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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Oct 1969, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1969 Secripture LeSson - Deuteron- omy 8; St. Luke 17: 11-19 At fhe en'd of their wandering in thse wilderness, just lefore they entered tlie land nof Oaanan the ilebrew people were given the mIessage nofiVod, '"Reme-.suer man ciesfot live by bread nniw but b.y, thlat whiich Gosi supplies to .tcd men's souls. OIe bord Vour (,cd is brin'ging you imta a good' an.When you are surroundc'd bY ani alzrn'dance of gooct Vhings, be- wýare that you do not forget tlie iord your God and say f0 your- seives, 'My power and thlicskdIl oi my liancis got me tliese tiings'. ]5tather remeniber that it is vihe Lord wio gave you tiiose things. l'orit iss He who gives you power tu get wealtli. Andi remember that the nation wlio forgets tliis, turn- ir:g away from God, will peris'li." ý, mater how far back we caa tiace the feaolings of the Bible, thiere is "a f liread mi livingi t'tuthl" that can speak to any geni- eration. This miioht well have been spknto the people silo came acrýoss fo Amecrica. This oould be spokea t o nma iwow as ie cornes into the niew land of space, oi eo,inmiinicafiioa. ni heaflth. nf traspotaton.While itif as arvel- Ions waf we have now. it is 1-1othiag to wlat there wMI be ia ihe fture. 'This "word" is just tlrooigxith lufe for man no rtLrwherc lie goes or when it is. idj ail of this we aecd God for we ar e always entering info new Landsa. When man l'oses siglit of Gýod lie is in deep trouble.,When passon for po'wer andi haVi-ad andi rselfishness motivate the actions ni man a nd nation, we owe the preservation of those nations and individuals to a few people Whio d, o ý otforget Vleir Goci.' ' The Hcbrews, comîng into the [ansi of Cýaanan,, turned fa greed and b, -an ta destroy each ofli- er tn pile u'p possessions. They turned irom the wonship of God to flic idols oi Caan'an and became thoroughly- dlsobedienit. But tlere waýre a few who rensainesi faithl- Jesus' day Leproay was suoi a dretp.d diseas;e that along with the ttwfuf misery andi limitation oi the disease, fliese people had to be social outcasts and cry, "unelean"' to wara people they were lepers Jesus cleanseci ten lepers. Oaly one came back f0 say, "'thanks"I f0 Jesus. Whlere were the oflier aine?' This represents any gener- otion. Nine out of ten take the blessingas of lii e for grantesi. On- ly a few knnw wlsat if is f0 be truly thankfàul. Flow do we fake lie for -arant- ed? It is our attitude. If I take the blessings -of life for grnned, because J feel that these thdngs sifoulci riglitfully be mine. But sloild I? Wliy is it my rtight to be iealtliy if someone just as good as 1 amn las to suifer, la if niy rigit f9 have al fhe food I can eaf wlhen someone else lias no)ne? No! It is ot my riglht! We take or homes, ur food,' our comnforts for graafed. It is liard to re'2.lize liow npi-cli we depensi on God. Pople of this generation sel- dom or periiaps neyer see seed bedng sown or look at a field 'to sec if there wl le enougil food for wintcr. Few of us ever get on 'oui- kaees to pray for ram n s crops could grow or for sunshine so fhey could be harvesteci. We go down to flic store wlere the sheives are liaed with groceries. We have a gond job and mney to buy aur food. Whio do we lave to thank? We have worked for tlic money. But if is Goci who is the creator andu we depend on flic tain and the sun for clir fonod. We oughlt mot to take our abundance for gra4~ed. Don't fake fthc Ohurdli for gra-nfes. Ifta the greatest power for goos tisat the World las. Don't le fooled by ftle people who down'gr'ade tIechGurel as be- irZ ineffeetive and valueless. Take if out f nihliccommunity andsalie- ty. good business an'd atasosphere wiliî. suffer. There wilil e more AChallenge To Be Thautkful Oron o Publie Sehool Journal disobedience of a harmful nagtre by morj people. We use the Ohurdli, abuse it, neglect it and stkIli it exists to serve. Why? Be- dause a f ew do not take the biess- ing of lif e for granted. The few Wh.o aue faithifi make it posibe for the whoie community to be blessed Giving thanks means littie un- less we are living our tlianks. If we are net tliankfu1 then we have no nighlt to feel that these Mless- àngs auglit to be ours. When the nations of the, world forget' God the wonderfuil inventions of cir time can be turned to destroying m~an as greed takes over or self- isèhness reigns. Canada needs to0 be warned by the ancient man's good and time- [y advice. It is wfhen thinos are easy thiat men tend to forget God. And Canada has it mig(hty easy. The nation or commnunity or in- dividual Who forgetts God is in for trouible. For soaner or later man finds fhat lie cannot live by bread, alone. H1e ends his days a disillu-' sioned, disappointed indîviýdutal. H1e las fed his body and not lis siphit. H1elias lived for Vlings he cannot take witl i hl. The- challenge at Thanksgivàng is to seek God in sucli a way that we 1earn thankiulne;ss for even tlie littie, comimon benefits of lufe. Then we are put in a position wb4ere we can best serve society and we dan extract the best of God's blessings from life. ,On Tuesday, Oct. 14, the gils a£ Orono Public School lad a game of f iag football with team 0aptains: Bonnie Partner, Jackie Snelders, Tracie Stutt and Lynn Loi ery. Tracie Stutt's andi Bon- n4e Partner's played a game where Bonnie's f eam won 1-0. Af- ter Jackie Snelder's and Lynn Lower.MIs team piayed wliere Jackie's team won 6-5. Tlie grade 5s are off to a fine stiart on their studv of Africa. Tlie being stu'died in groups are the Pyganies, Bantus, Zublus. Hottentot, BusGime'n and fhe Wat- use. Mr. Bruce Allin came to speak an'd show slildes on Ghana, Africa wliere leie reviously &Dent two years. Mr. Boumne lad §hiown his isldes arier in the mont h of lis four year stay in Afnica. Grade 5 lave, aiso been le'arn- ing to play a recorder. Others from grades 6. 7 and 8 have been expeniencing this musical instru- ment tao. A recorder is similar to a elarinet. Mr. Peter Rooyakkers. teaohi n, Grade 6 on Tliursday, Oct. l6tli, broueît a Boa Constrictor to sohool. This snake was 6 feet long and ýabout 2-3 inches thiek thro:uýçh and- believe it or not a baby. H1e lias a collection of tliese reptiles Which bas been collectine for two years. Richard Rtobinson of grade two sold Mr. Rooyakkers a snake wliicth is believed to be a milksnake. H1e also lias a collec- PM Trudeau Announces New Appointment For R. C. Honey Prime MinLster Trudenau an- nounesi on October lSth, 1969 some changes ina FIe Parliiament- *axy Seqretarlef, amoag wÉhWi flic shift oflice Northiumbeiq-and- lYunram Memiber aof Parliament Russel- C. Hnoney from Reigtonal Econornic Expansion ý to Indian Affairs and Nortlerm DJevelop- ment. In makiag fhecannouacement the Prime Minister statesi thaf lie h6ped f0 give as bioai a ranqe of experience as Possible Fn flic Parliamentary Secretairies. Mr. Honey said tisat he lad been alvsed lasf wee& by flic Prime Minisiter ni lis intention to make lhàs change andi FIat lie was very pleasesi, with it. "If was a i-cal opporfunity to work with the Honourabie Jean Marchand in flic establishmeat of flic new Deparfîment ofReLL& Ecoaoi<i Expans-i,,n b,,. fthc De- partmne-ut rtieand. firn this time on ifs fuaction will ,be large'ly adhnLnstrative. How- ever, withlithe ilonounable, Jean Olirétien, iaister cd Indian AU- f airs and Northlera Deve¶opnent, Vhlere is a confinuing challenge (andi excifement in policies for na- tive peo:ples and in*tIe develop- ment of Canada's Arotic thaf makes hils Departiment the one chat ;l ~e greatest challenge and appeal î-,r me at fhis fime,', Mr. Honey said. îalle. W e are-waËsting Ftils ba â-i iful and abundant landi. The ricli coautry i5; gming to be sitesfo ,'buildings. In aone areas fhic slean ,air is SO pollutei it desfroys healtI and flic freslh wafer s0 polluted fIat f isî arc dydng. This js nof a reflecttion of fhankagiving. If we appreciate this beautiful Kand wc woul'dnt lic wasting if as wre are. Tlankfulacss is an attitude wrhidli prevails in everyýthing andi ,is at loast nincy percent appreci- afion. An elderly lady f roublesi wif h urthritis lad a liffle ro'om. Tley sat lier by Fthc windlow. Sic didn'f eomplain tn lier friensis. SIc said. "I love to sec flic traffic go by. l'mn s0 tianýkful for Flic traific." Tîey mýovei lier f0 a baek ronm. She said, "The sxveetest c4ldre,,,, p1ay ia flic yard acexf door. IPm so tliank t for them. "At last 'aIe hasi f0 live in a room in the hsums, hg upwitl a littie wi a- lo.SIc said, "Sec my beaufiful riew. Loo& at flic sky." We find it ano difiicult fo le thankful. We ecomplaia if we wanf suashine and ïtran or flic Potatoes lu-n andi our dIay la ruined. Thaxikfulncss àa an attitude i apprecia oni. If one cannof) be hpy and bhanleful for small f hingsý then tliev will neyer b- hajnpyý andi tankIdfor gcaf thlling. We read of the ten lepels 'ia tIc New Testament. Thirty years y ago leprosy was conmsdered ip2l-- able. Dr. McClure saysý now tiiNy ean cure if fairly easily. But in Get yur 8%, rnoda Savu*ngs Bonds at. "the Commerce. 'Il make if easly Canada'Savings Bonds, let you own a piece of it. CANADIAN IMPERIAL BaANK 0F COMMERCE tion of wild geese. This wtek the grade seven pu- plis startesi a program of orLAan- izing their own time table for the morning. Tley do this in the work the~y need most practice in, We do this in Mathi, Spelling, Reading and Language. 1The grade ciglit cl'ass bave been concerned about tlie Biafra war and wrofe letters to tlie Oan- adian Governient tof0 fns out 1mpw we could holp tlie Biafran peopIe. 'Gals and Guys, gef ready fe move thiose lips and swing flose arms. A grade 8 dance is on its way. It starts at 7:30, Oct. 24 and ends at 11:00 witl reireshments of pop. and chips. Kirby, Kendal, Newcastle and Newtonville and exceptionally gond grade 9's are invited f0 this great, shake. Be sure to bring 35e to pay YOUr own way in or 50c to pay for you'and your friend. ' Thls column is being sponsoreEl by: 1.1tcpn 5 representatives: Ken H1utton, Patti Lunn, Ian Moffat. Room 6: Maureen Sletler. John Oornish, Edward Carke. Room 7: Joyce We rry, Elaine Vagg, Jim MVoffat. Room 8: 'Dèbra H-eard, Gail. Morrison, Bonnie Dunlop. 1. Sports 'Reps.: Oliris Robinson, Tom Moffat, Apna Ciesielski.. Su- san Partrisige. Edfitor: Bonnie Bunl'oP Assistant Editor: Edward Clark.

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