. Good quality white flannelette with coloured borders. No lay-aways. For Cash Only_ Size 70x9O" per pair $4.98$ Size -80x90O" per pair $6.00 Size 80x1l00" per ýpaÏr $6.75 'IRNG ; ;l M ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 983-5343

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