ORONO WEEKLY TIMES# TIIUESDAY, NOVEMBER Z7th, 1969 Th. True C.nquest Scripture Lesson: Ephesians 3: 14-19. Taken from a sermon preached by The Rev. B. E. Long. Today we join in expressions of gratitude and thanksgiving to those who gave their lives or heoe4th in an effort to proteçt their country and bring about lasting peace. llistory îsisfied wlth the con- ATTENTION FARMERS WHY PAY MORE?' SAVE ON Preuium Quality SDIESEL SMOTOR OIL Farm tanks and punps available CALL COLLECT DXOI 668-3341L FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY WifilliaM'c. Hall, B. comme Chartered Accoutant Pfh«e NeW*aWtle,987-4240 Ail day Wednesday and Saturday GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS lb. 12c Septic Tank Service, GENERAL PUMPING u4 HOUI ElEVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontario Telephone ,983-5266 or 98à.5728 ROUND SIRLOIN WING lb.o9c T-BONE 9 Ail one Price! Tender Tasty Fresh lb. 69C MUSNROOMS o Buy of -the Week R oyal Brand LUNCH%'ý'EON MmEAT Stafford's .CHrlERRnY PIE FILLER 19 oz. tins 49c 12 oz. tin 39c JelI-o JeIly Powders ea-Ch ]Oc Order Your Christmas Fowl Early TURKEYS, CHICKENS, DUCKS, GEESE OORNISH'8 RED &WHITE W. ruesuv l e U" b tqua««I. Pb$". 8 1, lo@ quest of peoples and nations as empires 'rose and feU. The Bible teis us of the old Assyrian and Bab3ylonjan enpres. Hfiieory tells us of the-great Roman empire and the British Empire. Today we, are concerned with the American and Russian empires and the threat of conflict. Nations risc to power, others are crowded and beaten into 5ubmission. The conquest changes the way of life and 'the reaction to life but the nattern remains the same. New powers, new conquests, new promises of peace and then ajiother cycle of the siame. What is peace? We do an in- justice to our dead if ail we do is look back andi reflect on the glor- lesand agoni*es of the past. We ouglit not to be niakhing the sanie old mnistakes. We pray for peace, we hope for peace but keep on doingu that whieh snust inevitably rIesuit in war. Bu t we must turn oui' thouglits to 'positive things Snid think about thec "Truc Con- queSt." Cla rk. Public LIBRARY HOUES OPEN Tuesday 6:34 -8*8 Thurs4ay &30 -830 Frlday 2:30 - 5; 1:30 - 8:26 Saturday 10:0 - 12:00a.m. LYLE W'gEST ELECTRIC Orono: 983-5962 Quallty Electrical Hfeating and Lightlng Installations and Repairs by Cortifld Electrlclaa p Today man is' attempting au- other step in. the conquest of outer space, but conquest without Goti is no conquest whatsoever. When Apollo 8 in lun-ar orbit televigcd for us the awesome for- lom beauty of the face of the moon4 Colonel Borman saiti, "Ap- ollo 8 ha-s a message for you." The crew rend the opening, verses of the tbook of Genesis about the creation of the earth andi closeti wîbh the verse "Andi Gad cafleti the dry landi eawth and the gath- ering of the, waters caikUd 1He the seuas, andi God eaw that it was good." 'It was; said, 'This flight was an, aceomplishqnent of the squares, These mien lad crew hair cuts, uset side rules and reïat the Bible. They were being compared wàth people who rebel,, destroy things, mnake a gljamorous case for shirking responsibility and ac- complishl their greatest trips by the use of drugs. It was an ac- coniplishment for thLe "squares." Momients after the crew, read the verses from Genesis, a Japan- esýe newspaper mam telephoneti thc N.A.S3.A., news roem in lîus- ton to ask someone to reati a tansoript of thec message. The of- ficer askcd, "Where are you?" The Japanese replied, "I'm in my hotel room." Then lie was tolt wfiere to look ini the Gide-on Bible which lay in the bottosi drawer of the dresser. The Japajiesc news- man exolaimed, "N.A.S.A. publc affairs very efficient. Supply ex- act transeript ri*glt in hotel roosi." Here is a (lack of under- standing of the grcatness of God and tle'Blyle. Few of usreajze ow up to diate the Bible is. W<htever is happening in the news, the Bible, la its' finest sense, was there a- head wiith its mnessage. -When mien for the first time saw the earth from the depths of fpace ns a ionely flboating planet, sm'aIl, blue andi beautiful in ai eternal silence and neyer ending colti, Colonel Bormn said, "The view of thle earth from the moon, fasmiteti me. Rt was liard te think thnt thaît little- thing Iield s0 many prob- Jenmr, frustrations, raging nation- ahistie intercsts, famin 'es, warS, pe6tlË,,ece. From eut theirc it really is one wor1d", 'andi that's wihat (lotiintended Aitotebe. But, man is always the destroyer and the divider. Wiien the men of Apollo il con- quered their step in space, theY- ]ninded os the moos. lt was trulY' aniazing, fantastie, astousding wlhat ±ook place before aur eyes§ and cars. lt was another step in man's g4orious conquest of outer space.. Now that man lias conquereti outer space lic needs to casquer inner space. Forinodem Man know;s more about the exiterior of the moon Vlan lie dees about the interior of the soul. What do we know abotut the length, brcadth andi dcpth of.the l 'ove of, Goti?. What effort do we put intio fLM- the greatest power in the world? What efort do wie put into finti- ing eut '? Do we pasic when there is a ticat silence in a crowd? If we do flot know how to use sil- ence, we will net leams liow te use inser spnoe. laser space means that thexe is ,a universe betwe'es Goti and man. Even thsougli wc say that God is ai around us andi within us, there is stiii a unaverge betwesn man andi Get. Te conquer innoer space means te feea the presence of ýGoti tebe in conini no wtli H We are Vo conquer thils space that dàvides' us. H3ow can this be donc? First iýt takes preparation. Wlien it cornes te the area of worsihip, religion or spiritual things we ýenter' into iA cold and gay, "There wasiit muci te it,"1 anti think we werc quite riglit. Ant -A -. ld --absAute- ,ad Boxed Xmas Cards [Utnbreakable Ornaments 89c. té $1.19 per pkg. also other Tree »ecoratimns, Gift Wrap, Bowi, Tazs, etc. Its ail at . Midiletons Ores* Ph«e 883.53 WHEN TINING 0 Gifs THINK 0F MAT'S, We have a good choice of MEN'S, LADIES' WATCHE WALLETS, LIGHTEES, BOX CHOCOLATES PIPES, GIF7 TOBACCO Many other hiterestlng Itenas MAiTSBILLIARDS und Brbrsh.p Albort's Texace GENERAL REPAIES Phone 983-5249 Oromo We must bave silence. We be- corne terrr strieken ýwhen thee, is silence yeit we must use the silence justeas the men on the ship to the moon had to be dir- ected through a great sp¶ce of silence. The Bible says it wasn'ýI i~n ail the commotion tha± God spoke. It was after the storm. He was heard in "the stll sinali voice." The Bible says, 'Be iU and know that 1 amn God." Oseiý ha to take time to open upth soul and the heart to God orwe wiIl not know Him. We are spir- itual creatuires. E'bedi.ence was anû ,ther fteoto)r in tI succeas of the Apollû Il fliglit. The moon men were mien under discipline. They had a check list which they fo11loweId caretully reporting back re.gulr- ly. They obeyed direc«ion5; froem ilouston to the very letter. There is a paralle]. here in our efforts te> conquer inner spac-e. Our chpck lisýt is the Bible, the coi-mand cený- tre is God aid the channeL1 is Je,- sas Christ. Put ail this t»geýtbe and we have the formnula ofZ Peace. m-is' is the truýccoqet Indivîdual SIZZLING STEAK PRICES FULL CUT IL. 6c liq, "ý ..Mu !10 wtoiîîooým M.