ORONO WEEKLV TIMýIES. TIURSDAY, O('IOBER 23, 1969" Local News 8'B & D Drili capacity %' drîll. Double i delivers ful! torque., Drill- Al :1/"; wood 3/". Volts 115 1/6 h.p. Toilet Pl unger: This strongly 'constructed p1unger provides high-capacity force ta unblock tollet and drain stoppage. Patented cup design ribbed for extra, -tÊe ngth. 1V9 ~R 0N O wN TA Mr. Jack Moffat picked luscious redrîesin his garo..îi lst Saturday and treated the fteigibours. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey at- tende~d the weddimg of lier broth- er Mr. Jim Little and Misýs Bar- bara Corfe at Bailcyboro United Church on Satarday last. Mr. and Meis. Carl Bllliings returned home Tuesday after Spdadfing several -days with Dr. Harlcy Billings, Philadelphia. Mr. and Mes. G. L. McGee have movcd to t)hc Hcnd'ry Apartments in Bowmanv-1llcý. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warden of Wcston are now living ta the MoGee house on Duchess Street. Orono. Mr. A. -Carruthers informed Mr. O. W. Rolph, OAoxao, Vhat the De- partment of lllghways lias n.ow placed an Orono sign on Highway 401 for, both east and west bound traffie. Miss Aima Cuttell spent the Thanksgiving weekend wit h ler cousins Mr. and Mrs. H.. N. Jun- ker of Preston. A Smorgasbord Supper was held in the Grono United Cliurcli (I ' ý)-in o i lkes)duy eventng: fol]owcd by a meeting of the Ses- sion. Mes. Donald Staples, is taking a three day course in Toronto tliis week jii Kiindeigarten studiP s A Bo-ianx-il]e Draina Work- hop and ftotary Club are stili1 oasng for "South Pacifiec." The musical requires a vari;ety of age g'-oups- chldren, one young irl, several young women, one Middle aged womnan, several Young men, and most of al!, one midde. ?'dman (baritoie). If -ou are inteaeted ini trving out fr,. a rdurt, comes-, ville Higli] Sehool le.dîtorium, Tuesday, October 28th at 7 ta 9 ei or phone Eiliie Wilson at W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LMTED Realtor 21 King St. W. Bowmanvîlle 623-3393 Toronto 923-91741 Port Hope Office 885-4543 For prompt, lent service seuing and f« ection of p: courteoqs, effici- whcn buying or Fr the largest sel- goperties in the area Contact Orono 'Area 'Representat.ives Roy Poster 983-5801 Dane Found ziIlûY bteil Roy Strongz 623-3965 52 r il Bethany1 Kendal News Mis.Rla Grccnwood under- went' an operation an iher knee in Oshrawa Hoisp-ital on Fî-icay, Oct. 17th. if was injured I.&st -inter whule skt-dýoroing. Bily Green- waod lias gone ta stay wiith lis niother's isister while his mother is in liospftal. MurraY will stay witli bis grandimothers. Mes. Francis Hall Passcd away October 17th in Agincourt. She -ived for many yeaes with lier mther and ber brother Me. Wm. Robinson ion the 'Sixth line iand Ncwtonv.iJjie roads. She sang in the Keadal ehurdli choierttilshe anýd Feanrais were married. Then they imoveid to, Toronto wlierc lic buit bouses. Thcy rctîircdta Agincouet. Ethel hias been ta paurne-calth f-or sevenal years. She loverd ta return ta thc Ken- dial Anniversarîcis as long ýas she was able. Syrmpatiy ils extendcd ta Franeis and t'a lier brother Wm. Robinson oai Oronro. Mr. iReg. Eliott had a most succcssful sale ion Saturday, Oct. 181U. This farmlbas been ta the El notanme for five geneations. The crown deed was obtainet ten 1839. This was thc first auctioin sale ever hlîd on the farm. Neeci- less ta say lit was a bonanza for the antique dealers. Some af the city visitors werc thrilled with the view oif the vallcy ite it's aut-ý urn ýcolIours. The eew jownee' is a Swedili Doctor and his vfexho live te Toronto. Reg bas butît a eew home ie Kerdil. Kendal anniversary was ia most in-ýipirneg service. 1ev. G. E. T. Cril Jr of Qamborne spoke on flic vorrIs of Paul, 1 -Cor. 3-6, "I hive plirtd, Apoîlio watered; but God gave thoe c~c.Tihe W/cl came Choir with Mes. H. Reeve. favaurcd us with a fine Thanks- giving anthcm and ait er the ser- mon Mrs. H. Din ner and ber 'aglter MssBarbara Diener sdng the berautiful duet "Whis-per- SUNDAY,i Orono United Suaday Serviej Krby- Morning Ser, Sunday Si img Hope" 'in a most perfect har- MroY. A, social hour was enjoyed la the dhurch )sdhool after the servie._ Weekenld visitors with Mr. and Mris. Reg ElIiott were Mr. Ross ELt aott of Wateroo and Miss J»yce ElIliott of Ottawa, MVr. Mil- ton Elhiot.t of Bowinanville, Mr. and Mes. Alfred, Elliott >of Tor- onto, 1'rs Bert Rbichardson (Irene) of Peterihorougli, Miss Clara Senes of Peterbioroughi and MIiss Mar- garet Senes of Ottawa. 1Miss' Dorothy uines of Peter- boroughi and lier sister Bernice of Cagary, daughters of tihe late Fred Robînson, were visitine ,,the old honieistead, now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson the past weekend. Orono Chamber (ýContinued from page 1)- first outingin this Connection. It was Stated that the Orono Park was an asset, tu the Village and that the apening of tihe. new area couird enhance this condition. Mr. Fred Storgsbergen wîas ap- pointed as. representative for the r t umiber'to fic Great Pine Ridigeý Tourist CounciLi W. -H. Qalian. rcporte&t that the three '"Welcôme to Orono" signs 'wefe' cofipleted and would, b-e erectted -xhcn stands for thle signs were c om'pleted. Discussion centred on, a Rai- lowe'en partyfor, the ehiîdren of the district but this considera- tion ýwas dpopped in that it was frit that the ichildren would pre- fer to n'ake their visits ührough- otthe Viýllage,. The sec0retary, was'requested to write a lètter 0of thanks to Mr. A. Carruthers 'for his work in ob- tainïng the "Omno" directional signs on Highiway-,401 at the High- Way 115 Interseion. For <Men and Boys- INSULATED BOOTS Green ilnsulated laced àtubber Boots with full bellows tongue, steel shank and treated soles. Men's Sizes, 6 to 12,.... $5.95 BOY's Sizes. 1 to 5 .. $5.50 Youth Sizes, il to 13 ..$4.95 RUBBER BOOTS Good ;quaIty Black Rubber Boots with red foing and cleated soles and with solld heels. Men's Sizes, 6 to 12, $4.35-$5.50 Boy's Sizes, 13 to 6, $3.79-$4.79ý Youth Sizes, 10 to 12 $3.49-$4.25 Council Openn (Conitinued frein page 1) rmIphaîic in that lie wOuld not bc a candidate and would not be so Ë cj]g re-ee'Ction. He said lie iiad served liýs lime and it was î time for sairelohîrie se to take over. Cý«IaciIIor Frank Gray saici he rwouid be secking re-election. Reeve Ray Foster' spoke of a desire mot to seek ree.ointmen 1 or election due to business pres- Sures. He aiso stated that mnany feit there wvas a conflricî of inter- est betwecn his profesfsion as a Meai estate atIesman and that of betng a represenibative on, council, Altli(ugli lie was flot definite lie Ieft us wtIûh the opinion that lie wouïld not be a candidate. This 'differ-s Witli the opinion of two of lits Counceil colaegueis mwio were sure lie wozld be bock as ead of ounc(iýl. DePuty-reeýve H. E. Wàikc'y said lie had not given it niuch thougiht as yet. There was no in- tdication from hits comments tiat le would not be seekin.g re-elect. ion. W/len akesi if lie would seek the rccvesdiip if Reeve poster dr'IOPP'Pd out lie said "Reeve Fos- tee woul be retur-nng," Councillor John Stone. was an- other question mark statIng that lie wourltd fir8t haVe tb consider bis Position of employment wth > the Duliam Ca-operative and as yet lcheh'ad flot disciissed this wlitÊh the Management. 'The election, this year wtti ap- point m"embers Of cOuneil for a (ne year period. After this ap- pointments wiill return to the' tw'o yeae terni and milt then coinciide with the âleetion for the Board Of Edcation. Also at the December eleetion' a liquor vote will ibe hceld on wheitlier or nat residents of thic ,Townghip faveur the serving of liquor in -dining- loungeis' and 'cocktail bars. UNITED C Orono Pastoraln Charge Mnster Rev. B. E. Long OCTÊOBER 26th Cburc- Schôol at 10:-00 at 11: 15 R.. rviee af. 9:45 a.. jehool at 11:00 SPORTS BOOTS Fornfitting Sports Boots with re- iaforccd ruliber Wppers, steel shank and corrugated soles. 4-eyelet tie for firmi fit. Green only. Sizes 6 to 11. Pfriced it.,...........$5.25 SKIMOBILE BOOTS Black rubber bottoms, ruhher- backed blue nylon uppers, zipper front, feit Jiners. Men's sizes 6 to Il .... $14.95 BOY's sizes, 1 to 5 .... $12.95 Ladfies' sizes, 5 to 10 .. $13.50 CHILDREN'S BOOTS Blue rubberized Nylon uppers witli drawstring top, rubber bottoms, navy feit lacers.,sizes 9 to 3. Piked W t............5 50 F NOW is the time te get ready for the cold, wet days aliead. Listed are just a few of the styles whtch wc have in stock. Choosc now while wc have ail sizes. Il .. . ........ i .... . .... .. .