ORONO WEEKJLY TIME$, TIIURSDAY, DECEMBER llth., 1969 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES. sSu4IClan Mâsil srai NuniberOU Y>abUsbed every Thuisay at the cilice uf pUiî-Ieat'ion main Street, (oono, Qntaa*o. Phone 983-5301 The Piiovi ncil4ederajl Recoinifedera)tiýon constitutionial meeting held earlier ths 'weekis now bâing diseeted by the news media with commenits 'on its suecess &or faàlurxe. The Yecent meeting is but onie of miany whicJdh wÀfl have to be held if change 'in the eDonltitution is to be mnade. There ls inu doubt Mtatthere is a ineéd of change In the consttullion and ia redéfinThng of powe r o the various fbams of gavernmnent. lin a numbefr of areas where uniform- Kyw is considered necesgary acrûes the nationfrier innst be held by lihe Fedeial' govenwnent tu bring about a foarm, ,d eqLiality,ý. More and more hey munt enter die socia and eiconionie lie of the peuple of Canada. This wWi mean, muore celitraliization, somfitlng whch the Provinices are to-ý day fighting strenuoSMy. Pewers will likewise change between the Psiuviines iand ther municipalities ând here ini Ontario we note that the Province ls taking uver !assig corne Jeniuery lst, froni the inuniicipahlties ýso that an ejukiable system.iünay be a ïact toughout the entire .Pnuvince. lndivïduiallythe, Mn, icipaities were not estabtliehing a coneùon oveag system of assessinîg andit has been necestary to haàve a conimon sy- stem for vamîous projects under tihe juiiksdlietiün of the Province. There âs a neied Vo deflune the obligations ofthei vaious govo=rnng bodlieLs fo« tuday to the generail public it is a tangle in man~y areas sucJh as houM9n, putlution, weHfare, urbian develo'pment. The public 15 confronted îwîlth one gruup bLeahing the üjlher în what aPpears a emntnmUl hassie. This certaud1y needs tu be stnaàg¶tened up. The cunferenees are the fàit step but shoitibY there 15 going tu have to be isoîme dedM~lo«s whîch eau ho enacted Local News Mr'. Andrew Flyn m staken -to the Bownanvile lLoseW l~on Wetednesdàa& cffthis weeik. Mfr. cMd'MËS. Manly Kimmett cf Napaue spent the wocemd wn hMr anîd MmrsCas4 Rinnnett. Mx'. iaid Mîrs. Waiyne HelIon and fmutspent the weclccnd in IMîs. Lein Penns enteatened Un. ~it i. U.C.W. at her home for the OhrisVnWas meeting. The beautiful denurafions se't the thenie for the ,veniùng, glfts were presented to alti attendinî, takent froni beneath a gOrgeOuýIY decorabed tree. An exteefent prograni Was pi'eseted. Retesfmens cunsiting of Christ- undas dainties were served. PickerÙ]Jg Tmmwnsbip gave a cold dhOuuller Saturcay night Vu Osh- aOia 'hen- 3,889 residents voted on a plebiscite. The piebiscite was inciuded in election ballots cas§t by 5182 vot- era 1în municipal elecetionis. By a ratio cif 19 touil they preferred Vu juin Teronto In amy amlgamiatio>n scheme. The brcakdown: Algamation wîtl Metro, 3,889; with Oshawa, 199; an ialtemuâe Plain 1,094. ,'It was as everycre cxpected,"I ÊaLtd Reeve Join Wilams. hIOLIDAY SEASON H1AZARDS Canadias preparnag for Christ- mas ghould pay particullar atten- tion to the tree and ligihtng, the Canada Safety UmneËsanys in a holiday meàsage. To keep the trec fretin beconi- ing dahgerous4w dry, it siioulki be stoud ïh a pail of water. The tree shoni1d be located away fromn fire- places ard heaters anîd ho au sÏtu- ated that it due{s rot bluck eiLs needed iin en eergency. Laist year's ligts shoulId be ehecked carefuBly for cracks and ibreàks because they tend to de- terlorate dùring stonage, P. G. McLaren, Gene¶atl Manager of the Canada Safety Couheol'Ê public Section, 'Wans. lliglly conductive tinsel should àot be hlung on the tree neia el- ectrle outiets.tHousehoders plan- nuing extra f atcy utsïde holiday ïighting should have the wiing checked- by a qualfied expert, Mr. McLaren says. Wriapping strewn aÉound the living rooni constitutes another lire hazard and sihould be reimov- ed soon later the gifts are openied. At the risk f sounding nega- ive on such )a festive ýoccasiýon, the ýCouncil says parents should eut dowri the traffie In the kçiteh- en wlien the bird aaid otiher deli- ~caies jare being prepared. A pain- Xul scald is muoli mare ne.,gative. Make sure the onlycamalty during -the holiday season 'is the turkey, Mr. MeLaren 'sald, wiish- jýàg everyone a iMerry 'Uhrýstmas and a Happy New Year on be- Jinif of the Canada Saîfety Coun- Coàntinental Sauna and STEAM BATH GENTLEMEN .. . We have a Sauna and Whirl- pool ready foryour use. Drop in and give them a try Group Rates Available Mon. to Sat. 1 p.m. - 1 a.m. Sun. 8 a.m. -i1pa.. 16A ONTARIO STREET 729-2460 OSHAWA qt. 5 Available at your store or at your door Glè'n Rue Dairy IChristmas Dinuer -Special Half mile north of Kirby on Highway 115 ecpleaecI/ G#taoteie ADULTS $4.00 CHILDREN, eleven and under $2.00 PLEASE RESERVE EARLY AND HAVE A MERRY WORK-FREE CHRIST31AS Phoune S3w5536 r h the. Home of the SÀFETY- CAR '69 Pontiac Sedan Demo, V8, automatie, radio, white wal tires, wheel discs, eXceptionally low mileage. Lic. No. L35509 $2969.00 '69 Pontiac 2-door Hardtop Demo, V8, Automatic, Power steering, wheel dises, exceptionally loy 299U mileage. $990 Above cars carry balance of GM Warranty '67 Ford Custbm Sedan V8, automiatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, white wail tires, one owner, local car Lic. No. L31044 $1793.00) '67 Grand Parisienne 2-door lLardtop VS, autematie, power steering, power brakes, radio and Royal Master tires. This vehicle îs an exceptlonaily low mileage, sharp car Lic. No. L33454 $2297.0 Tom Cowan President Stu Preston Sales Manager '66 Buick LeSabr door Hardtop VS, automatie, radio,1 brakes, white wal roof. Lic. No. 96363K '65 Chev Sedan V8l, automatic, radio,N Lic. No. L32485 '63 Ford Fairlaîi V8, automatic, pOwel brakes, radio, gleemil less red interior Lic. No. 824662 ,re Customi 2- power steering and tires, black vinyl $1596.001 white wall tires $1292.00 ie 500 Sedan Lr steering, power Ing black with spot- $799.00 We have: 30 more GoodwiII Used Gars end Trucks in stock to choose from Salesmen Ray Lathanque h I * e **e 166 KING STREET EAST PIIONE T. thoe lectors of the To wnship of Cla rke May I1 usethis media to express juy sincere thanks for your vote of confidence on December lst. Season's Greetings to ail, Eau Walkey Roger Swan 623-3396