,,,04NO WEEKLY TIMES. THiURSDAY. OCTOItR l6th, 1969 Lec i News Mliss Elva Reid and friend of Toronto visited her parents Mr. and Ais. Wni. Reid over the we ekend. Mr. Wayne Mercer has corn- pleted a course in OiiI Burner mechanies in Ottawa and is em- ployed by llrvey Partner Ltd. W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED Realtor 21 King St. W. Bowmanville S6«23-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope Office 885-4543 For prompt, courtcou.s, effici- ent service when buying or selling and for the largest sel- ection of properties in the area Contact Orono -Area Representatives Roy Foster Dane Founid Andy Sutéh Roy Strongz 983-5801 623-3965 983-9119 52 r il Bethaiiv Miss Sw1l rSta0les, Afla Col- lege, spent the long weekend hol- idîay with lier parents Mr. and M .s- Donald, Staples and famiîy. Miss Darlene West spent the holiday weekend with lier flamily, Mr. and Mrs. Raye Weàt., Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Burnett and family, Peterboroughi werc visit- ors on Thanksgivîng with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham Mr. Terry Gra- ham of Queen's University, King- ston was also with bis parents for Thanksgiving. Mr. Arnold Wallace lcft this week ta visit his mother in Seot- land., Mrs. Dorothy lKeen, Toronto, spent thc weekend wi'thiMirs. Harry Baley, Mrs. P. Werry had the good fortune ta win a colour TV set rccentliy. She joined thc Cuna (IHaùlton) Credit. Union, whidi, is a Credii Union £or o<ffiicers' of Credit Unions of Ontario, and w.hidli hcl'd a membership drive, off erlng the TV in a lucky draw. Mrs. Werry is treasurer-manager 6f the Orono District Credrit Dn- ton. Kendal'News Mvr. and Mrs. Jas. Bastock of Scarboraugh attended the Brima- cambe s-e on SatudAuy. Jim vas a sbeth line bay. Miss Marlon McKelvey and John entertained Mr. and 'Mrs George Lofthouse of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. D. Keene of Toronto for Thanksgiving; a-se Miss C. StewaT,.. Kendal Annivcrgary xiii be held this Sunday afternoon (oct. 19) at 2.30 pim. Welcome Choir xiii supply the special music and Rev. G. E. T. Crozier of Camborne xiii be the guest speaker. The Kendal Turkey Dinner will be on Wednesday, Qatober 22nd Settihgs at 5, 6 and 7. Phone Mrs. H. Poster 3-5676 or Miss CJ. Stew- ai-t 3-5188 for tickets. Brâng your aid wooilens ta Mrs. E. Gouraux if you want blankets. Rev. T. Snelgrove was in the pulpit_ on Sunday m.rning' a±ter his trip ta St. johns, Newfourid- land the week previaus. He spoke on 'Lifes Pageant of Praise. The pgalmiit said, The morning stars sang together. ThIs is a time af Aeeepting, When Iife's adversit- les and traubles camne can we see Hlis purpose working aut? 1 This is a time for Praising God. Praise Hlm upon the liarp, the psalmist said, Miss Peggy Poster sang 'The Dutch Hymnn of Tîhanksgiving, as a solo accomnpanied by lier aunt MVrs. A. Foster. The Uihurch was beautifully decorated in autumn colours. The United Churcli Womcen will serve lunch at noon and ail after- nmon at the Reg Effiott sale. Lad- ies, please bril1g sandwiches ta be sold. The. sale is Saturday, Octob- er lUth. It nmust be some sort of a rec- ord that on Thanksgiving Day, Oc'.ober 13, we were a ble ta pick bestiful ripe red tomatoes anljng the gregn4 unfrosted vines, Even tihe tuberous begonias are a ýb1aze of colOUr. Trexnendous flocks of wild geese have been passing over on their journey south ifor the îast two weeks. The Chuxcli Board wish ta thank those who brought artic1es ta the Brimaconibe sale. OHSIP (Oontinuied from page 4) it wou.id tend ta, encourage over- charging and wou'ld cost, it is est- inzated, an additiosal $40 million. ld should be noted that only'some 15% af the doctors charge the no guarantee thiat the doctor's extra 10%~ or more. There is aiýso skill in many cases would justify Study Head (Oontinued from page 1) any findlings. W.e'lQ have nothing ta slhow for some time. Mr. Patterson wîll be kee-ixlng tabs on work in other components Of the study via the regular plan- ning and devel'opment stu.dyex- ecutive meetiniýs. We have to keep clniînuaiily in touch with these committees. UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister SUNDAY, OC Orono ULnited Chi the extra charge. (e) The Ontario Gov7ernment could crastically reduce premiums and mise thc sales, corporation, and personal incarne taxes to caver the cast as was clone in Manitoba. Sudh action wou'id tend ta valse taxes ta a prohibitive level. pyar- ti'cularlly when itý is realized that the Federial Gavrmnment intenàs ta withdraw from the program in five y&ars substituting extra in- corne tax points for use by the It, mouid ailso' eve Uic averae citizen the imnpression that lie is getting ffree medical coverage whereas he is actuaily payinZ fot' lis health services either direct- lyý or incirectily thnau,&h taxes. Urider, suc'h a method those now recelving fuli or Partial assistance wouild be rc*uired ta pay a pQr- tion of prelniuxn cost. Regardliess of how ihe cot is assunned it is going to be aun in- creasinigly expensive proeuam. And ne ver again wi)1 they Ïay "NEjY DAO ... ROW COMIE THE OTHER KIOS ALWAYS HAVE AML THE FUN?- There's a lot to be said for the 1970 MOTO-SKI. But for the thrjll that beatsalal tbrills, consider this: you drive int your yard. Il's wintery cold and a littie afterderk. The family doesn't know you're bringing home a spankin' neý» 1970 MOTO-SKI (nothing wrong with xrnaking thal kind of decision on your own!). You walk into the bouse (yawn once ortwice) andsay to the kids, "Hey kids! Howabout bringing in those bundies from the back of +1 TIsas thse kind of lthrill-tIsaI young folks remember beat about growln' up. nul ita Just lIse beginniog. When you buy une of these 1970 familY lovin' MOTO-SKIa, you'Il make themi like lhey're lthe other kid". The une that alwaya bas all the fun! A free coPY of " Story of the Ex. cliUsive Track" wiIl put you on thé right track when you buy a snowr. mobile. Cet the story from Rev. B. E. Long Rolph[Domino]Hrwr TOBER l9th ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 983-52t" SundaY Sehool at 10:00 Service at 11:15 ar. Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 a.m. Sunday* Sehool at 11:00 <.".'y OTO-MOTO-SKI* -Jis for Big Action: fun-packed, excitement-filled action; trail-blazing action, huriting, ice-fishing and tow-skiing Action! Above al,,6k for Absolàte Reliabiity. Alouette. The Big The Reliable Onc. Watson Marine&Cyl NOW AT VOUR DX Service Station Highway 35 and 115, Just îorth of Newcattl, Feaurig .... - ATTium Quality Productg ATTEMOST REASONABLE PEICES Steve Ol '"my be-Ptcked up lu any quantlty 19.9t. per igallon ATTENTION FARMERS and TRUCKERS- Speelal discount on gasoie and diesel fuel PHONE 987-4215 ~ Wol eadearand Scarfs Sece ur new Wool Headwear and Scarfs iu briglit colour combinations. Included are the new Beeret and Six Footer Scarf Sets, Stocking Caps, Balaclavas and Toques. Styles fer ail the faiily- Choose now while the colour choice is good. Priced from................ $1.98 to :$5.98 Boys' and Girls' Jaekets A liew stock of Jackets in Nylon with Orlon pile 'and Quilted lining. Blue, green, brown and beige. Sizes range 4 to 6 years and 8 to 14 years. Priced from....................... $8.95 to $12.fl BABY PRAM BAGS Baby Prani Bags with attached hood inheyigt lnt inaterial and soft Orlon pile fabric. Machine washable. Pink, white and yeliow. frlced frrnn $6.25 to $11.95 IBABY ;SNOW SUITS One and two piece styles in Snowsuits for babies. Lined nylon in pink and yeliow. Sizes 12 to 24 months. Priced front $9.9'5 to $10.50 KNITTED SETS FOR BABIES Sets consist of niatching leggings, jacket with hood and mitts. Brushcd Acrylic fibre ini pink and blue. Size 18 months only. ,Price per set ........ $9.50 A-RMTONG PHONE 983-5343 ORONO, ONTARIO