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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Oct 1969, p. 3

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n ORONO WEEKLY TIMES. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1969 O.P.P. Report mThe Neiwcastle Detachiment of the Ontario Provincial Police, during the week >of" October, l2th to_ Oteber l8th, 1989, investigat- ed 29 accidepts, resulting ln one 'death and five persons being in- jured. Thirteen charges were laid. Aiso investigated were 75 gen- eral occurrences In the sanie per- led of finie. 113 of these occurrene- ATTENTION FARMERS WHY PAY MORE? SAVE ON Premium Quality SGASOLINE SDIESEL SMOTOR OIL Farmi tanks and pumps available 668-3341 %L ]FOIR HMDIATE'DELIVERY WilliamC. Hall, B. comm. Chartered, Accountant Phone -Newcastle 987-4240 AUl day Wednesday and Saturday Soptic Tank Service GENERAL PUMPING 24 HOUE SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontarlo Telephone 983-5266 or 983-5728 LYLE WEI ELECTRI(C Orono: '983-51. Qumaty Electrici Refatingnd LIghl Insallt »ds a ReH by Certifled Electwldi CLOVER LEAF MAPLE-LEAF 7 3,4 oz. ýtins - Save 8c SCKEYE SALMAO 65c. BUDGET CASE of- 48 $4.19 DOG FOOD 15 oz. tin 9c Fancy Cream Style 14 oz ,tins SAVE, M Libby's ,CORN'4 for---89C R]IGHT'S Fancy Quality - 14 oz tins SAvE 10e APPLE SAUCE 3 for 55c YORK BRAND WITH POEK - Best Buy BEANS 6 14 oz. tins $1 SAVE 1ic. - 2-ply Bathroom Royale Tissu. 4 rolîs 63c Biscuit Feature 2 lb. carton Modern Fig lars 49c IJender .Meaty - Real Good Eatixeg BLADE R C Ideal for lle at Loaves or Burgers - Fresh Ground Beef Chuck lb. 78c Reg. $2.13- 25c. Off Pack- New Enzyme KING Size BOLD $1.59 Red and White DONUTS 4 pkgs. $ Supreme 2 lb .block Froit Cake 99c it62 les- resulted i lss of personal property by letft. Reininder to the Householder When closing up your cottage for the wtinter niontlis, always m'- ni>ove valuab1es siich as cameras, radios, jewellery, etc. Neyer leave an open invitation to the active crminials. Also a notice- able number of househîold break- ins oceuir in the autumn months, when darkness sets i early dur- ing the eveing hours., Should you depant fron your residence for an ýevening of recreation, never Leave your homue in darkness. A, f ew lighlts loI t on, in and outside the house will often times assist in preventing 'a theft from ocur- ring. Driving Tip Faiizi leaves eombined 'with dreary *et weather, frequently cagse th1e rendis Vo le very slip- pery. [Proteet ourself by adjust- ing your driving to suit the road and weather conditions. Cla'rk. Public LI1B RA RY HBOUES OPEN: Tuesday 6:30 -8:30 Thursday 6:30 8:30 Frlday 2:30 - 5; 6:30 8:80 Saturday 10:00- 12:00 a.m. pafrg 'The Department of Municipal IACÈars lias placed sub-division I cntrols on Perey and Orainahe lun Townýhips, boit aceording .te laudt Fitzgi(bbon, a spokoenau= for WhiVýrock Estates, it will nýot affpe the sale (f 4,500 aeres in th1e "own a piece of Canada" pro- ~~ ject wlhich starts Firiday. Whuterock Estates. a Tchronto 'based oompany, purcéhased the land i east Northutmberljand some tume ago and lias, already sub-divided it into lots fro~m haîll tan acre te several acres la size. "'The asub-division. control will flot affect the gale of these lots in any w.ay." Mr. Fitzgctbboýn said, but, it will prevent the puroh aser of a lot froirn sub-divid'ing in the fuvire, unfless Vihey have the op- proval of the Department of Municipal Att airs." A spokesman for the Depart- ment of Munficipal Affairs, I. M Anderson, said that the controls were placed to blocki turther ger- ;--i-in.g oif building lots in the two townships. .Whiterock has already regist- ered several thousand lots at the East Northumberland Registry Of- fice in Coiborne. J. Wall. a director of the cern- pany. sid last week that the lots would sell for around $995 for hall an acre te $4,000 and $5,000 depending on the size and scenic beauty. The Depertment et Municipal Affairs institutbed sub-division control in the, townghips withrtit the armroval of the township Tt is reported thiat an inquirv is to be set up by the Provincial PINE RIDGE Landscaping and Garden Service (FREE ESTIMATES) Home Maintenance, Nurserv Stock. e1c. Phone 623-7633 Box 235 Bowmanville 4 lb. beck -1.95 It tastes like a Blade Roast should. :)AST lb. -59c Maple Leaf 1 lb. package Skinless WIENERS 59C ËEE9F Li'IR Nutritious Always Tender Lb. 69' CORNISH'S RED,& WHITE, W. ruv "tw. dgt. e lima *tsPâmh. , o 1 rs» Up And Dowoe The B.ok'Stacks NEW BOOKS, OCTOBER 23rd Aduit: Ineide South Ainerlica'by- John Guntthea' (a firstdiand report) Poor Man's Tapeistry by Oliver Onions (an Englih Hàstorical tnovel, between the, years 1454- .1458) The Ohinese Visiter by James Eastwood (a sophisticated thri- er of International Espionage) Candy Kane by. Janet Lambert. Junior: Mar'tin Luther King, the Peace- (%al Warrior by Ed Ciayton (a Bi- iogcaphy) The Horse, of 'Hurricane Hill by C. W. Anderson Danny Dunn and the Automatic fouse b Jay WiIdiams andi Ray- inond Abriasikin Rack to School Wîth Betsy by Carolyn Tiaywood. K'ndergarteiî and Pre-School T1he Little Match Girl by Hans Christian -Anderson Look, There is a Turtie Flying by Janina Doinanska Granny and the Indians by Peg- gy Pairrinli Brave Sodier Janosh by Victor G. Ambrus The Seashore Noisy Book by Margaret Wise Browin llappyBirthday te You bu Dr. Seuss. Olga Beauchîamp Svb-division Control Placed Oni Twp. s Government to look into the~ Witerock progrms. Russe'll Rowe. HPP for North-. umbeirland, 1Ias tersned the devel- ipment a-posible future sluin. HALLOWE'EN COSTUMES, MAS Bagged Candies Chocolate Bars Mints - Carnels Buy Now wbile the choce is complete Mtiddletons Oroiqe Phone 983-5242 WREN THINKING 0F Gliefts TRINK 0F MATT'S We have a good choice e MEN'S, LADIES' WATiCHE WALLET, LIGHITERS. BOX CHOCOLATES PIPES, GIFT TOBACCO, Many .ether latereuling items MATIS BILLIARDS and Burb.rsk, I TPi*'FECTM4à?A/A6 4 Bt//ID W/F64//04 DE4F/IU.s'BAND... ~ Alberf' Texace GENERAL REPAIES Phone 983-5249 Orene SIMPSON 'S Painting und Decorating INTERRIOR - EXTERIOR PAPEERANGING REMODELLING "For a ean dependable job" Cal Douglas and Gary Simpson

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