ORONO WEEKLYTIMES, TIIURSDAY, NOVEMBEII Z7th, 1969 Oftawa Report RasKell C, Honey, Q.C., M.P., Nothuniberland - Durham 1 spen4 this week inï the North- -west Territories a'ndY ik the lionourable Jean Chrétien, i4irinister of Indian Affairs and NortheTrn Developmemt. We trav- elled about 8,000 miles and visit- ed Fort lzÀuth and Yellowkçnif e in the North'we-st Territories and ory. The Northwesit Territories ex- tends over an aii.a greater t'-in the oombined area of Quehee, On- tario, MVantoba an~d SaskDtchew- an. Its population of 32,000 is 60,1/ native peoples ird r~'~ pretof the total Canadjian jop- The Northwest TerritoriEsý is repsesented in Parldanent by Bud 0-larfge, a L-becal. To give you some idea of the comp½,xity of serving sunh a Riding, Mr. Orange h ls ýn Iish, Ind-la 1 -, Frenali and Eskimo., When he visits'the westerly partý of kis Riding from Ottaw~a he fliet-, to Ednontonl and then north inito the Riding. When he visits 'the easterly part lie flies to Montreal, (Co itinuzd page 8) GING Our 0Own >"PITCHER - PAK" 1.MiIk AVAILABLE AT YOUR DOOR OR AT YOUR STORE Thursday, Nov. 6th, Glen Rae bas been operating ifs own Rovem a Iiquid packaging machine., WV'E APOLOGIZE .0 .for nat daing this sooner to assure a ur custamers of the fine quality products they have been accustomed ta expect. This ks just another step farward ta maintain GJen Rae Dairy's reputatian as one of. the' mast pro- gressive dairies in Ontarnjo. Visitors are aÀ]wa/ys welcome at, Glen Ra e Dairy, if accompanied by adui. Wl ARE Since u m - - --- --- 1 - - - - - - - - - -Ilme---ý1--r 2ý: Î775