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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Dec 1969, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1969 Whiterck Disciussed IÀvfý1Y j dialoYguei aarkrd th- Nov. 24 m-eeýtinjg cf Cavan' tm- s-ilip counuil witjh natepaýyeGr,, (,, dilscussion )f nittters wil aa eleetion ycar would have corne up on iininatïon, day. Mjrtpc were regi,lu goverument; f'in- aues aud dcveiop- ment. Members o c ourncil v(oic!c the LeSihat uni> ra'eieite niade a move t(>ward -gol -government, changes would be fored upon thein. They epe' ed the opinlon that Mîilbrooýk, Gavan and South Moaln iiglt .guicLsfisflly inite, but Ithe gant diparlity bLtween .iurben and rural prohens madleuinwt large entý'resuieiab ,lEnreply te crlticisnmfor, f ai.Ling te, keep Whitei-ocrkdeelipm out of the low ohip, coil >tl ed that tfiarmeis mwho sold land te Whiterock rwas 11ose !to signing an agileament witlh neuïicil when tie inveistIgafion was calýlerd.Re is j i- etfful, 'he said, of WaIter Pi.'- mnan's statetuent thiat a fiýne n - dence ight ïbe bulit on mou;d lit, a stack on the riext. IRe pcoijtect out that (lavan has a builing by- law Which accords with the ne. Sone cf the Kendal ladies totýk in the KI:ý"by Bazaac on Sat-aricay. lIý2was a fine variety or a- klje:s and a sa.-ial time w~as ,tai- Mz.G. Talgmnla-1hCL-1 ~wlr drno~trtinin her home on0 lVloodayý evenîng. The Six4t'hlina ladies attended. The neighbourhood was sad- deéned by flhe passIng of M4r. John trkon iSaNi..rdàY, Novýëhber 29. laie . forced by illness f0 ceasa wkngo.i the couaty ,road on Se,,'Ember Sth. Since thalt tirne lie h2d (gradtrafly bacorne weaker. Our- deepest symnpathy is axtand- ed te the family. *We were glad te sera some iiaw reeoruits la the choir on Sunda4y. lVl .Swailbi-ick has ratunned te Kendal to stay wvith -s. T. Garbutt. Mr. and Mrs. George GIarAe haveie corne bacek from tlhe Bowmrnanvile IHospital îto live ln Mrs. V. McTaggarýt's h6me -for the wnter. tcional2 builing code, and preclud- es auly suleh mlisuse of, thelt; rhe twnshp aiso lias a trai1er- bylaw. r I v~ Rr R.CA.console Automfatic Fine Tuning Instant Picture IVIK 11A Chassis 5 Yr. Protection Plan $749,é with trade ORONO ELECIRIO Sales andI Servce and Installations Orono. Ont. 983-5108 ara',hery range. -'l arniclingÏ te fdlw the devel- opnmen't cloesely with a degree of urer.But 1 atnm mre fiavour- aîly inllhied ta the Wltit&reck clevelopraont now than I was a ftrw weeks ago." GANARASKA TSAIL FUTURE BRIGHTER Members of the executive of thle Ganâoaska Trail Agsoiation and a represantallive of the,, Whiterock Eshates or9anizatiorau have stanted ditscusions on WhKa can be dlone to reÉtore parts of- l-,? lIii'affected by the Whlte-- rock developinent in Cavan, Town- A s a result 'of a tour of tIhc- devellopmnest north of M1librotok,. hy botl parties, Mms T. W. Law-~ son l sid thât' the dlsraption o-f t3hl âaniamaska Tràil was flot s exterisiive aî she preCVioUSIý ' khuught. (Ciautnued. from page 1) v,4cing sa-rvices to thle lots in the dewipmerts: "tthiat ils why t ,e prJce- 'cf los Is CIèhaa-p i etar 'scn to prices getenallýy," Whfterock lseRlls lzdlftatcre lots froam>$âD5 té $4,000 and $5.000ý for larger lots, dependng On the. scenory and locatiOn. ,Mr. Carrutihers sialid is otnly criticism Of Whiterock 'was that it, mov'"d into m epîlswith- o)ut isubclivisboý0n cntroil and it "was flot good p!annijng.", The iotiher asPeCt, lhe sa'id was whethetr or nt Whdtýerack was in a god fi'nanOiýàl poisition: "buît theiy appear t1o haîve satisfidail bhe iearmers the purcahaseid prop- euitY fromn and 'the pansons who bought the lots s:eem tfo be happy. h'appy."1 Mr. ICarruthers SatYS there is no chance of the, delV<lopments beicnmixg slum areas (as long as, ent ntýrc oR'n :building regul1a- tIlllla ýal"tlskeep a..stning-7 tfons. AMy muilcpality, lhe srd opould ahange builjding perinits to Suit Ïts requirements as long ais >the building hadnt Started. ShOOls in th'c area cof the devel aPmdnt, (he econtiryued (woffld pes- etf eW Problems., Titis vas wihere the niew oàllnty sehool b~oard ramne-jnto good jeffect h- cause the Icoïst of any Schroolis in the' 'mnliGIpaitÏies wth new fdeveýl opments woold be spread. ov er the whàle of tIhe Unjteid Countie. The dncretased asgssment fromlthe residential builjding would take Canle Of other servulces, Such as oicgarbahge collection anýd Mr. Garruhens painited out that Pot eve'ryoûne ýWho purchâsed a lot iutended to biltd oàn it lin- mllediatIy. 'One couple had bought ie "iplace Of Callada" for goea where ltO go ai weeka-ncls and an- other iilan purchased a lot foar an UNJTE CHuitCH Oreanp Pastoral Charge SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1969 Oroie.ltod Chur-- %Mnday schom at 10:00 Suvioe et 11-15 a£& Morning Service et 9:45 a.m. 1Suaday Schxol ai 110 T1here's a lot to be said for the 1970 MOTO-SKI. But for the thrill that beas ail thnifla. conaider this: you drive into your yard. It'a wintery cold anrd a little afterdark. The family doesn't know you!re bringing home a apankin' new 1970 MOTO-SKI (nothing wroing wIth making that kind of decision, on your own!). You. waik loto 'the bouse (yawn once or twice] and say Io th e kida,,'Hey kidal How about bringing ini those bundies from the back-of the car?" That's the kind of thrill that young folks remember beat about growin' up. But lt's luat the beginning. When you boy one of these 1970 family lovin' MOTO-SKIs. you'il mnake them, like they"re "the other, kid". The one that alweyz bas ail the funI A frae coPy cf>"Storicf tha Ex- cluaive Track" wili put you on the right track when you buy a snow- mobile. Get the story fromn And never again wiJl they say 'HEY DAD ... HOW COME THE OTHER lODS ALWAYS HAVE AUL TH£ FUrt?" Chrlistmas Gift Suggestions BLANKETSý Blankets - Ail wool, viscose and wool, thermal weave vis-Q cose and nylon blend ail with wide matching nylon binding. Sizes 72" x 90"I and 80", x 100". Shades of avocado, gold, mauve, rose, turquoise and sandalwood. Priced -from $4.95 to $12.50 LACE TABLECLOPJIS Attractive deslgns lin good quality lace tablecloths, made inx Great Britain. Scailoped or heinmed edges. Ecru, and white. Sizes 52" x 52"; 5V" x 70" and 68 x 88". Priced from $3.95 to $12-95 SIIIEET SETS Good qualty sets,. consîstlng of one sheet andI one pair of plilow cases to match. White only with braid or embroid- ery trim in yellow, green and rose. Priced from $8.50 to $1250 PLACE MAT SETS 8 piece place- mat sets - 4 plastic mats inx attractive designs, 4 napkins ln matching plain shades with orange or green predoiminatixxg. Prie per set - $3.50 AR'STROGS -I n A YULETIDE EVENING In a Night Club Atmosphere V "Country Four" Quartette Exhibition of Dancing Forrester's Orchestra Entertalnment, Dancing, Cards, Lunch Orono Town Hall Friday, Duecember l2th Sponsored by Clarke Citizens CommnIttee and Ratepayers lue. $3.00 a Çouple ROLPH HARDWARE Orono, Ontariio Phone 983-5207 THE âFOWER-AEDGîE (.ý#.y MOTO SKI h« if) TEA TOWELS Modern kitchen wear, pure *lixxen- tea "' owels, size 20"1 x 32". Grouxxds of green, blue, gold and grey with colourful fluit and flower designs.e Price, each - 79e PILLOW CASES Fine quality piflow cases, emfrroider. ed ini colour or ail white. Boxed for gifts. Price, per pair $3.00) to $3.50 Linen Tablecloths, Towels, Cotton and Flannelette Sheets, I»th Mat. Sets, Bed- spreads. Favours

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