ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16th, 1969 e e iaÉuiionà ~r mi Milison Insurance Agency for Alil classes of personal and Commercial Coverazes Office: Main St., Orono 983-5032 Res.983-5754 Gyord Simpson PHONE 983-5808 Orono, Ontario PAINTING REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIRS Interior Exterior CH-ARLES, R4J.D' Orono's Licensed Auctioneer, and Valuator Specialize in Farm -and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates PHONE ORONO 983-5914 Monuments andli Family Memorials' Our quality and service leaves nothing to be desired Ask the pexson who bought from us, a neighbour, friend or relative The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street POR'ýT HOPE Largest displq)ay in Southern Ontario and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Alouette Snow Mobiles McClloch CHAIN SAWSj àRepairs to ail makes of Lawnf Mowers and 2 and1 4 cycle i Engines OTACO - PLOW POINTS I AND MACHINERY PUMPING OUT gSEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins j Phone 786,2552 LYCETT I PHONE. 983-5407 g Oreno. Ontarlo g Orville Chatterton cElectrical' Contracting g Electric Heatîngr and Service 1PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono. Ontario ORONO ELECTRIC Herla and Gerry Duvali 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE- - R.C.A. DOMINION, ELECTROHIOME INGLIS - THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE!- Hamiltons Insurance g Service !Auto,o g oe Package Policies O Fidellty Bond, i Liability g Lif e g First Mortgage Loans - eSadie Hamilton - Phone: 983-5115 gB0x 133 Phone 668-3552 StLford Broîerlsi g Limüitedg g Manufacturers of ICemetery Memorialsg 3 18. Dundas Stréet East WHIITBY, ONTARIO ,. eoeomoeteoe<,eoeo4e,'. Buildng a loi Oor remodelling yourT one, thien contac use? present Floyd Nicholson gPhone 983-5049 ORONC i i -o g Oj i WANTED TO RENT, Scenic iacreage, partly treeed on' good road for Fiairytale Park De- veh»pment. Clarke or Manvers Towns§hip area. Cal ellect 728-3404, Oshawa. c-40-c NOTICE Alterations and plain sewpîrc. Mrs. M. Downs, corner Park and Church Sts. Phone !)83-5493, t-f PRODUCTION SALE of Registered PoIled Herefords Saturday, October 25th 1:00 pm The h1erds of Allan Franks and, Sons iandï Edmuünd Reavie and Son at the Feank's Farm, 2 miles east of Madoc ýand north on Pine Ridge Road (off HiAlhway No. 7). Test- ed bulls, cows and calves, bred and open hefers. Catalogues avail- able from Cornish Auction Ser- vice, Box 7, Indian River. c-c STOCKER SALE MEAD 500 The Durham Parme-r<l' 3th An- ruai Fai Feeýder7 Sale. Seliîngt without Reserve at the Diarham Corunty Sales Aen. ropo o'-1 Monday, Octoýber 2th ýat 1:00 p.an. Sligyear olds. 2 yearis 1 stock an rass calves, feeders. Ail cattie graded land sold in suitaibIe lots by tihe pound. Pl2.n to attend this Important', Auction where Buyers and Sellers mieet each year. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Charles Reid. Aucfjn--op BREEDER AND FEEDERý SALE The Sale of the 'year. l2th An- nual Ah Bilack Breeder and Feed- er Sale. .500 Feeders, steers and heifers. 50 breeders, mostly cows and bred he,.ifers. 50 commercial eows, bi4ed1to calve in March or April.'3 ser-viceable age' Bulîs. And orie, comj-lete dispersai of 60 head 70%/ of the Feeder Cattle are sold to r-iepeat buyers eaeh yealr. Sale to be( helM at Peterborough Sales Barnî, sout3h of amberlgh on figîhway 7, Saturday, October 25, 1969 at 11:30 amn. sharp. Sale conrmeneln with breeding catile,. Sale sponsored by the Eastern Ontario Angus,. Club. Gtordon IRibey and Macl Bailey, Autioneers.. Lunchl avail- able. MValeold Dailey Manager, phone 985-7583 Uxbridge, Ontardo. At the conclusion of the sale, n draw.will be made for a side of Angus Beef, eut and wrapped for freezer. b-42-c AUCTION SALE Farfimumahinery. cattie. crrain and furniture, the property of Mr. Reg Elloltt 1 mile north of Ken- &al. Saturdcav. October l8th at 10:00 a.m. Term's rash. No reserve. Charles Ri and Cliiff Pethiick, Auctfioneefls. b-c REALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMAN VILLE When Buyiùng or Seliing cal WILF HAWKE VOUR ORONO -AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-52,14 1Nember of Osha,:wa and Dis- tria Real Estate Board FOR SALE Quantity of Stacking Chairs and Tables at cost price. May be seen at factory. a-c Nesting Furnituire Limited FOR SALE Poi-avoid Land Camera Model 210 complete wîth flaqh attadh- ment. Hardfly u'se.d. Cost $75.- ýPrice $35. Hialicrafters C.B. 2 way Radio, 5 cIianne4ls. Complete with acriail. Pnice $100. Phone 983-5808 aSter 5 pan. FOR RENT A six roomed house. Oul heat- ig and bath. Phýne 9ý83-5706. a-c HELP WANTED Houserwork help wanted for one diay per weýek. Phonie 983-5920 after 1 p.m. a-p NOTICE Four Kittens, six weeks old, to give away to good home. 2 white and 2 grey. Phýone 983-5281. a-c ANNOUNCEMENT Betty -and Joe Bothwell wish to honour her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russelil Savery. upon the occasion of the 4O0th aniverary of their mlarniage.. They are therefore ar- raniging a socî1al evening and da.nce, to be hlld in Newtonville Commutnity Hall, on Saturday ev- ening-, October 25, commencing at 8:00 p.m. Their friends are cor- dially invited Vo attend and ex- press their wishes to the couple. 2-.16-e YOur Selling Power Increases With a A d in the Times Maocs Are Snacks Excellent Quality Apples and Pears For sale Fred's Fruit Market BIRTH 'BULR4IaAM-,Gord an.d Paye (nee, Nicholson) are fhajppy to announceý the birtih of their daugfhter, An-~. drea Lynn, Septeniber 20,th, 1969, a,- NOTICE Kendal United Church Anni- versary Sundiay, October l9th at 2:30, pJn. Speiclal Miusic by. the Welciome Choir. Speaker*., G. E. T. Crozier, B.A., DCamborne. Turkey dinner, 'Oictob- aer 22nd. Sittings .5, 6 and 7 o'clock b-41 e, NOTICE Mr.- George Dunlop will canva£- the eommiunîty during the week of October. 20th for the Legiibn Poppy Fund, accepting donations and havýing for, sale sprays and crosses a-c HORTICULTURAL FALL SHOW~ Oct*. 23 Entries received 7:30 ta 8 p.m Ola'ss 1 Wall plaque or pioture dframe without glass. Dried mat- erials to be glued on'backMig of' your ch'oke. No size limiit Class 2- 'Beauty in a Nutshell'. Miniature arrangement in & nut shelll uing dried material. Nôt over 4" in any dimension. CMass 3 - "Jirifting Along'. An ar- rangement using diftwood andý dr minateria1s. Photographie. competition wil also he held. Come and enjoy an ,intereisting evening. b42-e, U.C.W. CALENDAR FOR 1 OCTOBER Oct. 16 - 8 p.m.: General Meeting. Corne ani hear a repeat of Moderator Dr. McClure&s mes- 'sage given at youth service. Oct. 20 - Oshawa Presbyteriai - Hampton 1:30 and 7:15 p.m. Qet. 21- Famiiy Smorgasbord' "Dinner- 6 p.m. Entertainanent by lli-C's. Aduits $1.25; Stud- ents 75c; Ghildren under* 6, free. Oct 22 - Packing bale. a-c- COMING EVENT .Saturdayi Ootober l8th the, A.C.W. of St. Saviours invite yout to their baar and tea in the Parish Hall, commencing at 2:30 p.m. Tea 35e. b-41-e, REGISTRATION Figure Skating Registration at Orono Arena Friday, October 24 from 7 to 9 pa. Ail test candidates must reg- ister at this time in order to try C.F SA. tests this winter. b -41-cý BYAM PLUMBING and HEATING j Sales and Service 114 HOUR BURNER SERVICEc DGULF FINANCING i Low interest Ratesc Phone: Tyroiie 263-2650 *~ea.o..osfoeoeofoeoe*ooec,~. -j.