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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Oct 1969, p. 7

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_________________________ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES. THUJRSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1969 __ crneiioAmeairis Sec Milison Insurance Agency fer Ail classes of personal and Commercial CoveraLyes Office: Main St.. Orono 993-5032 Btes. 983-5754 Gord Sim pson PHONE 983-5808 Orono, Ontario PAINTING CARPENTRY REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIRS CHARLES Ric-ID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me f or terms and dates PHONE ORONO 983-5914 monuments and Family Memorials (Our quaity and service leaves nethlng te be deslred Ask the pmson who bought froni m, a neighl>.ur, frlend or relatiVe The RUTT9ER GRANITE COMPANY, 73 Ontario Street PORLT HOPE Largest display ln, 5outjtçrg Outario WATSON'S Mrn and cycle f Orono, Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CR.AFT BOATS f i Alouette Snow Mobiles > f McCulioch CHAIN SAWS Répairs to all makes of Lawîf fMowers and 2 aid 4 cycle f Engines fOTACO PLOW POINTS f AND MACHINERY IPIJMPING OUT SEPICTANKS Bert Tompkrns f f Phone 786-2552 LYCETT. j Pumbng eating I PHONE, 983-5407 BYAM !z PLUMBING and HEATING 1 Sales and Service i-M HOUR BURNER SERVICE- 1 1 1 c GULF FINANCING àÊ j fLow Interest Rates [ulf Phone;O Tyrone 263-2650 Orvi lle Chattertoni UEiectrical Contractingl jElectric Heatins( and Service jPHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono. Ontario ORONO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerrv Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRAUPING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO -HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME' INGLIS - THOR -GUARANTEED, SER VICE- Hamiltons Insurance Service ~ A.ut*, i f ff t Flrst Mortgage Loans 'Sadie Hamilton' Phone 983-5115- Stafford Brothers I Ijmitedg gManufacturers of fCemetery Memorials I318 Dundas Street Eastj i- WHITBY, ONTARIO Building a House? for remodelling your present f oie, then contact Flobyd Nicholson phone 9839-5049 ORONO i I-j i FOR SALE 1964 Parklane Mercuiry 4-djoor Hardtop., New tires. A-i condition. Boyd Wood, Princess St., Or- ont, Ont. Phone 983-5937. 'a-p NOTICE Winter Pearis for s'ae. Phüne: 786-2425 - HOUSE FOR SALE On Dudhess St., Orono. 1%a storey white frare houise, ogi heated, 4 pieoe bath, akauinim storms and scaeens, sun, poreh. Phone 983-5908. a-p NOTICE Orônïo Landscaping, Garden Ser- vice and Snow Pljowing. Phone 983-5598. t-f MALEAND FEMALE, I*E9L1> REQUIRED Also Male, Help for Night Shift. Cùirvp1y Wood Products North Plant, Sterling Mather THE ACRES The Acres Restaurant is f eat- uring Chieken and Chips for Sat- urday. Dror in and see our dis- play of Paintings by Harry Ham- elinck of Bowmianville and our Thanksgiving corner wilih animais and birds don'ated by Mrs. Keast of Onono. a-c PRODUCTION SALE of Regîstered Polled Herefords Saturday,, October 25th 11:00 P.fl, The herds of Allan Franks and Sons 'and Edrnund Reavie and Son at the Fn-ank's Parm, 2 mniles east of Madoc and north on Pine Ridge Roéad (OffH IEhway No. 7). Test- ed b.uils, oews and calves, bred and open heffers. OCataloe-ues avait- able fropi Oornigh Auction Ser. v'ice. Box 7. Indin River, c-eC BREEDER AND FEEDER *13ALE The Sale of the year. l2th An- nual Ail Blackc Breeder and Feed- er Sale. 500 Feeders, steens and hoifers. 50 breeders, mostly, cows and bred heifers. 50 oomfmel'ial oes,bred to valve in Maréh or Apnil, 3 serviceable age Bulls. And orie. cornilote dispersaI et 60 ho ad.> 70% of the Feeder Oattle are so'ld Vo repent buyerï ecdiyear.ý Sale t-o be heki at Peterborough Sales Barri, souitjhof arnber light on H4ghiway 7, Saturday, October 25, 1969 at 11:30 a.m. sharp Sale comrnencing wiVh breedin-g cattie. Sale sponsoreci by the Eastern Ontario Angus Club. Gordon Ribey and Malcolm Bailey, Auctioneers.. Lunch avail- able. Malcold B'ailey Manager, phone 9859-7583 Uxbridge, On.aro. At he conclusion of thesale, a dTaw .will be made for a,-sàde of Angus Beef, eut and wrapped for freezer. ,b-42-c JACK RICÂRD REALTOR'. 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE. When Buïyin.g or Selluîg eall WILF HAWKE VOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Member of Oshawaan Dis- tict Real Estate Bokard NOTICE Alterations and niain se-';-- Mrs. M. Downs, corner Park and Ohurèh Sts. Phone 983-5493. t-f' BAZAAR Corne to the lst Kendal Girl Guide and Brownde Local Associ- aion fluzaar and Tea on October 25, 1i969 frs>m 1:00 p.rn. to 5:00 pn. at Kendal Central School. a-c NOTICE Leskard Chiurch Annual Thank- off ering Service, Sunday, October 26th et 7:30 p.rn. Speaker Rev. A. Wocock, St. ,Mark'e Anglcan Ohunch, Oshawa. Speclia~l music by the Orono Iiigh Cs. Evervy>ne wel- comne. a-c COMING EVENT Heather Rebekah Social Club wAll hold their Annual Bazaar and Tea Saturday, December 6th. Put your orders in for Christ- mas Cakes to Mrs. Gordon Wat- son (-.jh'one 983-5343). or Mrs. Jiames Major (phone 983-5842). Keep this date, open and enjoy this annual social event. a-c WANTED Fema-le factory help wanted. Nesting Furniture Ltd. Phone 983-5192. a-c Or ono Buildiîng Contractoru Brick - Block - Concrete Stone Work Caruentry . Cabinet Work Floors * Tile 983-544X~ ORONO ORONO, ONT. . HALLOWE'EN SPECIALS- Pumpkins 30e to 80e Maclntosh Apples - $1.50 bus Fred's Fruit Market Highway 115, South Orone HORTICULTURAL FALL SHOW Oct. 23 Entries received 7:30 te 8 p.m, Mlas 1 Wall plaque or piciture frame withou't glass. Dried mat- erials to, be glucd on backidng of yourchoice. No size lim-it' Glass 2 ý- 'Beauty, in a Nutsýhell'. Miniature arrangement, in a nut sheIl using dried mnateriel. Nut over 4" in any dimension. Class 3 - -"'Drifting Along'. An ar- rangement using driftwood and dried .iatenials. Photagnaphie, competition will also be held. Corne and enjoy an interesgting even'ing. b-42-c DIED HIALL-At Centenany ,Rospital, West Hill, on Friday, Optober 17, 1969 Ethel Robinson, belaved wife of, Francis Haill. 1738 Pharanay -Avenue, Agincourt, dear sister'et William R.obinson, Or-ono and the -late Cecil eRobinson. Rested at the Barlow Funeral Home, Puax* Street Orono, until Mfonday then te the Orono United Church for service at 3 o'ciock, Initermenit Orono Cemnetery. CARPP 0F TIANKS I woulc. like to take tihis o(> potui DvV than-k my relative$ and friends foer the ca-sds;- gower. and glfts during my stay in -Mém- orial HospitVal and te those whow tooe irne out from tiheir busy summier -Vo eal. . To the staff eft rhe 3Ad. who made my eleven wee'ks stay as pleasant as is possible in a hospitai Vo býe. S,ýeciaI Vhanks to Drs. MeKen- aie and Langer, al8o T4rs. Gray. Verna Mowat '-P Fer Sale... a Juice- Apples. Greenings, Russets, Starks - 50 a bushel Winter Apples: Spys, Taimans, Baldwins - $1.00 a bushel PICK VOUR OWN CHOICE WAN,ýLESS FARWf 2 Miles East of Orono on Somerville Road Acolor folio of interior decorating i deas.designed by professibnals! Helps you ta- * Create personal color schemnes " Select the right panelling for each and every roomn e Match and compare your furnishings with the Iatest in decorating mraterials Makces decorating, and redeclora-ting, so much easi5r! To get yourfree PANELLING SELECTOR. just- clip this avrie mencft andi take it t your lumber dealer. While youlethre, -e h full range of Citation Pre-finished Paneliing i CA~RBuilding Materials 440 rC ioAven/New Wý.nte4,nC .. PHIONE 983-9167 -i ~ ~ 411 4 -4- Il ,- -Y - 's t --s I ~ Bo 3 f Bo 133 Phone 668-35521 Oronto Fuel U Lumuber Ltd.n Interior Exterior 1

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