p -- - - VOLUME 33, NUMBER 46 Weekly Timese Guide Receives Ail-Round Cord ORONO WEEKLY TIMES~, THURSDAY,_NOVEMBER 2th, 1969 Outlines7dvan -Lmins At 7-o7hHit Clare Hih ScoolRegion Rule 1972 ,Mr. E. G. Witlierspoon, princi- pA of Clarke ie gi Sehool. eut- ln cd dbriefly flic scisoci p'ogram for the co.ming year,, when lie ~presented lis address of welcome at the Annual Comdeùlement ex- epcises. 11e spoke2of "Space Age Edu- cation" eoling to iClarke in the :Oorm of ia non1graded program. This, lie said, simply addcd up bto ,z ',sujectý promotion program, wi'th no losis-of llear." It vas point- el ýout that the ýDepartment of Educeation had recommended that ail Second'ary Schools 's'udy, the non-graded system and te impie- ment il by Septeniber 1970. Mr. ýWitherspoon informed his audience that th., staff ýat Clarke lsad set up eight committees to sudy the change, These commit- tées ýhave competed research in various -areas of education. "YOu can be assured that the objective is tu bring 'about thie best with, the leat èdisrup'tîon," he saîd. The iprincipal stated tdiat grad- ua'ting studcnts from grade,,13in Clarke advanclng,,bo Ththegk edu-, oation was >a higher percenùage thnthe Provincial average. Here he noteid,,that the,,grade 9 class of 1964 which gradu atedin 1968 saw 17.5%: going on to- University iAvhàle the provincial ýaverage was 15.9%. 7.5% w ent on to commun- ity college against 58% ,aer'os the province.. 3.8r/, in nursing compared with 2.5eý' and -6% ýto ýnJiecs' collage coànpareel with the~ provincial average of 3.7%/. Mr. WYitherspoon 1stated that Clarke cannot afford to lose this record which, lie said, was mainly due .10 the students and the teach- ers Valedictorian Ontlines His Own Vîews -The foliowing la- the valedfictory alddres3s preGentcd at Clarke Higis Sehool Commencement on Friday evening by Mr. Keilli Afin, now a s±udent at Queen"s Lniversity. Mr. Witherspoon, faculty memn- bers, platforin guestg, feiloxv grad- uates, students, ladies )and gentle- men, boys ýand girls. If th.cre's' anybody JIl1db out I extenil my apologies. Before I begin I'd like to) thank th ý csal!y fes tIc bns our ýand privilege of being the valedictorian for Clarke Higli School's graduating felass of 1969. 1-1hen I first received the, invita- ion-to speak in Ibis capacdty 1 inedlately raceil for my dietion:, ary and aftcr -a few minutes scarel 1 oltain cd the following in- formation: "maledietion, words us- cd in bidding farewell, aise, tare- well ovation delivered by ýsenior scholar on gradulation etc." Beng thus gatisfied I began to woilder how I eo'udd occupy £ive or ten inutes in saying good-bye. Cea- talnfy if th{at war aH that ýwas i- volived lb oould be acoopIPLshcd an a7 sirngle word "good-4byc,," and 1 didn't tjhink that this was entir- ey fsatisfactory. Aliter burnlng my dlictionary I ithen began to reflect on eas1t valedliýetory addrelslses 1 -had heard and again I was some- vwhat disenchianted (because with every speech of this sort blinI 1 hail hcjatd the speaker 'seemcd tb ,bc speaking for the entire class, 1 felt that if I ýattemptcd tliis 1 would feel not only unjustified but also inadequate. Fîrst of ail I was not cliosen by the. gradaaat- ing elass bo represent theni; there- fore, beii3g a believer in tlie- dem - ocratic poincdiples P didIn'tsee how 1 could be jusbificd in çre- tLeingt epeettheai.Sec- ondly lt would be absvurd f0 think that I oouiId .adequately convey the feelings of the entire class to- wards Clarfke Higli Sehool in a simple speech like this. Thus 1 wou.id like to niake i known that I make no pretense of expressing the à,deas ofthe-class as a wholc but merely my own. I naturally hope that tlhey m411l be sharcd by naany of Mou but I don't want anyone to think that tlhcy are rep- resentalive of aniv group. This pubs me In a much ieiasier position beonuse knowing the diversîty of ideas aanong mYcolleagues Il woulid hav been impi>ssible for me ito describe this sehool in any one way withoùut running up a- gainaI disagreement with at least (Continued on page 3) Mdunieup'aI Aflairs Minister Darcy MeKeough admýitted Thurs- ddy there is appreliension in Parts' of the Oshawa area over inipending regional government. He t'old Legistature ie lad nev- er Set a time table for regional government but virtually rejected Durham MPP Alex. Carruthers' view regional goverament is five yJars- away in Bownianville. ,Mr. Crruthers, a çeovernment MPP, told a public meeting in Rovnmanville ,relcently aregional govetimeit is probably five vLars away and the government would not force it on anyone. Oairawa MPP Clifford ýPilkey, a New Dem- ocrat, asked Mr. McKeough to ex- plain the governmnent's time table. While Mr. lWcKeougli said the earilist posible date for a report on regional government in the OshaWa region is 1970, j b would not be until 1972 tluat it could be implemented. Mr. lVcKeouehh aid , Mr. 'Car, rutheprs was exIressing the viewrs of nsany pecople in the Durham and Northumbeland counties. "3!hey inigfit 'fot be as overly en- thiHn- aille about ithe virtues of re- gioral gov'ernmont ias the people in the southern'area )are." said Mr. McKeough. Hun-ter Taken As Rabbilt, Receives Eye Wound A 20 year-oid Os§hawa man, wlo was mistaken for ýa rabbit lnaa liuating accident in Durfbom F~or- est acar Orono Saturday, Ns in sat- isfacbory , aondition in Toronto General Hospital foilowlng sur- geryfor pellet wounds toean eye. A hospftal spokesman saàd doc- tors hope- 10 save the eye ef Jos- ciph Konarows~ki, 20, of 1310 Sà.- ce St. S. Mr. Konarowski and a friend. Lonny Dunn, 19, of 15 Sandra St. W, wcre Ïunting la thicl brusil ln, theforesî nahen Mr. Konarow- ski was hit. The Neswcastle OPP, investigat- ng file mishiap, dediincd 10 re- lease the mne of ýa third hunte-r involved or details of tlie accid- cnt pendiag compilion of their investigation. iVss Jacqueline Snekiers is show? *aibeve reeiving lier "IAU- round Gord" ingulding fromn lier mother Captain Neil Snýeldens of the Orono Girl Guildes.' The pres- entation was nmade on Tuesday even'ing at the reigular meeting 5)f the Guides which Ns held in the Oroano Public Sdhool General Pur- pose roocm., Miss, Snelder lias been (an act- ive memb6er of the Oronio Girl Guides for thec pasit three years and having now earned lier Al- rdund Cord is working towârds lier -Gold Cord. Enrolinent in the Oriono Guid'es now ttals forty. Alsookn Tuesday eveining Cap- tain Sneilders, weleomed elleven HUNTER FOUND DEATU NATURAL A nman wh'o went huntine Sat- grday ialong Wilmot Cireek, west of Newcastle, appareelty died of natural ca'uses, say Newcastle Provincial Police. The body of John Woro.ne, 58, of 58 Bixtkdale Rd.. Scarborough. was recovered from the creek are~a late Satuindiay. A post inortema was carried out by Coroner E. D. Hubbard of Bo'winviille. STUDENTS CONSTRUCT FOREST CLASSROOM Students from t;hre'e secon&ary schools in the Uited Counites bave neanly coinipeted construc- tion of a classroom in the North, ufmberland Forest, A co-operative effort 'of Court- ice Secondary School, BriQîhton Hilh School and Cobourg ioleg- ate Eaist has begun, b take shape after weeks of planning and work. A cabin which bias a floor sinace of about 50 square f cet wili be used for students from neiehbour- ing sehools iwho will be taking part in the year"old Outdoor Edu- cation Prograni being sponsored by the United Counties Board of Educeation. new menibers to the Orone GuIdes ia "Fly-up"I cerexnony. 0f the eleven new memibers vine flew up frein the two Gnon o Brownie Packs. Mothers of'the new guides were present for the fly-up and to observe the conduet of 'a gen- eralmeeting of the 'guildes. Lunch of crake, cookies and coffee was served. 'Two Brownie Packs operate i Oriýno with a total menibership eoi tlitytwo. Mrg, Wayne Mercer la Brown Owl of the firstpack which meets in thc Odd Feilow's Hall. Mrs. Elgin Heard is Brown Owl of the seccond pack with meetings bcing held in lier home in Orono, Heather Reboeh The Regular Mteeing of Heatha. er Rebleiali Lodge was heid Tues- day, Noveanber llt'h,' with SWser Hiazeâ Stapleton, Noble Grland pre- aiding with Sister Julia Jackson, Vice Grand, asisting.. Tentative plano were made for the Chiistmas, party Tuesday, De- cemuber, 9, when gnoup 3 .wiRl d* tihe dateainbg for the dlinner. Il was decided tilal it would bb posoile 10 cater to a banquet November 29 for the Champion Bail Teain from Kendal. Plans were diseutssed for the Annual Bazaar and Tes a h e held Saturday, I}ecetubex 6. Calendars as before were to be purchased. An invitation wag reeeived froin Beehàve Lodge, Rowmanville to loin with theni to he'lp cele- brate their birthday on Monday, November 24. There was an excellent turnout andl piior to lic meeting the sis- bers were huisy preparing the fruit for thec Christmas Cakes. Bintliday Greefingso were cx- lended to, Sister Irene Burley. New Sehool Levy Sys Cern Adopted Mr. Keilh Allia and Miss Çorrie Van der Wert, bell Ontario Seholars, are- above being con- grattultated 4y Mr. A. Witherspoon principal of Clarke 111igh School, willi Iheir solar§hips.Ma. Keilli aI the Commencement on Fniday AIfln wsvldcoin a l cvening 0f lasi week. MVr. Wither- wsvaeitiin a h spoon presentei boali students commencement. A resolution eetabuîIshlng a new system for payassent of education levieslias been passed by blie Northumberland - Durlam Counby Board of Eduication. At the regular meeting recent- ly, J. M. Roipli, chairman point- ed out that the board pas.scd the res1ution despte île lack of gev- erniment legiWIation on thc malter. But if thc province de'vised some other payment seheme for use tlirougliout flic province, it woould over-ride the local ruling. .The resolution colis for 20 per cent of flic levy t0 be paid on April 15, 1970, 10 per cent on the 151h of eaiel montl thereaffer, up teo and ineluding Deceiber 15. Municipalities not paying the levy by île duc dates wouid be required tb pay the bank interest on the unpald balance. Thc resolution was preeented at a meeting ]ast wcck of senior eÏlected officiais and appointed officiais of the 24 municipalitiesg ln île, United Cou'ies. Seveval municipalities ai tle meeting prcscnted bleir ýowa res- olution, calling for equal pay- ments to be mode quarterly by aIl municipalities. The board sbated that its pro- posai was eonsidered fair aitihougl thlere sUas a r ederence expressed te be billed qluaRterly. Presented. With Ontario Scholarsh'ip Awards