ORONO WEJLY TIES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1qth, 1969 The Bread, 0f Life âcipture Lesson St.John 6. 35-40. Jésus was surrounded by a crowd. There were the Galklleans wihom H1e had lived among. The orthodox religicLis people were there. The cxci eient seekers, the . weak fohlewers andi the stronger disciples were there also. Jesus said to theni. '"I arn the bread of life" and implied thiat H1e was going Vo give Býis irfe to hem. They- said, "Thiis is a bard saying. Wbo can hear it?" So Hie said, "Don't take offence at this." (Don't stumble on the facit of the physical body.) "It is the spirit that gives hfe, the f lcsh is of no avail." Bread for the Jews was a basic fàod like riec for the Chlinese and petatees £or the Irish. So when Jesus raid Vo the Jews. 'II arn the bread of life," He was rayiag, 'I amn your basic spiritual n.ourish- ment. Without me your spirits will s(jarve o death." One group rected with cynbe- irni andi unbelief. The Galileans were shoekedi at Bis preaching and houghtlthat He was eut of Bis mndi. Thcy said, 'Is nât his, Jesus, thbe son of Joseph whose- father andi mother we know?> How docs lhe now ray, I ,have corne down frorn heaven'?" Wc have Galileans arnong us today. They were hemn into Chris- ian -homes andi went Vo Sunday Sdhoaol They sec the Chureh as an institutional wasteland of routine services, meetings and financial campaigns. They £ail to sce the Living Lord of the Chumch whose Prescrnce is expressed in the f ellowship of even such mi- perfect people as you andi me. Andi whose spirit works evon through us. Another .group of people were ~nct rhocked at Jesus' expression. 'I amn the bread of life." They remember how God hadi provided for Bis people "Ibreadi frem heav- en" long ago. But hoy were baf- flied by thec allusion Vo Ris death. "T1he breadi whicb I give you is my fieeb."1 We have these people todaY who admire Jesus as a féacher andi a great moral example. We Say, "Someone gave us a lot ef food for thought." They can ac- cept Jesus in this way but cannot make their peaco with flic atone- ment. Thoy cannot ýsay, '"I arn a sinnor. -I need salvation." There is a song, "Jesus died just for me, just for me." I heard this de- bated inl a group of young people, The leader xvas pointing eut how selfish it xvas Vo think that "Jesus didjust for nie," Well, it's got Vo hic that . va.v or it mneans very little. The acceptcd orthodox ineaning of the cross goes only se far, IV is to say, "Jesus Christ diedi for - man" andi stili bo unin- vulve& Bout the caîl is Vo be re- latedi Vo Christ that we reahlize, "I-e diedi for me" personally. We are commttcd o Binpersonally. Because He diedi for me. He calîs me Vo gàve my if e for Bum. Th e third group listening Vo Ohrist's discourse on "the breadi of life" badi been captivated bv Blis words andi personality. Bigt flow they begin Vo baik. "This is a bard saying" they said. "Whio can listen to this?". In Kingston when an outstand- ing Mýixister eane Vo a big Chuili there was a gleat shift of people o that Churoh. They were going o and fizo captivatedi by what hey sawr and heard. But it is not the kindi of ýthJng thut scnds clown roots. It is supenficial. Ohrist's &aim bas far roacbing im-- plications. If Bis claim is validi, then Our whole'hf e -and Our f aith in eternity dependis on our re- to eodi]ow - jeus as far as iV suIâted tiheir nvenience or piivate pur- poses for ,the material advUntages. ýo'f I-is mi*racles and the comif ont of Ris power to heial. Today hs lind would profess aliegiance Vo Christ, at least 'in narn, bepause it is good business and -for the prestige from their association with Cliristians who represe,..,t the solid and substan- tiat elernent in the conimunity. They feel tI.ey are aking out nmorai insurance but neyer dairken thec door of a Ciurch excepit for baiibism, wedding and finerals. Foritunateîy there was a smfalil group who listened to Jesus' and reactéd differently. Asý Jesus tries to draw the multitude to the -place xhere life akes on a deeD- er ,significance and the, spiritual sie of their nature'-can develop, the crowds were leaving. Jesus said Vo Bis disciplies, "Are y.ou aisogong to leave me?" But Si- mon Peter, the impetuaus but Der- ceptive leader exciaimed, "Lord, to wthoi shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." Hlaunted by inseecunity, we too know hat we must go Vo renIe- one or Vo something _Will we turn back Vo the "good old days" or fio political utopia of govern- ment seeurity or organized wad- ness of sorne euit or forget Mon- hood and go on existlng without tbout'ght and without hope? These are binj ailcyrs. Peter had the answer. He looked into the eyes of Jesus and said, "'You have the words of cternal life. There's no place else Vo go." As a Minister I agree with Peter. I sece peuple struggling to find answers jeveryxuhere under the sun. Sornetimes I see people finding answers. And xhen they do ùhey find victory through the lloly spirit of God as they. find, Christ. The Christian Ghu.rc<h toclay has her share of cyntcs, wýho know al the words of piety, but who are no longer moved by theni. The Ohurch has perplexed seekers who timidly admire Christ but wlio are affaid of the cross. The cross cornes first and the victory and the joy t1urough, the cross,. The Churoh bas ha1f-way disciples Wlho> follow Christ as far asý He is usedul to t(hern, and then quit. They, turn away beciause, of the cross> and therefore neyer krnow the vàctory and the j'oy. But glory be Vo God there is always a savnrc remuant'. In the Ohurch are real disciples. truc channels of God's Boly Spirit who know Christ horoughly and love Hirn alil the more for it. Who acccpit His, life and tea-.hing as we as Bis sacri- fice miade for theni. Whio serve imr for no other reason than gryatitude because they know that lie alone bas the wordfs of Iif e in the face of world disaster., "I am thl'e bread of life,,",said Jesus. He did flot say, "I-arn the rnedicine of life, take me when there is sickness and death." H1e did not ray "I am the eandy of ife, take me on Sundlay on top of the_ week's heavy jare of mon- ey niaking and self indulgence. No! 11ç raid, "I arn the lrea-d of if e. I arn your basic spiritual nourishrnent. You need me every day as you nced food for your bodies. Without me your spirits will starve Vo dcatjh.' Jesus went onto give Ris body to be broken And H1e ealIq Ths followers to become the broken bread in the worid, seeking new channels Vo be a continuing type of broken brcad. Wlien we know a compassion for the necd of thé ,wor1d whether it is at home or abroad and we lcnd our abilities, our rtrength and our means Vo this, then we become the broken bread. "It is a hard saying. Whio can hear it?' Not those Who trust in their own qtrength, but only those who will open up their lives to be filled by the power and the spirit of Christ. 1You are invited to join in the fellowslip of lioly Coimmunion. Do it because you have a need and you want to give yoursel~f to 'Christ and let Christ express Him- self through you. Corne in humil- lity. Go in joy and strength. REPORT FROM QUEEN'S PARK Alex Carruthers, M.P.P.. Durham O.H.S.I.P. PREMIUMS A cornaion criticisrn of the On- tarioo1Hcralth Services Insurance Plan is that Ontario citizens are being forced Vo accept a hc.alth sdtorne tinder which they are re- cciving reduced benefits at in- crcrased crost. Tihere is a dclgree of truth in this as many union contractis for- merly provided, 100% coverage paid by the employer. ThIs eov- erage is ýnow limited Vo 90% of the. ecrent Onbario Medical As-, sodation"s fee schediuil and neither the ernplîyer or the eni- ployee is perinitted Vo carry in- susiance Vo cover the extra 10%. On the, othe-r hanfi it shouild be noted' that a very large percent- age of the 7,2611,525 citizens in- sured undler0.11SI.1P. will pay lciss and receive increased bene- fits. A coniparison of the present coverage under OH.S.IP. with that orfercd by other provinces shows the Ontario coverage Vo be noV onfly as good but in mnany cas,'s better than that offered by the other Canadilan provinces. In reviewing the percentage cover- age consideration mnust be given Vo not only the level of fees charged but also as Vo what verar scheclule is used. The foll!owing provincial comparison illustrates this point: (1) Ontario . 90% of the cur- rent fee sche-dule. (2) B.C. - 90% of Vhe-current foe sohedule. (3) Saslathewan - 85% of the 1968 féee schedule presentlv in force. Deterrent fees used (4) Aibertba - 100% of Vhe '1968 fee schedule - net on 1969 sohedule vhich hias been in- creased by approximiately 8%. (5) Manitoba - 85% of the 1867 fee scihedule now in force and which has been i ncreased over the -966 scihedule by approxi- Canada Savings Bonds let you own a piece of it. CANADIAN IMPERIAL mateiy 15% - 20%. (6) Nova Scetla - 8,5% of the 1967 fee scheduJe preseuitly ii- force - revision due in 1970. (7) Necfoundiland - 90% of the narofee sohedule presently in f orce. The following ýadditional faetsi, should ýlso be considerod when analyzing the O.H.S.J.P. pro-- gramme. (a) For Ontario to rernain eut- of the federal mediloare program. wodld have meant a lors cf gome q$176,000,000 ini fedeval grants, (Ontarie's sýhare baseil on 50% cof the -national average). As the Vx payers of this province contrib- utc wl over $200 million to the federal sceone throuzh the social- security Vtax, any deciision Vo cpt- out would be bard Vo Justif.y. The province, forced Vo Parti- cipate in Vhe federal schernc. was however able to ob4rain Some con-, esesionus with respect Vo pivate- insurers and cooperatives. (b) The axpayers of Ontario contribute approximately 50% of- ahi the. national revenue thus as-- sisting -the have not provinces, in contianing their healîbh care costs. ( c) In a ' news releaso catcdl Sept 26th. 1969, the Bon John, Munro, Federal Ho.iath Minister,, emphatically 'statedi that any pro- vince xvhioh permitteýd insurance Vo pay for physicians charges ov- er and âbove those paid by the provincial plan .(905c) would be disqualified freni federal sharing, of costs under the Foderal Medi- cal Act. .The reason given by Mr. Munro, fo. th.s docision was that thosé- able to pay for the extra coverage wouid hive an advantage ever- those who could noV afflord Vo buy surli covciagei thus creating a double level cf benefit cuver- age. (di) If the province assume« 100% of the O.M.A. fee schodule .(Cfontinued page 5) Alex -Currutmes -On O.H.S.I.p. BANK-0F COMMERCE t7 I