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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Oct 1969, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES. TIWRSDAY, OCTOBER Z3, 1969 U.C.W. Meeting The General meeting of Orono U.C.W was lied in tlie Main Hai of the chureli on October l6th. Pr-esident, lVtrs. O. Ohalkele, webicoted ail ladies and opened t#he mee'ting witjh a poem with 3-&s. Druanïnd at' the piano. Mrs. N. Porter opened the De- vational with verses of scriptuire teiLing of God's worId of wonders To .Ahowv as some of the real beauty of God's creation, Ms. E. James showed beautifu(l cooured dikdes cd marlous scenes of nature ân ali seasons. - rending scripture th correspond with echd view. Withl Mr's. K. Gray a the WLano hfrs. R. Ohapmian and _Mrs. G. Car- son f avoured us withf a duet, 'lIow Great T.hou Art.' Offeri*ng wlas re- ceived and Mrs. James coneiuded the delvitirnal with the benedic- tion. Mrs. C. Tavlor broueht us a spaiendfid report on Steward-iLp. Afllwe have is a trust from God. We cari show love and faith in ac- tion by doing and giving a littie more than we thInk we can siare. Rev. Long and Mr. R. Chapnian were present to bning us the taped message of Dr. McClure, our Mod- erator, wieh lie had gilven at, the Orono Hli-C Service on Se-,A. 2»tl. Dr. McChnùe lias liad a X4ide range of experiences as a medical rnissionary in ChIna and Indla for 45 years and we are most privil- egecI to have had hlm come to 'our churdh as a speaker. Buieswas conducted and an- mounLcenits imade. The meeting closed witlh the Mizpah Benedi.c- tion. Lunch ,wis. served by mem- bers of Unt4. TWO-CAR CRASH KILLS BLACKSTOCK MAN A 67-year-old Blackstock man was Imiied Firiday wfhon fthe car in which lie was a passenger col- lided witih anothler auto at Taun- týn Rad and the Osh~awa Town- Pouias Butraisas, RR 2, was In a car going east on Ta'unton. The seoend car was heiaded north on t&li Townline. The driver is Geo. ~dn>ndon,51, of 595',Gibbons A...Holds Successful Bazaar iA very successifui bazaar and tea waq hled in St. Savieur's Par- iil on Saturclav. the ilh. Mrs. Gamey weiccmed ail, on behaif 0< the A.Q.W. and declared the bazaar open. The beautîful cake donated by Mns. AdJams was won, by Mrs. Pidgeon, Newcsastle. The ladies are very gniateftti te ai wiho help- ed aSake the day so suscessful. The foliowing is a list of Pen- ny Sale Winniers: Cup and Saucer- Hilda Dean: Tea towels - Dora Kelsey; Key ring and hair net Cherytl Corn- ishl; Atificial fruit - Mts. M. J. Tamblyn; Cliltld's rmtts- Cheryl C'r Gl;Gove hoider - Joyce Oowan; Cream and sugar Betty Major; Asli tray - Lily CItapinan; Ser'$ing tray - Joan Duvail; Salad bowfi set - Doris Prust; Jelly niold - Mrs. E. Ccx; Ph<oto tree - Evelyn Ciorninli; Qhristsnas cardÉ -IsabelOhallice; Sait and pepper -Doretta Cliallice; Glass disli Edti Gordoln; Terry tea towei Connie 1Hooey; Orange dish - Val- crie Mercer; Bulb bowl - Carole Boyd; Box candy Aresita Wil- Iinms; Terry towei Marilyn Ma- jor; China - Edith Gordion; Haoir spray - Marilyn Majo; Oven mitts - Dmana Tregunn2a; Pl1astie b'owl nbel Cook; Juice glasses - Haz- ci Stapleton; Sox - Dora Plain; Oven rmitts - Leona Wl1isob; 'BOX candy. ,- Mla%lynt Mortion; Bath, toweff - Lois Moton: Sooteb dres-, sed doii - Oaa Gardiner. Mr. Biwakas was, dead on air- rival at Wlhawa General Hospital hollowing the 5:50 p.nt.aeident. In satisflaetiry condition la Re- gina Pniauslcas, 30, RIR 2, Back- stock, the vietmxs dauOter. and driver 6f one of the cars. dWxs. Edaiendison, tihe ether dri- ver's wife, la reported in' fai.r condation. r Il OR JNO WEEKLY TIMES Second Clasu Mal Registration Number 0368 JubUished every Thursday at the office of publication Main Street, Orono, Ontaiào. Phone 983-530 ITamlanJFearms In Winner's Cirele, BROOKLIN BREEDER COPS SECOND IN EAST-CENTRAL COMPETITION Roy Ormiston, Brooklin,,. was the runner-up for. the premier breed- er award at tlie 28th annual- Hol- stein Clianpionship Show for East-Centrai Ontario held at Pet- eiiborough-I. Tlie premier breeder and premnier exhibitor awards wenttoRmandaie Fartas, Un- Ti-e show,ý, which brouglit to- gether the top prize wininers from the County Black and White days bi 10 counties, attracted 'L65 headi Gerdôn Young Ltd. Continues Dnmping At Newtonville Mrs. Keith Gray of Newtonville fhotessed the mion hy meeting of tlie Durham N.D.P. Womens Or- iganization oný Tuesday eveniang, ,October 21st. She advised that 'Gordon Y 1ttng Ltd. mas stili dum- ipîng cattle viscera and parts in the gravel pits 300 feet from lier home. The company lias received & 'cease and disist' order fnom the 'Township of Clarke wMh it is ch/illenging and the Counties De- partment ocf Healtli bas been la- vestigating but Gordk>n Young Ltd. advises that it xvili challenge any Co>unty order aise. lThe trucks d1ump tilicir loads into, vats at this g9ravel pfit and a transport truck picks up the fuili vats for trans- p*' to Toronto and leaves - icalled clean vats. Tlie area is not Ipi6periy f etwed and theére is a lieaultli and Pollution problem. 4tIther areas of air and mater Irpoiinuton were discussed at the imeeting and the ladies .were led in tlieir. discussions by Wilf Diay, aYoung Port Hope lawyer. An iopen letter was preipared to Prem- der Robants concerning poalustion and especially concernîng phos- 'phates in detergents, wlich tlie ladies agreed should be hanned. Open Letter Open Letter to Premier Robarts: We feel it is ridiculous for you to as]k us housemîvces to end water pollution ini Ontiario by buigdeterg',etits with less, plies- ,phates. By f*cusiiug s n ;detergents you are only tirying te divert public, attention from the major cause oË pollution; industil pollution cf 'air and mater. We as hýouýsewives have ne pow- er or responsibibity to prevent any kind of costly, pollution. Phos- phate pollution in, Ontar~io xviii cost the tax, payers five million dollars per year to remove ac- eording to a recent repcit'fo the Intern~ation ai Joinýt Commission (the' jouy in charge cf pollution in theGreat Lakes), In any case, wijôhophate Poil4utiîo'froin doter. igeints is only 4% oftihe proibleni ,the report sadi -We are wllgVdo cuir part wii e alsc feel you should 'ban Vliese phosphates and you sihould stop pussy-footing with indust- ries and irnmediately crack down on ail air and water pollution. Yours truly, Mrs. Mvarjorie Hil Mrs. Tina Oitliaf Mrs. Mary Petterson Mmes. Denice Gray Mrg. Arleigli Eaton Mrs. Tina Vanderstoop is. Isabel Gouild Mrs. R'hodessa Stacey Mrs'. Fran Mlô<fatt (Durhy'n lN..P. Women's Or- ganization) 1 Cal) your hzIemd PlumUing &. Mechanical Contract.or #ho seli, Jnstalir 4pd guarana CARMAN PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 983-5207 rn shown by 53 exhibitors. Mr. Ormiston won first and sec- ond, prizes in the beifer calf elass, tlaking top lionors witli Roybrook Tammy. Among the other district win- ners were Taiane Farms, Orono, whi cli touk third place in the jun- ior bull caif elass and Smith Bros., Port Perry, wlio placed third in the buVl, two years and over clas,% îD. ROGERSON gORONO, ONTARIO OdWE BUY AND SELL 1 10dGlass, China, Plue Articles i gToys and Odditles IIF IT'SOLD .. . CALL US- jWE PAY CASH j hone, 623-5342 after 6 P.nî. Opens Office Ontario iHydroalias opened au,, office at Wesleyville on. the 730-- acre site of tlie proposed poewer- plant. *A sp.okes'man for the Ontariî Hydro said thýt a work crew wa ca i.d113ting an engineering suz- vey wfildh was necessary for pe liminary engineering plans. "This is normal precedure." lic said, "and it is in no way an iii- dication that the construction of- the power plant xiii begin a- head of sdhedule." The surveyý was for a loéng. range plan to show if, WVhenan how. the plant would be construct- ed. The Wesleyville site was u- chased by Ontario Hydrao in Sc tember,. 196U. The work crw whicli moved in this week. ocCýII- pies a vacant cottage on the site- the only one avai1çable itli "hydro" and water service. Ontario ,Hydro .announeed i Decernber, 1968. that constractie on the ,plant woUld be dei'ayed b at least five years. No announce-, ment hus yet been made whethe: it Will be nuclear Powered or, Oxford' .BPICýKLAYERS STONEMASONS W. Sechmahl Specialzing ii alkinds of STONEWORK "and FIREPLACES We ail» do chiarnev Repbairs S i N ONE, 270TWOI&THREE YEAR 4 and 5 YEARS...- Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporatiion Central Ontario Trust Savings Corporatio 19 Simcoe St. N., OSHAWA 23 King St. W., BOWMANVILLE Keep' your facce on longer. LASTING BEAUTY MAKEUP FINISH. ONE SPRAY AND VOUR MAKEUP WILL LOOK FRESH FOR 5, 6, 7 HOURS. MAYBE MORE. Think of it. From now on, your mnakeup isn't going te fade away as soon as you put it on. Instead, it wiil stay fresh as new for hours longer. That's most of the day, Or, mest of the even- Lastïng Beauty Make-up Finish is here. It's a brand-new idea. Lasting BeautyIs- a cool, gentie "it that you spray on right after your inakeup goes on, Just use 2 or 3 circular Xmotions. Lasting Beauty feels cool and refreshing as a morning mist when it goes on. You won't feel it br see it after that, but le's there. And sols your makeup. For heurs and heurs longer than eVer before. Lasting Beauty is hypo-alergenic and it protects any ind of makeup yen wear. Give your makeup Lasting Beauty every day froin now on, and you can keep four face on- longer. Your prettiest face. The une you have when ail your niakeup is fresh and new and doing j whiat it's supposed te do. liedst$ 2 FLOWkSk by FOR ALL OCCASIONS CALL COLLECT - DAY OR NIGHT 63355

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