____________________________~~~ ýONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDIAY, OCTOBER 9th,,1969 -e EZCIMMDIFIED1 M RM -ii -ü BVAM fPLUMBING and HEATINGj fSales and Service 11M HOUR BURNER SERVICEc 1 f GULF FINANCING , à Low. Interest Rates fitüIff j Phone: j Tyrone 263-2650 f I Orville Chatterton 1 cElectrical Contracting j 1 Electric IIeatînz and Service jPHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940f Orono. Ontario ORONO ELECTRIC Ilerb and Gerry Duvall .983-5108, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. SRADIO - HI-FI- FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION EILECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE- Hamiltons I Insurance Service ; fFire, Package Policies f Fidelity Bond, I Liability - Life gFirst Mortgage Loans :Sadie Hamilton - Phone 983-5115 - fBox 133 Phone 668-35521j Stafford Brothers1 jManufacturers of Cemetery Memorials j I318 Dun das Street Easbt f WHITBY, ONTARIO O IBuilding a House? i I I Ior remodelling your present g' LYC ]7F : one, then contact 1 Pumin 1letig g Pluming -Ieai!gFloyd Nilcholson I PHONE 983-5407 Î î Orono, Ontario Î jPhone 983-5049 ORONO :NT treed on WANTED TO RE] Scenic iacreage, partly good, road for Fairytale vel@pment. OClarke or Town,,hip area. Cail oollect 728-3404, FOR SALE See &Bis 0Israc Agency for Ail classes of personal aÏid Commercial Coveraires' Office: Main St., Orono 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 Gord Simpson PHONE' 983- 5808 Orono, Ontario PAINTING - U~RPENTRY REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIRS PRODUCTION SALE of Registered Polled Herefords Saturday, October 25th 1:00 p.. The herds of AIllan Franks and Sons and Edrmund Reavie and Son at the Frnik's Fam, 2 miles east of Madoc and north on,. Pine Ridge Rond (off Highwýay No. 7). Test- ed bulls, oows and calves, bred and open hefers. Catalogues avail- abile fr-un Cornish Auction Ser- vice, Box 7, Indian River. c-c STOCKER SALE 500HEAD 500 The Vuruhani Farinera' 13th Arn- nural Fail Feeder Sale. Sebing. without Reserve aI the tburrgIn County Sles .Areua, Urnono. on Mondiay, Oct»ber 2M e t 1:00 pan. SRihng year olds, 2 year ods. stock and grass calves, feeders. Al catIle grded and sold in suitiabde lots by the pound. Pilan j o attend this Inwrortant Auction where Buyers and Selers meet each year. Terms..Çash. No Reserve. Charles Reid. Auctifineer AUCTION SALE aISehilin.9 Saturday. Octoher 111h, at o'eiodok the fui-niture and h6usehold eoods of Mrs. Milton Tamùblyn and the late Mrs. Fred Briimacombe at'the home Of '-s Tamblyn, north of Orono, Ifigh- way 115, including Frigidaire eI- ectric stove, kitchenette set, new washing machines, bwo chester- fields and chairs, rugs, antique window seat etc. More articles ta be hýisted next week. Charles Reid. Auctioneer fi AUCTION SALE' Park De- Farm maclinery, cettie. crain Manvers and ftîrniture, the propierty of Mr. Reg EffiotI. 1 mile north of Ken- Oshawa. &t. Saturday . October 131h aI c-40-c 10:00 a.in. Ternis cash. No reserve. Char-les Reid and Ciiff Peirhick. Aructoneers. b-c A 2 piece Miue and white pile snowsuit wt'h hootees and muittens 10 match. 12 months size. Woimi on(ly ope wirnter. Original pince $18.00 eMhing for $9.00. Phone Mrs. Wayne H'elson, Or- ono 983-5232. a-p FORSALE Quantity of Stacking Chairs and Tables at cost price. May be. seen at f actory. a-c - Nesting Furniture Limited LOST Lost'ion Saturday in ýOponýo. 3 car keys .rwith -ia Dodge emblem. Anyone findling same please cal 983-5635. a-c HELP WANTED A high school boy over 16 years of age to help on a niink ranch on Saturdays. Phione 983-5986a- NOTICE Alterations anid plain sewinq. Mrs. M. Downs; corner Park and Church Sts. Phone 983-5493. t-f FOR SALE'BY TENDER~ Tenders will be received bv the undersigned SoUiiitor up to 12,00 o'e1ok muon on Tues4ay. the 141h day ofQOctober. 1969, for the pur- dhase of the property of the late FyIore nce Agnes Brimacombe, consisting of house and leo on the west sie of Church Street in the Village of Orono. This property is a brick houQe consistin'g of 7 rooms plus attach- ed kitehen and detaclied tool shed and contains a 2-piece bath and ofi furnace and is centraily loca- ted in Orono. Terms: 10% of prnce wdth ten- der: balance to be Paid in cash on elosing; closing date to be ar- ranaed. Higzhest or any tender flot nec- eQsar.ily acecepted. InsPection of the buàldijne mav be annanged by contactine Gar- land Catheart. Kendal. phone 983-5190 or Arthur W. Thomanson. Kendal, phone 983-5077. Execu- tors W. K. Lycett Orono, Ontario Solicitor for the Vendors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F GEORGE WILLIAM HIERY POPE late of the Township of Carke da the County of Durhami, Retired. de- ceased: AIl persons having claijns acainst the Estate of the sad GEORGE WILLIAM H!ENRY POPE. who died on or about the. i4th nyý of Septemiber. 1969. are hereby no- tified to send to the undersigned Ex«Wtrix or her Solictor. on~ or before the luth day of october. 1969, 4ir naines and addrées and fuli particufara of their pIa,,Ms and the nature et£ the secuities (Uf any) held by theinduly ye- teç by statutory deo1ýaration. Imoxediately ater the sd 11th day Pl October, 19W9, the assets of the said deceased wiIl be dis- tributed ameng the persons en- titled théerto. havine regard only to the clainTs of whieh the Exce- curix or the undersW "ied so1ici- tor shal then have notice. DATEfD aI Owonîo. Ontarilo. thils 24th day of Septeinber 1969. ETHEL GEARY. Kendal. Ontalo Executrix W. K. LYCETT, Orono, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F MARY ETHEL LUXON, LATE 0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F GLARE, IN THE COUNTY 0F DURHAM, WIDOW, DECEASED SAil personrs ihaving olaims a- gainst the Estate of the said MARY ETHEL- LUXON. who died on or about the 22nd day of June, 1969, are hereby notified to send to the vndersigned Executors, or their Solitor, on or before the 111h day of October, 1969,ý their names and addresses and fuli nuar- liature of the securities (if any) ticulars of theïr eliaims and the held by theni duly venfied by statutory decilration. IMMEDIATELY alter the said llth day ocf October, 1969, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the elaims of mwhieh the Execurbors or the undersigned So- licitor shalh then hrave notice. DATED aI Orono. Ontario. this 22ný day of Septeniber, 1969. ROY DAVID MERCER, Orono, Ontario. JOHN THOMPSON, Kendail, Ontario. Executors. W. K. LYCETT, 0rono, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. Exterior Interior Macs Are Snacks Excellent Quality Apples and Pears For Sale Fred's Fruit Market JIELP WANTED lEx(penienced PuniJber wantee& Clpntact H. Partner. Phone OSnoo 983-5206. - FOR SALE 1961 Chev. i/a-ton. Piekuip Trudk, good condition, phone 987-4495 NOTICE Orono irownieýs>and Girl Guides, are holdine a Cake Sale on Sat- uéday. October 11th in the Od- fefi&w's Hual, 2:00 p.m. Everyoine we1coie.- o-c NOTICE Kendal United Church Anni- versai-y Sunclay, October l9th at 2:30 pzn., ýSpeaker: G. E. T. Crozier, B.A., 0ambrorne. Turkey dinner, Octob- er 22nd. Sittings 5, 6 and 7 o'clock b-41-e NOTICE The Acres Restaurant wil' be serving Thanksgriving Dinner this SundaY une Mondray froni 12 noon to8 P.m. - COMING EVENT iSatuR-day October 181h the A.C.W. of St. Savriour's inv&ýte You fo theïr bazaar and tea in the Paxis~h Hall, commencing ai 2:30 psu. Tea 35c. b-41-e REGISTRATION Fgure Skîating Registration at Orono, Arenta Fiday,, October 24 frein 7 te 9 pirn. 1AMII. test candidates mnust reg- ister aIt this lime in order to trY C.F S.A. tests this winter. b-41-e IN MEMORIAM GANTRELL- In Iovng memorY of a dear wife and miother, Oo*aa Mlay, whio passed away October 11, 1965. She lai gone but not forgotten, And as it dawns another year, Fond memories linger every day Remenihrance keem s er nelar, Alway1s'remernbered --by bus- band and familY., a-p CARD 0F THANKS j thank God for my survixial. A vcry sincere thanks to my many fniends and neigphourls for their kindness tb MY farnily While 1 was in the hospital; for .the many cards, messages and gifle. ALso Rerv. and Mr. Long for-their vis- its. A speciail thanlis t Dr. MC- Kenzie and 10 Prinoessl Margaret Hojspitai for special care. To Dms Loniger, Barber and Frantonijbe, nurses and staff of 2nd Floor Un:- versity Wing, Toronto General Hospital for kindness and care. Joyce Slater, Orono Building Contraictr Brick - Block -Cnrt Stone Work CH-1LARLES RàMD1 Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consult imefor terms and dates, PHIONE ORONO 983-5914 Monuments and', FamiIy Memorials Our quality and service leaves nothing te be desired Ask the perses who bought from ms, a neighbeur, friend'or relative The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Largest display in Southeris Ontario WT1ATSON'S Marine' and Cycle, t Orono Phone 983-5343 - PRINCE CRAFT BOATS f Alouette Snow Mobiles McCulloch -CHAIN SAWS =Repairs bu ail makes of Lawn i -Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle I Engines fOTACO PLOW POINTS fAND MACHINERY PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins 1 Phone 786-2552 *:. <4<d( JACK RI1CIARDq9 REALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMAN VILLE When Buying or Selling cali WILF HAWKE VOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Member of Oshawa and Dis- trict -Real Estate Board,