-- - - ------- - ...... ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSD)AY, »ECEMBEB llth, 1969 Up And Down The 300k Stoucks NEW BOOKS, DÉC. 11, Di 69 Adut- The LooLok f Esi~lI~i~ Jby Ma'rguerite lk, -; a~eoel hiisto-y of eachihtyliday, witili ide&as for epprprate ýgames, 4ecora- tions, food, etc. Porrjoy's Comp',atnt bv PhýUip Roth- a current bes-se1.fer. Exiceptf'r Me rnd Thee bY 'jels- saiyn .West - a tusrther ailvenrtures of Jcss and Eliza Blirévvcil, the Quaker hera and hniecL'Th Friendly iPersuion." MYanWfndis are Forever j 1ýy Ian junir- llenrýy Feiid by 'Miaiain Gbest - a Junfiir Bography of th-e mak- er &f the Madel T Car. The Chir"nas Wolf by Caude Aubriv. A Recûm for CathybyChin Woollley - Cathy (andlier family mnoe to the couintry. Kindergarten and Pre-Sehol- Merry Cthristmias, Mr. Snoiwmaii by lmina Wide. The iMet Beauitifuil Tr-eaiatihe World by Lonard Wesprd. M~g Max by Xiin Platt - an "I pan Renad" my9tersr. Jenny's iBedside Bok by Estiher W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMàîi41tELi Realtor 21 King St. W. 623-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope Office 885-4543 For prompt, courteffls, e ffici- ent service when bnuyig or uelng andi for the Iargest sel- ection of properties in the area Contact Orone Area RepresentatLves Roy Foster 983-5801 Daine Found 623-3965 Andy Sutch 983-9119 Roy Stroi 52 r i Bethianv Oxford Orono 'Public School News Grade cune are learniinZ about pets. Th-ey have had a napbtit and a guiinea pg in tiheir 0elasrom *nd are now leaxaing about,gedd- f isil. They are ase 1câkmng forward to Santa Claus' visits. After Chnistmas Vthety ae gaing to have a sgurprise, In erade Uwo this week t9fere was an interestinig madlàune. Bwiian Sc-,-oenmiaker brou ght a steam en- glte -scel ion Menday. Afl it 'Rup~s cane teï see it aid I'ni sure 'they f oumd it interesting. Gratde 4 have a Science bable whic~libas a vamiety of ýobjecta snadh as fisý1h and plants. The grade five group present- ing Zulus dnvited Mrs. Beaucth- amp for Olanke Public I4brary to speak on Zuqu hie. They were most Interested in Vodoodsmr. Af- ter ispeüding many years in Soutb Aifrca, Mers. Beauelhaimp had in- terestbiîng thiamgs to 1s9W and a lot àd pleures to show. The grade 6- elass are studyiinig Jacques Cartier the îWpcler of the St. Laurence River.i We aire just fiising the third voyage. SGnade 7 are gobng Sn a field tr'ip to tihe second fimme on Wed- nesday, Deoember 10. At lest thciy hope to but there niust be ilere'are some of the ma SIps un ONilfSlips regular petit or, mini lenith Size smal11, medium, large' Price Ladies Sheli's many colours to cl Girls Flare Bottom Nylon Slacks, 4 - 6x, Choose a top to match and you have a pj Ladies P re Xmas Speci Young Ladieg Dresses one rack Size 7-17 Boys long sîeve Jerseys f romt 2 to 18 yE OPEN EVERY NIGIIT TILL except Dec. 13, 20 and 24,, clos Tom The Fashion E ,Snew. Tliey wcre put in groups of two ai three çv4bh ane ques- tile;n per greup. Tlhe reason for ilhds trýiP is tu see the efecits of Sports Hotseat AH l loleybaOl ganes wdff be Plnycd aifter sdhool until the Christiais hdoti'days because of prace fer talera utight. Ater Chnistinas holidays gaines wffl be at neen anjd after sdhool. On Satiurday, Decemîber 6 a isdboci bus depa«ted carring stu- dents frein grades 5 - 8 te, see the ice, Fles in Peterborough. The ice FilIlies stairted witlh eld New York Fashdioeis 'and skatdng, tihen fren ene musàogl to soo and dui- et ~peiofoniniancies te, western style. Per this we Owe thian1s to Puir ,grade 5 teadher, -Mrs. Lunmn,, Who organiized ýthe trip. The Big speed ... stability strength ...safety 1970 I&ioueIfee THE' RELIABLF ONE Available at Watson 's Marine &Cyrle Orono, phone 983-5343 any Gift suggestions we can offer to you: $e2.OO to $4.00D es bft~ hoose from $5.00 ;14....... $500up pant suit. Price $30o95 Men's Dress Penuman stretch Socks, reg. $1.50 -2 for . $1.98 îf SURtS, Co-Ordinate, Pyjamas, Dressing Gowns, Slippers, Cuff Tjinks, Winter Boots 'ears........$2.98 up Don't forget our CHRRISTMAS ~Ly-Away Plan Çr Sns Ltd. 5toee For The Estire Family CASTLE ONTAIKIO &. fine selection of plants and flowers in artistie arrangements are avail- able. Be sure to, visit our Show Room PHIONE 623-5757 Vau, Belle Gardeas Highway No. 2, West of Bowmanville We aho de chimnev W lepalrs - ~~-w- - NEW