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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Oct 1969, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9th, 1969 AI ex Carruthers M.P.P., Durharn, Makes Statement On Batterwood Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Durham It wouid now iappear Ühat the hopes and aspirations of those, citdzens who envisioned Jýatter- eod s a national historie site have been shattered by the recent pureihase of the estate by Mrý R';obert Marten., It had been my hope thiat rep- resentatives of the three levels of Governmen.t - Federal, Provine- âal ard County woulid have an op- portunity ýto corsider the matter în detail with the objective of Oharing the responsibility for the deve¶bopftent of the site. On August 26 1 wrote to Mr. Russell Horey, the Federal meni ber, in this cornection, and 1 amn surec further consideration was being given to the matter by Mr. Honey and by the Fedeilal De- pgrtment of Indian Aiffairs and Northiern Developmnent. Mr. John NIcol, Director of the National Historie Parks Branch, Departmcnt of Indiar Affairs and Northern Devélopment, in reply to my inqruiry adviscd 'me on June 13, that before any action was taker fa develrop a new hist- crie site, the matter had tb be re- ferred, to the Historie Sites and Monument Bocard of Canada. -He assureci me thGt he would be hap- py to see if the matter could be eonsidered by the Board at the f ail meeting., The events of 'the past few days make any action in that reL",ý,et rclunant. Mr. Nicol also 'advised me that prior to the gbove meeting,- his defprtmnent would have a quinli- fîed resitoration archfiteef exam- ine the hîouse, ard make his re- port to the board. No doubt this examination was completed. Offiniais of the Otario Heri- tage Pourclation were keenl'y in- terested in the future of Batter- wooii and submited teo me a num- ber of recommendations relative ta the future of the estate. These inluded tihe following; 1. Tdaat thec home hc macle a national and provinicial conference centre. 2. A CinadIin Breton Woods. 3 A conservation sohoDl. 4. A Lards andi Forests demon- stration centre. 5. A V.I.P. guest house. 6. A seminar centre for top civ- il servant corferences. 7. A language centre. 8. A Deparîment of Agriculture exp erimentgl farm. These recommendations were presented to the Ontarlo Govern- ment and the National Deçiart- ment of Indian. Aff airs for their consideration. Tfrie Prime .Minister's office circulated .aletter ocutlining tihe recommendations to the varions departm.eints of the Ontario Gov- erument requesting consderation and an expression of xiewpoint. The Departmeint of Lands andi Foresbs, th'rourghI the Minister, the Hlonourable Renie Brunà1le, show- eci partieular interest àn view ofý the location of the estate in the Bob Yeoigman's R.111 1, Orono Phonre 993-5624 - 24 HOUR SERVICE- New Installations - Alterations Renairs Specializing ln RIOT WATER REAT-'-1 Valley of the Ganarasha, but the genenal opfinion of the -Ontario Government was that the area should be considered as a pos- sible nationeai monument,land that if at ail possible, efforts should be madle to have the National Historic isites Board ýassuime re- sponsibi'lity for the whole aren. There is a segment of our so- eiety Whidh is indifferent to our henritage, ýpartieularly as it re- lates, to the Royal IFamily andi the tiers VIat binci us to Great Britain and the Commonwealth. These viemws must be recognized andý ap- preciated, but an opportunity has nrow been lost to retain an li- portant lnk in the ýchain of Ist- orical events that have resulted in the evolvement of Canada as a nation This is to be regretted. The efforts )and interest f mary incividuals and local groups in having the estate designiated as a national historie site are "to be commended. As one who is in- volved in ihe regotirations that took place, I arn particularly ap- preciative of the co-operation ex- tended by the local groups. ATTENTIONI Snowmiobile buyers and owners I Ile could be to your advantage to see us before you buy. Shop our big lot for a'selection of 5 makes, 50 models. A wide variety of trailers, clothing and accessories, mo- demn service department and speed equipment makes One Stop Shopping at Whitaker Sales & Service 136 King St. W., Oshawa 723-9t4l - 723-9252 I SflE EXPIRES ALL SLA SH ED YOU CAN'T BEAT COUNTRY DON'S PRICES ANYWHERE 1 USE COUPONS!. SAVE$$$ BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMA S BRING IN THIS VALUABLE COUPON FOR $0O ON THE PURCHASE 0F NEW r CHESTERFIELD SUITE ONE COUPON TO A CUSTOMER NO RETAIL MERCHANTS PLEASE CLIP TRIfS COUPON CL~,SC U~ BRING IN THIS VALUABLE COUPON BRING IN THIS VALUABLE COUPON Fi0 0FOR00 $ ON THE PURCHASE 0F NEW ON THE PURCHASE 0F NEW BOX SPRING & MATTRESS BEDROOM SUITE ONE COUPON TO A CUSTOMER ONE COUPON TO A CUSTOMER NO RETAIL MERCHANTS PLEASE NO RETAIL MERCHANTS PLEASE SHwy. 115-35 at Newcastle Cut-Off Phone 9741

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