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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Oct 1969, p. 1

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Ne"w Notes The passing of By-law No. 1613 by the Townsbhip of Clarke has bilought a number of changes in Planning to the municipality. The by-law will open up a rýreat nuiber of lots which under the previou's bylaw were, restricted VOLUME 33, NUMBER 42 - The- distribution of books fnom tise Clarke Public Libras- in- creasesi eonsiderably dusing ttc' rnionth of September to a total cf 1556. Tbis ompared-*itfh 1042 in 19b68. Mwost cù the increasc came in the juvepile section duei ciief- ly te co-operation by the librari- an, ýMss. B ucap with tbe -idndcrgartens in thc Town3hip andi in Newe'astile. Tlhe librarian bhas made ýa number cf visits te thc Kindergartens as well as te grade six aItishe Orono Public School. A number cf classroom teachers are aise making use cf the iClarke Public Library'te pro- vide reading material for their students. Arrangemenits are te be cern- pletcid with tise Orono Kinder- gasiten wýherceby the children wilil visit tihe Library evcry cter from use, as residential bu!Ie'.n.g lots. Sectioýn 3 of General! Provsions, Sub-sctiOn 3.15 is aý fellws: "Where a lot having a lesser arcsa and/or front age than that required herein is beld under d'i3 week te make their ,own chodce of bSols. Ms-s. John-son, assistant lFbrari- an suÀbmitted a report on hes at-, tendance at a serinar recentlyý beld in Peterborough lVihwas directed ýtowards aims in ies-est-- ing tise young readers in bocks. .j A letter ýwas received fs-cm Mr. Rocdde cf thse Nepas-Iment cf Ed- uoatin, Libraries lbanet, s-e- questing information on servnce or possdible service te the ýKendal ares. Ttc letter was writien fol- lcwing a discussion betwecn Mr. Roedde and' a Mr-. McLean. The libras-îan was requcsted te answer the letier. A review cf the financial posi- tion of !the library showed -the fin- ancial sttandiný te be wJtrý" budget for thse year. tinct and separate ownership from abufttng, lots as ishiown by a reg- istered coiiveyanee in the records of the,- Registry of Land Titles Of- fice at the date of tihe passing of th*s Byiav,, or Where sueh a lot is created as a resuit of an cex- e ORONOWEEKLY TIMES. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1969 High Scorers In, Clarke Orienteerling Shown above is Mr. L. Caiiîsion, prloninoter of Orienteeing at the Clarkie Riglh Schol, along with top pIace winners cf Saturday's Oieneeringc being Miss Rh&onda Johnson, llarry deJonge, Leslie i'vhklûs and M-iss Becky Lee. Mqss Johnson and Mliss Lee were tise toýp winners cf thse Girls' Wâyfar- er-s, while Leslie Miklos teamesi witb an Anclaster student, Kha Devdai, placed second behnd an O'Ne,1ll group in Boys- Wayfarers. liarrsy de Jonge plâced first iný the boys novice feliowed by David Gr-ay, Larry Johnston, Glen Grady and Ben vanderWenf. Inthec boys Wayfarers Steve Seuie and Bsian Grecnwood p'eiced third; Bob Northup 'and, Piiilip Meta!ies-,i fourth and Bob Faust and Matin Gillen, fiftb. Joan Gali and Susan Simpsc placed fiftb in thse 4gs wayîas-es wMhule Donne Gilbanik and Eliza- beth Spry,,pdiaced sixtis. Reading Increasing At 'One 'Definite Open- ing On Council In_ speaking ,to e mbers cf tise Clar-ke Township Council on their intentions of whther ornet they- mwilM te séIdni re-elecition te cf. i,' ice la Decernibes- cf 1969, wc s- -,Lvcd two ,defin it~e ànswrs. Can'ilf D ~d -Caýrvet(h was (,Contilpued page 5) ReeasInstal New Offillrcers1ý The regular meeting cf Heather -Rebekah LoIge No. 334 was he]d "Tuesday, Octebher 141h. Tlie iigis light cf the evcning -wasthc Installation cf the ne-w ocfficers for the terin 1969-70. Sister uth MVithell, District Deputy President and Staff cf Beeihive Lodge, Bownranville, per- fos-meid ttececremeny cf Instal- lation in a very capable and dig- nifiesi manner. Officers for the ensuing tesrn: Noble Grand - Sistes- Hazel Stap- leon Vice Grand - Sistes- Julie Jackson Jr. Past N.G. -Sster Violet Dun- lop lIce. Secretary Sistes- Mac Allen Fin. Secretary- Sister Ilia Mas-in Treasus-er - Sister Irene Murr-ay ,Warden - Sistes- Jean Lewis Conducetor - Sister Gloria Todd Cler Bearer - Sistes- Agustus De .Tape Inside Guard - Si stes- Rena Pears Quiside Guard - Sister Evelyn Cornrish 1 Musýieian- Sister Gladys Br-own Chaplain- Sistes- Tielma Forrest- er R.S.N.G.- Sister Betty Major L.S.N.G, Sister Maude Cooper R.S.V.G.- Sister Gladys Ganutby L.S.V.G. -ister Velma Watson R.S. Jr. P.N.G.- Sister Laves-ne Buarrabalil ~L.'j Jr. P.N.G Sister Loin Ken- nedy ,l.S,,.Chaplain - Sister Milds-cd,- Rainey LS. Chaplain - Sister Hattie Wil- son Convenor cf Benevolent Commit- tee - Sister Rena Peas Press Reporter - Sister Gladys Gasnsby Degrec Captain - SIsier Mac Allen Assistant Degree CapI-in - 'Sister Betty Majýor., When t'4at extra portion of drive or intiative is needcd by a Clarke athietie team the above group of eight Chees- leaders are on hand te spur tbem on. Top row (i te r) Judy Stacey, Jennifer Grey, Garel Lovekin, Suan CaI (bottom row> uiatbhy ]blotson, Gine Lowery, Susan McC'omb andi Msary Bates son. CIlarke:ý.Public Library This Grouip Chee'r tit!0oVitr ~prop2iztion, such smaller lot may be used and a building or struc- ture msay be crected, altered or tused on sueh simafler lot, provid- ed thiat ail iother requirements of this Byllaw are complied with." It is this sectWon that allows the use oif aIl registered lots for reisidentiai purposes no mat;ter in ,Whât zone they exist. Mr. H. Best, .Planning Administrator ïopr the Township !said-no one, many lots this will allow for res- identýial use but that it could be somewhere in he ne-igýhburlhood cf 250' lots. Hle f elt this was t1he greatest change in the new- by- law. .Reeve Foster in emmentiw' o, o ttbis chsange said it, was alinost mandatory that the change be mace as i many peoiple had Dur- cihased these lots when no re- stricetions existed with the intent cf building upon them. The Reeve feît that -the new iby-Iaýw was good legislation, and froni thas point work couild be stiartcd on the developmnent of an 'officiai plan for the Todwnsýhip. By4aw No. 1613 hias elimiinated ma1ny of the controversial por- tioof the original planning by-, 1lawý. The industrial zone southý of Highwa-,-y 40,1 bas been e liminiated ei-tdir,>çy,-,jwih the area now desig- iatErlad aricuýltural. The develop- ment area which ran alongside of highway 115 has also beeil ellim- iated from the present by-taw with. the mujor portion àf' the ]ýOnd now de.signated, agricultural. The four controversial "R2 zones" have ailso been dluiinated and this feture cwf the former by-iaw does not exist. Tirae major portion of thýe town- shiip is now designated.agricultur- ai wvith some large blocks of "Open ëpace" zones for the Gan- arlaskýa and- Durham Forests., tlhe- recreational area ut -Kendal.- the Deipa4tient of Lands and Forests at Orono, the Newcastle Golf Course and the Orono Park. The Residential "RI."L zonse ex- ists only la a. snall area ai' Oronlo xvhere water -services 'are or could be available., Rural ýResident!al "R"zones do exist, at Kendai, Newtoaville -andi Leskjarýtonlly. In ibis zone a Wo muàt rbeè one acre in sizè- with 1,50 f rontage.,,The floor area oif the- 4vdelling must have 1200 square feet. The lot size, in Ëi must at least. be 7500 s;qUare feet with a frontage of, 75 feet and the dwelling with 960 square Leet. Rýesidential build ing in an -agri- oulturai zone requires a frontage of 330 feet and a lot area of 40 acres. The dwclling, must have a fnrareta cf 1200 square feet. A £armer under certain conditions mgy rcibain one lot from the sale y Ch, anges cf bis farm for residential pur- The zoning mapas, in effect, des- ignate zones 'as uses that now ex- ist. A num-ber of Highway Cern- merciai zones are evident boîbi z1crng Hiiways 115î and 2. Theý only Industrial zone exists in 0aono at Curvpily on Coblbî. r-ck Street and an area east cf Orono witb the Curvoly property -mn the northl to the fifth line on tnc sout and bordered on the west by Highway 115 and- the east by the unopened Thc 'co9ýrmmercial ares in OrIoo bas been extended fiom the hotel bib eIk in the north, te include Bar- raball's garage i the south. The cast bounclary of the 'Commercial1 arEia is Church Stree~t and the west boundary some, half lot depth west of Main Street. The Open Saceares in, Orono net only rfdc the Orone Park but is a distAance on eacih side cf tiheOen Creek from the Miii1 Ponrd iiiv tht rouîhto te eTaunton Rosd in' the north. Other -chianocis havebeen macle in, the by7-aw which are more of a. miner nature. The big change dees appear to be tihe rezoning cf many ifreas in tibe, Towniship. -Whigbt about dxisting lots of 1 to 10 or 30 acres in the Township, in an Agricultural Zone? Chamber Makes Appointment To loutist Council Tlhe Orûnio Chamibeir ofCon-. merce met on Monday evening, wi!th eiight preseat. Tte main. por- tinon - of ,thte meeting was s pec-t over dlsoussiingthse Nature area, anid pairk lands set up by the Towiship of Clarke as a Centen- niai- projeet iný 1967. The gencral oeln f te dban-jber is -that. scano-ething [should tbe done te i*- rn't h!,ýas-ai and its'use both as parklasid and a a niature area. 'At present no iiii'ative bas ýbeen- take.n in de'veloping thse- area to anýy degree.' It rwas reported ,that an appoin- cd coihnitt-e bas, teen able t»~ mak e sme conpgets andi were, contemplating othens. Memefes present were in support of taking in 'a atuniber , f bees ta dlean-,un the 'ares and tentativeWy set iup s time and place fer the, (Continued page 5)

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