ORONO WEEKLY TES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER ILth, 1969 Quos.ls Park Report -NIex Caruthefrs, MY.P., D}urham The Second Sesmen tof tihe 28tli Legisiafbure of Onbaio, after the .longe st in the provinee's history ds nîow ân its final weeks. With the completion oîf the de- baVe on the estimates of the De- ,partment of illoaJitJh and tihe pro- cessinig of a few items of legistia- tion inmiuding the Landiord and ORONO, ONT. Tersants Act, anid the controvelns- ia PM 194 -- tihe 'PÉoectim, of Animads Aot, the Huse, alter ov- er a year of deLfbevations shouId hoin a,,,position to prorGgue- fai- ly 'early in ILeembelr. The debate on the heailth csti- mates has centa'ed i'arge(Iyaround OHISIP witJh tihe berai and N. DP. oppostion submfrtt1n~g alter-, nitive Programmes of healtih care ý)nvlving Ân hoth cases a redue- tin, of premiuws fer doctors' buIs Corne see the belker clice lu 1970 snôo illes Choose the model right for you. For the man who wants. Iuxury, there's Ski-Doo Nordio. For the man who liks bhis action fast, theres Ski-Doo T'NT. And for the man who wants more than one Ski-Doo, there's the low priced Olympique 12/3. But don't wait too long. B etter deal now for best choice. the slgn of the finesi snowmoblles, sportswear, accessories, kAk-n. parts and service. Ski -Doo. 1-8127 *T.M.ý PHONE 983-9167 and hospa&ation. It is propoied that the cost Of both of bhcse progriams would be met throtigh higeier, income âud ,orpratiýmtaxes.,In oiutfin. ing their pronaanes tihe OPPO- Flash Check Your Supply of Film, Flash, Lamps and fBatteries Avallable at great Savings S t ut tS Pharmacy Clark. Public LIBRARY HOUES OPEN: Tesdayy 6:30 -8:30 Th ay6:30 - 8:34 Friday 2:»1 - 5; *:31 - 8:M Saturday 19:00 -12:06 a.m. LYLE WEST ELECTRIC Orono: 983-5962 Quality Electrical Heating and Lightlng Installations and Repaire by Certified Electriciami du ion -has urged the Govermment to eXPami i!U hospiValfand medical programmes Vo clover prelslijption diugs, dhomË*aetoas, edrope- ,dïsts, osteopathis and nursing homes.' The 'Stiandijng Commit tee on H-eail under the chfaiimaniship of Dr. Potter, the member for Belle- vlQe, in a report to te îegis~lature madle simijiar suggestions,- but ad- mdýtted that the cost would be high- and Vhe îadditdonilcoverhage .woufli of necessity have to be ad- opted on a, graduai basis. Thereisa tenidency on the part of alli of us tovahxate socil Pro- graun5 sudch as Medilcare and hos- ,pita1fatiýon in terms of premium rates es' hey apPty to ouir per- sonîal econMmie posiion. Many people are cdf the opinion that a reduct n i premnis wauld biansfer tiher personai cost of these programmeis Vo the more af- fluent members of aoeiety. This, so!wever, is noV the resuit. The Iippct of a stonie hrown in- to 'a 'Pool 0f alm water is not centred in onfe area olone. Ripples carry its effeet in, lever wi^dening cÏOrcles l±o the- outer limitis of the pool.. SImilarly the Impact of in- ereased waiges anîd an inerease in the lprîee 0f gouds. The final re- suit is a hidîden burden of eosts, vlhdeh muist tbe borne by ail seg- mentis of soîiety. 'At a laVer date T hoPe te have the, (PPOrtunàty 0if aniaflyih-g the pro, anîd ons of these pro0grms znd comnYare hem with the pres- ent O0HSIP program m4fijh .in it- self ïg subie«c to mo)duifratio4n. 0One mIilfoîcpîon, with re- jsîpect to (EQHSP tihat ias been hr'oughlt to my aàttentiils Vo the effort that the letters OIHISIP stan d for the ontpirio Hlia Serlce Inrsum9nice Planr. In order to clear Un an.l misunîdehstandlling rnhiy I Istate the letteils desigîniate the 9ntiano 1Eeniýiih Services In- sirnanice PMan hieh roplaced OM- SU' ianîd covers medîjiclal costý in, cluding the serviceçof the doCtor in the home, at iis office or in the hospitiali. Your viewi wfth respéet to the , P SP puograým are respectul ,,soliited and piease feefl freq to contact me 1w letter at the Par- Riament, Bufidings, Toronto. YOtUHEA R TII! M ýIIANKYS BAKERY and Snack Bar Phone 983-5203 Now Ns The Tinte! To Order Your WIKMT ER F U EL Phne 668-3341 ONDXPRMIF UELIY DX FUEL OIL Cail Us Today For Prompt, Courteous service Watches Pipes - $1.00 -$ 16.95 Llghtes-s - 98e $9.98 Wallets - $2.98. - $12.00 Xmas Plonts Poinsettias, Munis, etc. Cut Floyvers by order only Midiletoos Oreno Phone 983-5242 Orono Fuel& Lumber Ltd. W119N THINKING OF THINK 0F MATT'S We have a good choice of MEN'S, LADIES' WATCHES WALLETS, LIGHTERS, BOX CHOCOLATES PIPES, GIFT TOBACCO Many othier iteresting items -MATIS BILLIARDS ami Burbersk.p Fresh Picuje Style Shoulder PORKROASTS 474: Ideal for Roasting Porik.Butt Roasti 590 Save 16e 32 oz. Size ya 4e BIRDSEYE COOL WHIP1 63c Culverhtouse Choice Whole Mixed lb. 69c White Potatoes 19 oz. 5 for $1 Brajzils lb. 65 c Rose - Coloured' Fibetslb 6< Margarine lb. pkg. 5 for $1 FibrsIo6cSave 20e 1%~ lb. Tin Finest Produce! MAPLE LEAF HAMS 1' lbo tin $1,79 Tropic Beauties B nns KRAFT DINNERS save lc 6 for $1 Save 19e - Aylmer Fancy lb. '12c TOMATO JUICE 48.oz. tins 2 for 59c Delicieus Fresh Florida TANGELOS TO BE ASSURED 0F HAVING THE Finest lu Christmaas Poultry * 3do.$1 -ORDER NOW - CONSULT OUR FLYEB FOR MANY MORE SAVINGS. Silverwood's Holiday Desert for Four Reg. $1.28 (Save 30,C) 25 to Pkg. Pkg. of 4 Flamimg Sewballs 59c Jumbo Garbage Bags 99c, OORNISH'S REID'& WHITE We tswnomh.e» WM bteu .U.r hm. U-1, Or Alb.rt's Texaco GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 988-5249 Oree m 'Colleci wlue ri il 1,