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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Nov 1969, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TRURSDAY, NOVEMBER î3th,1969ý 0F GOD Taken from a sermon by Rev. B. E. Long 'Seipture Legson - Isaiaih 55: 6"; 1 arnthians 2 Thse f amiliar words of a hymn go like t1is. "God moves in a mysterlous way, Ris wanders Vo perforrn". "lis purpose wiil ripen f ast, ijnfolding every hour; Thie bnc may have a bitter taste, But sweet ME lbe the flower 1" One important tesson to learn. is that God moves in a mysteriaus way tu bring about His will. Sq often we arc frustrated and feel Godc has fai led us. We cry aut with -the Psallmst. "I arn overcome by my trouble 1 arn dlistraugit by the noise of tise enemy because of the op- Pression of tise wieked. My heart is in anguish within me the terrors of death have fallen upon me Fear and trembling corne upôn me and h6rror averwhclrns me. And 1 s'ay, 'Oh that 1 had wings like a dove 1l wouRld fly away and be at rest." This is the expression of many people fromthe high suhoal stuil- eM, studS71ng for exams ta the persan who 'lies wraeked with pain in illness. t is the cry of people going thraugh thse extrer- eties of 111e. TIiere s'eems to be too rnudh responsibility. We have grown tired of trhe journey>. Oh if we couId only be relieved of it. Most of us want tao live the good life and ta gain knowledge and understanding but we have a spir- itual struggle .going on within us. Oh isow we would like ta, have it ail1 resolved and be at ease. Welfl, in thse O1d Testament lesson, (}od was saying through the prophet Igaiah. .My ways are not your rways and your ways are not my ways." Su aten Mhen we cry for rest, God gives us greater respon- sibflity but at the samne time He incre ases strengtls. One nght a rich waman prayed to God that H1e would send- her patienice. Thse next day a saur-e of irritation came that she had nover known befare-. Out of her struggle withVise mast thýougilit- less, tro(ublesome servant she had ever had, she lcarned patience, because she was serious abo)ut her prayer. GocI marves in a mysteri- ous way, His wanders ta perfarn., One day a large, tractor trail- Orono, Ontarîo er overturned and the driver was jlamnxed iunVise cais for sSnie tijue. Eventualk lie wias released and told Vo take another truek ta its destination. H1e said, "I can't. My nerves are sattered hrougih that awful ordeal. I'm al shook up. 'I've just missed death by a margin. Gidve me a rest, a holiday. Very kindly they said. "Nu, you get iu thse truck and drive it to its destination." Later ise saicI. "That was the best thing that could have happened to me. I knaw sWhy thes' did it. If I hadsn't taken thait truok 'that marning 1 probably woldn't have driven a- gain. But as it is I'm perfectis' at case befind thse wheei." There arc times Wisen action is tise best for us. We think tisat we should be relieved af aur burdens hen God knows that wc sisould not be relieved. SaoacId docs mave my-' sterioustly. Moses got bluiself in so mucis trouble in llgypt that the king was going ta punisish lm or put hlm ta deatis. Muscs gaI ont of Egypt and tiavelled as fast and as f ar as hie cauld ami wlat happened? Goad spoke ta hlm. "l'il bc with yau Muses. Go back inta, Egypt ta leacI ail my peuple aut." Eae the thing you are running away from. Wliat a inysterious way GocI acts. Moses went back ami we kn'ow tise wanderful aulcoome. At ûne. time, Jesins torn in soul ami spirit, prayed, "If it be Vaur wihl let this culp paSis from me"ý Jesus was confrcnted with campleting a life of sacrifice. And H1e was praying that H1e mlight be relieved if God cauld sec it that way. What happened? Well. GAc sent Hlm to travel paths of thorus. Andc* Jesus fui- filled the pyurpose of ]-is life. H1e brought tise blessings of GacI ta mankind and H1e knew a greater gIory Himscif. Paul, that* marvellous, entbusi- astic htIle mari, 50 auxiaus ta do whiat QacI wnted him ta do, went about persccuting Cisisti!ans. Then hie was nmet on tise Damascus rond by the Spirit of God. H1e was transformed and became a serv- ant af Jesus Christ. Paut had game -weakness known as a thorri in, tise flesis that troubled hlma. He prayec tisaI this be taken away so hie couird be a migisty servent of the Lord. Again Gocimaves in a niysterlous way because H1e said ta Paul, ",My grace is sufficient for thee, for my strenigthi is made perfect lu we'akness." Paul'g thoru And neyer again will they Say HEY DAO ... HOW COME THE OTHER KI<IS ALWAYS HAVE AIL THE FUN?" Theres a lot to be aaid for the 1970 MOTO-SKI. But for the thrill ihai beaseal ibrills, consider Iis: you drive ito your yard. Iiis wintery cold and a littie afterdark. Trhe family does't know you're brmnging home a spankin' new 1970 MaOTO-SKI (nothing wrong w fth inaking that kind cf decision on your own!). You walk ioto the bouse (yawn once ortwicel andasay ta the kids, 'Hey kîds! How about bronging in Ihose bondies from the back of the car?' Thats the kind of thrill that young folks remember best about growin' op. But it's just the beginning. When you buy one of these 1970 family lovin' MOTO.SKIs, you'Il make them like they're 'the other kid". The one that always bas al the fun! A ires copy of 'Story of the Ex- clusive Track' will put yau on the right track whan you buy a snow. mobile. Get the story from Phone 983-5207 THE FPOWý&ERPEDlGE ~K THE MYSTERIOUS WAYS Orono Public School Journal was not removed but Pui lea- ed flta God mysterlously guidcd. ddrected and strenigtheaied his life. It is a treinendoLis lesgon we ail must leuru., MXany of us Woültd like to think that ýif we Could- only become Christians we- would have the wings of a dove to fly away and be ýat rest.. Ohristfanity is noa es- cape or reieving of ar- burdens in that same sense. Anyo>ne who takes Christianity, sexiousis knows there is no escape or relleving of our burdens. We're sUR1 confront- ed with trouble. We face ncw ami greater responsibilities. ,We face reality las neyer before and we are chalenged to endure. Then we find a strength that is not our owra and we are capable of walk- ing inia way that we 'are isot cap- able iof doIng by ourselves. When Paul spoke tao Timothy, Ms yo.ung friend wlho was going to be a ninister of the Gospel, lie said, "Enrdure ihardness (as a good sulidier." A sold4er às condîiîned ta obedience without question. Man.y soldiers are saved by im- mnediatelty obeying tlheir supérior officer wfho e ouId see wh't was a- ibout' to happen ;in a waey that they could nq.t. So Christians -are called to obey the commnand of Jesus ChrIst Without quefstion for we re- âÏllze that Hic can see life in a war that, we cannot see it. God knows the whole of. life. We sec oniy a luttle piart. Step in- to an unknown city and y.ou don't know what is beyond a walI or drown a street. You don't know the1 dangers or vhat is ,eoming., But if someone could take the wigsof a helicopter and hover ov1er thse eity, sec the whole plan, Pand wlhat was happening from that vantage point, he couid com- muniate with you Und direct you through the unknown eity. Taking your guidance fram him you coud walk safcily ta the goal intended. Sure(ly we niues sec Jesus Christ in this !sense. He who secs the wýhole of the plan of if e is able ta direct us. Listening ta Mis Grade l1'have a furry visitor this week with ,snew wffite fuir and a short sîubby tail. IEs name is Snoopy tise raishit. Grade 1 are writing stories about raishits. Grade 2 have been writing boo klets about theniselves calied: AU About Me. The pupils fram aViser grades are welcome to reed these booklets. Grade 3 have been daing inter- csting animal art wdth burirs. qGrade 4 arc busy tisis wek do- ing leal collections and land and water projects. Ou Fniday, Navenijier 7, the grade 6 class visited ýCurvply. No ance got sick from the strong smell aI glue, veneer and partly dried wood. Tise classi was gplit juta twa groups. Tisey saw tise complete operatiocn. It st'arted as rougis fragile shcets af tisin wood and ended up as many diflerent produets. Wiscn they left itcdi student was given a ply-wood plate. We thou2ist this tour was very educational and extrcmcely voice and ta His &uidauce, then we eau walik iu bindness yet in safety. :Sometîmes we 'can't sec but surely God ýducs, GoacI cocs utove Inia mysteriaus way ta perform His wonders. We pray and desire certain things, thinking we know tise besI way for them ta be accamplilshecl. Yet Gacd may leaci us lutise opposite direction to bring abyout flar great- er things than tise -greatesî things for which we couid ask. If wc could only learu titis lesson.JIf we could only realize that if we put aur lives in thse hands of Goac and listen carefuliy andi cagerlyr for His guidance, He wauld leacI us tisrough, by ;and aover many of the, obstacles wisic{h have power ta delay or clstroy us. Put y-ur liveis in tise hand aIofacI and ict Hlm leaci you. PoIling Place for Election of Municipal Deputy Council Returning Officer Io. î-Community Hall, Newtonvilie James Imiach, Io. 2-Sehool House in Former S.S. No. 5 Ross Adams o.4 3-SchoI Huse in Former S.S. No. 9 Mrs. Charles Fisk Io. 4-Orange Hall, Kendal Mrs. Helen Couroux Io. 5-Township Hall, Orono Mrs. Mary Berry Ço. 6- Leskard Churcis Kitchen Roy Thompson o. 7-Residence of Frauk Harris at Lot 23, Lawrence IHarris Con. 8. o. 8-Resideuce of James 'Stark at Lot 8, Mrs. James Stark Con. 5. o. 9-Township Hall, Orono Charles E. Taylor o. 10-Township Hall, Orono Mrs. Alma Mitchell AndI at salid Election, H. DeWith, Clerk, shahl be Returuing Officer ROY A. FOSTER, Reeve 1 GcI Save Tise Queeu POli Clerk Mrs. Leta Samis Mrs. Margaret G. Boyd Mrs. Fred Lowery Mrs. Dorothy Mercer Mrs. Gwcn Power Raymond MacDonald Mrs. Neta Rausiserry Mrs. Ada L. Carson Mrs. Ione Forrester Mrs, Olive Miller H. DeWITII, Clerk J M interesting. Tise grade 6 clasis have miade upl a paper called thse Scaoby Boa and in tise future il migiht be soird to, tise sohool. In science tise grade 6 class are studing mamm;aWL and .how they live. They aisoo made $14.00 from grub day. Tise grade 7 were discussing a.- bout wisethcr or isot ta change tise way thcy arc workcing.. They areý naw working on ind-Iidual plans. Lasit Tuesday, Novemiser tiseý 4th tise pupils from grade 8 in Orono, Kirby and Kendal schools' wcnt narth ofI Lindsay digging- for- Indian articleis. Many pieces aI -pattery, bancs, arrowhcaýds etc-. werc f auna. 7 grade Bs wcre movcd ta the grade 7 room duc ta crowded flac- ilities. Tse se people reccied loelçerg, sit ýat a table and wark quictly antd constantis' ou their own grade 8 work. Thcy juain tise rest af the grade 8 d1ass for im- portant discussions or plans. Tise Remembuance Day Serice et sehool was held inluthe General Purpose Room Mbnday, November lOtis. Il begun with 'Oh Canada', proceeding wiAth tise seriplure, symnn Abide With iMc, two poemK and 'Oh GacI Our Help In Ages' Past. It endecI with a solen two minutes silence. Honey Visits Nsrth North(uniberlanid - Durhamn M.P.. Russell C. Honey left Suinday with tise Hanourable Jean Chrétien. MinistIer of Indian Affairsý andi NotenDevelopment, for a fi day visit af tise Nartisyest Terri- tories and tise Yukon. Mr. 11oney is thse Parllamcntary Secretarv ta Màr. Ch'étien. At VellawknàIe and Whltehorse tise Miister aud Mr. Haucy will meet with tise Territorial Goverra- ments of tise Territories and thse Yukon- NOTICE NOMINATION aind ELECTION in tihe TOWNSRIP OF CLARKE Pursuant to the Provisions of the Municipal Act public notice is' hereby given that a meeting of thse Municipal Electors of the Township of Clarke wiIl take place in TOWNSHIP HALL, ORONO on 1969, commencing at the hour of 'one o'clock in the afternoon and coitinue until 2 o'clock in thse afternoun of that day. for the purpose of nominating candidates for thse offices of Reeve, Deputy Reeve ld CucIllors, for Thse Corporation of the Township of Clarke for the year 1970 If more than the necessary number of Candidates are nominated, and a polil is required, the proceedings will be adjourncd until MONDAY, DECEMVBER 1 1969, when a poli wifl be open at ten o'clock in the morning and continue until eight o'clock in the afternoon of thse same day and no songer in each Pollng Suis-Division of the said Township. ROLPH HARDWARE

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