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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Nov 1969, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER l3th, 1969 Nà~4~Lwc~ki3 CI HUilE ADI Dii MD. Sec Milison lnsurance Agency for AHl classes of personal .and Commercial Coveraires Office: Main St., Orono Res. 983-5754 Gord Simpsn PHONE 983-5808: Orono. Ontario PAINTING CAP.PENTRiY REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIRS iterier Exterior CHA1R LIES -REI4D Orono's Licensed Auctioneer 'and Valuator .specialize in Farm 'and Furniture Sales Conluit me for ternis and d %ites EllONE ORONO 983-5914 Monuments andi Family Memorials Our qitality and service leavez nothlng to be deslred Ask the person who honght froni u, a neighbour, friend or relative- The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Largest dluplay in Southerx Ontario iWATSON SMariael -and Cy7cle i - Orono Phone 983-5343 - PRINCE CRAFT BOATS I Allouette Snow Mobiles MecCulloch CHIAIN SAWS jRepairs to ail makes of Lawnl Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle t Engines OTACO PLOW POINTS I AND MACHINERY f PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert -Tompkins Ph«oe 786-2552 LYCETT Plumhhing Heatingj PHONE 983-5407 Orono, Ontario BYAM OPLUMBING and HEATINGi tSales and Service 14HOUR BURNER SERVICE-j OGULF .FINANC1NG Low Interest Rates u jPhone: j Tyrone 263.-2650 1Electrical Contractinz î 1 O 1 Electrie lleatîne 1 and Service Î 9PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono. Ontario 1 ,ORONO ELECTRIC. Herb and Ge-rrv Duval M135MO ELECTRICAL CONTRAUPING ÉLECTRIC IIEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLfOU]R T.V., RADIO -HI-Fi FRIGIDAIRE -RC.A. DOMINION* ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THIOR - GUABANTED SERVICE- Hamltons I Insurance z Fire, O f'ielt Bond, Fis-st Mortgage Loans 'Sadie Hamilton Phone 9835115 !Box 133 Phone 6ç8-3552j Stafford Brothers Manufacturers of Cemetery Meinorials 318*Dundas Str-eet Eastj I WHIEY, ONTARIO Building a Ilouse? Oor remodeliing your present I one, then contact Floyd Nicholson 1Phone 983-5049 OROINO FOR SALE Sweet Table Turnips, good for freezer. $175 per bushei. Bs-ing your own containers. A. Van H-attumn, Orono RR 2, 8th lune. Phone 983-5267. c446-p FOR SALE 1 Boston Pool Table 4' x 8'. 4 Oue's. 1 set of Boston BalRs Siate Boltem. For information ýphone 983-5310 Ornnao, lVatt's Barber Shop and Main St,, Orono FOR SALE A nine piece antique walnut ciiningroom s.ite; inmaculate Must be seen. <1 Phonp,8-5l after six a-c FOR SALE O0ne Colonial style baby crib and 1 wringer washinig imachine in good working order. Phone 983-5810. a-c WANTIED Old radios. 1920 to 1925, bat- tery',opcerated, earplhones or plug- in speakers. 'filall Peter, CKLB, 72-3-3415 or wr-t to 0'd Rdo.coCKLB, 360 K;ing St. W'., Oshawva. e-47-c FOR BENT fouse for vrent, cn~1ylocat- cd in Orano. Avaiuble Decrmber 1Isf. Phono 98«3-5158.a- ROOM01S :ro LET Rooms to0 let iii tfieconty QIose to jrono. * Low rent for' people on wellfiare. Phone 987-4985 a WORK WANTED îBookkeeper typi-s, willing to work ha1i days. Phone 983-5480. a-p PAPEI, DRIVE Sigma C Papes- Drive Saturday, November lSth. Papes-s and Pop Bottles. a-p NOTICE Orono Landscaping, Garden Ser- vice and Snow Plowing. Phone 983-598. t- REFINISHING OLD WOOD - Have yours-favourite piece of furni us-e refinishied for Christ- mias. Cail NOTICE Aterations and Plain sewinx Ms-s. M. Downs, coorner Park and Chumd Sts., Phone 983M43. t- NOTICE Volunteers needeýd to assist wîth nsaking Disaster clothing and supplies. Red Cross Workroom, Temperance St., Bowianville. Open: Friday afiternoons 1:30 to 3:30 pin. Ail materiais suppieil. For furtiher information cal 983-5291. d-47U COMING EVENT Plan nîow tu, seýe Zetor tractors from Czecloslovakia on display anl working ait the f arzn of 1-ow- as-d Malcolm, Yelverton on Wed- nesday, N,'oveniber 19 between the l-»Uirs of one and, four. Everyone welcome- Sponeored by the Federation of Agriculture. a-c COMING EVENTS Parents and ail concerned per- sons are invited to hear Constable Tom Homes, Osihawa Police, De- partment, spetak on. 'Drugs- theis- use and abuse.' Kiriby Centennial Home and School Association meeting, Tuesday, November l8th 8 p.m. Refreslsments wilýl be serv- ed. b-45-c COMING EVENT HeTar Gerald Mte-'eatinýg, Execu- tive DJireýctor of Ontario Nafural-. isis at the Kàrhy Centennial Pub- ue Schiool on Tuesday, Novembe- 25 ait 8:00 lp.a-. Lunch served. Sponsor-ed by the Clar-ke itizens Conuuidttee and Ratepayers Ine.- COMING'EVENT Heather Soci al Club and Teia, Saitursdiay, Decemiber 6. 2:30 p.ns., I.O.O.F. HaNL Os-der - your Christmsas prom Ms-rs. Gos-don Waitson, 983-5343; or Ms-s. James ph)one 983-58.2. cakes phène Ivajor a-e Callycur lioensed PJumblng &. Mechanical Contractor Who selis, itaisu çd g~ati CARMAN PLUMBING AND) HEATING Phone 983-5207 Orono Orono Building Contractor Brick - Block- Concrete Stone Work Carrentry - Cabinet Work Floors - Ti1e 983-5441ORONO FOUND 1 dark blue toque. 1 White'squall. jaclket trimmed with navy; 1 beige coiat beit. Owners ceil at the Orono Times, office. ENGAGEMENT Miss DiOreen Van H-atitum, daughter of Mr. Van llattum and_ the laite Ms-s. Vian Hatm wishes to announice her engagement to, Mr, Glen, Pld-ridge of Bowmîan ville. P CARI) 0F THANKS Iwis'ýh to express my' sinc-ere thanIqs, to my friends and, neigh- bous-s, menýbers of Kendall L.O.L- and menýibes of tise Kendaýl Wo- m'eln's I'nýtitute for the assistan'ce, giveýn me bY WaY of dîonations re. ceived at the time of the ios 0f my home by fire. A special thanksa to the coniittee,.-Roilanýd Batten, 'Wallace, Bdugihený, Ioniald Cath- Oas-, Leonard Falls, Roy Mercer, Vernon Peaeock, EWâartRobïnson, Wrn. Tus-unAy and Keifih Wood, a-dP Arthur Thonypsoîs CARI) 0 F TIIANKS Thse Neial Paniiily wouqjd like to0 sinc 'erely tlsank ail those who, have- been so very kinid in so rnany îways during t1heir recent bereavement. a-p, CARI) OF TIANKS We wislh to express our sincere aýppreciiation f0odur family, frlend6s ,and neigihours for the beautiful lelather rocking chair andi cugaÈil, presenited to us at a plarty of re, cent diate. We would also like to, thank everyone concerned for- msaking the. evening sio enjoyaible., Ron and- Julia Hiarris a-p IN MEMORIAM GORDON-lniioving mensory of' a dear hiusband, father and grand- faViser, Wm. Spence Gordon, wha, paWssed away Novemiber 16, 1967. Gold took him home, it was His. wish, But in our iatshe livetis sf11.- 'lis meniory is as dear today As in thie hour he passed away. We off en sif and tbink of him Wdsen we iare ail alone. Thaf grief ýcan call ifs own. For memory is the only friend Always remcmbereld by wif e Edifli, f amily and granîdchildren, a-p DIBI) HIARNEiSS, LOVTIRN-Af Menor-- l aHspitaul Bownanville ion Suis- day, Noveniber 9th, 1969 Lovirn Harness of R.R. 1, Orono, is his- 71sf year. Husbiand of the lite, Margaret Harn.ess and dear father of Everetf of Bowmanîi ;Aud- rey (Mrs. A. Hones-) of Oshawa* Thomsas of Bownsanville; Alfred. of ronio; Mes-vyn of Kif chener, ai Jean (Mils. Ron McLean) of Bowusanvillle iand dear brother of' - Dewiff, Hazel (i, Farrow),- and James of Orono. Resfed at- thse BarlIow Funerai Home, Orono-. Ontario for service Tuesday, Nov., iltisaat 2. p. .Istes-ment Orono,» Censetery. DIED HEARD-Suddenly at bis resi-- decEnniakiUien on Tuesday, ,NoVensbies- lts, 1969, liýa'WDOodý Westlake (Dick) Hbearid, un his; 69t'h year. Beloved huisband of" LenaHokn deias fatiser of Ela gin, Orono, Elenlos (Mrs. J. Lyte) Oshawa and Dean, Os-liRa. Resting, ai the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmian.ville, for service on Thursday, November 13 at 2:30, p.m.Interment Bethesda Cerne- tery.ln his m iemîory donations f0 Retarded Chidren, Ontar-io bas- pitfai, Oili wovuld be appreciat- cd. a-c JAM , RICARD REALTOR 9" King St., E. BOWMANVILLE When Buyîng or Selling cal WILF HAWKE VOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Member of Oshawa and Dis trict Real Estate Board ÉK*ý" -- -- elzmammug,"»imne

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