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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Nov 1969, p. 1

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Liquor And M ,,.nicipal otOecb Orono Week'Iylymes VOLUME 33, NUMBER 47 ORONO WEEKLY TIES, THURiSDAY, NOVEMBER 27th, 1969 Suggest 'Deep Trouble', If Join Oshawa ,Region Reeve Roy Foster and Deputy- rzeeve H. E. Waikey prosented Iheir views. on, regional govern- -ment and allier pertenant facts in ths regard - ai the niwnraion m-eeting on. Friday of last week. DEEP TROUBLE Reeve Roy Foster in speaking tu the meeting stated tIai the -mosi important issue coming be- fore the people within 'the next year will be the formation of i-e- .gional governments. H1e said that ýCIaike Towns-,hip wilI know in 1970 vohetlier or not il is ta be Inel-uded in the 0Oshawa regional area. Ho stated tliat everyone shoulId become conversnntIi willi this change in municipal affairs. Ho toMld aI lie lad at',tend'3d -meetings in thls conne tian witl -the Oshawa region. "I liope you would stay. in the Unitn-d Cou'-it- les," hogid. "I mo-nid think you mould b e in deep trouble if you joined xitli (shawa,' lie stated. On this subject lie felt thai a Uaiited CoDunties rogion oould be f6rned etler in 1974 or 1975. He f2'ithVa-t the Osliawa reg'an would lie in existance sometime in 1971 oPr 1972,1He info-mLd the ineeting that once the dezision xvas maade th-re xould 'b'-'no change. 1He s'-atc d hiat public hcarings xii] b" -LI<d -in the muanie*pilities %,-iý? I xii include Claike Town- slip on thîrecllfferent occasions h1 mectings are ta la lield for opO-, dscus.zian b'. tle public. Mvr. Arid'i-son, a ciopa itment rep- resentative, wil note the attitude cf the meetings anid re-art ta fthc .Misi'er of Municipal Affairs who w thiiI Ili s'--t th oundaries for le regional area. Mr. Poster stated that the Unidt- cd Couritics study now bein-g' un- derlaken was flot of the sc.ope.of the Oshawa regional ai-ca. 1 F,)11oving tre nr'cting Reeve Roy Fosie&r extended his views on regional government and his rea- son Vo gtay out of the OshawA i-e- gion by stating that' in lis_ opin- ion it would be cost ly in that ihose in Clar-ke Township would have to pl'y for sucl services as mater and scwage in the area, ta the west. Further lie feit that the O-haiwa Region should inopr ae al of Ontario county rather thian taking 'oiy tle sou)ithero portion. "Thex' do ntwa'-'thte nortli" licsaid "and ar-e on oui 10 tI'-' ens'-" Haa1s sedli woui.d rathcr lave Clarký-- b a area where tlav ,ýwerc the w-est- ci-n s-'ctioti rtIer than in arpa- mliere they were11e Eatc, n ec- lion. M r. 1-1 ' dstate.d that, a <C'~'nurdnaga4) At Clarke Higli Scoool Com- menmemt Exerc'sm~ on Friday ev'ening, November 14t1, the f ol- lowing Grade 13 Honor Graduates received their diplomas: back row let la riglit, Bob Pelletier, John Milne, KeitIl Allin, Peter Claard, James Nichao]s, Bruce MacDonald, lied Jchneton, David Dent and Fwank Hendry; front row, Frances H-oar, Coirie van der Werf, Linda Lowery, Marlene Burtis, Debbie Darling, Bevcýrley Rickard and Janie Allun; absent, Ann Foster, Geke de Jonge, Marjorie Murphy, Ken Phoyenjix, Wayne Brougli, Marilyn Tamblyn, Cathy Caleton Chyneil Coatham, Sandra Payne andl Liuda Hale. The Grade 12 Business and Cinnune-ce Graduates mare: back row, Douglas Taylor, Dougýlas Per- r-m, Erls Wagenaar, Bruce Green; front row, Betty Skeiding; EMaine Schmid, Fac Lewis, Maria' Ado- gee-st, Diane Litile, Connie Tin- ney, and Diane Partnidge; absent, Brian Buekley, Susan Cantrel and Pame-la Hardy, Mcodile Photo (Gourtesy Cana- ,dian Statesman) The eleotors of Clarke Township will li calieci upon this -Yionday to ek&Gtthir dtputy-rceve and three tcouncrîlors O a one year jU- Td he pos.tion of Reeve ha~s bec-n filled by acclama-tion ivh ir. John Stoiie belng un- opp-ascd in this position. :asn.Ted Coppng and ili enrobant H. E. Walkty aie oppis- irig ae another for the puj.tLon o-1 depwýty-reeve. Incumbents Rod Carveth and Frank Gray are seekrng i-e-alerc- tion to counoil along with Robart Chater, a, former miember of conoil and John Veldhius. a newcanmer to the local political f iel. Aise on Monday a vote will be hedld on two qucetion.s undor the Lýquor Aoit of Oniaaïo. Polis within tle Towvnship xiii he open from tenoXok in the morning until eiglit ociock in the even ng. Hydro To Pay More For Power 'The' Orûno Hydro Commiss9ýion was informed by the Ontario Hy- dro that ýtheir interim rate for hydro oommencing Jah'uary ls't, 1970 was toalie inoreased by 5A4% from $3583 la $38,55. Mr. Downs, manager, stated that this 'would not mean a local increase of rates at this tîme but did feel that an increase would have to be made in 1971. Ylr. 1',mpson stated that the i-e- cent loa nrease by the Orono 'Ldout their custom-'rs had take-ï n mb consideration a 4% i-cais for- hydro by the Ontar- io Hydro. In Oronlo The Cdlarke Publdc Library has purchased the Waddell property on tlie corner of Ch urh Street and Centre Street in the Village of Orono. The final arrangemonts were -completed last week andi the transfer of the property is ex- pected by lt-e lSth of December. Alhoe no plans have been finalized il appears 10 lie the in- tention of the Board to refurbish the buildlýinýg ta house the library and ta ho able 10 provdde the ser- vices of a reaffîng room and study roorn Ot-her f oatur;. rnay be in- cluded as monoy becomes avail- ab1e. The purohase of the building was made possible due ta the faci that a numnber of years ago the Orono Public Library rceivédd a gift of money f rom the Lena Ron- wick Estate in an ainaunt of over $20,000. Io previous discussion il was the intention of the Board to en- deavo>ur Vo maJintain the chai-acter of the buildinz, vwhich is idea-Ily loeiated on a large spacious lot in the mixddle of the Vetiage., TheN ak ed Christmas Trees Two young Scotch P-ne Christ- mas tre-es whbol ivere ta adorn the entrance to the Orono Hydro office for the Christmias seasoan werc ciprived of their duty on Sunday evening when the trees were stripped of their ornamonts. Thei k-1i1-bubswee ai i- Police Trustees Offering Reward 'The Orono Police Truistees metý on Monday evening when a res- olution was ipassed ,offerixng a $25.00 reward te iany person for informsation which woul lead to a cionvi0ftdon of perýsoniswhbi were dcstroying Village property. It appears that ýsigns and oter property, are being dianaged in the Village and it is the *hope of tlhe Tr3istee s that the reward will eliminate, this unwarranted de- struetion,. On motion the Trustees agre-cd to make available the use of the- Orono dump to Nesting Furniture fol2owing the signing of an agree- ment and the setting'of a fee agreeable to both Parties. The Truistees are to seek a per- mit from the Ontario Water' Re- Sources Commissi on- for, the in- siallation of an extension of sûme ,three h4incred feýet of wia±er nui=,, the extension is'to be west o n the fifth line of Clark'e t the the' Trustees peitition the County Lcouneil to léave the parking reg- ulations on Main Street and ln- cluding the two hour parking south of the Village. A letter from the Orono Cham- ber 'of Commerce requesting tbat time limit as-it now exists is be- ing referred to the Coiinty a5'well as referring the Coun-ty to a form- er letter from the Police Trustees in this niatter. The Chamber let- ter op,2osed the establishment of diagonal parking on thle east side of the- Main street as well as the one-hoaur parking time- limit whieh is being proposed by the 'County %oad Conismission to thie County Goun-cfl Acéounts were passed for pay- ment in the amount of $1379.94. Other buis pertaining to road work were pnssed- on tb the road de-partment in a t~otal of $22,16&- Mfr. 'SÀmpson.'irfformed the press that thé Village was in a good, financial position this year... beotter thian in any other yetar. H1e aIio said that some work had been clone on the pruperty on the east side of the Tannery Hill1 and th-at furtlher work was jexpected Vo, be do-ne within the next f ew weeks, Students andi Staff Take Te rhe Stage Students and staff of Clarke lligh Sdlinol provdded a fast-nsov- ing program of -etettaiment last: Thiurgday evening in the aud- itorium of the school. The anteas, wit and sangs were well received by the, large audience Whiicih was treeted to a "lýaugh-in," style of pfregn. A 9pecial feature of the pro- gram was a vocal duet by Miss Sylvia Meidensa and Mr. John Ametsbury, boith miembers of the staff at the sichool. Also of great interest was a showing of televib sion in which not only the stud- ýents were often the subi oct but alsow those who were entering the front dfoor of the school to view the variety proigram that very Graduates At Clarke High School Commencrement,

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