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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Nov 1969, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER l3th, 1969 MIPP Favors United Co0u fisego Septic Tank .service GENERAL PUMPING 24 HOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontario Telephone 983-5266 or 983-5728 ATTENTION FARMERS WHY PAY MORE? SAVE ON. Premium Quality SGASOLINE SDIESEL SMOTOR OIL Farm tanks and pumps availabie CALL COLLECT 668-3341 DXOIL FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Wiliam C.Hall,' B. comm. Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesday and Saturday thers. H1e told a public meeting Wed- nesclay the tawn - beeause of it.s healthy financial situation and -grawing industry - wauld fit in more eamfortably with Durham and NothssnýberIand Counties. "Take municipalities, in the Bowmanville, Trentoni, C'obourg ai even OaimpibetI1ford - they all have iniustry,". Mr. Carruth- ers tol'd the Os6heva Týmes later. "But the 0,shawa regian will be based an one industrY, General About 90 persaons gathered at the MemoadiPark Ohlulihouse ta Clarke Pubîlic LIBRARY HOURS OPEN: Tuesday 6:30 -8:30 Thursday 6:30- 8:30- Frlday 2:30- 5; 6:30 - 8:30 Saturday 16.00 - 12:00 ar. Golden Ripe BANANAS lb. Old South Orange Juice 4 Specially Selected - Value Check'd - Tender Young Tenderloin Portion (3 to 3½-lb. average), LOIN UO'PORK l b. 75c Von -Save Twice with Trim andi Price LOI1N PORK CHOPS lb. 99c, Economy Meat Feature - Lean - Tasty MEATY PORK HOCKS IL 39c Best Buy! - Wagstaffe or Aylmer Strawberry or Raspberr (with peetin) Jams 24 oz. 59C Feature! - Evaporated Ca~~rnainMi 6 oz. tins 59C 20Z. 85C FOR THE FBÉEEZE'R! WHOLE PORK LOI N S 1l to 13 lb. average - eut and 1wrapped IL.89c il oz. bag, Potato Chips 4 9 c Tail Tins Best Buy! - Save 23c! - Boston Brown With Pork 14-oz. Tins Feature! Redle( em r8 Coupon Kîngý, Size TIWI'th Enl S OORN E W. rne the rlgk te m"tquammIia phone 883Ul, orme, u heiar the regional ýgoverament panel .discussion, an attempt by the tawn's citizen's ciommittee ta drum up interest in the December municipal election. "Theýre has been a 1igtrm assacat'in- between Bcowrmanville and DaLiýýngtan and 1 think their eeoonmy lies in the d.shawa re- gion." countered Whitby Mayor Desmaýnd Newman. Mayor Newman, ehairman af the Oghawa areia regianal govern- ment study executive, said the first region created east of Tor- auto wil anot autamatically cmete the next region" - a Ca- bourg-Trenton oriented area. 'SBownfanville - Darlington rr- lates ta the, Oghawaregian,," said Mayar Newmnan. "'lhere are no educational o-pportunitîes ta thep east of Bowmanil,1eDarlinýgton as exista to the west." *Mr Carruthers stressed he has an open mind and 'if regianal goverment studies indficate Bow- nmanviile shoijld go west, then he would reverse his thinkîng. Outside the meeting, Mr., Car- ruthers said the long histary of 1 Ooûpeïration between niunticipald- ties in the United Oouinties is somethinm Mhioh shauld be en- couraged. He he didn't agree with Mayor Newman's5 thinking that reglonal governnment lins Vo 'Me uýr- ban oriented. Cobourg, lie said WouLbd be a natuiral centre o~f A United Gauniies reglion but he added the area wouidn't have ta empliasize one urban centre. -Oshawa Tîmps Submission Te' Ontario Govt. Mayor (Michael Wladyka pre- sented a rlesolutiýon ta t3he provin- c6ai, government recently as1kne that muuicipalitiels bel gven, a canstitutîontal status. jMaiyar Wadyka, vice-president of the A-,s.ociation of Ontario mayors and Reeves that met with the caebiniet lat Çueens Park yes- terday, Presented ta re»alufAon concerning the need for redefini- ian of mufficipal jurdsdidton and a re-assesinent aionumnicipial fin- ancial resaurees. The resolution urged the pro- vincal :government ta give muni- idipalities a onishituti on ai status in 'the nmodern resstruetured municipal gavemnnent organisa- tien. The mnayor pointed out that the Britiýs'h, North America Act set out a methad of gavernment when Qapaldla was alnation corn- Prised of rural munýcipalitie(s wihh oly a few small cities. town and villages. Mayor Wladyka addcd that since that tme, within the pro- vincial structures, aeur citieis and regions have grown in size tfi wh'ere they lare no'w liarger in pop- ulation and assessunent than, aur smialller provinces. He said the nee1d for these lar- ger units of lgovernment ta have a real voîce in sudh matters as planning, flinance and areas dir- ectly affectixig the weffare af its citizens ls eýident !anid there is gr-cnt resentmÉent -when provincial- ly constructed sina.1 boards ýare able ta ýoverrule the ,Wishes of this large segment of the popula- tion. The nmyaor noted wdith satistac- tion, that Premier Jo'hn Robarts f et that a provincial-municipal conference wol be a goa.d thing. lu biýs presentation he pointed out' ..-î t i wonld be impractical and imp-ossible ta have an equtal partnecirship and direct communi- cation with every town, village and hamiet an matters of local importance. Howýever under regional gaver, nment and Ilhe restructeld larger communities, it wauild be f esihle and practiioal to treat thie inuniel- palties, as- partners end toa aio them ta paitiepate ini the diocua- siaon of matters Which directly concern them. .FRE One parkge of consols with purchase of a Carton of Cigarettes any hrand Reg. $3.74; King size $3M8 Xmas Cards 89e to $3.0 hox Middietons;' Orono Phone 983-5242 Albert's Texac. GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Orone INTFJtIOR -7 FXTERIOR PAPERHANGiNG REÏM<DELLING ý'For a etean dependable job" Call Douglas and Gary Simpson 983-5104 Bowmnville would be better off ini a United Co4nties regianal goDveý,rmenit rather than' thr.owing its eards in with 0Osýhawa regian. says. Duilham MPP Aiex Carru-^ LYLE WEST ELECTRIC Orono: 983-5962 Quality Electrical Heating and Lightlng Installations and Repaire Certlfled Electricians WREN THINKING 0F THINK 0F MATT'S We have a good choice of MEN'S, 'LADIES' WATCHES »WALLETS, LIGHTERS, BOX CHOCOLATES PIPES, GIFT TOBACCO many other interesting items MATIS BILLIARDS und Burbershop Best Buy! Shirriff - Save 20c. mil il W"

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