i ~ .~-P~i ~- ~- - j -, ORLONO WEEKLY TIE;TU~DY DECEMýBER 4th, M9 - e,%I Students Collect TH A . e q ic accuracy.- Runs up to one year on 'io messy wires. Ultramodern designI in symmetrical balance. Fully guar- -nade, with fully transistorized move-j Fiberglass T.V. Table Set deal for parties and TV snack-timne. Sturdy, iightweight trays are fiberglass topped to resist heat and spilis. Folds top atel ay for easy storage. Dominion Hardwaire Special Phone 983-5 247 Orono ~ ,(: 0 0 renccMcte $22 fo)r UNICEF rlo raise the money, a multitude of m. thods was used, inic{Iudng "walkafthjons", szch ool assenmblies, cosnpetitionis, anidVthe nbw-famil- iar orange aid black~ collection boxes. in Mast oases the students theinsel'ves pla-neid the project, made posters, publiaized, organ- ized and collected. Thelr efforts have been wann- Jy piiased iby teadhers and par- ents, and the generosity of the 'pubI6c appreciated. The money wil1 be used to buy deýperately needed milk and med- icine- for children in need. QP.IP Rep or t NewasteOnt. The ,Dv.ate .t:mhment of the Qntar'o Pro vincial Police dur- Ïng the week of NDvember 23rd to Noveciber 2Jth, :1969, investi- gated 20 a i ut.Nine persons were indured and 13 ehargeus were laid., Aise) invsUgated were 51 gen- eral occurr.nces in tihe same, per- iuod of Éme. 1ileaf these occurrenc- es resulted in lo's of personal proparty 4)y theit. 2 persans have been cha&rged w,;bh lnpali,-ed Driv- Safe lri-ving Week Safe Driîving week was ,oh- served iagân this year from Dec- ember Istt Vo7th. A good drdver ia defensdive driver. He recognïiz- es olLsÈilProduücing situations h aLdvance, and iÏ5eble Vo take thne necessiauy preventative actiop'. The raLi-ue for defensive driiving.ig "Locok Aheed, Think Ahead, Act_ Aled"Remember that, by keep- ing constiîaeity alert and develop- ing saf e driving heibits, yntI can heilp prevent elIos Christmnas Driving Suggestions CHRISTMVAS is a turne for giiv- dng. Let's give early hs year. We ask each driver to give a lit- tqe extma cane, patience andUnie. Also, courteiouis andi good humnour- esi drivers wili assi'st in prevent- iag need1eîss ragedy on our igh- ways over the festive seasotn.1 The Newcastle Detachment cf the Ontario Provincial Police dur- ing the week of November 30th ta December 6th, 1969 investigated 15 accidents. Niine persions were injured aund 10 charges were laid. Aiso lnvestigaited were 46 Gen- enal Occurrences, durng the same peiiod , « ime. il af hese 'occur- zenceÈ resuuted in l'oss of propeur- ty by Vheft andi 3 occurrences in- vodwing pe'operty damage., Five criminal charges have been, laid, also 1 person has been charged à'th Implapeid drivqig. Operation of Motorized Snow Vehieles Attention snotorized suow ve- Midee wners and oy>eërators. ivake, sure you are f amihaur wilth thbe suules anîd reiguluatiions governing nrntorized sniow vebbéiles. Every niotorized snow vehile îa requfiresiVo have exposed on the front t1hereosf, a registration pliate for tihe current year, whetlh- ee or notit is operateil On a highway, cou 1nty or tuwnshiP rOn. i ocpeiwtHd ona public rond, in- suranice ie coanpulsory, aflisothse daijver must Ibe at leant 16 years of age. ()ver tihe previ<nis winter Sea- sonalgJh rrd ouf snowîtuoMble IfatàK1t4eýs oceurred inVthe Pucav- inee of -ontarîio. Over hali of these deutis ceurred on public roadis. MamT of tiseacidents were caueddueVoinsffliient ligLýht- Bath Sait CrystaIs 2 Soap Tablets ORONO, ONTAIRIO Bath Oil Talc Powder ologne Talc Powder- Bath Sai ryýtals Soap, Dusting Powder,. PHONE 983-5009 UCTION9FOR 1969 enants in apartment buildings sheuld re- ceive a littie extra money this month under the Ontario Government' s property tax reduction system. The systemn eases the burden of municipal and school taxes on home- owners and tenants. in effect, the Province ispay-' ing part of the property taxes for each eligible house and apartment. Tenants should receive their reductions on or be- fore Decemnber 31. Many tenants who vacated premiises earlier in the year will have already received their reductions. Here is what should happen: IF YOU ARE A LANDIORD... You must pay the full reduction to tenants who have occ e~ur premnises throughout 1 69. -a y - mýent must ,be made.on or before Decem ber 31, 1969. A tenant who moved in during the year and is stili occupying your premnises must receive one-twelfth of the total red uction for each month of tenancy.' t must be. paici on or before December 31., A tenant who moved out during the year mnust receive a similariy pro- portianate amountwithin 30 days of the date he terminated] his tenancy or on Decemnber 31, whïchever is earlier. 1 lf.a tenant!§~ in arrears, the- tax reductian may be deducted from such ar- rears. However, the reduc- tian must flot be withheld because, of damages or lasses. IF YOU ARE A TENANT... You shouId receive your reciuctiarT froam iyaur Pres- ent landiarýd on or before Decerber 31, 1969. If yau moved out of an apartrnent durrig the year and hèaie nat yet received - your share of the reduc- tion[you shauld, contact your former landiord immfediàtë1y ta make sure he knows where to send your pay- ment. Tenants in ap'artment buildings- such as duplexes and highrises are usually eligiblé fdrc the tax reduc- tion. Tenants of f lats or basement apartments in houses-may notqual- ify because the premises they rent are flot separately, assessedi For example, roamners are flot eligible. If you are unsure of your status or eligibility, contact your municipal tax office. IF YOU ENCOURtTER PROBLEMS... You should eliher telephone Toronto 363-7501 or writer< ihe, Municipal ,Sub-, sidies Bran ch, Deparitment of Municipal Affairs, 801 Bay Street, Toronto 181. Officiais are avallable to assistyou, Pamphlets outlining details of the 199 tax reduction system can be ob- tain ed on req uesit. P11,1ROPERTY TP NICIPAL AFFAIRS REUTINACT (1968) Ho. W. Darcy MCceh, Miister e à rL fromùi Yardfley is Lotius I *4 See these and other Yard Iey gift sets now 1 A Cologne Soap . .. .. . ....