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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Dec 1969, p. 1

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Omrono VOLUME 33, NUMBER 50 SMs-s. !T. Fairibriathes-, tihe formn- er durectos- oiEtîhe Orovie Junior Gas-deners, as shown aâbove prs-- Senîing to Miss Donna C0hallice, 16 yens- oîid dasrghter oiE Mr. and -s. Osville Cbaâllice, and presenit direcetor of tihe GO-eue Junior Gardeners, "Jinks"l trophy for out- standing leadership in -Junior Gardener worik. The Jinlks award ds provlded by Ms-s. 'Fais-brother -Rod Planning aend parking resg- nistions ware cics-,ing eut topics -tor the Poke-Thustees on Mon- day svs-ing at üh.r-lat meeting for -the yeaa'. Ms-. E. R. Wcodyard braxsght up for discussion xoad prýioblens at biesecat OfE SJau ioia Street andI llows- avenue. 11e smd that tîhe boundarioîs of Station Stre-et ad- jacent Creo Fuel nndI me shouMd hae&st,,bl Ghcd as at pres- ent there are no ideifinlte bound amiss. He saisI Mr. McLare-n bas s-eue-sted lihs an-d that ceuncil had gven anh:fyto the PoLIce Ts-usgtes to proseint ia plan- for tiheir epproval. Mr. Woodyas-d stated that Mr. Wa&,lkey had ap- par'nitly nmad-e a verbal àgsee- n1ent with Mr..mcLaren, so stiates Mrr. Ms-Lasen, s-e tue mes-bue of Station Street te the south. 'This m-ad, said M\1r.. Weodyard, hais net be-en detsignpsted uer propenlly es- Hie also said isat an unopened sead betveel theMedical Centre anîd Orcnio: Fuel and Lun-sba2r was te be deeded oves to tles-. wo partie-s. Also in lis pDes5en'tatle Ms-. Woo;dyas-d s-aâd sometihng9 would bave t9e ho diein the area Of Mr. Wm. I-coey's bonse due ta susface wates- probicuas. He' said that ifanaopen diteh waes tbbe placed on Ro-ie Avenue il wenld haetehave a deîpth ofE 5'8". Mr. Sîipson said ilt was UP te Ceuncil te. settie riitliMr. Mc- Laren if they had ms-de the first airsagement and'he faitI-t! th T-uýteeis wes-e first obligted te pay off bbcý preseint roaýd prog-a~m ecosts whirdb would take a nothser five years. ;He aqo -i thatthe It conuditionjs have -cned-sc foer te pas-I wenty yearus. Mr. Niidholso4 saad te Tinstees ,eaam't be exipected to jumP eveîryV Utes<â eene buidis a house anid Weeklýy ,work ýin Junior Gardeiniers, The ca- m~ ti was first present on Tuescday eight in rone aI the Grono Jun- ior Gardener-s C'hristmas Show Jn 1970 the award will be open to ail Junder. Gardeners iu distric Ne. 4 iuchidâng the Uinited Ceiun- ties, Halibsrton, Victoria arýd Pet- esýbSoongh Countie-s. Ma-s. Frair- brothber statei that she was pîýoud of -the woi-k by Miss Chalïce in finds themselve-s in (a probl ena. On his suggestion the proposais pif e- en-.xLd by Mtr. Woadyard are ta 1xý bs-id ovoi for a menth., The preposed Paaking By-laws and braiffie eguilat;iien..,3for the centre ef the Village ýcame in for seme discussion. Mir. Simpson and Dar-. Niihoclscn askcd jus-t whan they weuld he e Lnapteed. Mr. Ikuapsen was esrt-.,ca-I of lthe tme tak-n te date w-ln ï- bing ris-uit- ng. "We wouid iat 1k-Jl kUe to ha-e souacithas-g by Sp.l.n," he said.MUir. Skispon sair it was s-tpted lia-foire tisat nothing ooiuid be dune until sucsh lime as the curlbs were li. These eus-bs, he s-id, )have beeÈn in place for tbree nos-e as-a-d we stil have notbiing. uMr. Woodyrd said tai--t he did nuot knew when the parking by- laws would be doue. He said they bave dura&ft forus for the twohour parking but have yet te receive draft fons for the one-way sIres-is as-dlfor si-u ersmoval. On appirosai 0f Tris-ees Simp- sou sud Ndielals-ona4the fsersy is tuo wite the Village Soilîlictos- te ds-aw up the by L v-s wuthin :the next thi-,iy dayas or forgpt cabout lb-eal. Mr.,SIunspsonu Ibm s-;< d he theht tlhe Trusts-es shouid go ever the on-e-ria-y sires-t plan feir coinmmenits-whiclh hhads-hbsard in the, v.*Liiaýge were noit (n approval witlh Ithe sch-erne. Mr. Slmpson' receum-cndcrd parkling on on-e ide only fer Centre and Park, strec-ts froua Main to GIsus-eh as well os on Churcli Streieit from Centre to Park. hi--be said, would shlow for two4way traffice.s furthear staited tubait there vais nio probLean on SÈ-uMAYlansd Sunidays wben lte Batsk anîd T»mwnslhlp Offices werne closs-c ainsI cas-s frein-tihe enmpl1yecs- were net pauked allong sie the r-ead. Undeun the ns-w pro- Times ORONO WEEKLY TIMES) THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18tb, 1969 aud she alise gave ps-aise te Miss Dale Evans whe, assis'ted as ses-- retas-y and eon d5roctr. Mrs. Fais-brother informed ber audince on Tuesday eveniing that' "Jinks" a young boy woas first de- sigued by her for the Oreno Jun-,_ ior Gàardeners.This desiu fias; bas-n nlew îaccopted as the eniblean for the Onario Junior ýGardens-s-s' Aissocialio-.n. Phoito by J. James pas-eid parkig regulations thèse cars cou'ld net park for dhe whole day '?ad Ibis in fact would open uîp -nore- parking even thon-gb parking was only allowed on oe sJ-de 0f the ais-t.-e It was polisted eut thsat parking on both sides ofE Chus-oh stres-I hehlnd lte bus- in-.fss sertion dRd han-ps-r trueks (Continued page 3) Top Students at Macdonald In, stitute sud the Outarie Agienl-. tural College ait tise Univers-liy ofE Gueiph wetrf> bouored aI the s-e- cent awards banunet. Dean Jas-et Was-dlaw and Dean N. B- Richards wore co-cîlsairanýen fer the evening When outrance, scholars-hips and undergrauduate awas-dâ boft4fling $40,000 wes-e ps-e- sensted.1 Dr-. W. C. WViu-egas-d, in'addres- sing the l ns-ohollarssbpwinneisrs aaid, "Agnieulburs- wililfleuris-bon the Univers-liy cd Guelph caamnus- as long as lte Ontarilo Agaieultur- Township Petitioners Seek Municipal Water Supply Award Presenteti At Junior Gardenrs'Meein ià Gobege bas- young Peopler in bt of the r,,aâlitu repres-entbed ai thîs schcoiirthi-p awardis banquet." Dr. Wîlinegard was refuting nscent stateanDaits that agriculture is b-e-. inîg de-eanphaý9ized on the Guelpht On the Guelph campus agricul- bure has u-w vse-as-ch buildigs, more studenats, mos-e f acullty, -pi-ens-bd sunppes-t fr-em ths- Onitardo Deparlment o«E Agriculture, -ad Food, vgore-us ileades--hip sanid fautaslic spis-k, he s-aid. Shown from le-fL; Dr. W. S. Youflg, Direer DIxplomas Cousse, The Towniship of Clarkeý held theiir final meeting of the year on MLonday, Deceinber lSth with Reeive Faster conductlnjg bis final ~sessgion. In the correepondence Couincil was in-fornec of theïr Proviincial ,equauii<g factor which thi5s year tonk a furither drop tio il percent T~his is the loweet factur in the Unîited Cîounties of Xorthumber- land and Dueh1am-. A letîter wae reiceived from the, Pre'shytery of the, Presbyterian Church of Canada dn which they ,agreied te teiras of settiement as oûuUlied by the Township solilcit- ,or for'turning over the Newvton- ville Cemetery te the Towvns'hip of Claîrke. The Ietter gtated that tihey agreed to turn aver a isuan of $2000 00 on settleanent ocd the ,tranisfer. The wrfter stated that iha conird not unîderstand why this turniever had doagged on for giach ,a long tiane. The letter was taibled wath a ccypy being sent te Mr. E. R. Lovekin. The resignation of Mr. Carl1os Tanmblyin te tihe Meanorial.Heospital Baard 'was accepted. The Council was informed by letter thait they were inorw en- tltled, te appoint an, elected rep- resenitative to the Oshawa Area .Plannà!ngg sncb DeveIopment Study Cotmmittee. Prier te týhÉ Clairke Township hais been, wirthout a meanher on the Comaniitee ervein though they weére witihiin the,,asac ares of. the stuLdy. Appoiintnient hy the Township is to be made ait .the Jarauairy meetig., A 'petlition was7 recedved by Coiu.nri represeniting seventeen properties in, the Oirhoiniskî sub- 4 !visioan wesit of Oraono requeejing the In stallatien oif waiter services to thejir homes. It was' pointed ùjit tihat dater lin wefis xVas lower- ing causinig som'e problerns. The peltition is beý,g referred ta the Oronic Police Trustees3. Seven ,buiilding permilts were Is- uidlin Noveni.ber wiîtlh a total výalue of $58,8W0. Dus-mtng the el- eveniminthlsoi 1,969 a itotail oif 120 permits, have been issued with a value of $1,482,172.00. Mfr. Velitri suebMlted te nounicu a twentyiour lot subdivision plan for an, areia, eaïst o(f Milii Stree-t in the nonth-east iseetor of the Vil- lage ofE Orono. The plan wvas siub- miited ta the Plamn(g Boardc for their considýeratlon. Coundcl sligned tihe final qub- Uni ver-sity ofE Gueslph, prsec-big the f<eteh-nm Maunufactua-lng Com-' pany Awards te Mr. R, J. Simipson, Ois-ono ud Ms-. -P. Vansides- Zaag, Alliston.'Thse awaerdg, lin ths-a- mount, 0f $50 eaah 'are offes-ed anniually te s-u deâts entering the thsird sem-cs-er of thse, Dipionm Pe>agram n ithse Fai-niOpes-atos ans-d Fuan Manage ss Division. Thise awarsds- are basec on adladeanic pnoufidieasy, paebtipaUm n dm ex- swu-kar - tvitbes- aindIabdlity to cesrate with fellow étudenut and-s flacuIty. division agreement wlith Suaany- dene Estates Linilted for the sub- division dis-ectly north of the or- onoe Ceanetery. This sulbdivisdoa ïhas no* been given fulil and fiai- ai appreval. The Oroinlo Police Trustees were -given apprevafi to sign and inâtî-I aIte ian agreement with Marishaili andI Jane Keast for the entrance to aini d the pumping of an exist- ing well on theiir property. Ms-. ,and Mrs. Keast are to be, paid $309.00. It is f elt that by takling water fs-om this well the water table'ca-n be lowered cenisiderabdy In the area of Chus-ch Stree-t north. A ssum of $5,858.26 conaacted "lth the VilHiage road work hau beu held &ver i&or payment usitil 1970 when it will then be inieluded in the yeariy road by-daw. Settbleimenit rias eonpletied witk ithe payanent eof $230.95 te lMr. A, R~ankine due te, damnage te hMs weill caused froni excavation iu the Town§hip gravel pit. 'Thé incid- ent. was inveistigted by the Ont- amjo Water Resources Commissiont *who repoilted thal it 'was the Township's responibtbily te pay * for the loweriig id bis weIl. Thie cost vias covered by insurance. Rebekah Lodge The regular meeting of Hiealther Rebekah Lodge was 'heildTuesdoy e vening. Piear te lthe shortnme-et-. ing the urinibers were served a dedidi-ous tuCkey stýpnerai t bie chuncli hall, eatered tb by Group 3 of tîhe U.C.JW. -SIster Rena Peurs repDrted for the Benevolent Coinmittee ani. Siàter Juli!a Jackgon, Vice Grandi, fer the Visitîig CommlttIce. Sister Maré Allen sepDi4ed on~ the very sucessful Bazaar held. on Deceinher 6. Birthday grectings were ex- tânded te, Sisters Ruth Robinsm, Ohàye MAIson, MargaretGaht and, Gloria Tecld anud Brother lare Marbin. 'Me Noble Grand, Sister liazel Staplieton condiueted the closing exercises after whidi a f e-w i- tereti g pictus-es weire shown by Brother Len Ps-ars. Santa arved and dists-iLbuîted a gtift toe esdh nienbes- present. Lunch was serveid bythe Cem- mittee in scbarge of the eveùnrg., for ovutýtanîdiug lepider-hiip andI takiug oves- the Junàior Gardgners Planning Under Fire

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