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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Oct 1969, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY TEMES, TIIURSDAY, OCTOBLR lth, 1969 Plrent Group Petition Board A group of parents of students utCaanpbellorid High Sehool pre- meted. a petition to the Nonth- urnbenlandýDUXiham County Board of Eldudation last Thuriy îng tihat their children shouild not b)e kepi hanging arounci for an hour every day waiting for a bus to go home. Wdllîam Petty, who headed the ,delegaition, accused. the board adi- mninistrlation of "'treating the mat- "lUt's a bnci situationi when Stu- -dents bave to, bang aroand- for,, an hour waiting toi g'el home.' Iý have seen thein niding9 around in, caris, joy riding, to kil tihe tPie and'- I know their paren-ts don't -k<oew anything about this,", he suaid. H-e explained that the normal ,sch.oolda endeid at 3:10 p.m., and beCaüse some bus students h~dto stay for extra cunrîclemar uîu.>jiec'tis three days a week, al the students had to stay. On the n;ýher two1 days the students were letto their own resourees. "-In ma.ny cases they don't get _horný unt[il 5 p.m,, and sorne of these students Pl.aY hockey andi utteni otiher organizations ai -ni, L aing thean only about two1nUL,-- to do their homework andeatbeore they have to go out ~ain"'headded. In 1h" pas hie said, the extra- euri)U~ra~tV4teS werýe held .oly ,aodys a week andi the par- -ns iol go along with Ibis,. but tlhy ertanlywould not accept., ~suc sbeing kept, five nights Whnthe parents approacheci hes.olofficiais they wrerýe tolci ,fth , an'ed the bu time chneithey woulid hav V pay for a early bus themseve ai a ~otof $4,000 per to deliver ht et orne two nighd, a week. r.Pity said he 1ý o îeiti nu I$50 per trip: "I ca' ,miake thtmoney from eows andcI 'i e ,,rd to tiake the job if its aveul- .be"W. Friank Thomn, drirtr fEdueation, saici that statemenit etinydidn't corne froni the theprincipal of the scholol, T(eepe J. Bireýnnan, tolc the board tat the extra-curria ac- tivities -were held. threce tavis a wekandi the other two days were 'slaside asý freie study periodIs ,vi(n a student couLci get extra helýlp if neeessary. T ~ he parenats , uid juhat, the ,hange in buis limie was only put mbnLi effecýt at Vhe begin-ning of Several enhr of thc holard pointeci out th-at' they dici not kniow_-anything about the âhange; it bnci beein miade by the admin- ,ïstration. J. C. MoKague, a meniber said he, was . ht like a bolt when he reaci about iA in1 the local news- J. M. Rolph asked tihe peubtion- ~esif they had any complafinits te .naike about communications with Vieý board. "If tihere waus a block ân cemiunidation, can you ex- pýlaiýn whlere it was?" he nsked. Mr. Petty sauli he haci bnc good. týoopenation with the loia meni- bers whe tolc i m that more pres- zsre ",uuld have to be put on by CIhe parenîts before the board ~iuddeal with the proiblem. The main "beef of the ýparents ws.that the administration Sd --nut seenito take the prob<lemn ser- Wesley ]Yown, a meniiber, ask- 'edl the' adisration to expkain Orono Fuir Winners The followng is a list of pnîze winners at the Orono Pair hel the Caly part of September The winners o& each elass are listed in order of their awards. CLYDFSMXLE- Mare or GeIuding- H. Down of Broo,,kln, . IDfown, 3rclandi 4th, Donald, Bobertson, Blackstoec. Mare andFoal- R. Gochrane of Bbackstock. Feal of l969- R. Cochrýane. PERCRNS-- Mare or Gelding- Victor Cook- son, Bowmanviile, lisI andi 2nd G. Bell, Woodville; Perey Mountjoy, Oshawa, 4th andci th; G. Bell. Mare andl Foal- P. Mounîjoy, V. Gookson. Foal of 1969- V. Cookson. P. Mountjoy Colt, 1 year- V. Cookson, isI anci 2nd. -Filly or Gelding 2 years- Vie. Cuokson, Perey Mountjoy, 2 and 3 Fily or Gelding, 3 years- Vie. Cookîson, lisit and 2nci. B3ELGIANS- Mare or Gàlding- S. G. NesbiV.t, Mindeýn, Keith Hobden, Lindsay; Murrîay. Grove, Stouffville. Hob- d'en; M9. Grove and Clarence Buck- ley, Lindigy. Mare andi Foal- C. BuCklîey. Foal of ý1969- C. Buckley ist andi 2nd., Colt, 1 year- C. Buckley. Fllly or Geldfing, 2 yearls- S. G. 1.llyr or Gelding, 3 years- M. Grove. C. Buickley, V. Cookson. HARNESS GLASS- Clydesciale Tearn, heavy- lober Down, Il. Robertson. Light Draught-, D. Roberston, H. flown. t'endheron team, heavy- Vie. Gookîson, P. Mountjoy, G. Bell Light Diiaught- V. Cookson, G. Bell, P. Mountjoy. Team, heavy- S. G. Nes- bitt, K. Hobden, M. Grove. C. Buckley. *LIgiht Draught- S. G. Nesbitt, K. Hobrlen, M. Gilove, C. Buckley Wagon team, heavy- AMvn Mark of Gameron, R. Cochrane. Light flraught- R. Cochrane, M. Heath. Single wagon horse- A. Mark, R. Codhrane, M. Heath, R. Coch- rane. Fourliorse Hitch- H. Down, K. Hobden, S. G. Nesbitt, V. Cook- son, D. Robertson, R. Cochrane, A. Mark. M. Grove, G. Bell, Perey' Mountjocy and C. Buckley. Winner of the O'Keefe Tro0hy for best team on the groundis- H. Down. LIGIT HORSES CARRIAGE iIORSES- 1viare a-id Foal- Ian Scott of Corhyvàlle. Foal of 199 G. Brent, Bow- manville, han Scott, W. E. Vivian of Tyronýe. Filly or Gelding, 1 year- Ian Filly or Colt, . years W. E. Vivý- ian, Ilan Scott. Single horse in harnes's over 151/2- John Sheridan, Stirliing; I Scott, W. E. Vivîjan. Single horse in harness under 151/- John Sheridan, W.. E. Viv- ian, lan Scott., 1 Pair of homses in harness- John Sheridan, Ian Scott, W. E. VLvian ROADSTER* HORSES- Mare andi Foal- G. Brent, G. Cochîrane, Myriile. Foal of 1969- G Cochrane, G. Brent. Fil'ly or Gelding, 2 years- Whit- ney Boyd, Oronmo, G. Brefnt, W. E. Vivian. Singlle horse in harnoess, over 151/2I. Cochrane, Nestieton, John Sheridan, Lorne Hoskin, Black- stock, I.' Cochrane, W. E. Vivijan. Single harse in harness, under 15V2 I. Cochrane, John Sheridan, Lennard Bligiht, Brooklin, Ivan Codhriane, W. E. Vivîjan. Pair horses in harness- I Coch- rane, John Sheridan, L. Bight, I. Cochrane, G. Cochrane. Lady Diver- Mrs. Ian Scott, Oshîawa. Mrs. Stan Gob*ie. Mi's. Terwillger. PONIES-11 Pony î.mder sacdile riciden by boy or girl 12 years or under- Blair Yaneyke, Tyrone; L. Hois- ki,, Blackstock; Jil Canflelci, Bow-manviJle; G. Henry, Canieren; Blain 10aneyke. Pony ridden-by boy or girl 15 year.sor under- B. Anderson, Osh- awa;G. 'Henry; Judy Stephenson. Newcastle; Ruicihard Roberts, .Or- ono: JII GCanfield. Single Pony -in harness under 13' 1- Mris. S. Goble. D. Terwfli-- gar, G. Henry, L. Hoskin. Sîngle Pony in harneiss ov er 13.1- Mrs. S. Goble. Teani of Ponies under 13.1- G. Henry. Teai. of Ponieis over 13.1- MîIrs. S. Goble. Mare and Foal- G. Hienrv. G Brent, E. Leusehner, Hampton. 1 Pony boal. of 1969- G. Henry, G. Brent, E. Leuschner. Snowmobile buyers and owners' It could bc to your advantage to se us before you buy. Shop our big lot for a selection of, 5 makes, 50 models. A wide variety of trailers, clothing and accessories, Mo- dern service departmnent and speeci equipment makes One Stop Shoping al, 1~ hiakerSales & service, 136 King St. W., Oshawa 723-9241 - 723-9252 C 0 BIG N EW ATTRACTION is the Ontario Science Centre at Eglinton Avenue and Don Milis Road in Metro Toronto. A Government of Ontario projeot, the CentrE is a discovery-land of 450 colorful, contemporary exhibits in science and technology. The three-building complex is open to the public every day except Christmas. Photo at top shows howgreen space and patios surround the Tower Building which is connected to the, Valley Building by escalators that flow down the side of a 90-foot knoll. Photo af rijht shows young visitors absorbed i n a scie-ntific perception game. Because il is played by looking into a mirror, it requires a re-learning of hand and eye co-orciination.

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