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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Dec 1969, p. 1

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Liquor vote Pass'es Un Clarke Twp Tuhe electTons cf Clarke Town- ;ïhip on Monéay carried the ques- thon iaf two ýliquor bpjllodts by vot- .jig 60% "Yes",on both. For -the vote to carry it was necessary that ýsixty pe -rcedt vote "Yes" of the total vote. On the ques§tion 01f sale ëf 11-' quor in ieccnised lou:nges the elec- toilate in larke vdled 61.85%t in Orono Wee.kly ,--OLUME 33,. NUMBER 48 favo>ur. Th- sole of liquoûr i>n lic- ensed -Cning louages received a 66% favourable vote. As in the last liquor vote the laàrgeggt percentage in, favour of OÔRONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1969 Familiar Faces Returning To Clarke Township Council Familhar fam swÊ U, gather a- i=ond the council table for the 1970 one-year tenn session f ol- lowiing the, election )on Mondây of Vhiis 'wee'k. Mnr.Robert Chaler, absent from the jeaunil scene fur a nmbmer of years, will relurn for tfhe comlIng seÉsion in, 1970 and take Is place wàth four in- cumbenl aembers' of the 1969 council.'The onhhy real shiftdia couneil is !n the reevelsbdp where -Mr. John Stone reeeived tis pos- ition by iacclamation. Mr.. H. E., Walkey reiains las depuly-reeve MtVh coudniniiers Carveth, and Gray (hcfding onto their positions in council. lin the election on1 Moniday, H., E. Walkey toek the deiputy-reeve- eh& over Iis opponient E. C. Cop- pisfig ý598 to 381. Rod Carveth toppeïd the polils for couincillor with 649 votes fodliowed by Chater wiZ 572 and Gray wilh 567. Mr. John Veldîhis, unsueeessful eau- d1date fo'r couneii, polled a total of 491 votes. Both Copping and Veldhuis ,were making bheir first bid four menibershIp on the coun- cil of Clarke ToDns'bîip. Durham M.P.P. 111- Favour 0f Whiterock Ahiex Carruthers, MPP for Dur- ham, dias couac eou t iafavour-ýof the Whiterock Estates devwIop-, mnenlt ini Cavan iTûownslhdp. ."Even thougli Ê' appears Vo be a negative developrnnt at pres. cal, it may' vnesAt ia a favourâbie developmrent for the townsbiip,' be Said. Hle said lie isgog to ged in toucli,,wUh Whiteïroek officiaIs to see if they could assist 1hum in brtinging industry aint the ai-ca "Tliey have àa groat many contacts andi hould be able to iheip us ini thls direction," he ladded. Mr, Carruthers eâid it was im- portant ndet to lotý housiiug devl-' oeinenit gel eout iof Uine but to léeep a good balance between resi- dealial, commercial iand firdust- ,rial lassessrnent. Hie poinaed out that 60 per cent industrùaf and 40 per cent dehultial Was ia good asg.essnent ratio. The Duïiham MÉP was oP'e of the 200 pergons who 'attonlded the putblie meeting called by ",bte- rock Estates in Toront.o Wed6es- day, Whein the company ýoffcdlais atterapted to e,-p'Iin their "own, a piece of Canada" proinotion'in Gavait, Percy .aad lCiramahe Tow*n- jhips. ""The officiadîs made, a géod preser tation: thlere seems to be no question asý far as.illegauity ef coperatiaits, is coricere d. Tbey ,gave .goodà and frank replies to afi the questions put to thcm," lie ýsaid. Mr. Carruthers believeis that W'hiteock hFis macle no misrapre- seantationn f tacts in théir ýadver- liig. ýHe sdlid the, coipany wag fulfll'ing lts daim of construet- Ïng ronds In Cavan. The company eyer mnade any guarantees of pro- (Ccontînueid page 5) Election Roundûp In tbe towa qf Bowmamuville, MaYor Hcbbs, 1939 i-etained bis setover A"nie Oak, 357 and Herlb Knaipp, 255 votes. Rdbert, Dyltistra defeatcd Nicks £or , the reeveship George Stephens defeat-es Coomhbs for Depty-meeve., Ken wlie Les Maur~ice Prout is the only in- cumb ont councillor to return Vo office âfter the vote amd will joua newicc>ners James Bell, Dr. D. j(ubb)ard, Don Alin, Ken, Hoonper and Mrs. Olive Gebban. NEWCASTLE Reeve Cunnjlï,eina by acclama- tion. Elected ouclosAUt Grey, F -an'k f loar, Fred Oouch and M Rae rereton. Elected to PUC Jchn ILiékard and, I. Mc- Cuilough- MILLBROOK We learin that a big upset oc- curred lin Miillbroýotk Munic&pal af- f aiis bis year. Mns. Jenny Nor- ton, ja former resident of Orono, was ede il'ed this yecr to the 1111 brook c ouncil. COUNCIL ACCLAIMED NO1 ELECTION NEEDED No olection %vil be held in ManVers Towship thiis yeiar. At the ýnomuination meeting dli mia- bers oL couriil werereturned to office by oa natiin for ianother .Year. Fülhlcwingý is the1970 couneil: Reeve Wilson Heasip, Jànetville; Deputy-nleerve, 11arvey Mahcolat, I,dlvertoLn aad couitlor: R. John Bayne, Wilfred Ridamrdson anjd -AvIon Mitdhàh 1 ail of Ponty- pool. The 1970 electjori will be for a two-year barm w'hicth wll coïncide witfh thc County Board cf Edu- cation eleeti on. the iottnges camne from the Ken- day poli Where upwards of 80% were in favour. The north cKf Or- ono poli voted "No" to cocktail âouages 87-84. The poli Zâ Oak sl it their vote. The ifoiowing is the result by Liquor Lounges-- Brown's Kendal ----- - North Orono O ak -- ------ Leshard ------ Starkville--- Orauo South On0onjo North Yes 120 53 69 ------ 59 ---- - 84 ------ 20 -- --- - - 53 42 ------- - 85 642 396 )unges- 122 4 9 54 26, 76 39 64 12 92 82 51 21 23 18 43 22 96 63* Liquori in Ming Lou NomVonville Brdwn's Lcdhiarts-- ,K euidal ------------- Noqjflh of Orono ---- Legkard ----------- O ak ý----- ----- Starki$ile ---- Or'oio South Orlono Nowt~h.- ----- Ô95 357 Night Course Interest, High Interelst -aunong residents et the area lanFlhe evening chases epoa;sord y the Northumaberland ,and Durhaua hBoecd et Education is high. Bonmnvilc iigli Sehol lias 113 attcndinig whlile at Chlrkc 111gb Scliool tûhere weie 36- and AIt-the Bowmanviule sehool 38 W1ere registered for thc art class- s, 24 for ýadvanced sewing, 17 for elementary sewing, 19 for the :wo- mcin's lveep fit classes nil 15 for typing. Ftenwere' atending the, el- ementary typing daLçes aI CaTl- wrîght, 15 14eý sewing clagses, 16 in the advanced upholstery clas aind 14 la ,the celeirnehtay uphloit- ery classes. The registratio at Courtice Sdoohncary Sedl dis as tollciWs: Art,' 16; Baokkeepmng andl Bubin- ess -Mahinîes, 16; Convenisaboea Frenicl, 16;, Admnced, 36; ýSewiaig, Eleaentary, 28; Typ- in,17; Weld ng,, 15; Woodwcrk- in,15; Ladies' Xeep-fit, 15. $2,600,000 Levy Outstandi.g, Memien cftihe Nortitumber- Iaad andDurliam Beard of Edu- cation, at their meeting last week IIorward as -cf Nevember 13 a total c-f $2,632;687 of the; $6,179,435 lervy remadined te be paid by muah 'The ianhininnts stiJl wing liy a number of Duriham duaty nmuni- ipalitis are: BowmýanwvIle,, $142,, 681, C'artwright, $136,572; Câlalke $268»22; -,)avington, "40,5W> and Ncwcastle, $24,M-4. .Fire Destry Township Home, Tuesday mornàng lire déotrey- cd the ihome cf 1Mr. ýaad Mips. Wma. Perry onthe 'eiýhth Une et Chancke Tomwnship,,casit et I-ighwxay 115. The ýClarke, 'Townbighp Fire de- meceived 114e'cahil aIsev- en ýan. and on lciaming the tire hal Ina OrÔlno, could sce the smokc firoua the tire. The IPerrys aloI ialy lost their'housebut 1a.9o their turndsbings iand caottbing.* The fireqnen state',thit ,Phe fire staqVteld trown a a ehduiney tire which soon comisumed the entire frame .cbwelling. The local' ire - men, were hei1pless ais the t ire was thnougihout the wholc housc wben fhcy avrived. Mr. andl Mrs. Pcrry were living in hh,!Ir ho ,e wIth two ot the"ir chilîdren at the ýtiaie oof the fi-re. Saturday Posta I1 To âsksst customers, un tihe pur- ohase cof postage stamps, mnoney ordenr, and ther Ohuistmais mal- inlg tranâactdions, full wdic1et soI- vice, will1 be providiâd Iàtall Poet (ffces for three conaccutdve Sait- urdalyÉ: Dececuner tb, Deemiber 13t14, aaid December 20tli. Letr Carrier iand Pardel Pôe delivery servce wihl also lie pro. '.ided as one ccamplete idehhiveemy on "wo Satirdffs: Elceember 131h à*d Decenber 20eVh. ThIs iadditioil service, wàl en- sure earlier devilery etofChi§taoa mail ianid relieve congestion at thc 4Post Ofcs Check witb your iPostnaste feor correct poeâge raIeâ. Use the, green niing labels provàided, by the Pelst Office for faster bîaading et buindles. Local - Out et Ten. Pictured iabove is the Kend ai fOr rOUP "D", Front nýowil. Ito r. -ýVLdget baseballi club whieh týhis Bruce Alldread, Jerry Lord, Bill year arc the Onaraio Champions Rcübnson, Aunold Wade, Dan Norton, Stephen West, Steven Fair, Ted Stark; back row: RaiplI Kennedy, Mauriice Hallowell, Jer- ry Thompson, Terry Skank, Larry H1o'ýy7 Bilh Mercer, -Milie MoGregor Rates On Christmas Greetiug Cards ChristMa)s Greetiag Cards may b e ild at the first lIass rate-%et pos9tage or wtbeia naüùed inuti-u dalden ve4pcg andbelaing ne more than tive words of greeling, may be mailed iâ e V ird-dlTass -;î rate. lst 3rd Olass Oiass q Canad'a Local and Out t Town 6c 5e U.S.., l'sterritories M aàjd pdsdssilows, Nor{th, CeZilal and Soulth -Arn- eniýoa, ýWost Indescý, Span6c 5c United Kiligdcm 6c 6c FuËther informaution may lie ob- Bill Lord, Jerry M.vurphy, Gary tained cflrm your Psm~mr Smnitlh and Juhni Thw-mp,,on. Please corusullI with Iis staff be- P-hoto 'ooýurtosy e« Cai-îaddan fore Mailîllg tO uake 3sre the Statesian page rate ds corrlect. Champions Feted At Banquet

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