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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Dec 1969, p. 1

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Santa IComing To Orono Satur. VOLUME 33, NUMBER 49 Expect Newman To Speak Tite Orono Chaniber of Com- merce made arrangements on Monday evenîrug ta hoid thedr 'an- nual meeting in te form ai! a banquet wi!th enttertanmet. Var- ious committees were ýset up an.d if at al poaml#e te Chaniber itopes Vo hame VMx. Desanond New- mani, Mayor Mai hýItby, ýas the gues3t speaker wîth hi:ý subj ect be-, ing reio' jgovennuent. Mie. Ray Dieisqon wIll be in dhar-e o! ticket sales, with Mie, S. Mahe iaing entertainfmc-nt, Mr. Jalie Réd tho specaker and Mr. FrdSorrg te cater- A nmnaigonniteo!Mr. Hors oes-Ch, Robert i lazelden and Edgcar Mideonwsappoin- Fina arrngemnts ere made for Snaspaity itis Saturday ard Lire us animde for vol- Mc H E.E. M V'sonUscy orrjted on p-dlres f thepanladdevel- opmentwestfa ViteOcrmjo bus- ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAV, DECEMBER Iltti, 196!) The Annuval Warden's Banquet for t!ueUited Gounties of' Nor-th- t-iunbei4land jaid Dunhaiiù was heMrl linCooug Wedn'îesday, December 3.-d. The 1969' Wairden, Mrý. Roy A. ,Fos'L-trand 7Mrs, oter weeoni oured by tLhe attendance of ap- pfroximate4ly 250prons The coutisColniliand otiher iiterested pým'Sonls thr.ou,,hDut thie United 'Counties enJolye-'d a Snior,.lasbord Dinniner itllowed by eeen eVtamneint. Wlarden Fister wais preseinted with a wis muet ch su i ably engnraved fron Couities CouncUi anid Mrs. Foster witlh a boýuquet of redrd oses. ilea table guestis in clUded MlVr. Alex Camutihens (M.P.P. amd Ales. Carnutheis, Mr. Russel Rowe ML.P. and Mrs. Rowe, Mr. Earl Wley Deputy Reerve of Clarke Town-ï-,slihp and Mies. Walk- ey. Chialman for- the e'ein was M1-1. lupJh Loocke, Reeve of the toiwn of Cai pbelford ýanid Mis. Locke, Wandn amd -Ms. Oyler froi Olnnalio Countiy, Warden anid Mis. Hutchinson foSn Victor- ,,a Oonnty and IMr. 0. Toode rep- reisenting PeterborougÉ cOunt. Yuletlide Party his Frîday Thtis Friday evening an enter- taining evening in the form ai a Yuletide Party will be hield in te 0roe-aaTown Hall commencing at 9:00 p.m. Tite evening is being spansoref by te Clareke, Citizens Coimttee and Ratepayers Inc. andf everyocne is invitef Voi attend. The Yuletide Party will bei heif in a nightt'club> atmospýher,- wlti incicvdual tables and entertain, ment by "The Country Four" quartette, an exhibition i pof - ess-,iýonadâiicg, .cards' anf danc- ing. A buffet tuniclit wdllaLso be This wff be the second aimal YuletI.dé Partyi whieh IVsV year was most suiccesshfulacd entertacin- ing. niunmb r n prtf h-a staed tht he wreinerstdin a!- 15s n inth deélpmetcf the l4hrary poj ect nL that he foit pcce,) peopuendt others shoulif 'be gîven ire eupportunity Vo view the ibuilding ai o presenit their iproapýos;as to t4e library baard. L11e also said ifiat soime Coulid Con- tai Inanidal aid. Lt was afiso saa- ed that it wma a coimuinity pro- ject and as suich everyonfe slioU.ld, be g!ven iý he oppoitumity Vo view tie premnises and ta express thedr desires and suggesfiaor,. R was feit that scorne good lIdeas would be obtaïned theo4gh the Public, v.iewing and meeting. It was reported tihat consider- aible in'terest did appear t» exi-st lin the rùbislÈig of the buffld- ig VO madutain, its, preisent and ifeý rcrharacter. Trhe Baavrd, wlU reiceive a moidest provindàal 9giati on expendiitures for the purehase and improivements ta the, building of Ven teicenrt. IR appears ihiat thle 1Board is itretdin imain- tainin the bjît ng l tspresent Fc,,lo\viing the p-ublic meetIng ici D'eenber 27tlh the Boa3,rd iwiil aoýrmenîce to finialze thlir planis for ýele building. le'ssnis. Weodyad aud Forrest- er were giiven te authority to dispose of secunàiies iand to make payment af -the down paeynctent an Deceimber 1Mt. ln- te lbrins report at tihe meetig on Monday 1 evenlinlg a foriter in&rease hi rüadinlg was notedi.*[Books taken out on ban lias inceeCased by soeneý two' hua- dred froin Novpniber l1968 Vo Noveàmber 19W. The nonft & Oc- tàber caw a, monthRY aal-tdiineý hïih lg or bojkis takefi on boan, a, moýunting ta 18W0. The Cfleke PiXbUe ULlibary Board, un M'onday evening, made arrangementS VteOupen their new- ;l aequî,ired -plertLv, to the pub- Lc. Ts nove was takIen due Vo indvidalsanîd grouîps aio have Iptimuted thait thevy are interested LI the f eve!opmei of the proper- ty and siti v ith program. Thef property reeeritlJy purchasi- cd from _Hrs, Rena Weddell and Iooated ion the corner aif Curcit street and -Centre street wilbe, open for llnspection un Saturcla, Decjm.betr 27th fropi 1;3Or o 3:00 n.m. Foiowdng titis inspeýctlaInthe ib rary Board wllneet w¶th al iinterested partlies 4m.te Town- châip Counicil Cbambler, Tonnslhip Hall!, Ormoo, Voa reeeive ail ;ug- gestions acf proposals in te re- finbishof Vi«te buldàng. FEvery- one is- invted Vo PartlciPate in ithis meeting and tai present theàr cideas towar-ds the deveiocpmenV aif tits propeoety In The centre o! orono 'and Clarke Torçnislip., Mr. Roy Forrester, ohainman of te làbrary Board stated that la It was almost like christmas Itv ças almoüst like Chritmas at theý Hor>tieL-tural ChristMas Show (I'lturscdiy, Decemiber 4, in the IVaim latl oi the ehuËolh. NoV onfly wvere fliere rianyv Chistinas ar- rangementinthe àow but [Vis. Saua la in ite perrson ai IeIs. O. Challi-ce) waS titere and read letters fri omSanitaand dis- -tiiÈud gitVo varïous nmeufbers. Thcse hacd Vo bc -,I)e,.-d nne- Iças Výo saY cete great anerni- metto the --others presenV, sait as the pair o! ceanes receivef by fite Preisident (wlho liad a sore al.fle)- and so "didn't wralk too presentef VJ o Mies. A. Vah fden lleuve1, our jucige for the even- inlg. aidto Mies. E. Brov nfor ler snany musicail contibuition~s o our meetings. lIrs. E. iC:ouvecr pre- enlted these grits. The Presldent extended tbainkis Vo those who liad decoinatef the widmfow in Dr. Me\IKelzies store ào a Chriistimas theme, so be ýsure oid see I. The a inuaay meeting dil be a Pot Luck D upper un Jamuary 22 iancd also a muAsical eveing when .&au wifl be in for soatne surnprises. Su, keeptihat date o~pein mies. ifblihi1e ead te Legend of the Poinsettia, Pnize winnen's in the show are as fdlws: Cilns 1 - Chistinas Caral or stIP tor - Ms. F. Zegers - O Little Town,,i of Be-thleheni. 2. Mrs& K. Sclioenin.-aker - Beginning Vo Look Lilre Christmas; 3. Mrs. R. Citaprnan Gentile Mary. C"iass 2 -Dinirr Table - Mies. E. SL:iyüld, M'ies. K. Siemkr Mies. G. Watson. Class 3I - GifV Box -Mies. K. Sdehoenmaker, 'Mrs. L. Plain, Mies. 0. Challice. Cjlass 4 - Place Tag -Me.K. Schocmaker, Mlis. F. Zegers, Miîsz Donna CItarnce. Class 5 - Dioor deècoratin - Mies. K. Seicuik r s. W. Woo-d, IV[ns. E. Schsnlct C].ass - Giftit Iem, somne dre- niaterials -AMrs. Zegceris, Mies. Schoeniiaiker, Mrs. Sehinid. Mr. and Mels. R. Chaîptnan aiowed pictures of local areas in ývin er, Santa Claus parade Vo Bowimanivcille, former CirisVmas shows, Rase BoWl parafe li OaI- foi-nia ad others, 3mas.Woord and ber lunch ant- mdîttee served tea af deliciolus Christmm cwtlcies, The above house, centWally located in Orona, is to beconie the ie~w bomne for the libray. .Warden Roy Foster Huue 1 Saritia comes Vo O0on: tis S~at- urday alternoon and. w 0:1azrive ait the Orono Arena to grpet his yîumg adh-rnýr To lhoiYour his arivritihe Oronio rhamber of Comimurcie hzs arrEinged fra free ý-katnýg Party between Uhe hours af 2 anîd 4 In tihe afternoen. Everyone is ili'vited to jhis party at tihe Oroio Arena Santa ME lhlarýriv-e !t the rink anounid 3:-. and iwM b1have wfth Mmn gùfts of cainfdy and ap- If snsow is available there wll abso be free iowmob.Iiýe rides at the f airgroundis and here ag3dn everyionie is inïVted t'o jotin in the Final arrangements f or the outiig were, cuileted un Mon- 4ay' eveng îat the 0. ono Cham- ber, xf Commerce mreeing. $750.0O Grant ham,,anc-uoedttoiay that the ilnoraleGeo,,rge A. Keir, VMin- ister of Eneingy arpd Re-ources ManIagemen't lias gvnaipproVal fora p-olneaîlg-euVaf$750 Vo tihe aarsaR'gn osre tiocithl ly The grant îs f or. a, e~n worI an ithe Garden 1Hill Damn. LibrrySoard open To Sugge"stions New Home For Clarke Library ake Presentatien To Former Librarian lhe Cfilarite Public LWduar B:don -Momadlay evening 'pad Luibute to Mins. Geralf Robinson, a fb-<mer 'ib;arûzin. when site was .presented x2tih an engraved let- opendng kit indufing a iletteir opener, shuaris and an enlgraved leatiter case. The presentation wais made foiowiag. the general mei ný Wh.ichi laheid in teé £ nearke Publitc LIirary. Mie. Roy Forniester, speaking ont beiffi iofte LibraxY Board, stiated .the suLcess of a library wals due clifliy e the and tihat Mies. Roibyiinson had giecat- ly advanced te cause of te loCal Llbrary durng ber esipoyaent as lJbnrni an.- 11e spoke aiflier dedi- rainand energy in lier promo- t ýon of illbrairy services at 'Clareke a-id th ' her contribution tvhile lbaanadded greiatly Vo, the, sceso Vlite likqacrY. Mr. Rcbcisou repfied that sit had ~ bc noed ecwork et tet Cla'rke Library ah-ff was s tilIcloc- ely ceonneDted With. It through heR7 pxesent position as iibrarlan et the Orono Public Setool. She must capably thanked te Bolard for tiheir loveily git. Fulllowingte'-presenctation,, Mies. 0. iBelaueheaýnp and Mies. Rob- er-t Joghn'son servef lunch of sand- wiCahes, pastries. côakies, anid tea.

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