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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Oct 1969, p. 3

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- --- - - w ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, OCTOBER 16th, 1969 O.P.P. Report The Newcastle Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police,, durinzthe week -of October 2nd, to Ocitober 9th, 1969, investigateil 21 accidents in wfhichf 2 pergons were injured iunda a resuit 12 persons charged. Drinklng Driver Complaints seern to be ion the increiase That extra drink before ATTENTION FARMERS WHY PAY MORE? SAVE ON ]Prexnium Quality r-wASOLINE- *' DIESEL * MOTOR OIL 'k Farm tanks and pumps available CALL COLLECT 668-3341 DX OIL FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Willam-C Hall, B. Comm. Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Alil day Wednesday and Saturday Proof Positive S.ptic Tank Service GENERAL PUMPING 24 HOUE SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontario Telephone 983-5266 or 983-5728 -It Pays TO Shop Red White SGolden Ripe, Tropie Beauties lb. Fresh Picale Style Shoulder P ORK MI aÀ ROAST IL.55c Lean Lb. PORK BUTT ROAST 65 ed and White Sliced - Fresh DaiIy e f e BREAm DilFreefe 1 16-oz. Aunt Jenua Pancake Syrup Free 5 fo $ 1th pwrcas, of Pancake Flour at reg. pri ce 5 for $1BOTH FOR 49c Check Our Flyer For Many More $avings! CDORNISH'8 RED & WHITE' W. rosuve the dgW te à" qummtes, Phe»Me m4l, ores. i I ,driiving home just had ta be con- sumed. Persans convicted of Sm- puired ?Drdivng lose theïrrdrivers licence for auùnnimuni of 3 .months and could lose àt up ta 3 yeiars, aniywhere in Canada. Besildesa heavy 'fine or jail term, if a per- son's liveLhood depends on his licence, it could lose hlm bhis job ami put him financially in debt for quite tsome time. Ail because they had. ta have' that 1 or 2 drinks more. It hardly -seems -worth lit. The Newcastle Detachment of the Ontario ,Provincial Police, during the weeks of September 20th ta October 2,nd, 1969, invest igated 39' accidentýs, re(sulting in 8 persons being !njueid, and 27 charges laid. The Newcus tle Detachment al- s0 investigated 119 jGenerul Oc- currences in the sume peniod of filme. Onie occurrence týhut con- cerna thie sehool officiaIs and Pol- !ce is the vandalism to sehcols This type of vamiaism h<as burd- Clark. Public flBRAÀR Y B01URS OPEN: Tuesday 6:30 8:30 Thursday 6:30 8:30 Friday 2:30 - 5; 6:30 - 8:30 Saturday 10:00 - 12:00 a.m. clart out onto roadways suddenýy. Gtve approaobdng traiffic plenty of time to stiyp. Ateùr diark, as an ad- ded safeguard, wear- or carry soqmethlng white or 1light in -col- our. ýSafe wailking habits wlH keep .wu waling safely! ened the taxpayer with an in- crelase in taxes. Parents of young eilidren going to sdhools should Impress and educate their dhild- ren to conduet themselves4 as ladies îand gentlemen not only while at sdhool, ibut also after schooal andi durin.g weekends. Driving Tip PEJYESmRIANS! Always. pract- ice safe walking habits. Remem- ber, you Can often sece a car when its &iver can't sce you., For your own safety, f oll'ow these simple rules: Crvoss busy sitreets at inter- sections and pedestrian cross- walks ONLY. Before crossing, al- ways looQk both ways, and neyer Clark. High School, -Many of the studenits at Clarke FHigh School are now acting as salesmen in seling magazine sub- scriptions utîder the Curfis Plan. 'Uhrough titis means the students are able to raise funds for stud- ent activities ait the school. Pizes and awards will be presented to individuals and t'he class having the best record. SPORTS Ba'sketball for both boys and gitls is now well underway in al 'uge groupings with teams from Cl(arke doink well iu competition. Soccer is also a part of the, sport- ing activitiies and here again the Clarke team is recording a good record. EXTRA CURRICULAR COSTUMES, MASKS Bagged Candies Chocolate Bars Mints -Carmels Buy-Now while the choice is complete Orono Phone 983-5242 WHEN TIIINKING 0F THI'dNK 0 F MATT'S Weý_ bave a good cholce of MEN'S, LADIES' WATCHES WALLETS, LIGIITERS, BOX CHOCOLATES PIPES, GIFT TOBACCO Ma&y other interesting iRems MATIS BILLIARDS and Burbershop The Music Club lias had a good attendance of enthusiastic stud- ents. The iaccompaniment of guit- àýs las aided a 'Iolk' touch to the singing of songs as 'Jean' and 'Dock, of the Bay'. The pres- adent elected for this group s Suzanne Bunting. Reps" for each grade are as follows: Grade 9, Sheila Kennefiy; Grade 10,. Peggy Foster; Grade 1l, Evelene Brown; Grade 12, Linda Downs; Grade 13 Don White. Mrs. Waunecott is director. A Classý,cs Club lias been f orm- cd on suggestion by ou r new Lat- in teacher, Miss Miedema. The object >of this, club ila o, -prove that Latin is flot dead The ex- ecutive clccted at the first ancet- in-g are as 1follws: Presidnt,-Mria Kordas; Vice- precsid!en-'t 2Bil Caldwell; secre- tary treasurer, Glenda Tennant. social convener, Ellen Milison. Up And Downi The Bok Stacks NEW BOOKS, OCT. 16th, 1969 Aduit Shakespearean Tradgedy by A. C. Bradley (lectures on Hamiet, Othelo, King Leuar, MacBerbh) Neither Fiîve Nor Three hy Helen- MacInnes (an exciting novel about New Yorik) The Golden Warrier by Hope Miuntz (a stirring historical novel) Junior Bernies Goodmian by Emily Cheney Nevilile (Newberry medul winne r) Here Is Alaska by Evelyn Stef- alisson Betsy and the Boys by Carolyn Hqywood. Pass in Boots re-told Ioy Tn"Ich Kustner. Kinde;-Zarten The Noisy Book by M. W. Brown Geiorgie bty Robert Bright Blaze ami the Grey Spotted 1?ony by C. W. Anderson Bridie the Bantamn by Anna and Edwlurd Stundon Wild AnimaIs by Bnian Wild- smîth. Olga Beauchamp. PINE RIDGE Landscaping and Garden Servie (FREE ESTIMATES) Home Maintenance, Nursery Stock, ec. Phone 623-7633 Box 235 bowmanville iBALLOWE'EN .Albert's Texace GENERAL REPAIES Phone 983-5249 Orene SIMPSON'S Painting and Decorating INTERIOR -EXTERIOR PAPERHANGING REMOBELLING "For a etean dependahie job" Cali Douglas and Gary Simpson, 983-5104 LYLE WEST ELECTRIC Oronol: 983-5962 Quality Electrical Heating and Lighting Installations and Repairs by Certified Electricians I

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