r ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAy, NOVEMBER 20th, 1969 * CIAIDIFIW ADI BER Sec Milison 'Insurance Ai lu for, AU -classes 1;fpersonal and Comince'ai Cfivrare Offie Maln St..Orono Gord'Simpme PHONE 983-5808 Orono, Ontario PAINTING CARPENTRY REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIRS Interior Exterior Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Fa,.1i,-m d Furniture SPles Com.sult rie foï- temns and ,-teds PHIONE ORONO 983-5914 Monuments aud Family Meniorials Our quaity and service leavez nothing t. ho deslred Ask the person who bought frein »« a nelghbour, frleud or relative The RU¶1?ER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT IhOPE Largest dîmsplay la SoutheruL Ontario and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS - Alouette Snow Mobiles McCulloch CHAIN SAWS Lepairs to ail makes of Lawnl Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Engine i OTACO PLOW POINTS IAND MACHINERY PUMPING OUTf SEPTIC TANK9 Bert Tompkins Phone 7U8-2552 LYCETT Pluing H 11eating I1 IPLUMeING and IIEATING O Salcs and Service !Z~4 HOUR BURNER SERVICEI GULF FINANCING iLow Ihtercst Rates eh n ,Tyrone 263-2 650 jOrville ChattertonI ,Electrical Contracting O Electric Heatinz and Service PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 k Orono. Ontario 1 ORONO ELECTRIC *Herb and Gerry Duval . 983-5108 ELEUI'RICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELEC£RICAL APPLIANCES T.V., - COLOUR T.V. RA-DIO - HI-FI FRIGDAIR .-R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME, 1INGLIS - THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE,- Hamiltons Insurance t Service I 1&Uth. Packa<e Peattis FIdelIti Bond. Lif e First Mortgage Loans Sadie mHlamilton Phone 983-5115 Box 133 Phone 668-3552î Stafford Brothers - Lm ted 1 Manufacturera of Cemnetery Memori ais 319 DundasStr'eet ZFi" WHITDY, ONTARIO iBuilding a House? or remodejling your present i- one, then contact Floyd Nicholson IPhone 983-5049 oRtoNoi FOR SALE Sweet Table Turnips, good for freezer. $1.75 per bushei. Bring your own containers. A. Van Iiattum, Orona Rn 2, 8th line. Phane 983-5267. c146 p FOR SALE Quantity af Stacking Chairs, seconds. Nestine Yurniture Limited, 983-5192. a-c WANTED Old radios. 1920 ta 1925, bat- tery operated, earphanes or plug- in speakers. .Gall Peter, CKLB, 723-3415 or wrte toa ld Radias, c/o CKLB, 360 King St. W., Oshawa. e-47-c NOTICE Orono Landscaping. Garden Ser- vice andi Snow PIowing. Phane 983-559. t-f NOTICE Alterations and olain se,- Mrs. M. Downs, corner Park and Ohurch Sts. Phare 983-5493. t-f CARETAKER 1-pplications wil be recelved for a part timne caretlaker for Ken- dal Elementary Schoiol until 5.00 p.m. Novemîber 21, 1969. Duties ta commence, Decemiber 1, 1969. Apply in writing stating experi- ence ar. , i uaificationsta: âl. A. MacLeod Bisine5ss Adniinitrator and Treasurer Northumberland and Duilham County Board of Educatior P.O. Box 470 NOTICE Kirby U.iC.W. Afterreon Bazaar an~d Tea,. Saturday, November 2J, te be held in the Sundjay Sohoal roomfrom 2 ta 5. Admission 50c. b-p *NOTICE Durham Federatior of Agricul- ture Annual ýBanquet wull be held Wednesday, November 26th lat 7 p.m. in CaerCommniitY Hall. David rone, rO.F.A. guest speak- eir. Tickets avauabie from direc- tors or Ëecret'ary, Phare 263-2325., a-c COMING EVENT Plan ta attend fihe Ana Christmas Bazaar sponsore'd by Heatler Rebekah Service Club, Saturday, December th iat 2:3ý0 1pMýl,.0.Fcorfnuty hall. Orders are being taken now for iChristanias Cakes. Phone Mrs. Gardon Watson, 983-5343 or Mrs. James Major, 983-5842. a-c FOR SALE Sonar FS-23 Channel two-way Radio and super maggi aerial. Phone 983-5683. a-c JACK ]RICÂRD' REALTOR 99 King St., B. BOWMAN VILLE When Buylng or, Selink cail WIL F HAWK E VOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Member of Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board NOTICE Volunteers needed toa assist witýh mak-irg BLsaster clothiing and supplieg. Red Cross Workroom, Temperance St., Bawrnanville. Open: Friday afternoons 1:30 to 3:30 p.rn. AUl materials suipplied. For further information eall 983 5211. d-47-c COMING EVENTS Parents -and ail coneined per- sons are inviteil ta hear Constable Tlom Homes, Oshawa Police De- partmen.t, speak an, 'Drugs- their use and abuse.' Kirby Centennial Home and Sehool Association meeting, Tuesâay, 'Novemnber l8th 8 p.m. Refresihments will be serv- ed. b-45-c COMING EVENT Hear Gerald MeKe'atipg, Execu- tive Dire etar of Ontario Natural-, bits at, the Kq;eby Certennial Pub- uce Scholol on Tuesday, November 25 at 8:00 ip.m. Lunch served. Sponsoreýd by the Clarke Citizens committee and RBatepiayers Inc. b-e COMING EVENT Liorns 0Cib Banc q, Cornmunity ýHal. November 29th, 1969. Danc- ing starts 9 to, 12.30. Royial Ambassadors OrchestrLa. Bar Privileges. Spot Prises. Res- * ervatioýns on reqie,5t. held until 10.30 pro b-c D. ROGERSON. - ORONO, ONTARIO ANTIQVEF I WE BUY AND SELLI Old Glass, China, Pine Articlesl. I Toys and Oddlties IF IT'S OLD . . . ICALL U S I WE PAY CASH jPhone 623-5342 after 6 p.M. Callyour licensed Plumbing & MHechanical Contracter who'selli, instaliz epd giieranteu CARMAN PLUMBING AND, HEATING Phone 983-5207Or«Oo Orono Building Contractor Brick - Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Mlors .Tule 983-5441 ORONO <XI)PP NG-,Robert and Judith (nee Roberits) are happy toaua- nouuce thie arrivai of twin daue-- ters.ý Kimbedny Ana and Kiare& Miay, at Oshiawa General Hiospital Nkn'vember l5th. 1969. BIRTH IANN1NGA-Walter and Doreqix, (nee d'eMvi»y) are happy to, aný nounce the 'birth of their diaught- er Aisa Miarcia, 8,lb. 12 oz., borit Octe>be r 281à, 1969. A sister for Johr and Trdy. a-p CARD 0F THANKS, Se mâny firendis and neigihlors. have show!n me so many kindnesg- esvýhie in hospital and since Il hw.re been homne, thiat I regret, Vbat I amrnont able ait thiis tâme toe, thtank each ane individually. But I d& wish you ta know how> mu-eh ,ýI ave appreciated your eoncern, y>ur cards, flawers, aud3l visitsw"ile I have been iii. Sinjeere«iy, Merle Gilbart ac CARD 0F -THANKS We wish ta thiapk aur relatives, frien& sand, neighlbours, staff etr Clarke High Schoal and Grade 12A and B studenits, for their act9 of kidndnes and exporessions 1f', syrnpathy §hown us during the, iLl- ness and death iof aur dear daughter, Dianne, alsia for the beautifua floral tributes and do- niations ta medicai researc~h for- hepati. Special thaarks to Rev. Lo-ng for his consoling words and =,any t;nhin1s ta Orono U.C.W. for their help. Floyd and Mabel Nehlo and family. a-c IN MEMORIAM GORDON-4n' loving memory of- a dear husband, father and grand- tather, Wm. Spenoe Gardon, wieý passed away Noventher 16, 1967. God taok himihome. it wàs HI& wish, Ilut in Our hearts lie liveth StlL, Ris memory is as dear todaiy As in the ,hour he #assed awaY., We Often sit and tihiinl af bim W;hen we are ail alone. For meinary is the on'1y friend 'Phat grief can eaul its own. Always remexnbered by wf»ý Edith, family and fflndbhIidren. Order Rubber Stamps from th& Orono Times-