ORONO WEEKLY. TIMES, THURSDAY,,NOVEMBER 13th, 1969 Oe*RONO WEEKLY TIMES Second CLia Mail R.0go Nurnbe 0368 Publiobed every Thursday nt the ofAceof a pubMo3 "an Street, Orono, Ont"o. Phonoe 0-Ml0 THINGS ARE QUIET The Township of larke Municipal election bas yet Vo stir up any real enthusiasm and no great nuimber of can- didates appear to be seeking a se.at, on couneil other than present couneil members (exdludïng Reeve Roy Foster) and Mr. Ted Oopping vbo bas made lit known he will be "un- ning for depu!tyreeve. Thejre is no doiübt that a vacancy wilf exist on council as present council members will endeavour to fil the top two >wo:tions of Reeve and Deputy-reeve. This inove wi1ÇI ecate a vaaancy fox a councillor and Vo our knowledge no one bas corne forth to seek sucdh a position, Time is growing short wi th Nominations to be beld un Novenmber 21gt and élections on December ist. This centre is, thls year, unlike Bowrnanville where a real con- tee, ls to be waged for a1.positions of couincil. It is un- fortunate that more are flot interested in holdàig position on counil Reeve Roy Foster has sald, "lit is a remnardilng position." He also notes the era as one with inoreasing in- terest due Vo the formiation of regional government in this area. WINS APPROVAL The White Paper presented by Finance Minister Ben- SOn at Ottawa recently has met with muclh approvial throughovt the country and in no'st sectors of tihe popula- tlin. t eau be labefiled a Robin Hood proposai - ake from the rich Vo give Vo theppoor and thig alo.ng witi the balsis that a "buck is a buel< no matter how it is eiarned" bas caigt the supporlt of the Natýion. 0f course there are a few objections but these seem to be rninor and reduiced by the generail approval and acceptance. The White Paper has rnoved aheadVo such a point ,h¶at the Liberal opposi'ition in the Conservatives and NÈDP bave no major objection as it works to similar aims as both ,have recommend'ed. Rt bas also reduced recent objections by the Prov-,incial Governmrenits Vo a certain degree 'anid should place the Federal position in -future dliscussion on a mixeh sounder basis. A number of new features are palatabie in that the White Paper is a proposai that is yet a year before reality and in the meantime views can be preisented. Judging from geineral approval it will noV tlikely ibange too mu-oh. An- oerfirst is in regards that tbe news media wag given prior study of the paperbéhind locked doors resultintg in a complote coverage when the proposai was presented. The Govemnment wit(b the help of the opposition ov- er tihe tast year bas conditioned the pjeop1e of Canada for tixis paper with its proposais. It bas been some time since a financial report £rom Otawa, whioh noted change, bas re- cedved such general approvai. Local News Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Long, of Toronto, visited un the weekend with Rev and Mrs. B. E. Long. Bundiay visitors with Mr,. and Mrs. E. R. Rainey were Ms. ir- ene Reesor, Port Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Genaibd Rainey, Linda adMarie Mrs. Eliouse Beecher cf.Regina spent the weekend with'Mr. and Mrs. John Forrester and sons. .Congratulations to Misses Dur- lene West, Jeaànette Maarte.nse and Sandira Gtibson w¶xo graduiated 14, the October oliass of the Cen- tral Sdhtol cf Nuisin.g Depiart- ment cf Headsùh, Toronto.' Miss SaIly Staples of Aibua Col- lege spent the weekend wîth ber parents, Mr.: and Mrs. Donald StapÊes and fomily, DUTCH LANGUAGE BOOKS ESTABLISHED IN CLARKE LIBRARY This~ week the Regional Library doniated ninelty Duteli books in the dutch langûage Vo the Clarke Public Library. Tihis collection was presented Vo the local iibrary due to the nui-aber of requests £rom Clarke Library for dutcib language books. The selection covers rnany to- pics iand should be of interesttVo a numaber of local readers. The colllections wras received a- long with a cabinet for ffieir dis- play at Clarke. RAISE $46.00 FOR ATIILETIC THROUGHl CAR WASH Thc Saracens Car Club lasti Saturdayv raised a total of $46.00 for the Orono Amateur Athletic AXssociation through a local car wasb. The car wasb was lxeld at Barraàbal' ;Garage. D. ROGERSON ORONO, ONTARIO ANTIQUE* WEBUY AND SELL OId Glass, China, Fine Articles Toys and Oddltles IF IT'S OLD ... I CALL US j WE PAY CASH Phone 623-5342 àfter 6 p.m. NOVEMBER SPECIALS Xmas Cards A and Paper Colgate Tooth Poste - HALF PRICE - 80C LISTERINE ($1.79) 110W $1.57 GREAT BODY -. ($2.25) . .$1.92 TRIAMINICIN,,i ($1.25) . .$1.06 SCORE H.!CREAM ($1.19) $1.00 ýBaytr,, COLD CAPS ($1.50) $1.28 V.O. 5 H. CREAM .. (.99) . .185 DETTOLEX....($1.09) ... 94 V.O. 5 CREAM RINSE .... $1.0ý TWIN TOTh ........ (.59) . ...50 BRECK H. SPRAY . (.99) . ..85 NOXZEMA .. ($1.89) . .$1.61 Nesties SOF SPRAY (.99) ...85 Z.B.T. POWDER . ... (.89) . ..76 Orthoxicol SYRUP ($1.50) $1.28 Nox. HAND LOTION (.85) ..73 MILK of M. TA3S. (.93) ..M Gillette Shave Bonib ($1.25) $1.06 COMPOZ....($1.25) ..$10 RIGHT GUARD ($1.39) . 1.18 LESTOIL, 28 oz.............894 SAVE - Film -Cameras -Bulbs - SAVE LUNN Pro HARDWARE Phone 983-5307 WHERE SHOPPING IS EASY AT LOW LOW PRICES SEE OLT.... Pre-Chrittmas Sale of TOYS - SKATES SLEIGHS - - HOCKEY STICKS TOBOGGANS ON SALE This Week-End KING SIZE $ f A TV 'Tables I The Teachers and Students of Cia rke High ýSchool cordially invite you to tlîeir Seveuith AnnualCI ommeucment in thec HIGH SCIIO&L AUDITORIUM. Friday, Novemâber 14 at 8:00 p.m. Guest Speaker: Mr. Art Duncan, Pubic Relations ýOff icer, Bata Shoe Company. of Canada Ltd. FOLOWERS by FOR ALL OCCASIONS CALL COLLECT - DAY OR NIGIIT 3 ON ONE, 4 TWO & THREE YEAR 4aund5 î YEARS.82 Member Canada Ilepost Insurance Corporatiion Cenra Otario Trust 19 Siincoe St. N, OSHAWA K ~23 King St W, BOWMANVITLLEý