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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Nov 1969, p. 5

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1ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2OtJi, 1969 e! HlereS real Value and Black & Deeker O.uality! Cut the price with this 8&D 71/4" saw. Features 1 h.p. motor. Rip fence, combinatio n blade, blade wrench. You get extras such as telescoping guard, bevel and depth adjustments, sawdust ejector. Cutting depth at 90 degrees: 23/"; at 45 degrees- , 7/ Dominion Hardware DSpecial e Drill 'N Sand Kit ICI Adds extra. versatility to the, Black, tu ~ and Decker 1/" drill by reducinig id sanding"time from hours to minutes. 91 Set includes drill, 3 bits, orbital -iii sanding attachment, .pàint mixer,* ig and assorted sandpaper. a &lgD.H. Special pi, IF - 2 Donate Memorimi Plaque On Sunciay, November 116. An- n-erisary and Thank Offeig ._ýrvic-s were held at Courtice United Church. Rev. L. M. Somer- f.IIe (n'ow retired) was guest speaker. Sixteen years ago on November 14 lie hiad laid the eorner-stone of t.lhat Qhrih At that time he was pýeiseinted with the golden trowel, \xchlie lad used at the cere- mony, and now to4ay lie was pi-e- seinting it back to the elsureli, lianding i t o the Pastor, Bey. YantAa'sc. t hoping that a suitable place eould be foun.d for it in the Church. A speialfeature of hs serv- iee was "The Unveiling and Dedi- cation of The Penfiouod Memor- lai Plaque and Hlonor Roll", pre- sented by the f amily in loving memnory of Clarence and Dorothy Penfound, who were very f aith- fui workers during the planning, building and oarrying on the work of Thile Courtice United Church. 'Plis service was very ably con- duted by the Pastor Bey. Deimot --o:t Amo îg the înames on the oris Roll were Luther and Coi-a larsabiaîl and Gordon Barr;.abail, a son. Mr. Birrab3:îl as SuPeriný tondbât of the Sundjay Sebool and mrs.' Barrabail as President -of iLihe Women's Asgociation. Also, at this time Offring Plates were d diicated in mernory of Norman Giif fin. In his 5eo mon "Ehe Challenge of >oPiast to us."' Mr. Somerville b--oug.hbt a strong message and aý rii chalenge to us ail, basing biS remarks on 1{ebrews 2. 2 A ve(ry interesting and inspiriug« service. There was special music by the'choir and soloists. Atndng tbe service from Or- o werie: Mir. and 'Mrs. Roy Bar- raball, Mr. and Mrs, Sid Bar.rabali1 "tIr. and Mrs. Donald StapIes' and 'Êuimily an'd Mrs. M. H. Staples. Kedal News Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stevens bave returned f'rom a three weeks motor trip Vo La Pas', iVanitoba, to visit her brother. TIhey also visited biis brothers in Manitoba and their families. The weathler kept fine. For those that are interested in the past, Kenclal Flour mili burin- ed in 1892. This moiii was 'oened t'y Mr. Daniel Comsiok Miss C. W. Stewart and Mrs. G. (ý ,thcart took in the Newtonville J zaar on Friday afternoon. It a very 'fine bazaar even et bil rained ail afternon "'te United Oburcli Women met at tbe home of Mirs. G. Catbcart )')nMWednjsùay evening, Novema- br 12. Miss C. Stewart opcned iie meeting by reading the bymn of commnemoration, "O Valiant Hecarts.", Then tbe ladies sang "I am tbine, O Lord" No. 490. The secripture reading was Psalrn sev- enteen, "Oh give thanks unto the Lord, for He is go.od."This was read responsiveiy. Mrs . W. Mercer gave the topic ý,-IIÎing the if e stir of the wrd.V- ors of foîur great hymrnens ar'e "Just as I arn" by Charlotte El- Iiott. She, had been aninvalid for a great rniny years. When lier minister as'ked hem Vo become a Chrin she asked ho.w could she, an invali.d, corne Vo Jesus. lIe replied, "Corne just as you are." So, later when others were belping at a chsiréh bazaar' she longed to hei and wrote, the hyrnn "Just as 1 am." UNITED CHURCH- Orono Pastor-al Charge RvB'.Long SUNDAY NOVEMBER 16, 1969 Oron, Uinlte<i Church-. Sund'ay blel E at10:00 Service at 11-15 amn Krby- Morning Ser-vice at à:4e>a.= Sunday Sohool at 1, 0 Ilouseeoats and Dusters See our new longa robes and dusters, in brushed arnel and nîylon, quilted nylon wîth Kodel fibýr f111 and soft orlon pile, Sevemal have embroidery or metallic braid trirn. Beautiful colour combisiations. Sizes ýS, M aud L. Excellent for Christmas gifts. Choose now while there is a big sel- ection, Priced frona $13.50 Vo $25.00 Ladies', Culottes At-home loungers- comf ortable culottes in brushed nylon,'eut with wide legs and front,-nylon--zipper. Prints _and--plain shades. Sizes S, M and L. Priced front $16.50 to $24.00 Jumpsuits The newest thing for Faîl and Winter- two-way stretch nylon and cotton jump- suits, styled 'with long sleeves and full- length front zipper for a snug fit. Can be worn as a turtleneek. Black only. Sizes 12 and 14. Price, each $29.95 AfbTR,>,ia with bis: grandrnother, iVrs. H. Bailey. Mrs. Wayne Helson, Eric, Chris and Ann Marie spent the week- end with relatives in Toronto and enjoyed the Santa Claus parade. MVr. Dougla Moffat, Guelph Un- iversity, spent thie weekend at home. Master Clifford Bruton, son of Me. and Mrs. James Bruton is a patient in the Hlospital for Sick Cuilciren, Toronto. L.\sAuýdrmey Billings, Oshawa, Mrs. Neil Porter, Orono, spent the weekend ýwith the latter's daught- er, âirs. Jack Bail, CVm. Baill, John andi Barbar-a, AyImer. The Kinby Kindergartein anid the Orono ' Kindergarten classes enjoyed a bus trip o Bowiuanville on Thuirsýdîay Vosee the Fîre De- partienlt and other points of in- terest. local 1News' ,he. Ross Tanîblyn of Arvida, Que'beic, spent the weekend with bis fod'ks at Oirono, Ontario, en route to, Kitàmet, B.C.,, wbere he is this week at the A1Y uniinum CO of Canada plant there. M'esrnýs. Wayne BsoCarl Kinrnett ýand Wayvne Bail«y, along with Mr. Maloolm MeKenzie went duek hunting near Avilmer on the weekend. Mrs. -Kimrn2tt and Mrs.- Baiiey spant tlie week- end with Mmeý. Mal.-nmiMKsýnz7 e and faml at AylmLr, wbil1 baby Shawn Bailey »pent tlie weekou'd lsting. Tbe minutes were read by Mrs. Bl. Foster. It was moved by Mrs. A. Down and seeonded by Mrs. J. Oarscaddn lant a special gift be Purcthased for one of our girls. Next meeting eael mern(ber is to bÉing a gîft for a mani or woman in the Golden Plougli Lodge. Lunch was provided by Miss C. St *ewart. The next meeting will be D'ecemnber 3rd at the home of Msrs. K. Wood. Each member is to bring a poem or Christmas Story or shîow something that ~bý nade fur Cristni,-s cg.ado tijo Mr, Roy Veingt lia- roue tg liaxNova ta to aî, ýýnd th-e fealof bis fatber wbo was takem I ihi be vistinginBtil C(Junlbia. He wass u-IbIid togi Pital wliere lie Passed aw'sy o Nuvember 15. Weyexe1d vi p- PFjh hy tlie famnily. TIis gcntýe rnmt was visitino bhis daulrifier ln Mac 0,'ouveir wlin hie took iii. 90ormany of ouj- Kendal, Choiir g shave married and naovecd a- w.'Y Orare eway tkigspecial courges thafIseleft aie few lu meshoibr. TIliey are asking lielp from any ladies, Who can, sing. Prýsteice is on Thuî'sday even- ings. T'i e's a lot la be said for the 55 C MOI O SKI. But for thc Ihrili t.ibeas ail thrilis, consider ibis: 1 audrive inoa sur yard. Ils -wimrey cold and a litIle after dark. Te famiIy daesn't krow you're briusas hume a spankin' n 'ew 1970 MOTO-SKI (îiaihing ssruag with making that kind of decision on yuur own!j. You walk into he house (yawn onaur or twice) and say ta the kids, -Hey kida! 1Mw about brîîîgiag la Ihose bondies lfrom thç back of the car?" Orono, Ontario, Thala Ithe kind af thrili thal youag folks remen ber beal about growin' op. iBut ia sjust the begioning. Wben you boy 6ne ofthIese 1970 famnils'lovin' MOTO-SKIs. iyou'Il suake them like,lhey're "tIhe other kid". The une Ihat always bas al the fuo! A réea copy of "Story of the Ex- clusive Track' will put you on the rigbt track when you boy a snow- mobile. Gel the story from Phone 983-5207 NOW AT VOUR DX Service Statin 1'ilghway 35 and 115, just north ý.f Newem Featurng. Premiumi Quality Products -AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES- tve Oil may b. plek.d mp i aw quantlty p« galln ATTNTION FARMERS and TRUCKER - O discount on gaalh. Mmd dieu fuo& PHONE 98174219 i g A good selection of new blouses lu soft' silky materials as well as, fine cotton. Dressy and tailored style-s in attractive prints and plain shades. Sizes 10 Vo 20. Priced frorn 55.95 Vo $10.95 Laies' Short Sleeve Vests For those who have l>een looldng for cotton vests witr a short sleeve, we' now have them in stock. White only. Sizes, Med and Large. Price, each $1.10 Ladies' Snuggies Ladies' snuggles ini 85% cotton! and 15% wool. White auly. Sizes med. and large. Price, ecdi$1.00. IL manzacuzam And neyer again wilI îisey sas' 'HEY DAD ... HOW COME THE OTHER NIDS ALWAYS HAVE AIL THE FUN?11

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