ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURtSDAY, OCTOBIER 16th, 1969 ORONOI WEEKLY TIMES Second Clis Mail Registration Number 038 Publihed every Thursday at the office of publicaton Main Street, Orono, Ontario. Phone 983-5301 PASSING THE "BUCK" TO THE HOUSEWTFE George Kerr, the Minister of Energy andi Rsources, at Queen's Park, presented last week a proposai whereby the housewif e wouUid be handed' the job of cleaning up one ofthVe groater polutants of oui- time. H1e suggested Vbat de- tergent manutfadtur.ers miay be ordered to show on their packages the lwrceentlage of phosphate contained inside andi that the hoLtsewife might be expectedti o boycott those de- teiigents with a flgih phosphate content. The phbosphate l tt liquiti andi powdered deter- gent bas beein note{1 as the etbpri.t \which is de-enerating ouir iaterways. It bas been stated that if tliis poluibant is eýlârmfnated oui- lakes dan bc returnedt o a heiathy state. A smail price Vo pay for a c]lian place to live. But hope begins to slip when a cabinet minister be- gins passt-ing the buck andi in actual fact shrks bis duty. Wby go to all the trouble to peint on packages the' phos- phate content andi then turn Vo the housewife and engage her assistance to tumn aside thiowse detergents with baraful effeets. Surely it would be muclh silmpier Vo say'Vo the man- ufacturers . . . no phiosphates in detergents. . . anti especi- îal1y when there is a known substitute for phosphate. Tthe soluion to tlis problefro is elementary anti simple if the ininister will use commion sense anti some fortitude., It took fifteen years Vo eliminate the ocean of suds from detergents a f ew ycarq hack and if Kerr does not stand up to hs issue to preserve our iakes anti rivers we can expect another fàfteen years to pass wile the biouse- w 1fe looks for the fine print on a led vrrne package. As one writer stateti "the solution lies not with the good ladies, but Wth good government." NO HOLIDAY The Northumberliand1Durbham Board of Bducetion in dts requcst o tjhe Department of Eduècation, to return stu.d- ents Vo the classroom on November llth insteati of a hol- day makes for a lot of sese. No doubit when. Reinemnbrance Day, November llth, was deelareti a holiday for students, the intent was to make the day more memorable. But hs action does noV make the day miore memonable or meaningfull. Like many other hfliays, Vbat have been set asitie to commeinorate histor- !cali happendnigs or o pay tntibute Vo some huinan or hum- nans, the mýeaniîng is soon lost. Last Monday was the' Tbanksgiving holiday. Diti mot the majority. consitier hs just another holiday . . . a time for recreýation andi redaxiing. Was the fuRl meianring of this holiday considereti? lin the past both the Orono Public School andi the Clareke Iliglh Sdhool bave held meniorial services on :Ren-1 enmbrance Day andtithese have. been quite impressîive. There is student invoIvenient along with an' audible mes- sage. This cannot be obtaineti outside the sebool and even if it couilti students, like their, parenîts, are mot likely to go, out of their way to attend We contend Viat a more memorable message can be instigated in tihe sdhool where the holiday is but a loss. UNICEF APPEAL In former years there werc in this community a few Who f elt that UNJGEF Wvas a worthy- undertaking andi thI¶ough tiheir efforts children were escouraged Vo aeccept contributions on thve nighit of Hlluowe'en. In tihe pasi nurn- ber of years littie, Vo our knowledge, bas been clone Vo promote a UNIGEF canvas in the Village. This is unfortunate for UNICEF is a plan whereiby a ferw pennies can help neeiy cltidren to live. Essentially UNICEF is a you'Vh project but-tt does take some organiza- tioh froin adulistso geV it off the ground. This is lracting IV is interesting Vo note that in the city of Oshawa a sanali banti of châiltren, eleven years ago, coileted a su'm of $272.42 wlhile last year he totial amounted Vo $6,211.65. The movement bas grown rather than dieti out. The witcthes and goblins are figtiing real ghosts. . . those of bhunger, diseuse anti ignorance. Sannot gome group in Orono give neetiet organiza- tion to UNICEF. The few pennies ca.'i mean so mmcli and 1V does creiate a purpose for the chiIdîr-n. Mucli more so than goiýcg from one end of Vive Village to the other seeing how muchlo ot can bc collected in shopping bags, pillow cases etc., only to be discardet i aer. Vour health Îs one of yous gets ses It is your happines, your life. We wçrk hanti-in- hand with your doctor to protect yeur health. Your prescription is compounded with accuracy and with the best of drugs. Baking, Needlecraft Winners At Oron. Fuir Domnestic Science winners at the Grono Fair are listeti below with the nuimber of list. 2nti etc mon by the e>hibuiors. Mrs. Reg. Su tton, Orono, 5 lses, 5 2ntis, 2 Srds. Mes. Wm. Lake. Newcastle. 6 Ists, 3 2nds, 2 Setis Mrs. I. Payne, H-ampton, 5 lsts, a 2nd anti 3rd. Mes. H. Barlow, Orono. 4 ists. 3 2nds, 3 3rds. Mes. I. Oballice. Grono. 4 lists. anti one 2nd. Mrls. J. Walker, Orono, 2 Ists, 22nds, i 3rti. Mrs. I. Hai-ris,: Orono, 5 lsts, anti i 2nd. Mes. G. Watson, 2 Ists, 5 2ntis anti 2 3rds. Mrs. W. B. Hloar, Orono, 2 ists 4 2nds, 3 Srds. Mrs. G. Rainey, Orono, 2 lsts. iVrs. A. R.1 ilolinigsworth, Or- ono, 1i ist, 3 2nds, 2 3rds. Mes. E. Billings, GOrno, 3 ists, and 1 2nd. .Mes» D. Bridger, Newcasýtle, 1 lst anti i 3rd. Mes. N. Thunston, Lindsay, 1 2rd. MVils. A. Whitmee, Nuwcastle, 2 2nds, 1 3rd. Mes. J. Crawford, Oghawa, 2 2ncs anti 3 3rds Mes. B. Turner, a third. Mes..D. Plain, Onono, 1islt anti one 2nd. Mrs. N. Selby, Nerwcastile a lst anti a 2nd. Mes. A. E. AIli.on. Port Hopue. a first,. second ianti 2 3rds. Mes. F. l)own, Orono, a ist anti a third Mvr. W. Mkahaffey, Blackstock, 3 Ists. Mes. V. Gimbllett, Oronu a 2nd. YOUNG ADUIS- Christina Selby, Newcastle, 2 lsts, 2 2ndý. Janet Beock, C>awa, a Ist anti a 3rd. Carol Caldwell, Orono , 2 2nds, 3 3rds. NEEDLEWORK- Mes. G. Chant, Hampton, 5 lsts a 2nti anti a 3rti. Mes. L. Plain, Orono, 1Iist, 1 2nd, i 3rti. Mes F. Payne, Hampton, il Ists, 3 2nds, 5 3rds. Mr. Z. Patterson. Orono. 7 lsts. 5 2nds, 3. 3rd's. Mr. L. White, Oshawa, 1 ist, 62nds, 4 3rds. Mrs G. Gamsby, Orono. 2 ists, 1 3rd. Mrs. G. Rainey, Orono, 1ilst, i 2nd. i 3rd. Mrs..G. Brown, Oshawva, 4 Iss il 2nds, 6 3rds'1 Mrs. V. Ginblett, Oshawa, 2 2-d1 3 3rds. Mrs. M. Gartshore, Newcastle. 1 lst, 2 2nds, 1 3rd. Mrs. J. L. Crytiermian, Bowinan- ville, 4 lits, 2 2nds. Me:s. B. Kinsman, Port Hope, 4 lists, 1 2nd, 4 3rds. Mers. C. V Wilson, ODono, 2 2nds, i 3rd. Mes. Wm. Mahaffeety, Black- stock, 1 Ist., Mes. M. Gibson, Newcastle, 1 2nd. Mrs. N. Thurston, Lindsay, 2 2nds, 3 3rds. Mes. N. Selby, Newciastle, .2 i1sts Mes. G Grabam, Rextiale, 1 lst 3 2nd, i 3rd. Mes. P. Hannah, Hamrotor 4 1 2nd, i1Seti. Mrs. A. Alliston, Port Hope, 1 2nd- Mes. W.B. Hoar, Orono, i ist. *Mrs. W. Lake, Newastle, i ist. Mes F. Zegers, Orono, 1 3rd. Miss C. Zegers, Orono, 2 2nrls. Miss Jaiiet Brcck. Osh'awq 3 Ists, 1 2nd, 1I 3r& Missû Katherine Foreran. Osh- awa, 2 lstrs, 2 2nds, 3 3rýds. Miss lànda Luke, Oshaw*a, 2 lsts, 1 2nti, 1 Srt. Miss A. Aihn. Orono. i1 st and 1 3rd Miss C. Qaltiwel, Orono, 1 ist. 2 2udàs, 1 3rd. Mes. F. Hamni, Orono, 2 2nds, 1 3rti. Mrs. S. Tûrner, Bowmianville, 2 lsVs, 1 3rd. Mrs R. Whittington, Oshawa, D. ROGERSON 5 ORONO, ONTARIO ANTIQUE, WE BUY AND SELL f i OId Glass, China, Pine Articles f f Toys and Oddities I IF IT'S OLD ... f CALL US WE PAY CASH jPhone 623-5342 after 6 p.m. callyour, Nechdnical Contractor, who salli, instals qnd guoeantaes CARMAN PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 983-6207 Orono 1 2nd. Mrs. D. Býrown. Oslbawa. 2 lsýts,. i 2nd, 4 3rds. Mes. C. Vogel, Oronio, i1it.1 2nds, i 3rti. Mrs. G. Tennant, Orono 2lts i2POI, i 3rd. Mrs. M. Morton, Kendal, 1 2nd.- Mms.D. Evanis. Opono.1 2nd. 1 3rti Mrs. K. Giiett, Lesikard, i- ist, 1 2nti, i 3rd. ANN'S BEAUTY SALON Will extenti business hours as, follows: Monday - 9 - 5 Tuesday - 9 - 6 Wednesdiay - 9 - 6 'nursclay - 9 - 9 Fricay - 9 - 8 Specal- AU hbair goods in stock. Pails anti flair ieces. $10.00 anti $25.00 by van Belle Wig,1 Oxford STONEMASONS W. Schmahl 983-5606 Specializing inanailkinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We also do chimnev ftevairs i ON' ONE, 2 A TWO & THREE YEAR 4and5 YEARS.. Member Canada Deposit insurance Corporafion Central Ontario Trust &Savings Corporation 19 Simcoe St. N., OSHAWA 23 King St. W., BOWMANVILLE FOR ALL 'OCCASIONS CALL COLLECT - DAY OR NIGHT 62357"957