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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Nov 1969, p. 1

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Orono -VOLUME 33, NUMBER 45 Weeklyý ORONO WE'ýEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, -NOVEMBER 13th, 1969 ~on ChamberOpps Orono Firemen Kept Bu sy The Orono Eire Departinent was faced with a numero! mysit- ,eries on' Tuesdayo! this week, both coming within a e fw hours of caach otler. Around noon the Departin was càNled te a fire nortli of Merv- gan's Corners wberc a one-rour sback mas ftiydestroyeti liv fire. Fire Chie! Mercer was 'urý ýable te detemmrine the cause o!flico l'ire. It was. believed on Wed,'nesdey, thatthflicsiall building was owned by Viole Augustina e!f Whifby, but ne conact lied been made witb t!he owner. It was thouglit that the buildinrg mas mroved into thm "ownship rei time go and pos.ý -sibly uscd on weekends. The second ceE for the fire dep- peartinent cerne shortly after six o'ciock when a car was burning- on the fi!ftb ulne o! Clarkc, east, in front of flic property o! Mi. JTack Wilfiams. The car, a 1968 Oldsioblewas efoftal write-cf! -lt jr believed that tlie fire firsf startcd jenflic hack seat o! the- carand advanceed fhrougheuit fhe. entire automobile. Neither the driver or fthc cwne- o! thec car mas t tlie senre o! the fire and early Wednesdey mcri- Ing th 'e depertinent lied ied ne contact with the owner. It lias been reported that thec car was The Oreone Chamber of Coin- nierce on ýM.onday night registred their oPpposition tae the establist- ment of parallel parking on the east ,4ide cf Main Street froin Centre ýStreet to A11en's Lane. Thev elso cbjetted to the one heur -Parking Enit to be estab- liqhed in the business area,' feel- ing that one heur ýwas net su!- ficient turne for a person to do ther shopping. On miotion the Chamber is te reauest that diagonal parking re- main on the east side o! Main Street.and tiat tïhe parking time l'mit o! two heurs, which now ex- ists, be centinued rather than clain?'r(g it te one heur. A letter ie to bo sert both te the Oreno Prlice Triistees and the Ceunties Ruad, Commison. The County Road Commission is requesting thec changes which ýare ta be sul- mitted teo the Ceunty Ceuncil. W. H. Carnian, Bob ilazelden and lVol Downs were appointed to a Senta Claus Oommittee. The Cliamber this year, is to endeav- cur te ýhold a free skating partýV on.the afternoaon of Deceniber 13 Rt the Orono rink ýat whidh time Santa wil make hig animal ap- pearane being driven avound Orono lato Tuesday afternoon. It is believed that the. car is owned by a resid- ent of rhawa. The Ontario Provincial PoliceP are, investieating. Presentation And Tea For Mrs. M. Tamblyn On the afternoon of October 29 *pproxinietely 65 ladies gethered l the Upper C. E.,Auditorîuni of Orono United Churcfh, te honour, in fareweil1, Mrg. 2Milton Temblym. Who lias recently left te reside iin ýOsbawa. Mrs. N. Porter and Mrs. Wxn Irwin welcoined- the ladies at the door, Where the guest book was signed. Mrs. Tamblyn, eccompanied by bier tWc sisters, Mrs W. Cewker ,of Bowmanviliie and Mrs. J. Leis§h- mian o! Oshawïa, was eseorted to the front o! the rooni. Witli Mrg. A. Drurmmond at the plan», every- onie joined in a sing-sang. In reading the address, Mrs. M. St:aples mentioned the keen inter- est xvhich Mss. Tamblyn had al- ways shown in the variaus organ- izetions o!fiii' e community, and that she had contributed her ser- vices in many ways te these or- ganizations, being especially de- voted in her church work. Mrs. B. Long then presented Mas.. Tam- bijyn with arl,,engnaved Hymnary, inscription being written by Mrs. Norman Aluin. On behaif o! the memnbers cof Unit 7, Mrs. Win. Rcybinson gave a lovely cup and saucer to the guest of honour. Mrs. Tamiblyn thanked the lad- ies for the gifts and stated Iliat Oshawa is not s50 fer away, and that she would be coming back fer occesional visitg. A delicious lundh o! sandwiches relishes and cookies was eerved, and a social time enjoyed. Pour- hrlg tea were Mrs, O . Challice, Mrs. B. Long, Mrs. W. Armstrong Sr. and Mrs. V. Robinson. lier~~ NcosDe5Yrs Rloy W.ichools, a former mcm Sae e -run r, m r r council and an area, automobile s d ,aler, dicd sudlenly in bis sleep et h5 ,Coàurtice residence Satur- Durham MPP Al e x Ca ruflhers si1 the. municipelities arc not riay, November 8tb. told a public meeting in Bewm-nan- iii'4en mucli option in thec rcgional ville recently, regienal gevera- evernment issues. Mr. Nidhiols, 69.,lied been a ment ianflic arca is enother five, Wenteaeash(Ihad lifelong resident o! the erea andi years arway and the province wilîl le h re eelbad lied been active in many commun- :neot pres it on anyene. 'vere set up, J don't recali ay ity endea«vours, including serving "eitce! the people," riaid Mayor tlic puibl1ic en both Derlington and !Thie §s-ement enflicted witli Hobbs. Bowmanville objectives o!fOsliawa area',s "In fthc future, councils wiRj Statip e flc ae ! 1, wth regienal geveranment study, whîcli bave e certain say in regîinl th t. ualiteatedofby8,lis p ar aufor implementation within govern.ment. But, for exemple, if th uaiie mpredb hspa-two ote ire years. ftwo councils in flhc area den't ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Ni- wn ob ato egoa chois on the !amily farm neer 1Hetfld a group of, about PO gorment e lm partcf suregionai Courtice, lie mede býis way step persons the government wants te o vrint'iquesue he by step under hus own- initiative sec regionai gevememffent corne w be forced te parficipate." and frein the first shiared bis fine frein fli grass rots, nef frein Mayor Newman ht the touchy and talents for cen-munity better- Queen's Pecik. "Reglonial govera- question o! land, speculation je ment. His principle, "fair dealiing ment vwill no et li posed upon areas dcsiigned for regional Ov- and honest ser-vice" wes applied you hy a senior body, if wiîi ýn -eninent sayir, the expected cep- in bofli bis private and public be donc hby the peopie?" itel gains tex wmiii provide the associations.cue R ilb a iern o- cupation to be a land speculator ln the future thiin it is tay.", ,The governimenit is, he siaid, al- s0 dfistinguishing the real farin- er £rcm the land speculator who hâlds' acres of farin land and is taxed aceord'î.ly. Followiing the. meceting Bow- nianvill~o Cuncillor Keith Shack- eêton- accus ed Whitby of, burden- ing Bownian!vilie a!nd other m1ua ice,iaities in the eventual region- ai govemniment by bringing in. am- Ibitious sulivision projects. He suggested, that Wihtby wait until governient 15 un- plementeil before iang acioni whîeh will affect ,'h region. 1For mnany year:s he wýas ac- claimed as unc.ffýcýial m)ayor of Courtice, being prominent in bus- iness, social and community af- fairs. H1e had operated his auto sales and service outiets in Biow- asanville and Clourtice for 47 yeiars. For many years fromn 1944 he scrv d on tihe Darlington Coutncil, anýd a nuMber of years in, the township reeve's chair. In, the 1967 RowmanVille municipal elec- tiori Mr. Nichiols won one of six councillor seats. 1Unitil the time of his dýeath Mr. Nichols had thoughts of 'reenter- ing the municipal scene from which he resigned earlier this year. :He xvas a charter meimber of the Bowmanville Lions Club and a former member of the Oshawa Kiwanis club. In, 1930 he was ad- initted t:o Lebanion Lodqe- AF -iid M ad vwas aise aRoy-al Atch H1e was the husbiand of the late Muriel Chartron. Funeral service was held Tuescliay. November 11 at 2 p.m. froin the Morris Funeral Chiapel, Býowîuanvillp:e Predicts Lack 0f Municipal lnterest "Unless the provincial govern- ment listtens to municipalities, people will n:ot list their naines at election time to rýun forr council because there is no sense working for sometýhinýg you can't contrýol," Cobourg Mayor J. A. 11eenýan said recen:tly. ' Mr. Heenian added that if the $ YflOîflcial governiment continues to take over basic municipal dut- ies it wiil result in an open con- (Confinued on page 6)' Pay ment 0f Education Levy Discuss ed Municipal Officiais frein 21 cf the 24 municipalities in the Un- -fted Ceunties met with the North- umberiaudDurham County Board ýf Edju cation lest Thursday teo dis- euss5 how the 1970 edlucation levy is to ehapaid. J. M. Rolph,, chaîrman o! the board, fermmd the meeting as 'fruitful' anid said that as a result a l oth le original fears and an- noyvances over the payinent o! levies were more !ullv under-. The board presented a propos- al clling for the first payment of 20 per cent of the levy te be iYaid by ail municipalities on April 15, 1970 and peymenf s of 10 percent per month until the end o!fà he- The proposai aIse ealled for a ~penalty, equal to bank interest, -for any municipality !aling te, .folow the payment sehedule. in order that interest Charges caes- cd by unco-,aperative municipal- iies would not bê charged to those living up te their obliga- Several municipalities presented their own resointion, calling for equal paymets te bc made quart- erly by ail municipalities. A vote was taken and one third o! flic municipal reprlesentatives supperted the board resolution; one thiszd supported the niunici- paîlities' resodution and the , e- maining third either propoised bofli or were undccided. A financial report presented by the board et the meeting sliewed that as frein yesterday the school levy paymenfs lied net reached 50 per cent o! the total levy of $6,- 000,000 for 1969. Several muaicapal repriýsenta- tives in!ormed the hoard that vheques were lanflic mail,whc wouid bring the percentage pay- ments se fear te 60. Wth juat over seven weeks te go in 1969 over $2,000,000 , till ieas te be paid teo the board by thec inunicipalities. The 1969 inethod o! payméent o! levies was changed When the board had teo borrow several mil- lion dollars because the ninnici- palities were neot forwarding pay- ment. The hlard then d nianded that 50 per~ cent o! the levy should lie paid on Septembe 15; 25 per cent on October 31 and 25 percent on Decemaber 15, Mr. Reipli said that the resudts of flic meeting or any further de- cul,:ons by thec board and nunici- palities fconcerncd could bce "al ont the window", if the Depart- ment of Education decided te in- froduce legislafien on the natter. "But we can't sit dround and wait fer tfhem; we have te avoid a duplication o! the 1969 nix-ep over levies," he said. "But I deteet e greater sense of coeperati on and feel that many o! the inunicipalities came forth strongly for the board'r propogals." Whitfby Mayer, Desm-ond New- m~an, head of the executive icoin- niittece studying Oshiawa are's regional government said there miust lie regional governinent within two to three years sio the area cen compete wiith areas wesit o.f Metro. The idea did not hDId water with Mr. Garruthers. "They in the west have problerns we neyer had. Time lis on our side and I amn not convipiced we sihould rush in- to regàonal goverement in this ere a." Rowmanmille Mayor IlVan Itobýbs didn't think as Mr. Carruthers Tractor Imports, To Be Displayed Farniers in Durhen Geunty mili have an epperfunlity on Novcanber 19 te sec imported tractors oper- ating under field conditions. The Ontario Federation o! Agriculture ,ie ce-eipeton mith a tractor mnanufacturer o! Czedhosýlomala is 9ponsqoring a demonsttation te show farmars these tracters. The tractor5 have been on exý hibit this week et the annueli con- vention >f flic Ontario Federation o! Agriculture. Fellowing this convention thcy wll be feken a- cross Ontfflie . le Durham ()ounty flic tracters wiii be at tflfarîn o!Homard Mlcolm vàhid is on 7A highmey et Yelverton. This will take place on Wedncsday, November 19 be-* tween flic heurs o! one and four. Engineers frein Czecheslovakia will lie present. fluring flic past year flic Ontrer- ie Federation o! Agriculture lis been instrumental in importing for Ontaneo farmers weIl over $1,000,ý 000 wortlN o! equipment. Priceg in reine cases have been 50% lower than those o! compar,?1Ie trettors *being rold in Canada. Fat-mers in Octaneo believe' thet if their produets are te be sold on flic world market flic price o! iniputs. sui as nmeehinery sliould lie comparable te efier countripis. The O.F.A. did present its find- ings te flic Royal Commission on Fenn Madhinery and Prices (the Barber Commission). Thàis report is cxpectcd to e lcsoon released and 9houid contain some intercest- ing findings. Fi remeîTo Canvas OrAo The Orono and Giarke Týownshîp PFire Depajtment is conducting a canvas o! Orono in aid e! Muscu- 1er Dy9trepliy. The rnembers o! flic Departinent are te canves flic Village on Thursday and Friday niglit o!ftlis wcek. The local departinent lias car- ried ouf this canvas other yearg and have been commcnded for their interest by flic Muscular Dystreophy Association. Preparing For Liquor Vote The ýpreparation 'of the Voters' List for the December, 196D L, quor Vote for Clarke Toiwnsiip ias begun under the direction «f Mr. Lyatl Lowery who. was ap- pointed ta iact as the chie£ super- viser ca enumeration at a meeting nf elarke CQuncil held in Novem- ber8tI last. Purisuant to by,,aw No. 1611 th,- eleotors of Clarke' Townsip Wiltl be asked te ývote "Yes" or &N on the sale of liquor at a licensed dinfing lounge and/or at licensed i cocktail lounges. This vote will net permit hiotel hever- age roons te lie licensed. Ta be eigible te vote a person must be 21 years (o! age, a Brit- gh ýsubhje«t or Canadieni citizen and have resided in the Towe- ship for two inths and in Ont- aio for at lest twelve nenths. A persan hose nenie is entered ini the municipal voters' Eist as a non-resident owner will net be entitled te, vote on, the liquS~ question. Mr. Lowoiy an ticîpates tiiet the list fer the Idquor vote will lie conipleted within 4 ci- 5 days and theil will be amallable at aIl poli- ing eibdivisions and in, the Town- ship offie.% Successful Party Thp Orono Home and Sc'hcol Association held a very succegsfiul card party last Friday night at the school. Pri"ze winners: Door prize - Mr. Wm. Grady. Ladies High - Mrs. M. Annaert Ladies Consolation - Mrs. hap- man Gentlemen's High - Mr. F. Quant- Gentlemen',ý Consolation - Ken- ny Wilkins We weuld like te expresseOUI appreelation to the 'following reerchants for don-pting the priz- es: Reid's Hardware, Armnstrong's I.G.A. Stutt's Pharmacy,'s Red and White. The sum cf $42.00 was raie frein the card Party. A gpecial thanks te Mrs. Joyceý Rosseau and Mrs. Gloria Gray for conveniing the lunch. Tmes Rgoa

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